Red Thread of Destiny


dream big
Have you ever heard of the Asian legend where deities tie a red string to two people? The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.

Just like the humans, the deities in charge of the red strings also have destined others, human and mystical creature, but they can't see their own string. Though when they meet their soul mate, they can easily tell. When a human and deity are to be paired, that human has no string or assigned soul mate and can be allowed by one of the beings to see them otherwise the deities are invisible to human eyes. Human pairings don't always know that they are fated to be together instantly, though it can happen. This being said, it is the deities' duty to get the two humans together if they are connected, but must do so in a subtle way. For example, causing a gust of wind to blow one of the character's hat off and have it land next to or on the other to cause the two to meet is an acceptable way to progress the relationship.

So, this is going to be like a love web crossing over fantasy and realistic to come together in what I think would be a fun idea for a group rp. You can be either human, deity, and can also play as more than one character if you'd like and we'd assign soul mates before the roleplay formally started of course.
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