Red Thread of Destiny


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Here is an example character sheet that contains the basic information needed for each character. Please use this for reference, but add anything you'd like and be creative with your characters!


:Species: (Deity, Human, or other Creature)





:Personality: (Also, what do they like? Hate? Fear? Go crazy with it! The more detailed, the easier it will be for me to assign the perfect partner for your character.)

:What They Look for in a Partner:

:Assigned Partner: (Just put N/A until partners are assigned)

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Name: Felix Loscoszo

Species: Human

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Felix.jpg.402cd5e652f03648d80e557b9a865567.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Felix.jpg.402cd5e652f03648d80e557b9a865567.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Felix would be best described as easy-going and relaxed. The downside to this is that he's not easily excitable or enthusiastic about many things. His quiet and thoughtful nature may make him appear timid, but in reality he just prefers to observe rather than talk to strangers (but has no difficulty doing so if he wants). Decisions are hard for him; he's the type to over-think every possible aspect of a situation before deciding on the most logical course of action. He's a naturally happy person and rarely angers. He likes reading and drawing, a product of many lonely hours spent as an only child to busy parents. He dislikes anything or anyone who makes him uncomfortable, physically or mentally. He has an irrational fear of needles.

What he looks for in a partner: Felix has never had a girlfriend before, so he doesn't exactly have a long list of requirements. Loyalty is probably the most important characteristic to him. He would enjoy an energetic girl, who would make him do fun things but isn't pushy. He's insanely jealous of those he holds dear, so someone who isn't overly flirtatious with other people would be ideal. He also has a fondness for brown eyes, but that isn't a requirement.

Assigned Partner: N/A



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:Name: Dani Wilson

:Species: Human

:Age: 17

:Gender: female

:Sexuality: heterosexual



:Personality: Dani can only be described as kind and calm. She is usually very patient and kind even in a crises but doesn't like those that get themselves hurt, and can get a bit over excited when pushed. She enjoys silence but loves to have fun and explore especially outside. She doesn't enjoy being around large crowds alone and dislikes having physical contact with those she doesn't know. She doesn't trust easily and in unfamiliar places can come off as shy though in places she knows she's more relaxed. She doesn't judge others until she knows them and will never hesitate to help those in need. In fact when need be she can be demanding and knows how to prevent others from wanting to mess with her in those situations.

:What They Look for in a Partner:

She has never been in a relationship before but strongly believes in the Yin and Yang theory. She wants someone stronger then herself that she can trust and fall back on when things are tough. Maybe someone who can push her to try new things.

:Assigned Partner: (Just put N/A until partners are assigned)
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:Name: Lyvian Emmett

:Species: Deity

:Age: Looks to be about 19

:Gender: Female

:Sexuality: Pansexual



:Personality: Lyvian is a pretty spontaneous girl and can even be described as rather odd. She's quirky in more ways than one and can be very energetic. She only truly shows her very extroverted self to her friends though, and is usually reserved and awkward around strangers. This being said, she is a very passionate, stubborn, and clumsy girl as well one who loves to debate and express herself. Being a deity of love, she is very fond of romance between others, but is hesitant when it comes to her own love life. She has a hard time seeing herself in a romantic relationship, but is very affectionate towards those she holds dear. Being as flighty as she is, she is unpredictable and sometimes confusing but all in all is a care free and open-minded person.

:What They Look for in a Partner: Though Lyvian feels uncomfortable discussing her love life, she does know that she has a type. Muscles and looks aren't a very big determining factor, but she finds people who are shy and intellectual to be very attractive. She finds herself leaning towards the cliched nerdy type, and even has a soft spot for people who wear glasses. She's not sure why, but those are the types who make her want to squeeze them and shower them in love being that she is a big sucker for underdogs. Besides that, she is pretty open about who she might love. Being a big supporter of loving whoever you love, she really just believes that it doesn't matter who or what her destined person looks like or acts like. If she loves them, then she loves them. No ifs, ands, or buts.

:Assigned Partner: N/A


Dominic Bolt

"I'm just a scale of who I was before."

【Deity • (Real Age: 2700) Looks like 21 • Male • Demisexual】


"It turns out that I'm more human than I was a god."

As the thunder god, Dominic often undertakes a stiff and stern, mature persona. Oftentimes, he appears to have a disciplined and collected mindset while tackling things in the most rational way possible. In this case, he can also be perceived as analytical and careful about the things around him. Due to his personality, he is commonly feared as a powerful and a mysterious man and known as a
grump, since he rarely spares a smile.

Well, at least, that's how his family
expects him to be.

When out of his family's sight, Dominic is much sweeter than his mature facade. In contrast to his facade, he is actually a lighthearted and bright person, who is quite easy to get along with, since he's the type of person who wouldn't be seen without a smile or a goofy pose and expression. He can be constantly deemed childish as well, not only is it because of the fact that he loves games, pranks, and sweets, but also because he can't stand alcoholic beverages nor cigarettes. Dominic is also obedient to the people he respects the most which explains why he meets his family's expectations and hides his true self.

However, when his buttons are pushed to the limit, he can get pretty serious and mature as his facade, no--much more than that, actually. When this happens, Dominic can be pretty brave and bold, like, when the time he got fed up with his family and left them to find a place fitting for him: Earth, where all the
humans are.

What They Look for in a Partner:

"Isn't that fate's job?"

In regards with love, Dominic is rather indifferent about it, much more have a preference. After all, he isn't the type who would immediately fall to the victim of romantic love. For Dominic to fall in love with somebody, it takes a lot of time and emotional bonding with that certain person. In this case, it doesn't really matter how the person looks, acts, or what their condition is to him. If he thinks they're the
one, then, so be it.

Assigned Partner:


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:Name: Kevin

:Species: Deity

:Age: Appears 21

:Gender: Male

:Sexuality: Polyamorous Pansexual



:Personality: Kevin's a very spiteful guy with a ton of personal vendettas. He can act happy and cheery and knows how to get people to like him, but will do and say things just to see how far he can push people. He can usually make himself behave, but if he's emotionally compromised, he's gonna go for the lowest blows possible. Kevin tends to connect bad things that happen near him or in close proximity. He also likes chaos, getting called out on things he's done, pranks and funny people but dislikes being blamed for things he didn't do. Also, he has a silver tongue, is fairly good at picking up on things, and has listening problems; doesn't believe in a free meal and has a generally cynical outlook.

:What They Look for in a Partner:

"Someone willing to put up with my less awful, more regular-level shit. Preferably someone who kicks ass as well."

:Assigned Partner: N/A



Valeraine Sinclair










- Sly, - Stubborn, - Hold's Grudges, - Sarcastic, - Argumentative, - Opinionated

Valeraine is quite the Sly 20-year old. She's known for playing tricks on everyone, and being the Daring girl around her high school. You dared her to do a prank on one of parents? She's already planning her plan in her head, as you speak of the dare. Another thing about Valeraine is quite Stubborn. Despite, her sly and daring streak she is stubborn to the bone. She will not believe you at anything unless you prove yourself to be superior, which many fail to do around Valeraine. It may not seem like it but, Valeraine can Hold Grudges. She doesn't exactly go by the forgive and forget thing. To her it's more like Remember and never Forgive, if you make her hold a grudge against you. Just keep in mind, she will never forgive for what you did. Another thing about Valeraine is that she can be a bit Sarcastic and Argumentative. When being Argumentative, she believes her opinion needs to be voiced out and heard by the person she's arguing with. Usually making her arguments with people long, since she also likes to have the last word. While on the other hand, the 20-year old can be sarcastic. A few of her sarcastic remarks had made people think she was just plain stupid, which she isn't might I add. It's just that, her sarcastic remarks appear when she's irritated or annoyed. Or at times she just wants to say something sarcastic.

" Got a problem with that brat~ "

+ Loyal, + Friendly, + Social Butterfly, +Intelligent, + Honest, + Curious

Valeraine, has good traits also. Valeraine is a very Loyal person, she will be by your side through thick and thin not exactly showing sympathy, but still being by your side. Though, she isn't loyal to just anyone. Valeraine, is loyal to her close friends which isn't a very big batch of people. But, it's more than one. The first impression of Valeraine is probably a troublemaker, though like most troublemaker's they usually have no heart and are just plain rude. That's a bit true about Valeraine, but she is Friendly and a bit of a Social Butterfly. When people tend to talk to her, and Valeraine doesn't hesitate to actually try and create a conversation with that person. It would just be plain rude to ignore them, so she would end up trying to create a good conversation. This comes a bit of a surprise to most people, when they find out Valeraine is a very Intelligent person. Their probably use to the stereotypical troublemaker, that didn't care for there grades and only care for trouble and such. But, Valeraine is the opposite. As, instead of not caring for her grades. She actually cared deeply for her grades and was actually at the top of her classes surprisingly. Honest yet curious, Valeraine won't hesitate to ask what your hiding from her or have in your hand. Or, if you want her honest opinion on something she won't hesitate to tell you what she thinks but will leave out bits and pieces. Though, she won't lie.

" I told you I have good traits! So, hah! I win you lose~ "

:What They Look for in a Partner:

Looks aren't a must for Valeraine, but instead a plus to her. She's likes to focus more on the person's personality and their looks on life. Valeraine wouldn't mind someone similar to her, or someone different from her. Though, she does want her Partner to understand she's not going to be the most nicest person around. They would also be able to handle her bottling her negative feelings inside, and sometimes randomly breaking down from bottling her feelings up inside to much. Valeraine may be Loyal, but her Partner would have to be able to understand she doesn't exactly show sympathy at all. If you haven't noticed by now, Valeraine doesn't exactly look much into a partner.

:Assigned Partner:

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Raven Evemore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1fe533e0_Ariana_Grande_on_February_28_2014.jpeg.49ec2e9ca3b4d0f49c6923c8d4a0cec9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47266" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1fe533e0_Ariana_Grande_on_February_28_2014.jpeg.49ec2e9ca3b4d0f49c6923c8d4a0cec9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

:Species:(Deity or Human)









<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/ariana-grande-covers-cosmopolitan-february-2014-02.jpg.3137d62864cbff96d381cae0d9002861.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/ariana-grande-covers-cosmopolitan-february-2014-02.jpg.3137d62864cbff96d381cae0d9002861.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Raven is a bright and energetic girl who loves fairy tales. Raven is known for having a go-getter attitude. She’s very intelligent and has always taken her studies very seriously, so much so that she would often avoid contact with other people just to be able to study more. Raven is a very neat and tidy, likes to keep things organized, and is very well known in the area for her efficiency. She can be very straightforward and honest with her friends, and often they confide in her, knowing that she’s a person of her word and will keep their secret. But she can also be very skeptical. And although she is highly intelligent she’s still quite humble and modest about it. She always follows the rules and she can also be bossy.

:What They Look for in a Partner:

She has never really thought about it. Though she loves the idea of falling in love at the same time she is really focused on her studying. This may not be what she wants but what she needs a guy who can get her head out of the books and get her to go out more and have fun. She needs to experience life more. She can be a tough cookie so anyone who like's a challenge would be good for her.

:Assigned Partner:




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:Name: Winter Nightingale

:Species: Fae

:Age: 22

:Gender: Female

:Sexuality: Bi


Generally a quiet person, She tends to like being in her own company . Even though she doesn’t talk much to people she doesn’t know well those who are close to her knows that she’s very gentle and kind. But don’t underestimate her she's surprisingly strong. Easy-going, slow to anger, but very absent-minded . An insomniac, sleeps late and wakes up at the crack of dawn.

:What They Look for in a Partner:

She hasn’t been in many relationships but she wishes for her partner to have a sense of humor and genuine kindness. Her partner has to know or at least have an idea of what they want and is driven to succeed. Girl or guy that person has to be a little bit different from her personality wise.

:Assigned Partner:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/9aeca6d1094701da7417f15f80e49199.jpg.761114a79b27982993a29b9555d959d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/9aeca6d1094701da7417f15f80e49199.jpg.761114a79b27982993a29b9555d959d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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+Loyal, Kind, Carefree, Funny

-Thick skin, Does not care about his life, Oblivious, Gullible

Ace is a quite special individual. He is not very fond to talk, most of the people he knows call him spaced out, but, in reality, he just doesn't care about what is happening around him. He rathers only think of what he'll do next than say so. If you get under his thick skin, he's actually a pretty nice guy, loyal is a better word to express it. Tell him something to do and say please, and he'll do it, even if that counts as playing the russian roulette. He's carefree, a free soul, not caring about anything except his friends. He has a very big knowledge of fighting style, he was tought Krav Maga, and that makes him, even if quite slender, able to throw anyone to the ground. Be careful, anything you do to him, he'll remember it, and will until he takes it to the grave.

He's very easily fooled by those who he cares about, even if they tell him the sky is red he'll believe them, and that can make him very guillible at times, even if he hates that part of him. Ace fears one day all those who he loves will backstab him, leave him alone, and he'll decide to even take his life at that point, He loves them to death, and that expression can quite be stretched out. Get close to him, say something rude, and you'll devastate him.
This can make him seem very sensible, and that's what he is. When he's depressed, no matter if he can't or won't, he'll hug someone out of the blue. They like it or not, he just feels the need to do so, that can make him seem weird, but it's much more terrible than that.

''Please, don't hurt me. I love you.''

:What They Look for in a Partner:

Someone who will always be there for him, to love him when he's broken down, when he needs her loving. He will be tough for her, yet he needs her to help him when he's sad, depressed, to go up to him and just hug him. Ace doesn't care about kissing, or her sexual appeal, as long as he can spend the night cuddling with her, she will be the girl of his dreams, someone who he will never let go.

:Assigned Partner:

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Jason Dupont












+Loyal +Patient +Understanding +Observant || –Forgetful –Passive –Reserved –Blunt

Jason can be found in places with large groups of people, but he’ll be the one on the outskirts, talking with a few loners or taking pictures. His lifestyle is not the most glamorous or stable, but Jason has never minded going with the flow. He aspires to be a journalist, and he loves listening to people because he believes everyone has a unique and important life story. Although quite amiable, Jason is an observer and prefers to be on the outside looking in rather than in the limelight. Jason has always been more career-focused than relationship-focused. He doesn’t feel like he’s ready for a house and a family, and for that reason, past partners have left him in search of someone more grounded. Jason isn’t the best at expressing himself, and he often keeps his feelings inside in order to please others and avoid arguing over things he doesn't feel are worth a fuss. He doesn’t make a lot of long-lasting bonds, and he’s not the greatest at remembering to keep in touch. Jason is a bit one-track minded, better at putting all of his focus into one goal at a time and tends to forget other things sometimes, from buying groceries to dates (another cause for failed relationships). He tends to be on the more serious side, but funny or sarcastic on occasion, and he has a terrible habit of provoking his friends into heated arguments just because he finds it funny to see them so worked up. Jason likes to experience new things and travel to new places. His energy is more contained; he always appears rather calm even if he is excited or having a wonderful time. He is forgiving and patient with others but needs to be forgiven a lot himself, for the times he may say something stupid or do something worthy of regret.

What They Look for in a Partner:

Jason hopes to find someone he can hold conversation with, as he values intelligence and likes to listen to other peoples’ opinions. He would like a partner that has a sense of independence- someone who he loves to spend time with but isn’t too needy or clingy and will respect his space at times. Since Jason is very faithful, he would like someone who would be just as loyal and patient (he can be hard to deal with sometimes) - someone who will put effort into the relationship and want to make things work, even if there are a couple of rough patches along the way. Jason needs someone adaptable who likes new experiences and travel. He would probably do best with someone a little more proactive, rational, and sociable than himself. He is looking for someone who will push him toward his goals without pressuring him to change the way he is.

Assigned Partner:



@PastelBishie I'm terribly sorry for taking so long!)
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Eight Wilson

Oh shucks, you talking about lil old me?

:Species: Human

If I was a deity I would be f-Awesome!

:Age: 18

Don't worry I don't stop my age from letting me have any fun.



Don't you see these jets?



I prefer men but won't mind kissing a girl now and then to get me out of trouble.





Crazy about sums it up. She is a very wild chick with a strange pashion for fashion and fun. She loves to try new things and be reckless and is tough to boot. She will be the most sarcastic yet honest person you will ever meet. But thats ok because that makes her awesome. She dont let much get her down or make her angry and is a very silly humorous person. A good thing about her is that not only is she tough buts shes loyal to.

That about sums me up. What about you?

:What They Look for in a Partner:

As long as they know how to have fun and let loose they are good with me.

:Assigned Partner: N/A

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