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Fandom Red Dead Redemption/Dragon Age 1x1


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

My name's John and I'm above the age of 20.
I would say my replies commonly hover around 500 words or so. It depends.
I like to roleplay over Discord but let me know your preference as I’m more than happy to compromise.
I haven't roleplayed in probably 4 years or so but I'd say I have around 10 years of experience overall. I’m a little rusty!
I've never doubled up a day in my life and I heard the term for the first time when I joined this website. If not doubling up is a dealbreaker then I’m more than happy to do it for you! Just inform me on how you like to do it.
My response times may vary but I will always try to reply as often and frequently as possible. I’ll aim to respond at least once a day but life can sometimes get in the way, unfortunately. I will let you know if I feel as though I am going to take longer than usual to answer.
If you like to chat outside of roleplay I’m more than happy to do so!​


CCxCC only, MxM only, 18+ only.
If you're getting bored with a roleplay we're doing then please let me know. I don't mind switching things up.
Romance is definitely a must. I’m a huge sucker for a slowburn romance...
No one-liners.
Please try to be involved with the planning process.
I don’t require a writing sample and I don’t have a sample of my own to give (sorry). As long as you’re literate then that’s acceptable with me.
No thread roleplays. PMs, Discord, or even email is an option over that.​


Red Dead Redemption
Dragon Age

I know, it's such a short list.. I have more fandoms I’m interested in but I’m currently dying to do a roleplay for these two. I will officially add more fandoms to the list at a later date once I scratch these itches.


Red Dead Redemption
Maybe this is a little bit niche but I'd like to roleplay something with a supernatural theme to it. So vampires, werewolves, etc. with either one or both of the main characters fulfilling these roles. I wouldn’t even be opposed to an Undead Nightmare roleplay if that’s something you’d like to do. If this sort of stuff isn’t your thing then I’d be down to do something else.

PAIRINGS: Charles/Arthur mostly, though I'm down for just about anything besides something like Dutch/Arthur. John/Javier seems like it could be interesting. If you have a different pairing you’d like to do, share! I’ll let you know what I think.

Out of these two pairings I’m most comfortable with playing Arthur and John.​

Dragon Age
I'm more than happy to do a roleplay within the setting of any of the three games, but I am interested in roleplaying with the characters in the second game most of all. I don’t have any specific plots I’d like to do, sorry! I would, of course, like to discuss ideas in PMs though.

PAIRINGS: Zevran/Alistair, Fenris/Hawke, Anders/Hawke

Again, run any other pairings by me and I’ll let you know what I think. These are just a few that I’m seeking out the most.


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