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Fandom Red Dead Redemption 2: Reparation? (OOC)

Heads up! I’m gonna be out of commission until the 15th since I won’t have WiFi for a day or two. I’ll reply as soon as I return if anything new is up but I wanted to make sure y’all knew what was up.
My bad y'all! Back now! Reply soon but i gotta finish up some work first Terrier B Terrier B tallonisfarout tallonisfarout

Also any ideas on how to work with Micah, Arthur, and Dutch all at once? this next starter . has alot i gotta do to keep the plot going and i just realized i gotta keep all three of those characters moving xDD
OKAY! Work is complete! gonna get some shut eye since ive been up all night working but i will get to some sort of reply ASAP. Just kinda gotta figure out hoq to manage everyone since im Arthur now as well. If i have Dutch bump into Arthur while retreating then they'll have to head back to camp which means ill have to break out my portayals of Charles, john, and sean

and Sadie will have to appear jsut to keep some sort of conversation going long enough for Silas to make it to camp with Micah in tow and for all of the shenanigans to ensue.

Its alot to think about and i alreayd have aan amazng headache so im gonna grab some winks! id show y'all what all the fuss was about but i cant send audio files on here @-@ sucks
No prob!!! Don't rush, take your time!! If needs be, I can always pick up a few more chars to take some stuff off your plate 🤠
Not dead! Didn't die. Payment for wifi was declined and then i started coughing up a lung and a half xD reply time at some point today!

Terrier B Terrier B any and all help with the others cowboi's would be very helpful xD

tallonisfarout tallonisfarout Sorry to keep ya waiting btw lol just figured i should reply and then auto walk dutch and arthur back to camp. handle them later when i absolutely have to xD its not like theres much interesting theyd be doing anyway i dont think atm
No probs!!! I'm fine with whoever, so just let me know who you'd prefer me to manage and I'll do so 👍👍
Good chunky post!! Not meagre at all, gonna go n have a proper read now in fact 🤠
Ahhhhhhh!!! Apologies for the late reply!!!! Will post now asap!!! 🤠

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