Recluse Woods

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer




Personality: (3+ lines)

Biography: (4+ lines)

Likes: ( 3-4)

Dislikes: (3-4)

Desires: (2-3)

Fears: (3-4)

Wrongdoing: (What caused them to see the Recluse Woods)

Career: (If in school put student)


Appearance: (Put at the top. No anime, please.)


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Name: Violet Carter

Age: 18

Gender: female

Personality: She is Loyal, Passionate, Resourceful, Observant, and Dynamic. However she is also


Obsessive, Suspicious, Manipulative, and Unyielding. She is ruthless and will do anything to get ahead in life, no matter the cost.

Biography: She grew up with a picture-perfect childhood: A mother who was always home, a loving younger brother, a father who played with her after work, and even the stereotypical canine. However, this pretty picture shattered when her father and mother were killed in a car accident when she was 13. Violet and her brother were put into an orphanage and Violet was forced to be a parent to her brother. When he died later that year from pneumonia, she ran away from the orphanage and lived on the streets.

Likes: music, art, money, and puzzles

Dislikes: anyone in authority, talking about herself, people who talk too much, and whining

Desires: to find happiness, to get away from the ghosts of her past, and to find where she belongs

Fears: being alone, spiders, and heights

Wrongdoing: she hit a man over the head with a beer bottle and killed him because he wouldn't give her his money

Career: N/A

Sexuality: interested in men


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