Opinion Recent Issues Regarding Fireworks

Vertighost v.2

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Heyo, I've been wondering if anyone else has been noticing the increase in fireworks being fired off in their neighborhoods since around the end of May. And I mean the big ones too. Throughout every time of the day and night, I keep hearing those bad boys making themselves known. The neighbors have been making jokes about living in a warzone. The mayor of my city banned them due to the current case of civil unrest, but clearly it's more of a boundary to be tested rather than a rule to be followed haha.

I saw one post on another platform, but I wanna hear some other people's experience!
We have gun going off for similar purpose. they actually make the fireworks into their side girl for the ones that can get them.

It's mostly just guns though, car alarms, yelling, and the guns make fireworks look like their all a budget knockoff. Only the quite larger ones rival the firearms.

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