If you want to make a brother/sister/significant other/family member of Skye's, run it by me first. Otherwise, how your character knows Skye, and if/how they know the other characters is up to you. Their relationship with the former is more important than the latter when it comes to acceptance, just fyi.
Age (20+)
Gender + Pronouns
Orientation (if you want - I doubt this will matter much)
Appearance (Realistic pics only)
(other appearance things would go here, i.e. height, weight, build...)
Personality (1-2 paragraphs - no bullet points!)
Vices/Virtues (bullet points here is fine)
Fears/Goals (personal goals, beyond finding Skye)
Phobias/Triggers (feel free to put your triggers here too)
Backstory (1-2 paragraphs - This will also be your writing sample)
Current living accommodations (dorm? apartment? with parents?)
Relation to Skye (in case the backstory didn't make it obvious)
(also feel free to put relations to other characters here if you want to)