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Fandom Reborn A Twilight Saga RP


i'd sell u to satan for a cornchip
Thank Heaven! the crisis—The danger is past, And the lingering illness, Is over at last—And the fever called “Living,” Is conquered at last.” -Edgar Allan Poe "For Annie"

You are told that you only have one life, so you have to live your life to the fullest otherwise, what's the point? Why sit and watch other people create stories, when you can create your own? That is sort of what happens when you die. You are reborn into the Twilight Saga, whether you were a diehard fan or someone who did not really care for it, it didn't matter because you had no recollection of the life you once lived. However, you have a strong sense of Deja Vu as you meet new students, certain events unfold, and superstitions turn out to be true. You are unsure if you can handle this all at once, and one night as you feel like you are about to break, the computer that once belonged to Bella dings with a new message.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Your Nickname, Bunny
You Are Not Alone.
My Dearest Your Nickname and Bunny,

I am writing this email to let you know, that neither one of you are alone. It is your job to make this story your own, and only then will you be able to choose your destiny from there on in. With every passing day, I shall give you your memories back, but only when I think that it is acceptable. When you need that information. That is when I will allow you to gain a fragment of your past life.


Your Creator

Every character within this story is fiction and nothing else. You shall do best to keep that in mind as you continue on with your story, as you gain trust from these characters and are granted new powers along the way. With all of that said, will you fall in love with one of the fictional characters? Or kill them before they can kill you?

Hello! Sorry if the beginning seemed off putting, but I decided that I wanted a Twilight Saga RP for a while now. I've recently started getting back into the series, and frankly it's hard for me to stay away. I'm hoping to find someone that would like to RP, and I hope that you would be willing to do this RP with me. Sadly, with that said, let's get into the less-than-fun part of coming across a new RP and taking a look at the rules.

1. I am open to BL, GL, and Hetero relationships.
I want to make you comfortable, and if you have a problem with either - don't worry, I plan on making a character that can be turned into either a boy or a girl. I would appreciate if you stated which type of RP you wanted to do, if we end up going down the romantic side. *This also goes for swearing!

2. I will not force you to do a romantic RP.
I know how mostly everyone (myself included) open these types of RPs for the other person to RP their OC and a Crush for the creator's OC. However, if you do NOT want to do that, let me know! You won't hurt my feelings.

3. I will NOT RP erotica.
While I am fairly new, I'm sure there is some guidelines on this website about erotic RP. I am sorry, but I would rather not get in trouble RPing with someone who could be possibly lying about their age. *Please follow RPNation's guideline and rules!

4. No Mary Sues/Gary Stues
I feel like this should go without saying, however I know some people are unsure about what this is. It is basically a character that is too perfect or has such a harrowing back story that they don't let it affect them. Basically, an unrealistic person. People can have a traumatic past, and they may seem like it doesn't bother them on the outside - but every now and then they usually end up slipping and show that it does get to them.

5. All previous relationships are void.
I know that the Cullens were all together in the original story, I also know that the wolves had imprints in the original story. However, I feel like since our characters are entering the story, we alter their world. "It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world." - Chaos Theory.

6. Bella does not exist.
Edward is free game.

7. Our characters will not remember their past right away.
They will not know that the other is from the world they both were originally born in. They'll both think that they are alone. That is, until the email is sent to both of them during the middle of the first week.

8. Our characters are slowly gaining powers, maybe one per book.
I think we should start out slow with the powers, maybe something elemental. Later, telepathy or mind control, as our characters get more acquainted with the world around them they gain knowledge about how to control their powers as well. They're not going to be masters at it right away, let them lose control - set an accidental fire on Harry's front lawn, freeze Charlie's police cruiser to the ground - electrocute Emmett for all I care, as long your character is trying to control it, that's all that matters.

9. Our characters don't have to be BFFs.
It's okay if after our characters meet, that mine says something that makes your character mad, we can start out rocky and mend it along the way. Or we can keep it rocky, and it only gets worse as the books progress.

10. We can create the "Creator" together.
Want the Creator to be more vague? Unhelpful? Down to earth? Let me know and I can alternate the responses that we will be given!

  • Let's Get to Know Your Character!

    Age: (16-18)
    Face Claim: (Must be realistic)
    Cause of Death:
    Bio Before Death:
    Family in Twilight: (Can be on the reservation, with Charlie, Jessica, etc.)
    Bio during Twilight:
    Crush/Favorite Character:
    First Power Gained:
    Second Power Gained:
    Third Power Gained:
    Fourth Power Gained:

    Have fun, and remember: resistance is futile.

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Hey this looks really interesting and i'd be down for a twilight rp. Plus it made me laugh when you said Edward was fair game, lol.
Hey this looks really interesting and i'd be down for a twilight rp. Plus it made me laugh when you said Edward was fair game, lol.
Okay! That's amazing, I have work around 10ish today but I'll be home around 4:30, so i can make a topic on the 1x1 forms if you want :"))
I'm down, this sounds rather intriguing (that's a bit short of a response, I'm aware, but that's really all I can say without sounding too pretentious, I suppose).
would you be down to playing a canon character as well maybe??

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