Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies [Info and Sign-up]


Evil Overlord of the Rebellion

Welcome all, to The Highland Academy for Magical Studies!

By being accepted to Highland Academy, you have been deemed worthy to attend the world's first and foremost magical institute, the ancient school that has stood the test of time! Should you attend the classes here, not only will you be receiving a world class education to better prepare you for life beyond it's walls, Highland Academy's highly trained and world-class instructors will be teaching you the art of magic!

With the current world, magic is common knowledge, but rare in application. Witches and wizards of all degrees are known to do extremely well for themselves once leaving our prestigious Academy.

But fret not, your school life will be far from boring! With many events and hospitable dorm rooms, Highland Academy isn't called 'Academy City' for nothing!

So, will you rise to the challenge, accepted students, and take up the mantle of magic we of the Highland Academy are prepared to pass to you?

RP Thread:

So, with the dramatic introduction out of the way, this RP is a bit of a pet-project. For anyone who's new to the site, or just generally not old, there was a string of pretty popular RPs called the WW, short for Witches and Wizards, that revolved around a magic school, and the interactions and lives of the numerous characters. Needless to say, stuff blew up, there was human drama, some more stuff blew up, and there was a lot more human drama.

It was hard to contain WW within genres, because it took on a life of it's own. Action, Drama, Tragedy, Comedy, Slice-Of-Life, you name it and the WW had it. Don't take my word for it, ask old pals RPMod Riddle78, or our beloved Admin Esme. And myself and Riddle weren't even around for the earlier incarnations of the WW, nearly five years ago. I've only got about 3 under my belt.

So after all this time Esme and I (and Riddle if he ever gets his damn computer fixed) are going to bring back the WW, for a new generation of RPers to enjoy, because I know we all enjoyed it a lot. Staying up late lots of nights chatting and RPing the epic magical battles and the tear-jerking drama scenes, it really does take on a life of it's own. So if you're interested, keep reading, because we're gonna cover some ground.

Rules and Information

1) No godmodding. Within an RP that uses magic extensively, it can be difficult to recognize when this occurs. If you ever have questions about this, hold on and ask either myself, Esme or Riddle about your post, and we can give a bit of insight. That being said, I know most of you guys are pretty good, so I won't be doing a lot of enforcing. :)

2) No bunnying. Again, a pretty simple rule I know I won't need to go over, so keep it within the limits of your character, and try not to detail too much of what will happen. Discuss with the other person first and there won't be any problems with this one.

3) No sexual content. This is a big one for me. You can hint and play at the idea as much as your little hearts desire, but try not to be overly explicit. We try to make this as PG-13 as possible, so we'll draw the line at fantasy violence. :3

4) We're all starting as students, so in accordance with the first rule discussed here, try to maintain a level of ability that matches that.

5) Aspects of the culture and world we inhabit are pretty set. The way I'll put it here, is that if you don't know, you should ask me or Esme about it. If we can't give you a solid answer, feel free to make it up so long as it doesn't clash with and culture/worldly information given before hand.

6) This is a pretty open world RP. You can introduce new characters and plot ideas without consulting me or Esme first. We like surprises, and we like cool ideas, adventures, and villains. You're more than welcome to contribute to the story just as much as we do. But it's always appreciated if you do inform us prior, so we can gauge how it'll affect the rest of the current RP, and we can always give feedback. We like it when the RP runs smoothly and it's fun for everybody.

7) In amendment to rule 6), just no making staff members. That will be done by me, Esme and Riddle.


I do expect a certain level of posting etiquette, but if you're someone who isn't confident in their posting ability, I encourage you to sign up anyways. This is a community where we can all grow as RPers, writers, and general lovers of what we do together. I know I was a pretty bad poster when I started. Ask Esme. It was kind of embarrassing. But I got better. So I know we can all get better.

To restate, even if you think you aren't up to snuff, I really recommend you sign up anyways. There's only one way to get better, and that's with practice, right?

Sign-Up Template


Appearance: (feel free to use a picture or a description, either is cool)

Age: (between 13-16)

History: (please be nice and brief. We don't need a novel, just a tidbit)

Magical Skills: (one or two minor to medium magical skills that make your character unique. We ain't summoning meteors, but we're not gonna be defenceless either)

If your name is Esme or Riddle, you guys don't need to post any character sheets, anything you make is auto-approved. But it's always appreciated if you do so everyone has a point of reference.

That's about it. Thanks for reading though all my long-winded descriptions, and I hope lots and lots of people sign up.

Name: Aspen Grey

Appearance: Aspen has long, wavy auburn hair and bright green eyes. She stands at 4'9" and is petite. She has a small nose that makes her eyes look a little big.

Age: 14

History: Aspen is from a well-to-do family and was raised in the upper tier of society. Her father is a very successful lawyer; her mother, a nurse. They got Aspen involved in a variety of extracurricular activities while still expecting she do exceptionally well in school. Her parents had high, almost unreachable expectations for their only offspring. Aspen received very little love growing up. Her parents were never outright mean to her but she was never held or hugged: that was generally left to the nannies. Their family was seen as perfect but they were anything but. Her parents barely spoke and never touched. Aspen assumed that was the norm, never realizing that she missed out on anything. She was always expected to act extremely proper and appropriate whenever she was in public so as not to tarnish their reputation and Aspen has always retained that rule, being polite to everyone she encounters but rarely giving anything about her personal life away. She's a reserved girl and is actually quite shy. She spends most of her time with her nose buried in a book, a hobby she took up whens he was left home alone. She prefers to blend in with the crowd and is more of a follower than a leader.

Magical Skills: Aspen has an affinity for water spells and a heightened sense of hearing.
Name: Cyr Felner


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History: Cyr is the youngest daughter of the elusive and very secretive Felner family. The Felner family is known for their bloodline skill with metal magic, something that has gained them their fortune and status as one of the highest upper class families in the magical world. Despite this fact, Cyr grew up with a rather close family, listening to her mother tell stories at bedtime, helping her father as much as she could as he taught her various parts of their bloodline. However, she held a few strains with her older siblings, whom she was being constantly compared to and knew she'd have to make a big impact to not get left behind in their shadows.


Metal Magic


Name: Vative Delusor


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History: Vative is the daughter of Madam Calsor and Monsuier Nephon, the proud owners of Le Circ du Noir, a traveling circus of performers who do death defying shows and displays of skills. From a young age, she was a part of the show, her acts changing as her skills expanded and improved until she finally settled into perfecting her sparing act with one of the older troupe members, in which they would fight, her doing unarmed martial arts, him using blunt weapons that couldn't cut, upon a two foot wide beam in the air with no net if one actually fell. It was during a practice when they had bumped up the height to around a hundred that she learned what she could do with magic. Mensel, her partner in training at the time, had landed a hit far to hard for just an adjustment round, sending her off the board. In the fear that had sparked through her, she had triggered her magic source, catching herself midair on a bending wave of pale blue and pink magic.

Magic: Can make objects and paths out of her own magic energy as well as reabsorb it which last as long as they are fed her magical energy. She can manipulate these within a certain range.
Name: Jeremy Verdance


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Age: 16

Jeremy was a normal kid growing up... had friends, good family life, and his dad even bought him a car to tinker with when he was only 14. His mother, a gardener, gave Jeremy a section of the greenhouse behind their home. He had helped her in the garden since he was able to walk... and seemed to have a gift with growing plants. Sadly... like many teens... Jeremy got into drugs, and began to grow marijuana and even opium poppies. ... it wasn't long before his family found out. His father smashed the plants... only to have Jeremy somehow bring them to life by the next morning. Convinced his son was a monster, he locked him in the basement and all but forgot about him. In time, Jeremy simply decided his family was not worth it anymore, and climbed out the basement window. ... two years later, he learned his gift was of a magical nature... and found himself at the Highland Academy... with only the clothes on his back, a backpack full of dirt and seeds, and the paltry sum of $37 he had in his wallet.

Magical Skills: Plant Manipulation. Simply put, Jeremy can alter the cellular density, positioning, and replication rate of plants. In doing so, he can make plants grow faster, into different shapes, and even make them more solid or nearly translucent and weak as paper. Currently, he is still developing his abilities, and therefore can only manipulate plants that are on his person... or less than 25 feet from him. Despite this, he is still very confident in himself, and tells everyone he will go far in the world.
Name: Bane Valentine


Age: 16

History: Bane was born into a rather poor family. He was the middle child to two sisters but he never had much of a problem with either of them. They did pick on him often but Bane never minded too much. His skill was discovered mostly by accident when a vial of acid fell on him and only his clothes burned and not his skin. Bane wanted to learn more, but at first his parents were hesitate. His mother revealed that her family did have a line of magic but it had faded mostly. Neither of his sisters could do anything. Bane at first offered not to use them, but was eventually prompted to use the gifts he had been given.

Magical Skills: Can produce acid to use for various reasons/Is himself unaffect by acid

Name: Eroria Sheol-Warden


Age: 14

History: Eroria comes from a family that has had a dark history for many generations. After most of the family got caught and jailed a couple generations back, the remaining family members of the Warden family decided to try and restore their family name. Eroria has watched carefully still for most of her young life like most of her family as if everyone is waiting for them to turn bad again. Eroria has had difficulty because of this, but she has tried to show that her family is good. Eroria has taken on her mother's maiden name at school in order to ward off any gossip about her prematurely. When Eroria was a child she was thought not to have any magical skills and worried that she was a disgrace but eventually developed into them.

Magical Skills: Eroria can call inanimate objects to herself although at the moment only things she can visible see. She also has an affinity for ice magic.
Lol hey, what about me? can't i be an Admin for this RP? i did after all control the character who founded Highland Academy :)

Name: Damien Highland

Appearance: (however, he does dye his hair jet-black)

Age: 13

History: Born to the Highland family, the founders of the Academy, Damien was raised on a small farm in southern Australia by his father and his Indian step-mother after his real mother died of an accident near a construction site in Melbourne while visiting her sister who was pregnant in a nearby hospital, Damien has little control over his magical abilities, however after having his magical aptitude looked at by specialists, it is theorized that Damien shares some of the DNA traits of Marco Highland, including the ability to wield blood magic and commune with demons on even footing, something very few humans can do, after this being discovered, Damien was given private lessons in magic use for about 2 years, he now has enough control that he won't start a fire while sneezing or cause someone's eyeballs to explode if he yells at them, but he still has a long way to go.

Magical Skills: Ability to use Blood magic, and can influence demons and other "supernatural" beings on top of being able to use normal magic.

Name: Jace Valenheart

Apperance: short spikey hair, black with v blue tips, stands 5'9 has a scar over his right eye, his eyes are hazle

Age: 15

History: Jace was a outcast he lived as a orphan for awhile but kept getting bad parents so at the age 14 he ran away and began fending for himself until he came across the school in which he began to give everything he had to get in so he could one day make a name for himself. he had very great potential but he was still very young and very unskilled in using his true potential

Magic Abilities: jace favors mind magic, illusions specificly at his current level his illusions are littler more then that just simple illusions but he also has the power to manipulate the wind in which he combines with his martial arts but as is with his illusion magic he is still very weak in his magic currently

im new and lost on what to do now lol

Esme: Auto-Approved for both characters

Beta: APPROVED. (We talked at length, so I know you're good. :3)

Legendless: BOTH APPROVED. We can talk about the magic later if you have any other questions, but it looks fine to me.

bettsyboy: I'm sending you a PM.

darknescloud: APPROVED CONDITIONALLY. I'm sending you a PM as well.
Name: Tabitha Amaya

Appearance: View attachment 9615

Age: (between 13-16) 15

History: Japanese American, as shown by name. She has always liked bows, and the first time she ever shot, she got a bullseye. She became a great archer, never missing. Winning multiple competitions.

Magical Skills: She can never miss with her bow. Never.

Theme Song( xD !): Bad Apple

Name: Aphrodite Foco

Appearance: View attachment 9616

Age: 14

History: Discovered her abilities with fire when she was young. Her parents died when she was 13. She lived on her own, and was sent here because of her abilities with fire.

Magical Skills: Pyrokinesis. The control of fire. Also, when using nun chucks, the nun chucks become inflamed, but do not burn, although the fire would burn her opponents.
Name: Resmion Auveille

Appearance: View attachment 9617

Age: 14

History: Resmion is the adopted son of Teresa Auveille, a member of the distinguished Auveille family. She found him being left by his parents at her doorstep. Disgusted, she took the child in and even homeschooled him. The Auveille was well known for their benevolence and sympathy.

Magical Skills: Resmion is able to use mantra magic which allows the caster to fuel the inspiration of himself or his allies. He also can summon elemental spirits.
Name: Lucian Riddle


Age: 13

History: Born and raised in Australia, Lucian was raised on a small farm in Victoria, his father was a simple farming man, and his mother was a witch of an unknown clan, when he was 7 he began to show signs of being able to use magic, his first sign was when he was sitting in front of the house fireplace and he made the fire come out like a whip and almost burned the house down, since then Damien was taught by his mother to be able to control his magic, and reservations were made at Highland Academy for him to attend.

Magical Skills: has an affinity for flame-based magic and Light-Based magic (since his name is Latin for "Light")
Name: Ellessa Yu'ul Hardie


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Age: ​14

History:​ Ellessa belongs to the long and prodigious Hardie line. Once tasked with the defense of nations against demonic invasions, her ancestors developed the art of Ashuran (spell absorption for physical augmentation). The demon's no longer plague the material realm, but the art has continued to be passed down through the bloodline, assuring a defender will always be ready should they return.

The current wielder of Ashuran is Ellessa, and her desires to remain true to her families history has demanded she learn both the use of magic, and swordsmanship, so that she may stand as a representative of her ancestors should they return.

Magical Skills:

Wind Style:Absorbing the magic's of wind into her form, she becomes much more dexterous and swift, but at the expense of her hardiness

Fire Style: Absorbing the magic's of fire into her form, she becomes much more lethal, but may also damage herself in her wild gambits

Earth Style: Absorbing the magic's of earth into her form, she becomes much more indomitable an opponent, but at the expense of agility and speed
Name: Rowan Bunting

Appearance: She has orange hair the color of a pumpkin which she keeps cut right below her ears in the back, curving around them and with long bangs. She is fair skinned, the type that only burns in the sun. Her large eyes are a light coral violet, which often brings plenty of attention. She has a heart shape face, and is curvy with slender arms. She also has large lips and a small, upturned nose. She usually wears a navy peacoat dress with black tights and mary janes.

Age: 15

History: She grew up with magic in her family on her dad's side, and once admired him deeply. He was always traveling with his work, leaving his daughter and wife to their cottage in a forest. His trips kept on getting longer and longer, and the time he spent between trips shorter and shorter. Whenever her dad was gone, Rowan would study magic as much as she could to impress him when he returned. She was rough and played with the kids when he was there however. One day, while traveling in the market with her mom, Rowan and her mom saw her father across the lake, with another woman and a child. Rowan's mother grew senile, continuing to put dinner out for him and wait from him to become home. Rowan grew angered, and her family grew poor. Rowan eagerly accepted a scholarship into the school, so that she could get money for her mom but also so that she could get revenge on her father.

Magical Skills: She mainly relies on summoning for her magic, preferring reptilian monsters above all. She keeps a ball python named Rachet with her at all times.
TheFallOfItAll: Both characters approved.

TheBetterKuja: APPROVED.

bettsyboy: (Lucian Riddle), APPROVED.

Pristine Dark: APPROVED.

Name: Titania “Anya” Fullbuster


View attachment 9622Anya has white hair and intense blue eyes. I'll try to get inked pictures up so they're easier to see.

Age: 14

History: Anya was born from a family of fallen nobility and they had certainly fallen far, to the point where no one can tell you who that name was. Never really figuring out who her biological parents were, she was bumped from household to household. After finding out her magical abilities, her relatives seemed to scorn her more since they have never had a mage within the family and they generally frowned down upon witchcraft, believing it a gift from the devil despite all the proof otherwise. She eventually gave up trying to please them and was simply grateful for Gray, who was by her side all the time. Eventually, when she was accepted into the Highland Academy, her family couldn't push her away quick enough.

Magical Skills: Anya has an affinity for summoning magic and sound magic however the creature she can summon at the time is Remmington, a large frankenstein-like teddy bear that I will have a picture for when I can. All her summons will be based on childhood toys, nursery rhymes or fairytales.

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Name: Gray Dalenforth


View attachment 9623Gray has black hair, obviously, and red eyes.

Age: 14

History: Gray was the bastard son of a "lady of the night". His mother had abandoned him early enough so that he cannot even remember her face. Along with Anya, he was passed around, always looked down upon by those that allowed him to stay. His magic developed around the same time as his fascination with mirrors, and his own reflection. His only real friend was Anya, since there weren't many children in the places they grew up and the children that were present had parents telling them to stay away from the riffraff. So the kids would call the two children names and play pranks instead. When news first came of his acceptance into the Highland Academy, Gray honestly couldn't be happier to "leave behind all those hideous people" they had called neighbors.

Magical Skills: Gray specializes in mirror magic, but his skills are limited to minor shapeshifting things that are reflected in his mirror and bending light into that dark space beneath the couch where everyone keeps kicking the remote.
amdreams: APPROVED.

The RP is beginning any time within five minutes from now, to an hour from now. I'll have an opening post and situation set up with some more info OOC.
Name: Lucas Silverstream

Appearance: Slim build, pale skin, medium height silver hair and eyes.

Age: 14

History: Pureblood from an ancient bloodline of ancient mages that has long fallen into the unknown since most were destroyed in previous wizard wars.

Magical Skills: Can read magical auras with his pureblood eyes under the light of the moon. (the fuller the moon, the more clearly he can see magic) Is skilled in making runic seals. Seals differs from normal magic such that seals draw it's magic from it's attached source rather than the user directly.

I'm aware of my position in the RP,but I would like to give others a point of reference.

Name: David Anderson

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Magickal Talent: David has the remarkable ability to use magic without spoken incantation and without a focus,however he requires a catalyst. His personal interest in magic is spatial magic,elementalism,and manipulating light into distinct forms.

Background: David Anderson was born in the middle of nowhere in Ontario,a small town built around a prominent military base,called Petawawa. His father was Mundane,but his mother was a Mage. When he was born,he wasn't pushed or pulled out,nor was he cut out. He teleported out. The doctors,nurses,and his parents were stunned momentarily...Then burst into gales of laughter. He was a Mage. Growing up,David quickly learned to get a handle on his magic,and even experimented quite frequently. He was never able to replicate the event that brought him from the womb: Teleportation. He was enrolled in the Highland Academy by his parents,who wanted him to develop fully as a Mage. He can't help but shake the feeling that he heard his name used somewhere else before...

David stands Five foot six,and weighs one hundred forty pounds. He's slender,but he isn't a bag of bones. His black hair is thick,short,and slicked back. His brilliant opal irises are easily the most prominent feature on his face. His face seems to be triangular,coming to a point at his chin. His choice of wardrobe is quite a shock for anyone who's used to your stereotypical teenager: Suits with garnet cuff links. Always dark,always accompanied by a black,red,or royal purple tie. To people who ask about the suits,he says that his family has an average pay...He just REALLY enjoys suits.
Riddle: I know I've said auto-approved, but keep the spatial stuff on the down low. Not exactly student material magic. Otherwise all fine and dandy.
Name: Gaston

Appearance: View attachment 9621

Age: Who knows?

History: Has been Aphrodite's "pet" for a few years now.

Magical Skills: His eyes make you freeze, but do not do what the basilisk in the Harry Potter series does, and again, he and Aphrodite have a connection, not reading each other's mind, but they just know when the other needs the other.

Yes, I made the pets their own signup. They may seem minor, but they could just as easily become major. And also, I need to make sure they are accepted. So, Coro. here you go!
Animals that have special powers like this, and a connection to their owner/caretaker would be classified under the umbrella term of familiars.

As such, you can acquire these pet/familiars in the actual RP, at the nearest convenience. Perhaps in a class about familiars, after a time skip, e.c.t.

Otherwise, only one person has a familiar in the RP right now, and it's mentioned as one of his starting abilities. So right now, no,

For anyone else that wants to acquire a familiar, there will be plenty of time in the RP once it truly begins to study and use other magic.

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