Rebellion: The Mutants


Jōnin of Silence
The Roleplay is up!:

This Roleplay is set in a post-WWIII Earth. The world has been about 110% demolished. The "government" as they call themselves is barely even worthy of being called corrupt. They send out mercenaries to do their dirty work, and I think we all know what I mean by dirty work. Everyone in this world is in one of these groups, certain people even fit into two: Government, mercenary, civilian, and rebellion. I'll give you an overview of them all.

Government- You got the just of them above. Very few of them fight, but those who do are feared deeply and if they show up most everyone will chicken out and a dense rebellion will become a barren wasteland in the time of about 5 seconds.

Mercenary- They're fighters that work for whoever can give them the most benefit, which is mostly always the government, but some Mercenaries refuse to work for the Government.

Civilians- Civilians are the everyday citizens that do anything they're told as long as they will survive doing it.

Rebellion- The people who are against the Government. The ones who actually do something against the Government and try to stop them.

Mutant- Who knows how these people were created. Maybe they ate some bad food, maybe they got cut with something contaminated, hell, maybe they straight up drank radioactive fluids. All that's known about these creatures, is that they've got certain... Mutations to them that allow them to do superhuman things. Mutants hide alongside humans, so they can be any of the other groups, except for Government. The Government highly resents these Mutants and even kills them if they get the chance. Some believe, that mutants are in the government. (You CAN be a mutants and the Government at the same time.)

Acknowledge: Mutants aren't giant green monsters that destroy everything. Mutants are humans that have had mutated chromosomes that unlock more of their brain power. Certain people unlock certain powers, it's as simple as that.

The main bad guy is the "President" which I am controlling. He doesn't do anything but give orders, so he doesn't give a character sheet. You can be one of his top fighters, but the top 5 of his fighters are mutants.

Here's the things guys: I know a lot of people are going to want to be mutants, but, I need a good amount of non-mutants too. If there are 10 more mutants than non mutants (Not including my characters), I'm going to randomly generate a number from 1-100. You will have a number you have to put in on your character sheet. There's a way that I'll determine if you get to become a mutant based off the number you choose. It's not a 1/100 chance, it's much better than that, trust me.


Character Sheet-

Full name:




Group: (Government, Civilian, Rebellion, or Mercenary)


Mutant (Along with number):


Back story (If mutant: Include mutation):

Powers (Mutant only):




My Characters


Full name: Rikiya Isamu

Nickname: Rick

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: View attachment 9494

Mutant (Along with number): Mutant, no need for a #.

Personality: Serious all the time, natural leader.

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation): His mother and father were both mutants, and he was born one. He hasn't known anything but being a mutant. In a Government attack, his mother and father were killed by the Government while he was hiding. He met a boy named Hyosuke in that attack, and once it was over. Hyosuke's mother had been killed. Rikiya and Hyosuki teamed up, making the "Rebellion." It started as a little group, just Rikiya and Hyosuki as they were 12 and 13... The Rebellion was grown since then. It's got hundreds of members. There are multiple leaders. Rikiya being only one.

Powers (Mutant only): He's unlocked every corner of his mind (No one else can have this unless they PM me and I work it out with them). He can learn any power through a ritual, but as for now, he only has Shadow Manipulation, he can turn the shadows again people. Since you always have a shadow, this can be deadly. Here's the thing about his power: He can only use it when he's in a shadow himself and there's a path of shadows on the ground or any surface to the shadow he wants to manipulate.

Weapons: About 6 knives.

Other: He doesn't joke much, at all. He instills trust in you if you earn it, and if you do earn it the trust is strong.


Full name: Hyosuke Shiro

Nickname: Suki/Saki

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Group: Rebellion

Appearance: View attachment 9486

Mutant (Along with number): Non Mutant

Personality: He's quite the smart-ass.

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation): Hyosuke was about 3 the first time he saw an attack. Despite his age, he still remembers what had happened. They burned everything, killed everyone they saw. His family, his mother and his sister, was one of the few to survive the attack. He trained since then to use swords, the most reliable weapon in this world, as guns were often broken and anyone with a gun was considered a "threat" to the Government and could be shot on sight. On another attack, when he was 12 years old, someone was coming in the hole people called a "door" to his "home" and he went to protect his family. He didn't know that his mother was outside when the attack started. He still carries the sword that he killed his mother with, he hasn't used any other since.

Powers (Mutant only): Not a mutant.

Weapons: His katana.

Other: He is pretty chill, but he doesn't take shit.


Full name: Chris Balair

Nickname: Col. Balair

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Group: (Government, Civilian, Rebellion, or Mercenary): Government

Appearance: View attachment 9529(While looking for this picture, I saw SO MANY Full Metal Alchemist pictures, it saddened my heart.)

Mutant (Along with number): Non-Mutant (Government)

Personality: Serious, despite being a bad guy he's a good leader.

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation): His father was killed by one of these "mutants," so he joined the Government in hopes of killing all the mutants in this world. He has a great hate for the mutants because they caused his father's death.

Powers (Mutant only): ~

Weapons: His Military-Grade Assault Rifle and Colonel-Grade Armor with retractable blades on plates in his arms.

Other: He's not a bad person, he just has motives that are bad to the protagonists.
Full name:Xin Collen




Group: Rebellion


Mutant (Along with number):Mutant 21

Personality:Very protective over his brother so he doesn't trust many,he's not a very good listener and does what he wants.

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation):There parents died about five years ago and when that happened they just fell apart,Xin had no idea what to do but he knew one thing. Trei was all he had left and he was going to protect him with his life,not too long after they had ran into a power plant thinking it was shut down and wasn't in use anymore. They were wrong,it was a nuclear power plant and Xin had gotten stuck in it.Trei managed to get out thanks to Xin and had sat there waiting for his brother to follow,even though he had gotten stuck and blanked out. Xin woke up after an hour or so seeming fine,he didn't know what happened but thought he was suppose to be dead by now. He went out they way Trei did to find him still there waiting,Xin thought it was strange but he kept it to himself and just told Trei he got stuck and nothing more. Though after a while he noticed strange things,like if he was shot at he'd turn to steal or go under water gills would appear on his neck. He didn't understand it but it was there and there was nothing to complain about,so he left it be.

Powers (Mutant only):The power to survive(Like in X-men xD )

Weapons: Usually his fists but tends to use big guns suck as rocket launchers,machine guns,etc.

Other:He tends to feel the pain Trei feels


Full name:Trei Collen




Group: Rebellion


Mutant (Along with number):Non-mutant

Personality:very fun and childish,is very sweet to others.

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation):Pretty much Xin's story :/

Powers (Mutant only):-

Weapons:Has no real weapons,he tends to use dinky things like things you'd find around

Other:never leaves Xin's side


(Hope that's good xD )
@Ember Bare Accepted :D I just can't see the picture because of the computer I'm using, so I'll be able to see the picture when I get home from school. Also, the RP is going to start in an attack, is Xin and Trei with my characters, are they in the attack, or are they completely seperate?
(Sorry I'd make a government to sort of even it but I can't stand it!! Also nice job following me again Ember Bare)

Full name: Neire Muto

Nickname: Neire



Group: (Government, Civilian, Rebellion, or Mercenary) Mercenary


View attachment 9511

Mutant (Along with number):non-mutant

Personality:Neire is a natural killer, but has a drunk happy side to him, and makes good friends

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation):Neire and his sister I-re were happy living together after years of peace, but after WWIII his sister felt like she needed to help against the government since they had lost everything to them. Her brother didn't want them to go have to fight, but his sister did so she left. Neire had to do everything he could to get them their old lifestyle back. He became a mercenary to save his sister from the fight, he only cared for her. They haven't spoke since.

Powers (Mutant only):

Weapons: A sniper rifle, a small knife


Full name: Aere Muto

Nickname: Aere

Gender: female

Age: 17

Group: (Government, Civilian, Rebellion, or Mercenary) Rebellion


View attachment 9512

Mutant (Along with number):

Personality:she is anxious and always ready to fight but is a little immature

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation): Before the war she lived peacefully with her brother, but once it came the 'government' took away everything they knew. She vowed to end the government to to be a hero. She left her brother that day in order to try and gain a direct contact with the rebellion.

Powers (Mutant only):

Weapons:A large sword, duel wield pistols

Full name: Red Vanzin

Nickname: Red

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Group: Rebellion

Appearance: View attachment 9513

Mutant (Along with number): Mutant 12

Personality: Red is distant. She dislikes people and will kill you on the spot if you are a threat. If you aren't a threat she will leave you. She won't mess with you. She becomes cocky when she is in a fight.

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation): Red is from Russia. She moved to (Insert place here) when she was 12. She was in the local mall when she was 15 and a man came in and grabbed her. He tried to take off with her until she caught him bonfire with her hands. She took this as a 'Im a freak' thing and stays away from most people.

Powers (Mutant only): Pyrokinisis and can control fire with her hands.

Weapons: Her fire and a hand gun she keeps in a holster on her thigh.

Other: Carries a fox tail on her bum X3
@weirdbraxto Both accepted, also, TECHNICALLY You followed him here, because he got here first. xD Is Aere with Rikiya and Hyosuke in the attack at the beginning, is she even in the attack, or is she completely seperate?

[MENTION=3601]Kaleo[/MENTION] Accepted, where is Red during the initial attack?
No as I see it Ember KNEW that I would come here because you and me are in almost all the same rp's. So he just sat here and waited like a stalker. The perfect crime more-a-less. Btw 4 virtues rp is up Bruce
O.o Ok I would not put that much time and planing into something so pointless and for the record -.- I'm a girl....
[MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION] Oh where would you like me at this battle because there really isn't a mercenary "base " or "Community" so far
[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] As far as Neire, he can be anywhere. Aere can either be with my charcters, in the fight, or completely seperate.
[MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION] Ok I will have Aere inside the battle and [MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] Ok then my bad but you never know now do you?
:/ no,unless yu put a picture of yourself like Bri did(I think that's her name.) but then your still really don't know since it might not be them -.- though some are obvious...But yea,i figured I'd be mistaken for a dude here xD
Full name: Kellen Mor

Nickname: KK

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Group: Government

Appearance:View attachment 9587

Mutant (Along with number):Mutant 42

Personality:Kellen is a sweet and kind person when u first meet her,but if she is given an order to kill you then she has no feelings for you,unless you are from her past.She tends to flirt with her opponents a little,but not if they are her target to kill.She is extremely blunt and straight forth in the manner of speaking,she hurts people's feeling without even noticing it.

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation):Kellen's father was a mutant,but her mother was a die hard government lap-dog.Her mother had no clue at all of her father or her being of mutant orientation vise-versa,so they all grew up in a peaceful life.Her father was also a vigilante rebellion member,who kept his identity a secret from the other Rebels.One day her mother walked in on her husband and Kellen practicing their abilities,her mother in shock and in Government mode,crept out slowly and told the higher ups.They told her to destroy her family,even though she did in her father reluctantly,then she came after Karen.Her mother pounced at her and all Kellen could do was hold her hand out in fear.After a few minutes she opened her eyes to find her mother dead.When the others of the Government went to go investigate the situation,they found her alone,so they took her into custody.They delivered her to the president,who took her in and raised and trained her to fight for the government

Powers (Mutant only):Magic,her main type of magic is summoning,manipulating the elements,teleportation,a little divination,healing,and minor illusions

Weapons: Spellbook,Twin Pistols,Twin Daggers,and a Ninja sword

Other:She had a telepath block out the memory of the death of her parents
[MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] There's one problem: I would like you to be more specific than "Magic" There are multiple forms of magic, extensively large amounts, and I doubt anyone could have them all. So if you could specify you'd be good. :D

[MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] There's one problem: I would like you to be more specific than "Magic" There are multiple forms of magic, extensively large amounts, and I doubt anyone could have them all. So if you could specify you'd be good. :D
Full name: Viktor Conwel

Nickname:Vik, Big V

Gender: Male


Group: (Government, Civilian, Rebellion, or Mercenary) Government

Appearance:View attachment 9606

Mutant (Along with number): 03

Personality: calculating, arrogant and a veteran in the battlefield

Back story (If mutant: Include mutation): Viktor was working as a head of the nuclear weapons research before World War 3. As a result of hundreds of hours of exposure, his cells began to mutate even before the fallout. After the fallout, his cells in his body were fully mutated. The result was he can increase his muscle mass at will and can turn both of his arms into any weapon. He was appointed in the Government as a head of the new weapons development.

Powers (Mutant only): increase mucle mass and can mutate limbs into weapons

Weapons: S&W M500 magnum

Full name: Kanjo Nashi

Nickname: the emotionless swordsman

Gender: male

Age: 23

Group: Mercenary

Appearance: Kanjo has dark blue eyes and reddish-brown hair covered by a black hood. His clothes, consisting of a cape, sleeveless shirt, and long pants, are all black as well.

Personality: almost, if not fully, without emotion. He thinks logically and won't stray from an order unless he has a better plan.

Back story: He was born without emotion. At the age of 12, he began training in sword arts. His lack of emotion helps sharpen his mind and makes his strikes have more precision. He began mercenary work at 19 and has been working since.

Weapons: a katana.

Other: prefers to work alone.

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