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Futuristic Rebellion: Cosmic Order


There is nothing to fear
It all started in 1980, as humanity began to reach into the stars the other lifeforms in the universe decided the time for them to meet the great filter was soon to come. So in august 1st 1980 at 9:01 am central time 99 humans vanished from all over the world. There was no explaination they were simply there then they vanished. They were quicky forgotten by society as the 20th century rolled on.

Between 1990 & 2030. Thirty-three of them came back one at a time. They were returned with vastly enhanced intelligence and they attempted to guide humanity to an enlightened mindset. However they failed in their goal, many unable to acheive political power or positions of leadership. Those who managed to get into politics were filibustered and Eventually assassinated.

Humanity continued on its progression to self-destruction, now humanity has made it into the 28th century. A massive global government rules humanity, who now has spread to mars, venus, mercury, the moon, and many moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. With The entire solar system under their control and efforts to expand in the works the mysterious aliens decided to begin phase 2. The rebellion.

The next set of 33 has been sent, they are called the userpers, unlike the others these Alien augmented humans are not designed for peace. Rather they are outfitted with remarkable technology and abilities. In addition they have a boosted intelligence similar to the peacemakers before them. However the thing that drives them is what will come next if they also fail. You see if the userpers fail then the next wave to come will be the Obliterators whose objective will be the extermination of all humanity.

As if all that wasn't bad enough a warlike race called the Tonokians has made its presence known with a violent assault on the solar systems outskirt colonies. However humanity is not without a way to defend themselves. Two new breeds of humanity exist. The Celestial's are Humans who possessed a rare gene that reacted to radiation from space awakening the latent psychic power of the humam mind. While the Tekka are humans who have undergone genetic manipulation and nanobot implants that make them able to control human technology woth their mind and even stash special technologies within themselves. Though rare these two new breeds of human are being placed all throughout the solar system to amplify the empires military might.

Needless to say the Usurpers have their work cut out of them.​
There will be alot more to build upon but in the meantime i need alot of help.

I have images put the yin yang but am on the lookout for ideas for the colonies around the solar system, The political strife, the Tekkai & the Celestials, tech levels ETC.

Theres alot of world building room and such. So if you have any questions or suggestions please share.

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