Ink Knight
If there's ladies loving ladies I'm there
Rebecca 'Becks' Maclay
Name: Rebecca 'Becks' Maclay
Age: 18
Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian/American
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Bus-Girl at a nightclub

Name: Rebecca 'Becks' Maclay
Age: 18
Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian/American
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Bus-Girl at a nightclub
- Appearance
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 119 Lbs
Hair: Black, short, usually spiked up or otherwise made to look deliberately messy.
Eyes: Blue
Body: Petite, deceptively slim, toned.
Attire: Dark colors, punk style.
Physical Traits: Small and lithe it's easy for Becks to disappear in a crowd, a fact that she's used more than once to slip away from overbearing adults during her childhood and authorities with a grudge against under-privileged youth now. She keeps her raven-black hair short on the back and sides while usually styling the top into a sort of punk messiness, though occasionally she doesn't bother and just lets it fall across her face. Her eyes are a piercing bright blue, showing intelligence and drive.
Clothes: Becks tends to dress in dark colors, mostly blacks and grays with the occasional blue or red thrown in for flare. She can usually be seen in faded old skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a tank-top, and a black leather jacket that all go perfectly with her chosen style.
Piercings and Tattoos: Besides the usual earlobe piercings Becks has an industrial in her left ear and a small stud on the right side of her nose. Underneath her clothes she also has a belly-button piercing. As far as tattoos go she has a few littered across her body, hidden under her clothing for the most part. The most visible ones can be seen when she removes her jacket. A raven in flight just under her right collar bone stands out in stark black ink against her pale skin and a Celtic knot design is wrapped around her right upper forearm. Other tattoos she has are a small rainbow flag on her left hip and a quote inked along her left thigh reading 'If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.'
- Personality
Stubborn and idealistic she learned from her foster mother how to emulate the idea that if a person stands up against injustice they can change it. Despite her small size she's prone to picking fights with bullies and other people who prey on those weaker or less fortunate than them. She's incredibly self-sufficient, having had to take care of herself ever since her foster mother's death. And she doesn't take well to the idea of being a charity case for anyone.
- History
Born to Tara and William Maclay the first decade of Rebecca Anne Maclay's life was happy, nicknamed Becks by her doting father she may not have had all the newest toys or the largest home but they were happy. And then her parents were killed when they were out to dinner to celebrate her moving from elementary to middle school, little Rebecca watching from where her mother had shoved her behind a dumpster in the alley they'd been cornered in.
She was found by the police when they came to investigate the scene, frozen in her hiding place and staring at the bloody bodies of her parents. After coaxing a statement out of the girl she was handed off to the foster system and spent the next several months in a group home before the cop that had found her showed up to adopt her, having had to go through all the paperwork and background checks before she could do so. She raised the girl for the next five years before being killed on the job, but she'd taught her a lot of things during that time.
Becks had learned how to defend herself and gained a stubborn desire to help others from her foster mother's guidance. She was bounced around in foster homes for the next three years until she finally aged out of the system, after which she got a job cleaning up drinks and such at a local club.
Until one day she literally stumbles onto the supernatural, becoming physically changed by the encounter she gains abilities beyond those of the average human but has no idea how to control them. She's going to need someone to guide her through the minefield of the supernatural world that hides right beneath her old one, before she gets herself into more trouble.
- Equipment
Mostly she fights with her own body; though she does know the basics of how to handle a gun, taser, and knife.
- Skills
She learned kickboxing and self-defense from her foster mother, leading to her being very proficient in physically taking care of herself against almost any opponent even before she was changed.
After her encounter she found herself to be significantly stronger and faster than before, with better senses and reflexes and a heightened ability to heal from most injuries.