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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Umbra Regalia

There's no place like
This is used for the second season of Reaper, but that does not mean we are not accepting people new to the story! We're looking forward to new roleplayers joining us!

Thread Completion (99%)

We're always looking for new members to the series, and we're open to all types of roleplayers! We're excited to see some people new to rp, as well. Hopefully you take interest in the story and decide to join our little family we have here ^^
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It's been three days since Scourge was executed. The Reapers haven't shown their pitch black faces since they retreated, and Cain and the other 5 Sins are on the run.

Ashen and Seira have been helping out however they could, trying to reverse the damage caused by their own kind. Weave has been doing better than anyone could've expected, even without Scourge as their leader. Aura had taken that spot for now, which explained the changes. Things were going well. There were minimal deaths and few wounded. New Recruits were coming in, and veterans were being transferred quite often.

Revnoir helped out with what he could, occasionally showing hints of insanity, but he tried his best to cover it up.
Aura sat in his office, Scourges old one. It had been fixed up and everything whent smoothly so far. Reapers were all but gone. But Aura was no fool. He knew that they had not gone, but nearly waited.
zen was sitting in his office slightly irritated. with the lack of reapers he could not go hunting for cores meaning no more of his grenades. making them was more a pastime than a chore for him, they were something he had created on his own. to pas the time he was carving small sculptures out of wood he had found lying around the base. there were already a few on his desk : two were of reapers and the others and the one he was currently working on were statues of the sins.he sighed setting down the statue of sloth he had just carved. there were already statues of the two wrath's revnoir and zero,and grim who was pride. cain and the new one he had finished cardona were there too. he knew cardona was sloth but not what cain was, and he had not yet meet greed.
Aura sighed. "Not realy much to do now. But we can't be feeling all safe and cozy just yet." Aura tapped on his earpiece. "All available squad leaders to squad 1s office for a meeting.
zen stood stretching after hearing the announcement"more boring but necessary things.." he sighed as he left his office scratching the back of his head. he made his was to squad 1's office and knocked on the door softly. instead of waiting for a reply he just opened the door. he was summoned so aura knew he was coming there was no need to knock. "yo" he said nonchalantly
Revnoir left his office, where he had been for the majority of the time, and headed two doors over to the squad 1 office. He knocked quietly, peeking in to see Zen and Aura. He waved a bit, but offered no smile. Nobody would expect him to, anyway. He stepped in, cracking his neck.
"bored and out of grenades" he uttered with a sad expression on his face "but ill get by what about you?" he asked as he noticed revnoir walk into the room and wave. he offered a small wave back
Revnoir nodded silently, scowling. Just the thought of the man irked him beyond belief. He gripped something in his hand. It looked like a thin silver chain that was wrapped around his fingers.
"the way scourge was so eager to die by your hand has me slightly suspicious...i didn't say anything before because i knew you wouldn't stop but i think that scourge was purposely letting you kill him so that cain would get angry and wage a full on war with us...he did say 'cain will be angry when he hears about my death"
"Fair point. However, its time for us to take back our world. It belongs to us, not the reapers. To be free of them, we Must kill Cain."
"easier said than done.." sighed zen"he most likely gathered all the other sins and is in the process of thinking up how he will torture and kill us all...." zen scratched his head again "and at the moment we are currently a bit understaffed so a war is out of the question until we get more weavers....though there are few of us we are strong but i doubt that we are enough to win a war..."
zen shrugged"unless we get more recruits or find a way to diffuse cain until we actually have a chance to win i don't see what we can do..." zen squeezed the bridge of his nose..this was quite the predicament and it needed to be resolved one way or another
"What if we were to assassinate a select few of the Sins. It'll wear down their strength. It will anger Cain further, but he won't be as big of a thread with Wrath, Lust, or Sloth gone." Revnoir said, crossing his arms. "Of course, it's all up to you."
"thats a good idea but it wont be easy..the sins are no joke even if they are mere copies of grim"

(ill be back im going to eat)
"good question...the one we take down first will alert all the others that something is going on so it could very much decide our fates"
"Exactly. I still have a few novas. If we can get them in a room together somehow with their guard down..... We could end this whole thing....... But that's hoping a bit much...."

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