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Futuristic Realms of Gokyn


New Member
Hello and welcome Gokyn, This is a place of peace and prosperity, the world is full of many realms, some undiscovered some are, this means the world has opened up to many more species of there realms, and have allowed them to pass from Realm to realm.


The world we know as today has changed dramatically, we have opened portals to other realms, we have discovered so many species and more to find, these species are angels, demons, ghosts, gods, harpies and more, human technology has improved aswell, the weapons and machines we have designed is phenomenal, however human kind has screwed up badly by trying to take over these realms with there own technology and making laws when the realms didnt like it, which then caused a massive war between realms, almost like a world war but over 7 billion times bigger and longer. The war has raged on for almost 5 million years and human half the realms have been decimated by the others, Amazonian Realm is in need of repair, and some others.

However 10 legendary warriors came out from the chaos to bring these realms back to peace and prosperity, they all came to an agreement that the war would end and be over once a for all, now the 10 realms are in peace and the only fights there are is Sparring and tournaments these are just for fun tho, these 10 warriors keep in contact regularly with large meetings and festivals, these festivals are held every weekend, however some of them arent for the leaders, they are for other random things.


- Angelic - Ruler is
- Human - Ruler is
- Limbo - Ruler is
- Hell - Ruler is

- Amazonian - Ruler is

- Sea - Ruler is

- Dragon/Monster -

- Shinigami -

- Minx -

- Abnormal and Minus -

The world is open to anyone and everyone, so come and have fun, however you have to abide by some rules

Rule 1 - You must have an approved OC in order to roleplay with anyone, this means i will have to approve your character, you can have as many ocs as you want, and there is no amount of face claims either, however if the character is taken then you cant have it, unless the owner chooses to share

Rule 2 - No Real Life Photos, this is strict, because its defacing the person behind the photo, and without there permission

Rule 3 - Cannon and Crossovers are allowed, however cannot be overpowered characters

Rule 4 - Please do not spam the post, we do have lives of there own, and dont roleplay all the time, and beware of the time zones aswell

Rule 5 - Gods are allowed HOWEVER they are not allowed to fight or join fighting roleplays, the gods are strictly to rule over a Realm or something larger

Rule 6 - No Time manipulation or a healing factor of over 10% this means scratches and grazes will heal instantly, deep cuts take one turn to heal, and los of limbs take 3 turns to heal

Rule 7 - Provide a descrption for every power, and form, any sword that is enhanced with a certain power, this is strict, without this eans the OC wont be approved

Rule 8 - No blocking admins, this is obvious

Rule 9 - This is an R rated group, this mean no forms of hentai or nudity, although boobs and ass are nice we have to mind the younger ones in here xD

Rule 10 - Please respect the admins, after all without us, you wouldnt have this group, so be respectful

Rule 11 - The Realms inside the multiverse do have rulers, so be respectful towards them and there rules inside there relam. Do keep in mind, Angelic and Hell have rulers if you want to be related to them. Also no disrespecting the rulers who hold these titles, i dont want this happening.

Rule 12 - The Ban list will be made soon, so dont be breaking these rules

Rule 13 - When a post is Closed, do not comment on it, do not even go to take a peek, as you arent exactly welcome there, if you want to roleplay,, then post something stating the fact that you want to roleplay, or just posta starter a put (Open) at the start or end of the post

Rule 14 - Most importantly have fun, i dont want to see arguing or anything, i want this place to be a place of fun and enjoyment

Rule 15 - Be willing to die, the OC you make is like reality, he/she can die, can be from anything, HOWEVER the OC can be revived, only by the Realm leaders tho, and if there is a form of cheaing, then the fight will be automatically stopped, as soon as an auto hit is made that person will be disqualified, however if the other person is fine with it, then go ahead and carry on

Rule 16 - As stated in the last rule, no Auto hit/dodge/block its not fair and it is a form of cheating, so please dont do this

Rule 17 - T-1 Roleplay is allowed, you can do this, however if it is T-1 then abide by the rules, everyone should know the rules, however if you dont i shall provide them here
What is T-1?

T-1 has many names and variations. In this article, I will be discussing the absolute simplest form of T-1, its expectations, its variations, and its names it is referred to.

So what is T-1 you ask? T-1 also known as Technique 1, Type 1, or as it is most referred to, T-1. T-1 is a combat format for text based roleplay, particularly designed for combat situations, or conflict that crosses over between interactions with characters. It is designed to abide with logic, written precision, and keeping details in mind for its descriptive purpose of clarity. Being a turn based style of interactions; it allows all players involved, the equal opportunity within the timing and spacing for their characters to act.

These allotted times are known as turns. Within a turn, there are four distinctive actions a roleplayer, you, are capable of doing with your character. These actions are known as Prepping, Attacking, Defending, and Connecting. These four actions in combat roleplay are the bread and butter of what will be done in any combat/conflict situation.

Connecting actions are determined by the Attacking and Defending actions, while Attacking and Defending rely on the Prepping action. Prepping as in it as three distinct stages that determines the quality of Attacking and Defending. These stages are known as Tiers. These three Tiers are known as Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. All of this will be elaborated on further in this article.

What is Prepping?

The action known as Prepping is the act of reinforcing an action a character enacts throughout a roleplay. Certain actions like anything involving in the Attacking or Defending actions require a certain degree of preparation to accommodate for a certain degree of effectiveness. The reinforcement of actions through prep are indicated through how many turns is being used to reinforce these actions and their effectiveness. These degrees of effectiveness are the aforementioned Tiers. Reiterating, these three Tiers are known as Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. Each of these forms of Prep has distinctive separations that define where each fit in.

Tier 1 prep is the simplest of the three forms of prep. Tier 1 is an action that are reinforced and used the very turn for an attacking of defending action. These types of attacking and defending actions are typically low energy simple actions. Examples of Tier 1 Attacking actions would be throwing a punch or a kick, or swinging a sword. Examples of Tier 1 Defending actions would be raising a shield to block an attack, dodge rolling out of the way, or even raising up your arms to block an attack. Due to the minimal effort to prepare for Tier 1 based actions, it is less often found to be that of a lethal strike. Tier 1 actions can be prepared with simple things such as positioning into a certain stance that better suits the action, drawing a sword, or even dashing towards the foe in a short distance. In terms of comparing actions, Tier 1 actions almost never trump Tier 2 actions, and never trump Tier 3 actions as the respective tiers have accumulated far more preparation to enact said actions.

Tier 2 prep is the medium ground and often where powered Attacking and Defending actions fall under. Tier 2 prep is when a character has dedicated an entire turn into a single Attacking or Defending action. An important thing that must be understood when it comes to Tier 2 and 3 prep is when preparation in a post is being made. This is why it is important on when preparation for an action is made to when the action is made in turns that follow. Should a character prepare near the end of their designated turn, and immediately use it at the beginning of their next turn, it is still classified as a Tier 1 based action as it has not been given the proper allotted time to accumulate and reinforce the action. However, should they enact the action midway or near the end of their post, it would be provided the full treatment of a Tier 2 action. Tier 2 actions are much stronger actions due to the additional time used to prepare for the action. Many attacking actions such as firing laser attacks, or magical attacks follow under this category. In comparison to other forms of prep, Tier 2 almost always trumps Tier 1 actions, however almost never trumps Tier 3 actions.

Tier 3 prep is the highest of caliber in actions as it is when a character has taken two or more turns to reinforce their actions. Tier 3 prep gets into where the actions have more complex designs, harness simply a lot of power to the action, and reach to actions that consume a great deal of energy for the character. Tier 3 actions are highly invested actions that often can only be trumped by a more prepped Tier 3 action. Tier 3 actions will always trump a Tier 1 action, almost always trump a Tier 2 action, and can trump a less prepared for Tier 3 action. Tier 3 actions are a little different from Tier 1 and Tier 2, as their caliber can continue to increase based on how many turns the roleplayer chooses to reinforce the invested action.

There are additional considerations when it comes to Prep and its Tiers. Most importantly, the Tier of an action is only half of what is to be considered for what Trumps what, the second half of whether something can be trumped or not is the nature of the prepped action. If a lesser prepped action possesses a direct opposite nature that would trump a higher prepped action, it may very well be a tipping point to trump the higher Tier action. An example is if Player A throws a tier 2 fireball attack at Player B. Player B decides to then defend themselves by quickly picking up a bucket of water and throwing the water in the path of the fireball, the fire would then be doused. The nature of water being superior to water by nature in this case can still trump the Tier 2 action. So regardless more preparation was made, what won Player B in this interaction was using the nature of their action to an advantage. This however does not work, as understanding of the nature of actions have to always be considered, which includes designated functions and is completely situational. Tread using nature of actions carefully as it will not always work.

What is Attacking?

Attacking actions is one of the four things a character can do in a turn. Attacking actions is when a character makes an active intention of dealing an assault on another player. Most attacking actions possess the intent on dealing damage in some way, shape, or form. Occasionally, attacking actions will take indirect approaches other than dealing damage. Examples of this would be summoning, enchanting, or even causing status effects on other players. The success of attacks is determined by the nature of the attacking action, the prep made for the attacking action, and the readiness of the defending player. When a player being attacked fails an interaction the attack is successful and is classified as a connection. However, if the attacking action fails due to the attacked player successfully defending with their actions, a connection is not made. When attacking, it is important to not place control over the defending player when describing the attacking action, but should be provided the details that indicate to the intended area the attack is directed. Details of the approach of the attack are also important as it is important information to determine if the defender has the capacity to logically interact successfully with the attacking action or not. Detail explaining stance, momentum, intended direction or contact point, and should hint at the desired outcome.

What is Defending?

Defending actions is one of the four things a character can do within a turn. Defending actions is when a character makes an active intention of defending oneself or evading from an attacking action. It is a player’s job to describe all of the necessary detail, much like Attacking actions, on how they work towards successfully defending against an attacking action. Defending actions can be a combination of Evading or blocking. The success of a defending action is determined by the nature of the defense, the preparation made for the defending action, and the readiness of the attacking action that they are defending against.


Countering actions is an additional action that a player can do, however, this is not entirely a new form of action, but rather a combination of actions. Countering is the combine efforts of a successful defending action and following up with an attacking action. When acting out this combination of actions, the appropriate preparation must be invested properly into the designated areas to determine the success of the attacking and defending actions. In a Counter Action, all the rules of Defending and Attacking actions apply.

What is Connecting?

Connecting is one of the four actions a player can do in a turn. Connecting in a roleplay is completely reliant on the degree of success of an attacking action. When a defending action fails or no action to an attacking action is made, a connection from the attacking action follows through with all conditions that were failed to be defended. When addressing the success of a defending action to an attacking action, should there be multiple conditions to an attacking action, for example a swing of a sword that is ignited in flames. The defending character could say succeed in defending the sword attack by properly parrying it with their weapon in return, but if the attacking action had the intention that the fire would continue on the path of the swing, which would make the defending action only half successful as it properly defended against the sword, but not the flame. This is what it means the degree of a defending actions success. A defensive action that completely succeeds in defending against an attacking action does not permit a connection action on the player, as it would mean the attacking action had failed to deal any success.

Now that it is understood what kinds of actions occur within roleplay posts, it is time to explain what is expected from the characters involved in roleplays. The terms we are going to be discussing in this section will be God moding, Autoing, Character Control, and Metagaming.

What is Autoing?

Autoing is when a roleplayer takes inexplicable actions and automatically announcing their immediate success without the proper met conditions of success for the action. There is Auto Attacking actions when a player automatically connects the action as a success, and then there is Auto Defending when it automatically assumes a successful defense without the proper conditions to succeed in a defending action. Although this offence is a minor fault, it is still a frowned upon action in roleplay. The performance of autoing is not the appropriate use of actions when roleplaying. However, because it is a minor offense, it is often not taken as a serious offense in roleplay, as an opposing player can either post a proper connection to a failed auto defending action or counter an attacking action with a properly successful defending action that adheres to the rules of the appropriate categories of conditions.

What is God Moding?

God moding in roleplay tends to be the most subjective rule in all of roleplay, as it often differs due to misguided prospective of the rule, often due to personal preferences that define their version of the rule. In this article however, it will be discussing the proper term, absent of personal opinion of the rule. The act of god moding is when a roleplayer places an undo level of power or influence onto the character or player themselves. Examples of placing undo levels of power onto a character would be taking control over an event or situation in a roleplay that is inexplicable and/or unverifiable in roleplay. Roleplay in itself is the crossing interactions of two or more players. When a player attempts to take more control over the roleplay than what is permitted, it becomes a misconduct of that player and is considered destructive to the roleplay in progress. Due to its obvious nature, identifying a god mode is usually very easy to spot and can be quickly addressed.

God moding in characters often refer to the inexplicable actions or abilities of the character. Examples of such would be a character inexplicably being immune to any form of harm. Another example of such is a character being able to launch an attack; it is usually of significant magnitude and destructive capability. It is quite common to find a god moder that also Autos their actions. Actions that are defined as a god mode are classified as cheating in roleplay.

What is Character Control?

Character control is another manner of cheating, similar to that of Autoing and God Moding in the sense that it is a destructive action taken in roleplay. Character controlling in its own nature is when a player takes the inexplicable control of another player’s character. Character control is a sub form of God Moding in the sense that it is taking control over the roleplay that is in turn destructive to the roleplay.

What is Metagaming?

Metagaming is another form of cheating in roleplay, however is a bit different from all of the other unaccepted practices of roleplay. However, Metagaming is equally as severe as God moding and Character Control. Metagaming is the act of using information that the player provides to their character, that the character otherwise would not have ever known. An example of this would be that a player reads another players post, reading a written weakness to the player’s character that they are facing. The player then gives their character the knowledge of the opposing characters weakness, and in character, uses this knowledge with no explainable manner coming into possession of the information. This is destructive to roleplay as it is giving character knowledge to things that they have not rightfully learned in character.

What are the different forms of T-1 variations?

As mentioned prior, there are different variations to T-1. These variations are what are known as modifications to the rules. These rules can often give or take more conditional permissions in the roleplay that are fitted with these rules. An example of a modification would be say a conditional rule that all combat was to be done with the restriction of real world limitations, in that there are no powers that are in a characters arsenal. Essentially, they can fight with the limitations of an unpowered human being with or without weapons. The name of this specific type of match would be known as RM T-1 or Realistic Melee T-1. Other terms for RM are H2H, Unpowered combat, or even Real World combat. Any time there is a variation of the prior mentioned rules, it is a modification to the T-1 rules.

Common misconceptions:

There are some common misconceptions of different variants of rules in T-1. Examples of these are T-1 Freestyle, T-1 Old World, or even T-1 Elite. These terms do not specifically pertain to any specific versions of T-1 and is often mistaken as an entirely different Modified version of T-1. Even though sometimes there can be some rules in these terms that differ, it is often due to personal modifications done onto the rule set. T-1 Freestyle is a redundant term as T-1 in itself refers to the unhindered free use of basic T-1 laws. T-1 Old World, much like Freestyle is redundant as it is precisely the same thing. The simple fact of the use of Old World or Freestyle is completely unnecessary as it is basically repeating itself. In most Cases, T-1 Elite is the same thing, except when it involves special rules like required post lengths or the display of detailed explanations of ones abilities in the intros. It is also often mistaken for this reason that T-1 requires those things. This is not the case as expressed through this article that there are no mentions of those requirements.

Another misconception is the manner of Powered T-1 as basic T-1 allows the use of powers. Then there is the concept of God Tier T-1. This is a modified version of T-1 that often removes or redefines what a god mode is. This is often used simply because there are roleplayers that cannot conform to the basic adherence to the rule itself. Any other forms of rules in roleplay are usually a variant to what T-1 is. Sometimes they are lightly modified or heavily modified. But, because of the simple grounds that T-1 covers, there is no actual true way to make a set of Roleplay rules that simply does not fall reminiscent to the rules itself. If ever playing by any rules that does not explain these simple principles of what is permitted in roleplay, tread carefully as it can often remove the rights of a roleplayer, leaving one in difficult situations that lead to unsatisfying roleplay.

Rule 18 - No Metagaming, this is seriously unfair and is an easy one shot to all characters, depending if they stated there weakness

The Template -Name:
Sexual Preference:
Skin tone:
Distinguishing Features:

Special items:


Magic/Special Abilities:









Please feel free to edit this template if needed, thanks! that is all


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