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Multiple Settings Reality Show RP? -other genres open, too-


Doobie Boogie
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello~ My name is Rachel (you can call me Rach or whatever nickname you see appropriately fitting). I'm a 22-year-old lady from not-so-lovely California, and I've been writing for thirteen years (Neopets, you will forever be remembered). Just like most other people in this forum, I'm looking for someone to write with me! I'm finising my Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology over this summer, so I can sometimes get a little busy, but I almost always reply once a day, give or take. I love plotting and gushing about characters and drama and angst and just alllllll of that good-good, so please don't be afraid to chat with me. I'm definitely not picky or particular, as I like to be very open-minded about what everyone is comfortable with, so feel free to send me any ideas you are having before and during the RP. I tend to idea-vomit quite often.

CRAVING: (see genre list at the bottom of this post if you don't dig this MTV programming below)
At the current moment, I am SUPER craving a modern RP where our characters are contestants on a trashy reality show! I figured we could talk about the rules and what the basis of the show should be (is it a dating show that includes coupling up like Love Island or Bachelor in Paradise? or are strangers just forced to live together in a house like Real World or the more intense Big Brother?). I intend on using at least one main (a bisexual female, so I'm open to m/f of f/f with her), but I'm definitely willing to use many more characters. I'm doubling, tripling, etc. friendly, as long as we have plans to keep their stories interesting. Will someone be a cheater? Will our OTP decline to just friends or will a BROTP bloom into an all-time OTP? Is everyone there for the right reasons or are there some just there to get famous? Have some already met before?? Will there be love triangles??? Fights???? Are they even all human????? SO MANY POSSIBILITIES FOR DRAMA HERE!

Anyways, on to the details:
- I prefer m/f and f/f. I'm not experienced at m/m, but I would give it a try if you would like!
- I do prefer elements of romance within the RP (obvi, if you've hopefully read my current plot/idea craving).
- Please be at least 18+ years of age, thank you~
- I tend to write multi-paragraph replies with kind of ridiculously lengthy starters. All I ask is for at least 2 paragraphs per reply. One is fine if there is just simple conversation going on, but I just like reading too much and you must supply me with entertainment whether you like it or not, hehe.
- No god-modding, Mary-Sue, Gary-Stu types and all that jazz. Common RP etiquette is all I ask.
- I will not be replying to the comments, so feel free to PM me and we can talk from there.
- I love aesthetic boards, music inspo, and using FCs (real people), but I don't expect reciprocation.

Genres I'm interested in:
- slice-of-life/modern
- fantasy (low or high)
- post-apocalyptic
- supernatural
- horror
- literally, anything that I find the plot interesting enough - just give me an idea and what type of characters you are looking to play, and I will be more than willing to build something with you!!
-Stardew Valley (I know this isn't a genre, but I just started playing and am obsessed. It's so cute).
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