'Real World' Characters thrust into Creation

((Did some touching up and fleshing out, nothing major.))

Name: Jason ----------



((Sorry 'bout the big picture, can't seem to get it to resize properly on my computer...))

((And yes, my hair does do that naturally, to be honest, aside from the back of my hair usually not being that cooperative and not having an earring, this is actually pretty close to how I actually look... only, more awesome))


Barely over 5'8", Jason isn't very imposing. Slim, but neither lithe nor muscled, at best he could be described as wiry. A high metabolism and good genetics have given him a good swimmers build, though he lacks the musculature to make it sexy. His skin refuses to tan to any significant degree despite rarely burning (amusingly softer than most womens despite everything) and occasional dark freckle stands out against his skin.

His most notable feature would have to be his short, messy, dark brown hair that insists on defying gravity like a classic anime. His gray/green eyes are often half closed, his ears have a bit of a natural point to them, and he has a freckle in the 'tear-path' on his left cheek. In all honestly, as a whole, he's pretty forgettable. The only thing that really sets him apart physically is actually covered most of the time, a large surgery scar runs the length of his sternum from when he was little. He has a slightly greater than normal amount of body hair, but seems quite hairy due to a combination of dark hair and pale skin and is admitidly bothered by this.

Despite his lack of imposing features, his body language is often smooth and self-assured due to ingrained habit from marching band, though this is sometimes ruined by his bad habits of staying in peoples peripherial vision, crossing his arms over his stomach when he lacks pockets to put them in, and crossing his legs more like a woman would when he sits down.

((After Exaltation))

Exaltation did Jason good in all respects, his hair now properly spikey even without gel or care products, his eyes a much brighter green behind his half-lidded eyes and the sorta-there points on his ears have become more exaggerated, giving him a more exotic look. The burning essence of the Unconquered Sun also burned off a lot of his body hair, which he honestly thinks makes him look weird now that his few and splotchy, dark freckles lack a mitigating factor of dark hair and stand out starkly against his light skin.

Caste: Twilight Solar

Personality: Kind and soft-spoke much of the time, he prefers to hear others out before speaking and outright let others do the talking if possible.

While unafraid of speaking to people or in front of large groups, he is not good at it and is aware of this. He speaks slowly, carefully, and with numerous awkward pauses unless he gets excited... in which case he tends to stumble over his words and speak in run-on sentences. Not to mention that he stutters and stumbles over his sentences when excited. That and he has an irritating habit of brutal honesty.

While he is happy to do work as long as people ask (not tell) and enjoys helping people straight up... he can be excruciatingly cold and outright ruthless when provoked.

Oftentimes slow to act, he prefers to analyze a situation from every angle before commiting himself, this tendency to analyze first, act second has contributed to an exceedingly long fuse, unless his few berserk buttons are pushed, it's exceedingly difficult to get him angry. Irritated, sure, no problem. Actually angry? Probably not. Normally, his fuse could reach from New York to Miami... but it's attached to a nuke. When he actually gets angry, he explodes.

Generally, he's happy to reexamine his views, stance on things, or consider alternatives when new data is presented to him. But once he's made up his mind, once he's decided upon a course of action, he will not be moved. He hates lying, not liars or even other people lying (though it irritates him), he hates lying to people, and he will not be made a liar. These two traits of his translate into a warning sign, if he ever makes a statement "Stop or I'll --------", he means it. If he says "Stop or I will hurt you," and they don't stop, he will hurt them, even if it means getting his ass handed to him. Once he's drawn that line in the sand, once he's said you will not pass, he will do everything in his power to follow through.

However, it takes a lot for him to get to this point. There's very little he feels strongly enough about to bring that level of conviction to the table and he prefers to let his friends handle things themselves.

As Mortal:

Compassion: 3 [[ Jason has an acute sense of empathy, his knack for understanding extending to understanding other peoples pain. He dislikes seeing people of any kind in pain, but it is not an overwhelming thing.

Conviction: 2 [[ While he has his moments of absolute conviction, these are usually spurred on by honor or love of his friends. He tends to let side projects of his own fade in and out of the spotlight and rarely commits himself to any one thing for extended periods of time. It's only when given an outside task that he usually pursues it with a vengance.

Temperance: 3 [[ Never telling a lie is a personal goal for him, he hates doing it. And while not completely successful, he always tries to be impartial and objective in any debate, whichever side he's on.

Valor: 1 [[ Honestly, he's a chicken-shit, pure and simple. Without good reason he usually doesn't take risks, and when it does come time to fight, he often times 'cheats' and is perfectly willing to run away. He distinctly believes that if he's going to fight, he's going to fight dirty, and fighting fair is generally something for someone stupid.

Motivation: Find his 'True Love'.

Intimacies: + His family [[ He loves his family, pure and simple.

+ Learning [[ He loves to learn and enjoys teaching others when he can.

- Rape [[ There is nothing else that enrages Jason more. Nothing. He is, and always has, been of the firm belief that rapists deserve the absolute worst deaths imaginable. Prefferably horrible torment on the recieving end of their own atrocities before having their souls crammed into soulsteel or the like.




Willpower: 8 (4 BP)


Archery 1 Melee 0 Martial Arts 0 Thrown 0 War 0


Integrity 0 Performance 0 Presence 0 Resistance 0 Survival 1


Craft 3 (Things he makes himself +1 1 BP) Investigation 1 Lore 1 (Read the Books +3) Medicine 1 Occult 1


Athletics 0 Awareness 0 Dodge 0 Larceny 0 Stealth 2


Bureaucracy 0 Linguistics 0 Ride 0 Sail 0 Socialize 0


Archery - I've always been a good shot, able to consistently hit a target with most guns, my main issue's mostly been a complete lack of practice rather than a lack of talent.

Survival - I'm perfectly capable of camping and hunting on my own, but as with 'Archery', don't have any real practice. Talent and knowledge, but little hands on experience.

Craft - I consistently cook things better than the chefs at restaraunts, am a capable carver, quite good at sewing and emproidery (suck at knitting though), and get roped into helping around the house more than enough to pick up plenty of things. This is high for a reason.

Stealth - People have threatened to tie a bell on me before, and I oftentimes startle people on accident. When I try, I'm pretty good at hiding, not great nor amazing by any stretch of the word. But good.

Books In Possession: Core Book, Second Edition

After Exaltation: Twilight Solar (Italicized are caste/favored)

Compassion: 3 ((Flawed))

Conviction: 2 ((If at all possible, I'd like this flawed too))

Temperance: 3

Valor: 2 (3 BP)

Willpower: 8 (4 BP)

Essence: 3 (7 BP)

Motivation: Find his 'True Love'.

Intimacies: + His family

+ Learning

- Rapists

+ Earth-Born [[ He essentially has an automatic attachment to anything and anyone from his home and will go out of his way to keep close to them.

Anima: As he burns greater amounts of Essence, brighter lavender flames course across his skin until it reaches totemic level, where it coallesces into blazing, semi-transparent suit, making it seem as if he's wearing his own personal Warstrider, built from shifting lavender runes.





Archery 2 Melee 2 Martial Arts 2 Thrown 0 War 1


Integrity 2 Performance 0 Presence 0 Resistance 3 Survival 3


Craft 4 (Things he makes himself +1 1 BP) Investigation 1 Lore 1 (Read the Books +3) Medicine 2 Occult 3


Athletics 3 Awareness 1 Dodge 2 Larceny 0 Stealth 2


Bureaucracy 0 Linguistics 1 (Native: English, Old Realm. Purchased: Free Slot) Ride 0 Sail 0 Socialize 0


(One Dot) Artifact (Orichalcum Smashfists wrapped in leather to keep from gleaming, fingerless) [speed 5 ; Accuracy +1 ; Damage +7B ; Defense +3 ; Rate 3 ; Attune 6]

(Two Dot) Artifact (Orichalcum Hunting Knife, one hearthstone slot in the hilt) [speed 4 ; Accuracy +3 ; Damage +4L ; Defense +1 ; Rate 5 ; Attune 5)

(Four Dot) Manse (Seven Leaping Dragon Stone)


Second Athletics Excellency

Graceful Crane Stance

Lightning Speed

Second Craft Excellency

Craftsman Needs No Tools (4 BP)

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Fist of Iron Technique (4 BP)

Call the Blade

Durability of Oak Meditation

Invincible Essence Reinforcement

Second Survival Excellency

Friendship with Animals Approach


Displaced: -1 in all social interactions (+1 BP)

Obsessive (Derangement): Whenever something catches his intrest he gradually focuses greater amounts of attention on it for extended periods of time. Once he has begun obsessing over something it becomes the center of his focus and his motivation effectively changes to 'Learn everything about my obsession.' In order to focus his entire attention or for an extended period of time on anything non-life-threatening or other than his original motivation, he must make a Temperance roll. If he is aware of his current obsession, he may get over it after 5 (successful and consecutive) such rolls (though he often starts to focus on something else). (+3 BP)
After some thinking and looking on other PC sheet and comparing it to mine I realized that I’m not truly happy from it. Not because what person I am but I was and wanted to be plus I kind of rushed with making it. It wasn’t quite fair, so I decided to look at myself more critically and this is fruit of my work. Hope this new and more true me will be better even if I can’t put here everything realistically. Also following example of ShadowDragon8685 ( with whom, to my great surprise, share many similar Intimacies ) and I will explain how I learned those skills and abilities. I don’t want to steal others work I just learn on experience of others. It really help me think seriously about my character.


Name: Sylvester (Sly for friends)

Age: 24

Concept: Normal Me in Real World

Motivation: Live without worries.


Description: Relatively tall (6') guy with average silhouette. Black short lightly wavy hairs. Brown eyes with slightly darker skin tone under them. His biggest complex is a lightly hooked nose which kind of stand out on his long smoothly shaped face. His facial hair are rare and grow too slow for wasting time for making them grow mustage and beard and too fast to not piss him off that he need to shave them every 2-3 days. He looks a litte younger than his actual age ( sometimes people still ask me for my ID, seriously). He prefer to wear shirts with t-shirts under it, leather boots and some comfort pants( jeans moistly). On colder days he put on jacket with quite many pockets on big buttons.

Intimidates: I noticed that writing and describing them will better show personality of my character than writing separate note about it. But as I mentioned. I’ll can erase/change it if Aasharu or ShadowDragon8685 might think that this is just shameless copy.

Close Family(Love)- His closes relatives where always supporting and helping. They always love him no matter what he do or won’t do. For Sly ,even if not always perfect, Family will always be important and he will do everything to help those he care. Even if he won’t like it he will do this from true unconditional love. So he’s highly respect full towards family values.

Bullying( Hate) – Sly experienced and saw many mindless and cruel forms of mental and physical abuses. Those “ strong†always attacking weak and innocent preys as pack of mad stupid dogs or with use of them. He never let easily bend his will to those persons. And he newer thrust easily people that show this site of their personality. This people that become like because of simple fear of their own weakness.

Attractive Female (easy attachment) – Sly Is very emotional in this matter. He often lack close contact with opposite gender creating felling of loneliness that must be filled. This is result of his very often love desires towards any attractive female (not necessary human). He known his desires well enough so relationship without love might make him unsatisfied. That’s why normal lust is something to mundane to him. He realizes that someone might use this weakness against him. So he trying don’t get deeply involved right away.

Friendship( Loyalty)- Being introvert Sly don’t have much true friends. He even avoid unnecessary contact with other people. But when he overcome this and he will become your friend…Well then that’s mean you are really lucky. You can be sure he will do anything only to help ever is this mean climbing on a high tree or sharing with his last food and water ration. You want to talk about nothing interesting. Or maybe you depart and didn’t see each other for months without keeping any contact. When you comeback unannounced he will welcome with open arms. All he expect from you is that you also be ready to do the same for him.

Be Free(Choice)- No one will bend him to his will. Sly want to be free from unnecessary influence that might put his mind or body under control of other persons. He want to always have possibility to make own choices. IF he will be controlled by some else it will be because He chose so. And even after that he still want to have a freewill.

Work( Always done)- When something must be done, be it digging a hole, cutting a tree, or something he sworn/promise to do he will do it. He will prepare best way he can and then he will start and (most of the time) won’t stop till he finished. Maybe not always flawlessly but he will try best way he can. He simply expect that others will appreciate that. Then he will enjoy it and he will be always ready to do more. If not. Well…

Faith( Own believes)- Sly don’t like to associate himself with any Religious Organization. For him those are fantasies craved by some “wise men†that wanted to control what is good or evil. There is something very wrong with being absolutely certain about something, so you can feel better. He don’t disregard existence of Soul or God, he’s not atheist, he believe in those ( his own way). But no matter what you or others believe, his basic principle of faith is not throwing away his need to be happy on this world, to share it with others and never take away this from others. This simple rules are enough for him.

Intoxication( Reject)- Sly never fell need to intoxicate own mind, soul or body with any type of corrupt hedonism only for few moments of numb insensitivity towards world and false happiness or for trying be accepted by others or to show off. It was sight of weak will. He never wanted to be that weak willed. He also don’t approve this in others. While he might ignore “ weaker stuff â€( alcohol, cigarettes) he will openly disobey against “corruptionâ€( drugs, orgies, etc.)

Pleasant Experiences (extending)- Sly love spending his time on enjoying quite mundane things while alone or with friends and try extend then for eternity. Silent tea at table with friend. Competition of thumb wrestling. Watching favorite TV show in solitude. He simply want to intoxicate himself with time of small happiness, inner harmony or tranquility, that make his live priceless in those moments.


STR â—â— DEX â—â— STA â—â—â— Primary

CHA â— MAN â—â— APP â—â— Tertiary

PER â—â— INT â—â—â— WIT â— Secondary


Archery: 2

Integrity 3

Survival 1

Martial Arts 1

War 1

Craft Elemental 2

Linguistic 1 (Native: Polish Others: English)

Lore 1 (Read the Books +3)


War- Reason is simple. In Poland every adult male must spend 9 months in Recruit Service. During this time I was trained as soldier of Land Forces. And I just finished it barely year ago.

Archery – I’m quite well trained in use of guns. Three reasons. First a was 9 months in military training how to use them. Second is that my step father have hunting rifle and shotgun so when he took for hunting he let me shot to cans and other non living targets. And this I have Air Gun (Rifle) I use for target practice in garden.

Martial Arts- Also my ability learned during my time in military. We were trained mostly in Krav Maga.

Survival – And another military experience plus hunting with my step father. Also I always liked spend time on womb of nature camping alone, with friend or relative.

Integrity – My calm and reason is based on something more like code that I use as guide. Even if I’m not strong physically I should become stronger mentally. So I tried to always be weary resistant against negative temptations and influence that might intoxicate or brake me.

Craft Elemental-Focused on Water. Because I work in Restaurant as a Cook. Also I was in High School that specialized in gastronomical education.

Linguistic – I’m Polish. But I also know English and I can quite freely read and write in this language. At least on Basic level. Anyway it seen fair.


Valor 1 Compassion 3 Conviction 2 Temperance 3

Willpower: 6

Merits And Flaws:

(3pts. Flaw) Acrophobia ( Fear of heights and falling ) – Maybe not to extremely strong but still before I get on ladder or going over abyss on rope bridge I’ll hesitate and think twice that this is not good idea and will get pale and start sweating intensively before I get on top or the other side. Of course only if I won’t stop in the middle to scared to move any further and to return. And ever army wasn’t able to cure me from this.( My commanders had good Presence rolls)And probably I was using points of Willpower every time I succeed in such situation .

Bonus Points:

(3) Intimidates (equal to compassion)-> ( equal to Compassion + Willpower)

(2) Integrity 2 ->3


Name: Sylvester ( Sly for friends)

Age: 24 ( but my dots in appearance make me look younger )

Concept: Not-Normal Me thrust into Creation.

Caste: Night

Motivation: Find a way protect Creation from falling apart.

Anima: Pale gold Emperor scorpion surrounded by ghostly purple bonfire.

Anima Power: Increase difficulty to notice or track solar by 2/essence round up(10m), obscure body features when iconic at 11-15 mote level, while using charm that spend Peripheral essence can stop adding it to anima banner(+1m) and when using this power on obvious charm it double his cost.

Description: Surprisely his exaltation turned him back in to his younger years and which make him lost some of his height ( 5’8†now) and making his old closes a little too big for him, but he gained extreme flexibility and athletic silhouette. Everything that make him feel some kind of complex disappeared. His face is smooth and free from need of shaving and his straighten nose perfectly compound in his now young noble features. His eyes become sharper and somehow bigger. Mouth hide pearly white two equal rows of teeth. Hairs became even more darker and silky smooth. Skin look like the one of infant child. In short. He turned in some kind of bishonen or young Olympian god. But in result make him feel even more embarrassed of it than his mortal look.( Ok I might overdid it a little, but hey! I have five dots in appearance while according to core book three dots were enough to consider you as weary handsome.)


STR â—â— DEX â—â—â—â—â— STA â—â—â— Secondary

CHA â—â— MAN â—â— APP â—â—â—â—â— Primary

PER â—â—â— INT â—â—â— WIT â—â— Tertiary



Athletic â—â—

Larceny â—

Dodge â—â—â—â—

Awareness â—â—â—â—

Stealth â—â—â—


Archery â—â—â—â—

Integrity â—â—â—

Investigation â—â—

Occult â—â—

Socialize â—â—


Melee â—â—

War â—

Martial Arts â—

Lore â— (Read the Books +3)

Linguistic â—â— ( Native: Polish Others: English, Old realm, and one free slot.)

Survival â—

Resistance â—â—

Presence â—


Dodge :Shadow Over Water(1m), Seven Shadows Evasion(3m)

Archery: First Archery Excellency (1m per die),There Is No Wind (3m or 5m)

Integrity: Second Integrity Excellency (2m per success), Integrity Protecting Prana( 5m 1w), Temptation-Resisting Stance (6m)

Awareness: First Awareness Excellency(1m per die), Panoptic Fusion Discipline (4m)

Stealth : Easily Overlooked Presence Method(3m), Invisible Statue Spirit(5m)

Larceny: Lock-Opening Touch(3m)


Valor 2 Compassion 3 Conviction 2 Temperance 3*

Willpower: 6


Permanent: 2 Personal: 12 Peripheral: 29-> 19 ( 10 committed)


Artifact â—â—â—◠– Prayer Ward

Artifact â— ( Orichalcum Chain Shirt: +5L/3B soak, 2L/2B hardness)

Artifact â—◠– Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers ( Setting with Gem Of Calm Heart, +3 dice to Dodge DV, +2 dice to damage.)

Manse â— ( Gem of Calm Hearth: Can spend 3m instead 1wp when suppressing Valor check)

Merits and Flaws:

(-5 b.pts. Metris) Danger Sense (Spider-man have one to. And since Scorpions are relatives of spiders.): +2 dice to all PER Rolls to detect hidden danger (ambush, traps etc.) and Join Battle , Newer lose Dodge DV and Parry DV ( if I have weapon draw) against unexpected attacks, + 3 dice to all rolls to evade hidden danger.

(+3 b.pts. Flaw) Acrophobia ( Fear of heights and falling ) : This part of my personality wasn’t burnt even after exaltation.

(+5 b.pts. Flaw) Enemy ( ? AKA Righteous Devil): For reasons not known by meSome mysterious Dawn Caste Gunslinger want to kill me. Alone I don’t stand slightest chance against him. At least for now. I Can only hope that he will die before he gets me or I will kill him by myself(maybe some final climatic duel right in the noon.: roll:).

Bonus Points: 15 + 3( Flaw) +5(Flaw) = 23

(1) Artifact 3->4 (Prayer Ward),(5) Metris – Danger Sense, (3)Valor 1->2, (1)Archery 3->4,(1)Awareness 3->4, (1)Dodge 3 ->4,(2)Lore 1->2 (4)Charm->Shadow Over Water , (4)Charm-> Seven Shadows Evasion( Flaw of Temperance).

Prayer Ward â—â—â—â— (Aka Exalted version of Winchester 1873 “the gun that conquered Creation†): This Weapon is the same for Prayer Piece what Fireward is for Flame Piece. A four foot length humble looking Fireward made of only Red jade, Orichalcum and black iron wood. It was made for Righteous Devil by his Twilight Circle Mate. But Righteous Devil throw it away after He killed all his Circle Mates. He thought that he won’t need any weapon created by unrighteous person. This marvelous weapon is best example of legendary gunsmith. Instead trigger it has Essence-sensitive chit carved from red jade leading to Red Jade-Orichalcum barrel with inside scribed with hair thin, holy prayers, mantras and microscopic shrines with microscopic least gods inside that provide martial power of this weapon. Just like his smaller cousin it use ammunition that can be make from any relatively soft metal ( gold, lead, tin, aluminum etc. ),knowing of Old Realm and successful roll Craft (air) + Dextrinity at difficulty 3. Prayer ward is loaded with them at right side of the chamber right above trigger. Around trigger there is gold half-ring with long lever extending to stock that allows quickly reload weapon with new slug inside barrel right after firing previous shoot. Prayer Ward can be Loaded up to 7 rounds. Prayer Ward cause aggrieved damage to Creature of darkness and can’t be use by them due of it holy nature. Also it require 8 motes to attune. Firing this weapon require feed it with one mote of essence per shot to Prayer Slug so it could carry hope, devotion and holy rage against foes of marksman. Also This firearm have extending (as reflexive action) from under barrel orchilacum bayonet allowing to use it as melee weapon (Treat as short spear with orchilacum material bonus)


Prayer Ward: Speed: 5 Accuracy: +1 Damage: 14L(14A against CoD) Rate: 2 Rage: 100 Attune: 8 Tags: 2 Minimums: STR 1.

Prayer Ward Bayonet : Speed: 5 Accuracy: +3 Damage: +4L Defense: +2 Rate: 3 Minimums: 1 STR Tags R

Whole Rest:

Join Battle: 6 + 2 from merit Danger Sense

Dodge DV: 9

Health Levels:


Soak: 2L/3B( 7L/6B Hardness 2L/2B with Orichilacum Chain Shirt)


Punch: Speed 5 Accuracy 7 Damage 2B Defense 8 Rate 3 Tags N

Kick: Speed 5 Accuracy 6 Damage 5B Defense 4 Rate 2 tags N

Clinch: Speed 6 Accuracy 6 Damage 2B Defense – Rate 1 Tags N,C,P

Prayer Ward: Speed 5 Accuracy 10 Damage 14L(14A against CoD) Rate 2 Range 100 Tags: 2

Prayer Ward Bayonet: Speed 5 Accuracy 10 Damage 6L Defense 9 Rate 3 Tags R

My Books: I have small library Here :roll: . ok honestly i manage to put my hands and own every printed book in of 2Ed and my friend have all 1ed books so i can borrow these. I also have pdf books and many fan material, only 2ed things i lack are pdf version of Exalted Comic where was some bonus material, exalted art book and SAS but maybe I'll buy those in future.
Name: Andrew

Type: Solar Zenith

Personality: This is someone who has been through, perhaps, a little too much anger management and psychotherapy to be truly, viciously effective in Creation. Or at least, he would be, if'n he didn't know exactly what he was getting in to. After all, Creation does seem to like a man who can talk with passion and then back it up with his fists. Quick with sarcasm, vitriol and jokes, he's not precisely what you'd call 'sane' in any case, especially as he likes talking in terms of the characters that he's created.

One of the things he always wanted to do was to wander the world, and see all that it had to offer. There are so many places- even on Earth!- that seem genuinely interesting to visit and/or find. But there was always the eternal problem of money. He never had any. And so his dreams remained solidly that, working themselves into great characters and a love for the oddest and most esoteric knowledge he could find. The end result, combined with his natural intellect, gave him a broad range of knowledge, if not particularly deep.

While the principles are very different, he's dabbled in the martial arts and 'psionics', mostly as an entertaining side issue to other more important ideas. Interestingly, despite his general poor shape, he's managed to never break a bone or have any serious illnesses, nor do cold or great heat bother him too much.

But now, he's been dropped into Creation, with all this entails; occultism is real and magical martial arts exist, a fact which gives him glee to no end. Pity he's a complete and utter klutz...

Nevertheless, this promises to be the chance of a lifetime.

If he doesn't become a handy pincushion first.

As Mortal:

MOTIVATION: Become wealthy enough to travel the world without worry.


+ Writing - A voracious writer and reader, Andrew would enjoy writing for a living. Maybe a guidebook? Possibly fiction. In any case, he tends to want to write things down just when he can't. In addition, he tends to have a small Greek chorus in the form of the characters he's created. They're not exactly voices in his head in the more 'common' sense- they don't tell him to do anything, they're not malicious, nor are they aware that their conversations play out in his head- but they are voices, and they are in his head...

+ His Girlfriend - It's a little complex, they officially broke up and are in more of a... physical relationship than anything else. Still, Andrew has a lingering care for his girlfriend and would protect her more than readily given the chance. Pity he's such a boor about it.

+ Esoteric Knowledge (seek it) - Andrew seeks strange new knowledge at every opportunity, picking up strange new books with interesting titles, doing odd searches on Wikipedia, asking questions that nobody seems to have the answer to at the oddest times.


STR 2 DEX 1 STA 2 Physical Tertiary.

CHA 2 MAN 2 APP 2 Social Secondary.

WIT 2 INT 4 PER 1 Mental Primary. Perception is 1 due to deleriously poor vision that needs major correction.



Archery 0 Melee 0 Martial Arts 0 Thrown 0 War 0


Integrity 0 Performance 1 (Singing +1)(1BP) Presence 0 Resistance 1 Survival 1


Craft 0 Investigation 0 Lore 3 (Read the Books +3) Medicine 0 Occult 1


Athletics 0 Awareness 1 Dodge 0 Larceny 0 Stealth 0


Bureaucracy 1 Linguistics 0 Ride 1 Sail 1 Socialize 0


Int 4: I've always placed high on tests, people constantly remark on how intelligent I am, and I have a broad range of knowledge.

Bureaucracy: Having been thrown into the wringer by needing a specialized education, I know a bit about how Systems don't work in general.

Sail: Actually, I've learned basic boat safety, so I suppose I can justify one dot in Sail to represent that I know how not to fall off.

Ride: I know how to ride a motorcycle. Somewhat well, actually.

Lore 3: I find and absorb information like some sort of like, biological brain Borg or something. OM NOM NOM. Lots of odd esoteric knowledge, combined with a good base education.

Occult: Of course, some of this esoteric knowledge is about things like meditation, psionics, Zen, and the Tao, which match fairly closely to the basic occult knowledge of Creation.

Awareness: Despite my poor vision, I tend to notice things. A lot. My attention to detail is SPECTACULAR, if narrow.

Performance: I come from a family that is quite heavily into music; my father is in a professional choir and just about everyone sings or plays some instrument or other. I'm about the worst in my family and most random folks who catch me singing note that I'm good at it...

Resistance: I tend to be quite resilient- My bones just plain don't break, I don't get terribly sick, I don't mind intense cold or heat...

Survival: I'm quite the hiker and backpacker, know about orienteering, the ten essentials, etc. I'm also fairly good about knowing where to go to get free food, what's okay and what's not, and other things about how not to die in the big city.


Compassion 3 [Andrew has a finely tuned sense of justice and injustice, of what is fair and what is not. While normally this would be put in Temperance, he has more of a tendency to rant against the unjust than uphold the just.]

Conviction 2 [Andrew does not have much more than a common fellow's resistance to new ideas or opening his heart.]

Temperance 2 [While Andrew has a sense of justice, it is not beholden to upholding the just as opposed to righting immediate injustice, which makes him far more Compassionate than Temperate.]

Valor 2 [Andrew has overcome his fears on at least one occasion and while he does not seek to become known as brave, he can strain his limits for others.]


- Derangement: Mood Swings: Manic-Depressive (3 BP). While it is under control on Earth, Andrew is a manic-depressive, suffering (now) mild mood swings. In Creation, these will now ebb and flow with the moon, reaching their nadir on the new moon, represented by general melancholy and unwillingness to bring about new plans. He must roll his (Conviction-2) to think of or enact new plans during this time. At the full moon, he becomes manic, becoming erratic lest he succeed on a roll of (Temperance-2).

Willpower: 5

Essence: 1


2E Canon:

Abyssals, Infernals, Lunars, Dragon-Blooded, Sidereals, Core Book, COTDs: Scavenger Lands, The East, The South, The North, The West, Wonders of the Lost Age, Oadenol's Codex, Scroll of the Monk, Imperfect Lotus, White and Black Treatises, Roll of Glorious Divinity I & II, Yu-Shan, Blessed Isle.

2E Fan-made:

Armorium, Hundred-Fold Facets of Enlightenment.

Description: Andrew is a man in his early twenties. Slightly pudgy and standing at around 5' 7", he tends to hunch over a lot as well under the auspice of his heavy backpack, making himself look even shorter. It's clear he hasn't been able to purchase new clothes in quite a while- some of them are threadbare and others are, quite frankly, too small for him now. His hair is brown, almost black, and has a natural curl to it that would be considered statuesque if he wasn't so, well, out of shape and heavy. His black wire frame glasses hide hazel eyes. No matter how good he shaves, his hair shows up on his chin- a fact that annoys him to no end.

6 BP remain + 15 BP = 21 Exalted BP.

Exalts to Zenith Caste. Abilities in bold are caste/favored.

Anima: An indomitable tortoise with its shell laid over him; it stomps when his foot falls and cranes its neck where he is trying to percieve.

Anima Power: 1m- Burn a body. Its higher soul immediately goes to Lethe, its lower soul is lost. 10m/11-15 Peripheral Expenditure: Gain [Essence] soak vs. Creatures of Darkness, Gain [Essence] ping damage vs. Creatures of Darkness.


STR 2 DEX 4 STA 3 Primary

CHA 2 MAN 2 APP 5 Secondary

WIT 2 INT 4 PER 3 Tertiary

Motivation: Explore All of Creation.

Intimacies remain the same.



Archery 0 Martial Arts 3 Melee 0 Thrown 0 War 0


Integrity 1 Performance 3 (Singing+1) Presence 1 Resistance 3 Survival 4


Craft (Elemental) 1 Investigation 0 Lore 3 (Read the Books +3) Medicine 0 Occult 3


Athletics 2 Awareness 3 Dodge 3 Larceny 1 Stealth 3 (2BP)


Bureaucracy 1 Linguistics 1 (Native: English, Old Realm. Others: [Reserved]) Ride 2 Sail 2 Socialize 0


Manse 5: Gem of Perfect Mobility - A level 5 Solar Manse must provide this Hearthstone, and Andrew would love to find it because Manses, especially level 5 Manses that are generally First Age relics, are awesome with a capital A.

Artifact 3 Golden Principles of The Art: This, at first, appears to be a pair of normal orichalkos smashfists, albeit with moonsilver filigree and a hearthstone setting on the both hands. Written about the left setting is one half of a sutra: "The Art sees the truth in all things", while the right contains the other half: "That Heart, World, Mind, and Body are one". Attunement, for 6 motes, adjusts the moonsilver filigree, which shifts and maneuvers itself to different places along the pair, depending on how the owner's arm moves.

Closer inspection and an (Int+Lore) roll, difficulty 4, or an (Int+Medicine) roll at the same Difficulty, provides a different perspective- the moonsilver filigree is adjusting to match the user's chakras at the elbow, base of wrist, and the maille on the inside is put into a geomantically significant pattern centering on the user's palm chakra. While absolutely requiring more delicate work than its lesser counterparts, this causes a successive lensing of Essence down the user's arm, both more accurately mirroring the action of a martial artist's barehanded movements and granting extra amplification at the far end.

This was created in the First Age by an enterprising Lawgiver martial artist who wanted to assay the combination of geomancy, medicine and martial arts combined as one. It is unknown if further refinements of the Principles were created before the Usurpation. If there were, it would likely cover the entire arm to incorporate further chakras as well as being a further pursuit of perfection and natural action; a four or five dot version would likely keep a very similar stat block but count as bare-handed for the purposes of all supernatural martial arts.

Second line represents artifact while clinched.

- Orichalcum Smashfists. Acc +5 Damage +9B Defense +5 Rate 3. Tags: M, P

Acc +4 Damage 7B Defense -- Rate 1. Tags: C, M, P.

Attune 6, Minima STR 2, Mrt/Melee 2.

Contains two hearthstone settings.

1 BP.

Manse 3: Gem of Gender Transformation. 3 BP.


Compassion 4, Primary [Andrew has a finely tuned sense of justice and injustice, of what is fair and what is not. While normally this would be put in Temperance, he has more of a tendency to rant against the unjust than uphold the just.] (3BP)

Conviction 3 [Exaltation changes Andrew's strength of heart to better temper him for the road ahead against his terrible melancholy.](3BP)

Temperance 3 [Exaltation improves Andrew's sense of justice and freedom, as well as tempering his lusts, to better prepare him for the bouts of mania he can and must face every month.] (3BP)

Valor 2 [Andrew has overcome his fears on at least one occasion and while he does not seek to become known as brave, he can strain his limits for others.]

Willpower: 7

Essence: 3 (7BP) Personal: 16 Peripheral: 40/34 (6 committed)

Limit: 0

Description: Andrew's Exaltation changed him severely. Essence burned away that which was not necessary to him and replaced it with strength- not of arm, but of speed and endurance. While he does not look muscular- and indeed, he suspects he never will- no longer requiring glasses, his sudden lack of beard, and the removal of all the blemishes in his face (including the fatigue-sinking of his eyes) gives him more than a certain boyish charm, and the fact that he can easily suffer such weights as his backpack without bothering with such pithy concerns as 'balance' and 'back pain' means he stands up straight, bringing his full bearing to, well, bear. If one was well-versed with classical mythology one could make allusions to Adonis- youthful, sprightly, and virile, though not well-defined.


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Spell Slot

Spell Slot

Spell Slot

Durability of Oak Meditation

Spirit Strengthens The Skin

Iron Skin Concentration

First Martial Arts Excellency

Fist of Iron Technique

Dragon Coil Technique


Stop Casting Spells At Me (Emerald Countermagic- 10/15m)

Turn Into Metal (Invulnerable Skin of Bronze- 20m)

Pick Everyone Up and Go Zoom (Stormwind Rider- 15m)

Notes: I think that's the lot. All BP accounted for. The Lore 3 represents that I "Know a little about a lot"- if there's a better way to model that than Int 4 Lore 3, do tell, I'd like to free up the points.

Changed dot in Stealth to dot in Ride.

Changed Wits.

Have made several revisions to Golden Principles of the Art.

Improved Virtues.

Changed Abilities as I could not justify Martial Arts.

Added in Derangement: Mood Swings.

4/17/10: 5 XP- Survival 3->4.
Name: Pete

Caste: Eclipse

Personality: (bullet point style)

  • Personable, easy going, and usually very 'zen', with a natural aptitude for building consensus.
  • Principled, and usually (but not always) one of the 'good guys'.
  • Wants to build a 'better world', idyllic and harmonious.
  • Not very forgiving, becoming very vindictive if betrayed, and holds grudges indefinitely, but doesn't take offense easily.
  • Usually very methodical and deliberate, weighing all options, but can be uncharacteristically reckless if pressed.
  • Has a problem resisting some vices and temptations - I mean, life is meant to be enjoyed, right?


Physical Description: Short (5'5"), but in good shape, with dark brown eyes, brown dreadlocks that gray at the temples, a short beard, and glasses. Can never seem to grow a mustache - it always turns out like that crappy mustache Johnny Depp has in Pirates - though it nonetheless grows faster than his beard (ie, it needs shaving or it looks retarded). Very expressive face, his emotions are always easily discernible - he wears his heart on his sleeve. His smile is mostly in his eyes, though he's usually sporting a grin or smirk. Dresses in earth-tones, usually jeans or shorts and a solid black or green long-sleeve tee, occasionally a team jersey (Les Canadiens, Team Canada, TFC, Benfica, Portugal), and often with a hoody or sweater.

Motivation: to live an idyllic life in harmony with the natural world

Intimacies: the environment, girlfriend



Strength 1

Dexterity 2

Stamina 2


Charisma 2

Manipulation 2

Appearance 2


Perception 2

Intelligence 3

Wits 2


Archery 1

Athletics 1

Awareness 1

Craft (elemental) 2

Bureaucracy 1

Dodge 1

Lore 2 (read the books +3)

Martial arts 1

Melee 1

Ride 1

Skill Justifications:

Archery - I learned to shoot when I was about 12, and was in the reserves, though I'm far better with firearms and/or a crossbow than a bow.

Athletics - this was an afterthought, but I work out regularly and love sports.

Awareness - I tend to have faster than normal reflexes.

Craft - I went back to school to be an architectural designer and have been renovating homes with my dad since I was ~16, love cooking, and generally think 'making things' is just plain fun.

Bureaucracy - I worked for both a university and a non-profit museum, so bureaucracy was what I did.

Dodge - I'm a fencer, so getting out of the way is an important skill.

Lore - I've completed a university education.

Martial Arts - dabbled in many martial arts, from aikido to wrestling.

Melee - aforementioned fencing, plus 'European martial arts' (single and massed battles in armor).

Ride - I've ridden horses since I was 10.

missing: Sail 1, War 1; but them's the breaks (I'll get them later, when I Exalt).


Compassion 2

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 3

Willpower 6


permanent 1

  • mortal bonus points: Lore +1 (2), Virtue (temperance) +1 (3)



Physical Description: Average height, and in good shape, with dark brown eyes, brown dreadlocks that gray at the temples, a short beard, and simple mustache. Very expressive face, his emotions are always easily discernible - he wears his heart on his sleeve. His smile is mostly in his eyes, though he's usually sporting a grin or smirk.

Motivation: to build an idyllic and harmonious world

Intimacies: the environment, girlfriend

Anima: Wisps of warm, golden-white flame that flicker as if blown by the wind; when iconic, the howl of a coyote can be heard momentarily before a large halo of gold and white arcane glyphs, in crisp and slowly-moving concentric rings, appears behind his head, denoting all the oaths he has sanctified.

Anima power: sanctify oaths (10m, 1wp); hospitality from spirits and Fair Folk; can learn non-Solar Charms.



Strength 2 (+3)

Dexterity 2 (+3)

Stamina 3 (+3)


Charisma 5

Manipulation 2

Appearance 3


Perception 3

Intelligence 3

wits 4



Archery 2

Martial Arts 2

Melee 4 (favored) (swords +2)

War 1


Integrity 4 (favored)

Presence 3 (favored) (persuasion +2)

Survival 1


Athletics 1

Awareness 3

Dodge 4 (favored)


Craft (elemental) 2 (favored)

Lore 2 (read the books +3)

Occult 1


Bureaucracy 2

Linguistics 1 (native: English, Old Realm)

Ride 1

Sail 1

Socialize 3



Reflexive Sidestep Technique, Shadow over Water, Seven Shadow Evasion (conviction), Leaping Dodge Method


2nd Excellency, Integrity Protecting Prana, Temptation Resisting Stance, Elusive Dream Defense


2nd Excellency, Listener-Swaying Argument


2nd Excellency


Artifact 5 (crown of thunders)

Manse 2 (gem of holiness, jewel of the clever merchant)


Compassion 2

Conviction 3 (flaw)

Temperance 2

Valor 3

Willpower 7


Permanent 3

Personal 16

Peripheral 38 (28)

Defense Values

Dodge DV 6

Parry DV --

Mental Dodge DV 7

Mental Parry DV 5


Bashing 5

Lethal 3

Aggravated 0

Health Levels

  • -0 [ ]
  • -1 [ ] [ ]
  • -2 [ ] [ ]
  • -4 [ ]
  • Incapacitated [ ]
  • Dying [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

exalted bonus points:

  • dodge +1 (1), integrity +1 (1), essence +1 (7), +1 charm (4), willpower +1 (2)


Total 5

Spent 5

Banked 0

Track: melee 3 -> 4 (5)
Name: Jonathan / Fluffy

Caste: Dawn


Never seemed to quite pick up basic social skills, finds it hard to make friends, but is incredibly loyal and outgoing once he knows someone.

Otherwise quite shy and avoids crowds until he knows people.

Has a strong sense of justice and fairness, which would likely come to the forefront when presented with power.

Very open minded and rational, while at the same time, can be riled up quite easily.

Somewhat lazy and selfish.. except will at the same time do almost anything if just asked.

Falls back on humour often when nervous, or in general, though sometimes a little dark.

Loves eating.. a lot, generally avoids all other vices

Utterly utterly perverted and soul deadened by 4chan and the interwebs (whaaat?..)

Likes to think of himself as very honest, actually doesn't tend to be retrospectively.

Books: All of them, except for 2e Alchemicals. (Obsessive collector)


Motivation: waste away life with simple pleasures of gaming, books and dvds

Intimacies: + Friends, + Eating, + Books



Strength: 2

Dexterity: 2

Stamina: 1


Charisma: 2

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 2


Perception: 2

Intelligence: 3

Wits: 2


Archery: 3 (Target Shooting +1)

Martial Arts:




Integrity: 2


Presence: 1 (With Friends +1)








Craft (Air): 1 (Coding + 3)


Lore: 2 (Read the Books +3)


Occult: 1 (Read the Books +1)






Virtues / Essence

Compassion: 3

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 3

Valor: 1

Willpower: 6

Essence: 1

Languages: English (Native)

BP Spent: Specialities: Archery (Target Shooting +1), Craft (Coding +3), Presence (With Friends +1)


Motivation: Become powerful and immortal

Intimacies: + Friends, + Eating, + Books

Anima: At lower levels, a pure, warm golden light begins to emanate from him. As he spends essence, it begins to coalesce more heavily around his shoulders, forming the vague shape of wings with paler white light. Once it hits iconic level a fully formed set of brilliant white wings flares up above him, curled protectively around a naked golden man, somewhat androgynous in appearance. The wings sway and flex with solar winds as more essence is spent, small white feathers falling from them and fading into nothingness seconds after coming loose.

Anima Power: Fearful Presence (10m, Auto 11+) - Mortals must pass valor roll or flee in terror, Exalt gains +2 DV against enemies with Valor <= Exalt's Essence, assuming they can feel fear.



Strength: 4

Dexterity: 3

Stamina: 2


Charisma: 3

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 4


Perception: 2

Intelligence: 4

Wits: 3


Archery: 5 (Target Shooting +1)

Martial Arts: 2

Melee: 3

Thrown: 1

War: 1

Integrity: 3

Performance: 1

Presence: 3 (With Friends +1)

Resistance]: 2

Survival: 3


Linguistics: 1




Craft: (Coding + 3)

Elemental: 2


Lore: 3 (Read the Books +3)


Occult: 2 (Read the Books +1)

Athletics: 2

Awareness: 1

Dodge: 3



Virtues / Essence

Compassion: 3

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 3 (Flawed)

Valor: 1

Willpower: 6

Essence: 3

Personal: 15

Peripheral: 33 (19)

Committed: 14

Health Levels

0: #

-1: ##

-2: ##

-4: #

Ic: #

Languages: English (Native), Old Realm, Riverspeak



1st Archery Excellency

There is No Wind

Accuracy Without Distance

Essence Arrow Attack (Righteous Judgement Arrow - Golden arrows fletched with pure white feathers)


Integrity Protecting Prana


1st Presence Excellency


Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit


Monkey Leap Technique


2nd Dodge Excellency

Shadow Over Water


Artifact 5: Mirhthynsor (Long Powerbow)

Artifact 2: Silken Armour (5L/3B, Attune 2)

Artifact 2: Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers (+3 Dodge Pool, +2 Damage, Attune 4)

Manse 3: Gladestalker's Stone (+3 to Accuracy and Damage when set in a powerbow)

Manse 2: Jewel of the Rabbit's Sword (Can spend 1 WP to reroll all 1's in a roll)

Merits / Flaws

Phobia (Spiders): -1

Displaced: -1

BP Spent: Essence 3 (7), Archery 5 (2), Survival 3 (1), Artifact 2 (2), Manse 3 (3), Manse 2 (2)

Last Minute Change no jutsu!

Added linguistics, changed pres ex to 1st from 2nd, and lowered throw from 2 to 1
I have an idea to prevent my character from being a straight re-tread of my story.

But I'd need to speak with the GM. If my idea is implausable, I'm just as capable of playing a fictional real person. :)
And thus did the GM reach down, and say, "Speak, and in so speaking, shall I hear your woes. And if they are valid, I shall uplift you above them; if they are merely obnoxious, then smote shall thy character be."

What'ca need?

Name: Brian

Concept: Talented youth searching for direction

Motivation: Live a long, happy life

Intimacies: Little sister, learning


Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—

Stamina â—â—

Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—â—

Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—


Lore â—â—â—â— (Read the Books 3)

Martial Arts â—â— (Unarmed, Theory/Background)

Integrity â—

Performance â—

Athletics â—

Dodge â—

Socialize â—


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â—

Willpower â—â—â—â—â—

Essence â—


Name: Brian

Concept: Modern youth thrust into Creation

Motivation: Understand and live up to the power he's been endowed with

Intimacies: Little sister, learning

Anima: Complex patterns in spectacular golds, reds, purples and blues that resolve into the Mandelbrot set at totemic level

Anima Power: Negate (Essence) post-soak damage for 5m/level or automatically when 11-15 motes of Peripheral essence are spent


Strength â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—

Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—â—â—â— (Cannot be reduced)

Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—â—



Craft (Elemental) â—â—

Investigation â—â—

Lore â—â—â—â—â— (Read the Books 3)

Medicine â—â—

Occult â—â—â—


Martial Arts â—â—â—â— (Unarmed, Theory/Background, Second and Subsequent Fights with Same Opponent)

Dodge â—â—â—â— (Second and Subsequent Fights with Same Opponent 3)

Socialize â—â—

Integrity â—â—â—

Athletics â—â—

Performance â—â—

Presence â—

Resistance â—

Linguistics â— (Old Realm, English, *language slot*)


Manse â—â—â—â— (the details of the manse and hearthstone are left for you to determine)

Artifact â—â—â—â— (Dueling Torcs and orichalcum Hearthstone Amulet)


Second Integrity Excellency

Integrity-Protecting Prana

Destiny-Manifesting Method

Temptation-Resisting Stance

Shadow Over Water

Second Martial Arts Excellency

Fist of Iron Technique

Second Lore Excellency

Spirit-Detecting Glance

Second Medicine Excellency

Second Linguistics Excellency

Sagacious Reading of Intent


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â— (Flawed)

Willpower â—â—â—â—â—â—

Merits: Luck 3

Essence â—â—

Personal: 11

Peripheral: 28


Not comfortable in large-scale, unstructured social interactions, but perfectly personable in small groups or more defined situations. Philosophical and intelligent, with a tendency to play devil's advocate and be more skilled at finding the flaws in another's argument than in constructing his own solutions. A little martial-arts crazy, at least by modern standards. Huge on reading: will cheerfully read anything you put in front of him, whether it's an interesting novel or a translated Soviet manual for a combine harvester...and has done for a decade in a half, resulting in a very broad and rather eclectic body of knowledge. Time management, organization, and navigation are weak points. From an ethical perspective, given to utilitarianism.

And now he's in Creation with all the motonic power of a Solar Exaltation at his fingertips. The challenge and opportunity of a lifetime are before him all at once: now he just needs to keep Creation from collapsing from under the weight of its innumerable imminent dooms.

5 XP

1 temp WP spent

Books owned: I think I may actually have read everything the 2e line has, though I more or less skimmed the various Compasses of Terrestrial Direction.
Aasharu said:
OK, so a bit about how we're going to do Character creation here. Essentially, what you're going to do is make two different characters: your unexalted, mortal self, and your exalted self. Now, for how to do this:
Attributes: For attributes, you'll start with four dots for your primary attributes, three for your secondary, and two for your tertiary. Remember that your character is based on you, so try to be realistic on this. For instance, I would not have any of my physical attributes above 2, with a strength of 1. Don't worry if, for instance, you're planning to play a Dawn caste, but Physical attributes should be your tertiary. You'll get plenty of points in the next section.

Abilities: For abilities, you get 10 ability points. You all get Lore 1 for free, since you are all capable of reading what I'm posting. You also get Lore specialty (Read the Books +3), and please post a general list of what books you have as well. Again, try to be realistic: I doubt any of you are generals or soldiers, so none of you are likely to have any dots in War, for instance. Again, don't worry if realistic isn't good for your exalt type; when you actually Exalt, that will all change.

Everything Else: Select virtues as normal, calculate willpower, the whole nine yards. You don't have any backgrounds, (yet...) and you have Essence 1. Choose intimacies as normal, all of which should be things in the real world, as that's part of the experience. Deposited in a fantastical magical world, and elevated to demigod status, can your character continue to care for the people he left behind in his old world? You also have 5 bonus points.

Again, if this seems way underpowered, don't worry, it is, but you won't be for long.
Now, on to your Exalted self:

Attributes: You gain an additional 4, 3, and 2 points to allocate. Furthermore, your primary, secondary and tertiary attributes do not have to be the same as the PST attributes you had as a mortal.

Abilities: Select 5 favored abilities, and you gain 25 ability points. All other normal rules about Abilities for a new Exalted apply.

Advantages: You get 7 dots for backgrounds, but may only purchase the Artifact or Manse backgrounds. You may, however, purchase any of them up to 5, if you wish. You get 10 charms, as normal, and choose a flawed virtue, but not a specific flaw: due to the events that brought you here, you will all have a specific, storyteller-crafted flaw. Your Essence jumps up to 2. Finally, you have 15 bonus points.

So, in essence, you will all start off as weak mortals, then become slightly overpowered Exalts. Also, you may boost the lore ability, but you may not purchase any other specialties. You will all automatically start off with an understanding of Old Realm, and whatever language you speak in real life, but nothing else.
Ask me if you have any questions, or tell me if there's anything I missed.
Reposting this here.
Name: James

Caste: Eclipse if I can


Generally comfortable in social situations, though he may make others a bit uncomfortable with his social graces.

Intelligent, but temperate, looking for holes in his logic as well as that of others, he will usually, but not always catch on to a flaw and deconstruct the entire scenario to try to fix the problem.

A little militaristic when in situations requiring order, he tends to be more zoned out in a laboratory or around unfamiliar technology as he tries to decipher it's basis and function so that it can be improved upon.

Well read, but not obsessively so, he'll latch onto manuals and linguistics texts with more glee than martial books, though war and it's uses is not lost to him. His knowledge is scattered, theoretical and mostly based on what can be and has been as compared to what is.

Mild OCD, a stress-induced dissociative disorder and the attitude that no one should be forced to suffer without reason, but there are a few valid reasons with a scattered but very functional memory produces an interesting mix, to say the least.

Poor time management, fine tuned organization skills and a utilitarian view of anything not made for functioning on the terms of those who have seen the more violent side of life and wish to enjoy a little peace, quiet and maybe some decadence from time to time just set up a nice mess that he tries to keep in working order.

Navigation is a strong point, whether indoors or out.

From an ethical perspective, he's somewhat the reverse of Rincewind, given to the belief that there is a magic in the machine and it's going to do what he wants because it was told to, though a mechanic's shop and a forge is obviously going to be required as well for most things.

There are higher powers and they tend to bicker and whine like teenagers, but it's like an ethereal high school in that wondrous things can and occasionally do get done when they aren't trying to screw each other over.

Moderate Valor and Temperance with a strong sense of Compassion and Conviction cover his more base virtues.

In a new land, all of his past problems aren't hindering him and he can remake himself into the person he's always wanted to be.

Pass the napalm, a cigarette, a hot nerdy chick and find me a lab because things are about to get interesting.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Crap. I had all this stuff wrote out and I hit alt-X by mistake.
Man, I know that feeling, type out a two page letter for club business, go to put in the 'Sincerely ~~~~~', hit Ctrl + R to go to the right side... completely lose the message. It sucks butt, I can sypathize. :D
Awww, that sucks, hope you managed to remember most of it.

Put up what I got so far.. not quite finished yet though, still want to find out if merits/flaws are free game and such.
FluffySquirrel said:
Awww, that sucks, hope you managed to remember most of it.
Put up what I got so far.. not quite finished yet though, still want to find out if merits/flaws are free game and such.
Same here, though I can't decidee on my 'backgrounds' and what to do with the 5 BP I just found :P
Well, there's my edit. I'd like to make it less of a gigantic block of text but there's nothing for it, there. I suppose I could cut out the description of Golden Principles of the Art, but I like fluff!

Comments would be appreciated.
Name: James

Caste: Eclipse Solar

Physical Description: age (32), apparent age (25), height (5 feet, 11 inches or 180 cm), weight (260 lbs or 118 kg), gender (male), eyes (brown), hair (brown), skin color (pinkish-peach of the Anglo-Saxon American), homeland (Kansas)

Character Sketch:


Compassion: 3 - A strong sense of empathy and the willingness to try to help people when he can covers most of his compassion. This doesn't mean starving himself to feed the homeless, unless they are children. He dislikes seeing people of any kind in pain, unless they really deserve it.

Conviction: 3 - Occasionally hard-headed, he tries to be honorable and protective of his friends and family, but isn't perfect. Even though he'll move from one project to the next on occasion, as if distracted, he does come back to them and finish them up or dismantle them if they don't seem to work right.

Temperance: 2 - Hard-headed, but not hot-headed, he tends to taunt those who try to piss him off or just act like a general idiot until they slip up and make a fool of themselves. He does try to be impartial and objective in any debate, whichever side he's on, though a good enough argument will get him to switch sides.

Valor: 2 - Planning is the key to a successful battle and if he can't see how to win, then there's not really much point to charging in just to get killed. He was raised under the rule of "there is no such thing as a fair fight" and as such, he fights dirty and will use anything to destroy his opponent's will to fight. If someone attacks him, his opinion is that they should suffer for having the audacity to raise a hand against him.

Motivation: To build society up to where no one has to go without necessities.

Intimacies: + Protect my family and friends - loyalty shall be met with loyalty, compassion with compassion.

+ educate people - knowledge is power, ignorance is a tool of the oppressors.

- destroy my enemies - why were you dumb enough to stand against me?

As a Mortal:




Willpower: 6


Archery 1, Martial Arts 1, Melee 1, Thrown 0, War 1


Integrity 1, Performance 0, Presence 0, Resistance 0, Survival 1


Craft 1 (Engineering +1), Investigation 0, Lore 1, (Lore) Read the Books +3, Medicine 1, Occult 1


Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Dodge 0, Larceny 0, Stealth 0


Bureaucracy 0, Linguistics 0, Ride 0, Sail 0, Socialize 0


Archery - Though not the greatest shot in the world, if it can fire a bullet, arrow or bolt, I can most likely use it at least somewhat effectively.

Martial Arts - I don't know how many fights I've been in and the military only made me better at hand to hand fighting.

Melee - I've been in the S.C.A. and got pretty good fighting my friends with toy lightsabers.

War - Marines don't need more than war of 1. They're not paid to think, it just keeps them alive longer.

Integrity - Scottish, Irish, German and a code of honor.

Survival - boy scouts and military experience

Craft - I've been able to figure out how a lot of things work or how to make them work since I was a kid. On top of this, I can cook, fix most mechanical and electronic devices and, due to the S.C.A., I have direct blacksmithing experience.

Lore - Me speak. And read too!

Medicine - boy scouts and the internet. I can splint bones, do the basic bandages and know how to keep things from getting too infected.

Occult - All that pagan-y stuff ought to count for at least a single dot.

Athletics - I walk about six miles a night for exercise.

Awareness - I used to be a security guard as well as the military thing.

After Exaltation: Eclipse Solar (Italicized are caste/favored)


As his anima banner reaches totemic it appears as a coruscating mountain folk artisan garbed in brilliant white and gold noble's clothes with a water dragon wound around him, with it's head over his left shoulder, staring malevolently, as if daring anyone to challenge him.





Soak: 12 B/ 12 L

Soak with Armor: 23 B/ 22 L/ 10 A

Flawed Virtue: Compassion

Willpower: 6

Essence: 3

Essence Pool:

Personal - 15

Peripheral - 37 +8 from the Skin-Mount Amulet for a total of 45



Archery 1, Martial Arts 5, Melee 1, Thrown 0, War 1


Integrity 1, Performance 0, Presence 0, Resistance 3, Survival 1


Craft (Elemental) 5, Craft (Magitech) 3, (Craft) Engineering +3, Investigation 1, Lore 3, (Lore) Read the Books +3, Medicine 1, Occult 3


Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Dodge 2, Larceny 1, Stealth 1


Bureaucracy 4, Linguistics 0 (Native: English, Old Realm), Ride 1, Sail 1, Socialize 3


Artifact of 5

Lv. 1 Artifact: Aegis-Inset Amulet - -2 motes to the attunement cost of Artifact armors.

Lv. 2 Artifact: Skin-Mount Amulet - Surgically implanted, this device gives the user double the hearthstone's level in extra motes to their peripheral pool.

Lv. 2 Artifact: Orichalcum Lamellar Armor - Orichalcum, +10L/+11B Soak, +6/6 Hardness, -1 Mobility, 0 Fatigue, Attune 1.

Manse of 5

Lv. 4 Manse: Gem of Adamant Skin - A glittering, flawless black ovoid, this stone makes the bearer impossible to cut, and her bones become unbreakable. All Lethal damage is treated as Bashing. This stone has no effect on Aggravated damage.

Lv. 1 Manse: Jewel of the Clever Merchant - A silvery-white, many-faceted oval, this stone grants +3 dice to all Mental and Social rolls involving trade, bargaining, contract negotiations and other business dealings.



Fist of Iron Technique - 1 mote gives a +1 Acc, +2L damage.


Invincible Essence Reinforcement x3 - Soak Bashing and Lethal with full Stamina as well as adding 3 to your Bashing and Lethal Soak for each time this Charm is purchased.


First Craft Excellency

Crack-Mending Technique - 10 motes allows one dramatic action to be used to repair something at (Essence x3) times the normal speed. It also mends cracks and broken pieces without glue or nails. Burnt paper and shattered crystal are valid targets.

Craftsman Needs No Tools - for 7 motes and a WP, remove the need for tools and the penalties for not having tools. This Charm can enhance an action to build something at the same rate as Crack-Mending Technique.

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery



First Socialize Excellency

First Bureaucracy Excellency

Merits and Flaws:

Derangement (Dissociative disorder) -3 - A mix of 300.6 and 300.13. Triggered by stress.

Intolerance (corruption) -3 - roll Compassion against a diff 3 or become hostile towards the target.

Displaced (not of Creation) -1 - Negative 1 to all social rolls due to unfamiliar setting.

Bonus Points:

Total of 7 flaw points +5 BP =12. Spent 6 on Mortal Sheet (War of 1 for 2, Conviction of 3 for 3, [Craft] Engineering of 1 for 1).

6 remaining + 15 BP = 21 for the Exalt sheet. Essence of 3 for 7, Bureaucracy +1 for 1, Craft (Elemental) +2 for 2, Craft (Magitech) +3 for 3, (Craft) Engineering specialty +2 for 1, Martial Arts +2 for 2, Manse +3 for 5.

Five Trials:

Journey - Moved from Kansas to Oklahoma to Kansas to Oregon to Kansas to Texas to Kansas to Oregon to Oklahoma to Oregon to Kansas.

Humbled - Having to admit that just because you can help someone doesn't mean they'll accept your help, even if it kills them.

Who Taught Me - My wife taught me how to interact with society after the way I was taught by my parents and the military.

What Fear Did I Overcome - The fear of dying.

Sacrifice - Watching my family members die early because they wouldn't accept medical help.


2E Canon:

2E Core book, 2E Storyteller's Companion, 2E St's Companion: Mandate of Heaven, Graceful Wicked Masques, MOEP Dragon-Blooded, MOEP Lunars, MOEP Sidereals, MOEP Abyssals, MOEP Infernals, MOEP Alchemicals, Scavenger Lands, North, East, South, West, Scroll of Fallen Races and Debris of Fallen Races, Scroll of Heroes, Scroll of Exalts, Malfeas, Blessed Isle, The Wyld and Splinters of the Wyld, Yu-Shan, The Underworld, Wonders of the Lost Age, White and Black Treatises, Oadenol's Codex, Roll of Glorious Divinities 1 and 2, Lost Arts of the Dead, all three Glories of the Most High books, Scroll of the Monk and The Imperfect Lotus, Scroll of Kings, The 1000 Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier and the Dreams of the First Age set.


Latest 2nd edition map of Creation by Xeriar, 2 different maps of Nexus (I prefer the bigger one), map of Chiaroscuro, map of Rathess, huge map of the Underworld by Xeriar (I can't find it online) and the Era of Dreams map (I can't find it online either).

2E miscellany:

The Armorium, When Autochthon Dreams, The Perfect Lotus part 1 and 2, Scroll of Swallowed Darkness excerpts and the Ink Monkeys Collection on pdf

I also have the complete 1st edition book set.


04/17/2010 - +5 XP
One final edit to my sheet: added in physical description, skill justifications, changed both mortal and exalted skills slightly, and changed socialize charm to 2nd excellency. I didn't list the books I own, but I have them all except for MoEP: Alchemicals.

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