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Fantasy Ready, Set, Sail! CS



Caught in a storm
Age: (Teenager)
Occupation: (If applicable)
Otherworld Biography: The otherworld is basicaly exactly the same except Aquarius isn't running on clean energy and in the struggle to sustain the world's energy demands ends up causing too much global warming which eventually ends up in a flood. We will be having flashes and being sent to our otherworld selve's lives from time to time.
Family and other Relationships:
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Name: Emilia Langston

Age: 18

Occupation: Seaplane Pilot

Gender: F

Birthday: 15 March

Height/Weight: 5'10 / 68kg

Personality: An individualist who follows her own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Cheerful, carefree and confident, but she can go over the top and be rather stubborn and cocky at times.

Biography: Emilia had developed a passion for flying and adventure since young age, partly from the influence of her mother, who is a pilot and taught Emilia how to fly gliders since she was 10. Her father is a doctor in town who had hoped Emilia could continue his legacy and become a doctor herself, but apparently flying is more her thing. When she was in middle school she and her friends formed a flying club with the intention of building powerless aircraft themselves, it took a year but eventually the students managed to build their flying device, it was around this time Emilia fell in love with her boyfriend John, the two continue their relationship until a plane crash accident tragically killed John and severely wounded Emilia with multiple cracked ribs, crushed chest with collapsed left lung, shifting heart to the right side of the chest cavity, and numerous third-degree burns. When she was rushed to the hospital, even her father had given up hope, but Emilia survived. Despite the psychological trauma and physical injuries, Emilia decided to carry on her dream of flying, against all her family’s opposition. After saving up moneys from various odd jobs and salvaged parts from aircraft graveyards, then 17 year old Emilia build her own amphibious biplane, which she named “Phoenix”.

Otherworld Biography: She is the daughter and only child of the CEO of the “Langston Corporation”, a multi-national oil-producing, transporting, refining, and marketing company with a net worth measuring in hundreds of billions among the companies with the largest revenues in the world. Aside from energy business, the Langston also invested in various fields such as high-tech research and development, aerospace industries, even lingeries. Hailing from such upper-class background, Emilia in the otherworld comes off as spoiled and naive because she essentially got everything handed to her whatever she wants. She had been educated with economics theory and all aspects of business accounting and financial studies, but will little actual experience in life. After she graduate highschool she would be scheduled to join the company, starting off as a senior executive of the Langston Corporation.

Likes/Dislikes: planes, cats, engineering / dislikes humid weather as it would worsen her arthralgia, a long term consequences of the plane crash she experienced.

Family and other Relationships: parents both alive, no siblings

Skills: flying planes, basic engineering

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Age: 17
Occupation: Gondola Ferrywoman
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 1st
Height/Weight: 5'7, 108 lbs
Otherworld Biography: The otherworld is basicaly exactly the same except Aquarius isn't running on clean energy and in the struggle to sustain the world's energy demands ends up causing too much global warming which eventually ends up in a flood. We will be having flashes and being sent to our otherworld selve's lives from time to time.
Family and other Relationships:
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Ok, let's begin!

Alex Parker

Tall and sturdy, with slightly tan skin. He has short, straight black hair, and blue eyes. He's a bit more on the heavier side, which he tends to attribute to his big appetite. He tends to wear clothes that he finds comfortable, generally jeans, along with a T-shirt, and sometimes a jacket as well. His main favorite colors to wear are red, followed by blue, white and black.

Name: Alex Parker

Age: 18

Occupation: Store Manager

Gender: Male

Birthday: June 21st

Height/Weight: 6'0 / 178 lbs.

Personality: Confident and open, Alex is a person who is a natural leader, and doesn't shy out from being the center of attention. As the extrovert he is, he's open and friendly, and loves talking to people. Few things put a smile on his face like having a good laugh with friends, or making a new friend. He's well-known to be a trustworthy and loyal friend, but sometimes his self-confidence can come back to bite him, as it leads him to sometimes take decisions too quickly without measuring the consequences of his actions. He generally has his heart in the right place though, and just wants to help people.

Alex is spontaneous and energetic. He rarely makes detailed plans, instead preferring to act in the moment. He's great an improvising and making fast decisions on the spot, but can sometimes get into trouble for his failure to consider things in a more long-term perspective. He's a clear example of someone who'd rather not worry too much about what's ahead, and instead focus on the present. He's known to have quite an appetite.

Biography: Alex was born to a middle class couple. His father is the founder of the most successful grocery store in town, which has been operating for almost twenty years by now. From a young age both of Alex's parents have been highly supportive, encouraging him to do his best and telling him that he can achieve anything he wants if he works hard for it. During school Alex was a very good student, and was also very popular among the students, due to his great social skills. He made friends with a lot of the other people his age as a result. During highschool, Alex became one of the star players of the school's basketball team. Around this time, Alex started helping at his parents' grocery store at times. His father taught him most of the skills and knowledge required to be able to look after the grocery store, so after highschool, Alex works as a part-time manager of the grocery store. His father trusts him fully with the store after seeing how great of a job Alex does at administration. However, Alex doesn't spend the whole day at the store. He tends to look after the store during the morning, with his father taking over after noon, though sometimes they'll mix up their schedule a bit if it's necessary. Alex is still friends with most of the people he met in school, as well with many of the grocery store's customers.

Otherworld Biography: Alex is the only child from a couple who owns a large chain of supermarkets, one of the largest in the world actually, that goes by the name of PaulMart, named after Alex's father. Besides being the owner of the largest chain of supermarkets in the world, Alex's father also participates in many deals with other major corporations, who have not only signed contracts to sell their products in PaulMart, but also in setting up large factories to help the mass production of processed goods. In the otherworld, Alex was pressured from a young age by his parents to be the best at everything he achieves, telling him that in order to honor his family's name, he has to be an overachiever. He achieved perfect grades in school, and even skipped a few grades due to his academic prowess, but not even that was enough to make his parents proud of him. Alex became an overly competitive person who feels like he needs to be the best at anything he does in order to be successful, and doesn't accept anything less, being highly demanding of himself to achieve results, and as a result, has been basically shaped into a cold, competitive and strict person who will do just about anything to succeed, even if it means others will go down because of it. he's studying economics and business management, so one day he can inherit his father's corporation.

-Food (specially pasta, burgers, pizza, tacos, potatoes, beef and pork, as well as spicy food in general)
-Making new friends
-Running (as well as sports that involve running as a key element)
-Sunny days

-Rainy Days
-Being alone and/or bored

Family and other Relationships:
-Father: Paul Parker, Age 42
-Mother: Susan Parker, Age 41

Alex has good relations with most of the people that are regular customers of his father's grocery store, as well as with most people he studied with during highschool.

-Social Skills
-Athletic Prowess

- - -
Gregory Wright


A thin and slender body shape, without much muscle to show. He has pale skin, with dark brown hair and eyes, and oval-shaped glasses. He tends to wear clothes of duller colors as to not draw much attention. He likes green, but also wears a lot of brown, gray and black.

Name: Gregory Wright

Age: 17

Occupation: Mechanic/Inventor

Gender: Male

Birthday: November 7th

Height/Weight: 5'9 / 136 lbs.

Introverted and somewhat shy, Gregory isn't someone who will naturally go out of his way to talk to people. He's more reserved, and would rather stay alone in the workshop, repairing vehicles, or better yet, making his inventions. Gregory is highly intelligent and creative, but usually doesn't share his ideas with others that often. Despite his introverted and isolated nature, he's actually very kind and caring, and will do his best to help out if someone needs it.

He's very passionate about inventing new machines that'll help improve the quality of life of the people around him, but since his inventions don't always work, he's sometimes afraid to show his work to others. He can get really immersed in his work however, and sometimes he'll forget to eat or sleep if he's really immersed in making an invention.

Gregory has been somewhat shy since he was very young. He was much more focused on getting good grades than making friends with other kids. As a result, he was the typical nerd at school, and was frequently bullied by his classmates because of that. He's had to use glasses since he was 8 years old due to developing myopia. However, despite the teasing and bullying, Gregory kept himself more focused on other aspects of his life. He was always interested in inventing new things. His father is a mechanic, and owns a workshop where he spends the day repairing cars. Gregory's father taught him to work with cars, hoping that one day Gregory will continue his legacy, and while Gregory likes working with cars, he's far more interested in inventing new things. He frequented the library a lot as a kid, and researched a lot about engineering and robotics, learning as much as he could about the topics.

When he was age 12, he created his first invention, which was very simple in concept, but had several flaws. His classmates would usually tease him for his inventions, but he didn't really pay much attention to them. He just wanted to become a successful inventor. During his teenage years he created several new inventions, some of them worked, and some of them didn't. The invention he's most proud of is a cute, 3 foot tall robot by the name of Botley, that he created when he was 16. His best invention yet, Botley is an assistant robot that helps him out in the workshop, and is also his closest friend, the only company he has during most of the day.

Otherworld Biography:
Gregory was born to a poor family. His parents are factory workers at a huge car manufacturing company by the name of Kuruma, the largest car manufacturing company in the world. It's a heavy job, mostly since the factory's manager is very strict and demanding, and overworks most of the employees there. Gregory is still largely interested in engineering and inventing, but since his parents spend most of their day away at work, Gregory was usually left alone with a babysitter, who despite her innocent looks, really wasn't a very good babysitter, and tended to bully him. It reached a point where Gregory simply felt so alone and upset, that he decided that if the world wasn't going to love him, he'd show it to fear him instead. That's right, Gregory went a bit insane, and was preparing machines with the idea of one day exacting revenge on everyone that mistreated him in the past.

-Chocolate (He's pretty much a chocoholic).
-Robotics and engineering.
-Botley (his closest friend)
-Rainy Days
-Chicken (mostly grilled or fried, but he'll eat it in just about any other way as well)

-Large Crowds
-Peanuts (He's allergic to them)
-Hot days

Family and other Relationships:
-Father: Joseph Wright, Age 40
-Mother: Lucy Wright, Age 40

Gregory doesn't have many friends aside from Botley, though he did have a few friends during highschool, and he does interact with the customers at his father's workshop.

-Robotic engineering
-Math and Programming
-Computer Skills

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Sophie White


Sophie has a thin and slender body shape. She has long, straight black hair, usually kept in a ponytail. She has icy blue eyes, and wears glasses. She tends to wear colder colors like blue, light blue, purple, white and black.

Name: Sophie White

Age: 18

Occupation: Librarian

Gender: Female

Birthday: December 9th

Height/Weight: 5'6 / 116 lbs.

Quiet and soft-spoken, Sophie isn't very talkative, but is far from cold. She's actually very kind and caring, and is very selfless, willing to put others' needs before her own. She loves to read, and dreams of becoming an author one day.

She can sometimes be too nice, which frequently leads to not being able to set limits, and as a result some people may take advantage of her kindness. Not very assertive, but her kind and docile nature has earned her a few friends.

Sophie's mother is the owner of the largest library in town. It's a very old library as well, and has been passed down for generations. Sophie learned to read at the age of four, and since then she has always enjoyed reading books, taking her on adventures she could never dream of going on in real life. While she's a bit fearful at times, she really loves the idea of adventure, and exploring new places, and living new experiences. She loves how books can be so immersive. During school she wasn't very popular, as she was the typical bookworm who spent all day in the library. As a teen she started to write stories, and decided she wants to write a novel. She spends a lot of her time thinking about her novel and coming up with ideas, so much that on occasions she can sometimes get lost in her thoughts.

Otherworld Biography:
In the otherworld, Sophie's mother is a renowned scientist who specializes in chemistry, and was hired by a company that sells cosmetics so she could help develop new formulas for cosmetics. Sophie became really interested in her mom's job, and decided to read about chemistry. During school she was still considered as much of a bookworm as she was in this world, but during her research, she learned about the dangers of global warming, and how it was affecting the world at large. Horrible forecasts of natural disasters that could arise as consequences of the global warming, and how humanity as a whole was failing to take care of the environment. Realizing how terrible the situation was, she decided to do everything she could to get people to become aware of the dangers of global warming, and try to protect the planet as much as posible. She tried to get people to join her to do things like plant trees, and clean the trash that was being tossed into the environment. She began writing articles about how much damage is being done to the environment, and how the planet would become uninhabitable if action wasn't taken to try and stop global warming. As much as she tried, her efforts did little to no good to help improve the situation, and well, disaster ended up striking after all.

-Vegetables (specially cucumbers, carrots and lettuce)
-Dairy products, specially milk and yogurt.

-Spicy foods
-Loud noises
-Hot days
-Spiders and insects.

Family and other Relationships:
-Mother: Samantha White, Age 45
-Older Brother: Terrence White, Age 22 (currently living far away)

Sophie hasn't made many friends, but she has good relations with the people who come to the library often.

-Spanish & French (she studied both languages during her teenage years, and while she isn't very fluent in them, she can speak, read and understand them well).
-First Aids (Before deciding she wants to be an author, her dream job was to be a nurse. She read a lot about how to take care of someone who is injured or ill, and while she hasn't studied to become a licensed nurse or doctor, she knows a lot about taking care of others, and in an emergency she can provide first aids until a doctor can arrive.)

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Samantha Miller


Average build and body shape, though somewhat short. She has an ivory tone of skin, and wavy golden brown hair. She has green eyes, and a few freckles on her cheeks. She loves to wear T-shirts and skirts for the most part. Her preferred colors are pink, yellow, white and green.

Name: Samantha Miller

Age: 16

Occupation: Baker & Waitress

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 12th

Height/Weight: 5'2 / 122 lbs.

Cheerful and upbeat, energetic and optimistic, Samantha is a natural extrovert who loves to enjoy spending time with friends, and make new friends with jsut about anyone she meets. One of her mottos is "A stranger is a friend I haven't met". She's carefree and optimistic, and usually knows how to look at the bright side of just about any situation, no matter how gloomy it may seem. She likes to cheer people up and help them feel better if they seem sad or worried. She's very supportive and loyal, but can sometimes be a bit gossipy at times. But when she promises to keep a secret, she'll take the secret to the grave. She never dares to break what she calls her "Sammy Promises". She treats promises very seriously, and can actually become very upset if a friend of hers breaks a promise. She can be a bit airheaded at times.

Samantha was born to a couple who owns the most popular bakery & coffee shop in town, "Sweets & Treats", a family business that has been passed down for generations. Since a young age Samantha helped her parents at the store, learning how to bake and how to prepare the hot beverages that are served at the shop. In school she wasn't really the best student, since she didn't pay much attention in class, rather preferring to talk to her friends. She struggled specially in math and science classes. However, she really enjoys helping her parents in the shop, and has made lots of friends there.

Otherworld Biography:
Samantha's father is a professional chef who has his acclaimed restaurant, "Cuillère D'or". It's an expensive, five star restaurant that is visited mostly by rich, high class individuals. One of the best and most famous restaurants, actually, very popular among the rich. Samantha greatly admired her father's talent in the kitchen, and always wanted to be like him. But while Samantha's cooking was pretty good, it was nowhere near her father's standards, and he would generally get angry and shout at her for her less than stellar cooking. She grew insecure about her cooking, feeling she could never impress her father.

-Sweets (she has quite a sweet tooth. She specially loves chocolate)
-Cooking (specially desserts)
-Spending time with friends

-Vegetables (specially spinach, green peppers and turnips).
-Seeing her friends sad
-Snakes and bats (she's afraid of them)

Family and other Relationships:
-Father: Robert Miller, Age 43
-Mother: Martha Miller, Age 42

Samantha has a lot of friends from highschool, as well as friends she's made with some of the regular customers of Sweets & Treats.

-Cooking (specially desserts)
-Singing (She has a great singing voice)
-Climbing trees (As a little girl she loved to climb trees, and she's still very good at it)
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