Advice/Help re opening my request for help


I'm back I'm back I'm back
Roleplay Type(s)
So, an update. I actually have a pretty bad rotary cuff injury which makes movement with my arms pretty limited. I tried to deny/ignore/excuse my pain but I can't ignore it anymore.

This may impact my ability to run roleplays if I'm in pain a lot. I know I'm a dum dum new person and why would you help this person out but if anyone is a well seasoned mod who may be interested in aiding me with at least once of my role plays that would be appreciated.

I have just started a horror plot idea which I really really really really want to see come to life.
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My brain is terrible at recognizing acronyms, what does KAOS stand for?
Some i
My brain is terrible at recognizing acronyms, what does KAOS stand for?
It's just another way of saying Chaos to my knowledge. It's a netflix series about the gods of Olympus. :) Super cool
PS: But it may have another meaning who knows the title comes into play a lot and it's sort of confusing how it comes about. You'll understand if you take a peek at the series which isn't really that long sad to say
Hello there is reopen. If anyone wants to collaborate mod or feel they can help me out in some way. Please let me know.
I find that with injuries your best bet is the take a break rather than try to continue on. It sucks in the moment but your physical health is more important.

If the idea is good and the group of people are decent then they will wait.

If you are just starting out with the idea then spend the time resting fleshing it out.

It won’t tax your body and you can keep the excitement alive for yourself without risk of injuring yourself or prolonging your recovery.

(( I have reoccurring shoulder issues due to work and I learned pretty quick that trying to power through just put me in physical agony and made the time I had to take off from this site longer than if I just listened to my body and idk watched TV for a few weeks and let myself heal. ))

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