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Multiple Settings Ray's Search - new and improved | Original Plots | Come Write With Me, Stranger


the Yee to your Haw
Hi! I’m Ray. I’m looking for new partners, so if you’re into character-driven plots, action, drama, huge detailed posts, and chill OOC chatter, come take a look.

Dark magic feeds on life itself. The world mourns for the minds it corrupted, the years of precious youth it stole from the gifted scholars who peeked at the other side, the hearts it stopped abruptly, in the middle of the night, in painful coughing fits that the healer would later call “consumption”. Dark magic unleashes plagues and disasters, when the undead rise, the cattle falls dead, swarms of flies destroy all the crops, and hungry wolves flood the woods. It birthed many miseries, and many are yet to come, but the worst of them all is the horrible beasts. They take warped, cryptic forms, and only feed on human flesh, rumored to consume not only the bodies but the souls themselves. Some of them breathe fire or ice, some spit deadly venom, have sharp claws and teeth, or fly high in the sky, way out of reach for the soldiers’ arrows. Many years of never-ending battle with these monsters forced entire kingdoms into obliteration, and so war has started to rid the world of all dark magic, a glorious war against the Order of Necromancy.

Only there is no glory when lives are at risk. The Captain led his soldiers into battles before, and not all of them returned home. He saw a young boy, fresh out of training, being burned down in a green fire that one of the beasts has brought down from the skies. And whenever they would come home, they’d be praised as heroes, but the only things their bodies longed for were a hot meal and a warm bed. There was no glory, and there was no meaning because no matter how many dark mages their shield brothers had slaughtered or imprisoned, there weren’t any fewer beasts in the kingdom. And so the Captain couldn’t close his eyes for a moment of peaceful sleep, struck by the thought that maybe when people battle among themselves, there is no enemy.

Because he was alive when he shouldn’t have been. Two days ago he was facing a beast with venomous teeth. It bit through his shoulder, and he still felt it hurting, so he knew it was real, and not a product of the fever he was battling the next day and a half. He should have died. He remembered the battlefield soaked with the blood of his comrades, flashes of black and the smell of something rotten, a face over him whispering unfamiliar words of a language long dead, a pair of hands dragging him to safety, and the silhouette of a man he didn’t know, who wore the emblem of the Order of Necromancy. The next thing he knew he was lying on the grass, not dead, and the beast has perished. No one from his squad was alive to tell what exactly happened. It didn’t bother the crown, they would assign him to someone else and reward him for killing the horrible creature. Only he didn’t kill it. Someone else did.

When the news of a group of necromancers being arrested and brought to justice reached the city, the crowd was cheering and would throw a feast if the harvest wasn’t so scarce this season. Six dark mages were killed on the spot, accused of various rebellious acts against the crown. Their leader was chained, his books burned, and his ritual blade taken away. He was brought to a prison cell to be publicly tried, judged, and beheaded at the dawn of the next day.

That night the Captain paid a visit to the prison.

He recognized the dark mage’s face instantly. It couldn’t have been anyone else but the man who saved him from the venomous beast’s attack. He felt like he owed him something now. A life for a life.

Recap: In a world that is heavily relying on magic, YC is the captain of a squad of royal soldiers, fighting off dangerous beasts, arresting and executing dark mages. MC is the necromancer that saves YC’s life but is later imprisoned for his “crimes” against the crown. YC (eventually) sets him free and decides that it’s time to stop this endless war and get to the bottom of it all.

We can start from their first meeting on the battlefield, or from the second one in prison.

YC can be just a warrior or have magic talents of his own. I have a load of headcanons regarding the way magic works in this world, so feel free to ask.

What to expect: Definitely a lot of action, because MC’s a bit of a healer, and with a healer on the team there’s nothing stopping us from making our characters fight and hurt, and angst is fun.

Probably a light dose of humor, though the general spirit of the story is quite serious.

Side characters with side plots.

Funky monsters for your slaying.

Dark magic secrets that will make your skin crawl.

Necromancers can actually be quite nice, don’t judge them too harshly.

This planet has two suns. They burn human skin, turning it red and hurting, and humans cover themselves in clothing, cover their heads with hats to avoid heatstroke, and work in the damp suffocating shadows of the underground mines.

This planet has predators. Some of them humans tame through patience and hardship, through falling from their saddles and rising again until the creature has no will left to push them down. Others they fight off with rifles and mechanical pocket-pistols.

This planet has sicknesses. It creeps up to families in many forms, it strikes small children, their mothers, and fathers, it scratches their lungs and twists their guts, but they look after each other and recover. Humans are small, but their will to live is much greater.

And so the colony craves peace, feasts on effort, rests on the bones of its fallen brothers and sisters. And as long as people keep coming – to find new hope, to run from past mistakes and tragedies, to earn a place in this world – it will continue to strive. This planet has harshly cold nights, rains, and sandstorms, the earth is hard to bite through and the plants take so long to grow, and yet there’s still a place for many happy childhoods, adventurous romantic endeavors, good honest humor, music, art and all things human. All things wonderful.

Recap: The pioneer colony of a faraway planet is struggling to survive and build a city upon a deadly desert. Basically space western, except less space and more western.

What to expect: Lots of characters, that’s for sure. I want each of us to write at least one entire family of people of different ages, genders, occupations, and personalities, and have the two families be neighbors. But we won’t limit the RP to that. I want the colony to feel alive and functioning, I want to switch the focus episodically, to have different people run into different problems, to juggle them like multi-dimensional and compelling pawns on an aesthetic chessboard.

A well has dried and they need to find a new source of water.

A child is sick and they’re looking for a cure before it becomes contagious… and deadly.

A mine collapses while several workers are trapped inside.

Two women are trying to run a bakery… with limited supplies and a lot of enthusiasm.

Someone has an accident in the mountains.

A lake found by a group of explorers proves to be way more dangerous than it looks.

Stuff happens, people deal with it, and bonding ensues. That’s it, that’s the drill.
- currently not interested in this one.

He makes his money playing lute at the taverns he passes by. The payment is scarce, barely enough to buy him food and water, and the people don’t always take kindly to strangers. He could abandon it all and live like a noble. He could have as much gold as he wants, and all the sweet delicious food he can imagine, and a bed much softer and warmer than was a stack of hay in the vendor’s cart when he convinced the man to give him a ride. He’s going on sixteen. Some kids join the army at this age. He tried, but they wouldn’t let him. He could step in his role as an heir to his father, return home, embrace the family values, but he dreads the thought.

He sees hard-working villagers, children in old clothes passed down from their older siblings, he sees proud old mothers and brave young soldiers, he sees dragon hunters and healers, and his heart flutters with excitement and envy. He is gifted in rare magical arts – something his parents were teaching him harshly from a very young age, something he hates immensely, something he would willingly trade for his lute and a deep breath of freedom. It smells like fresh morning air, drunk pub audience, and the hay he is still getting out of his hair. He ran away from home and will never return alive.

But the thing is, he runs into trouble. It’s not just his filthy rich mother ready to hire over a dozen mercenaries just to brink home her token of perfect parenting, because otherwise the image is spoiled in the eyes of the peasants. If a drunkard’s fists are itching, it’s him who gets in harm’s way. If a sly hungry changeling is luring people into the woods, it’s him who’ll wander too far away. He’s going on sixteen. He doesn’t know all the rules of watching out for himself, and there is no one to teach him.

There are people who can’t stand violence. There are adults who like kids a bit too much, even if they never had their own. Among the strangers that turn hostile at every move and whisper, there are ones who are kind at heart, even when they look scary, talk in a low orcish grunt, or carry a battle axe half the boy’s size. And it’s not pity they take in the young one’s fate, but interest, genuine desire to reach out. And maybe one day the boy will thank the gods for his trouble because the best of strangers are met in the worst circumstances.

Recap: A fifteen-year-old boy from a noble family runs away from home and is looking for adventures. He’s actively sought by his image-obsessed mother and dutiful father, whose only concern is to make him into the next respectful mage of their dynasty, and they’ll go to any lengths to assure that, including violence. He just wants to be a musician and see the world in all its beauty.

When trouble finds him, the unexpected help comes from a stranger – a middle-aged orc with a load of battle experience on his shoulders, a mercenary contract someplace in the area, and a huge soft spot for children.

Bad stuff happens, good stuff comes out of it, and they bond closely as a result, with the orc being the kid’s newly-found father figure.

Note: I don’t mind playing either one, but would prefer the orc.

What to expect: All sorts of action.

Getting chased by bounty hunters because the kid’s family pays in gold for his head.

Traveling to different lands and encountering different creatures, like mountain trolls, swamp goblins, desert ghouls, river mermaids… Some friendly, some not.

Teenage drama! Learning some responsibility by constantly attracting danger. Trusting strangers when he shouldn’t. Having his orc dad worried to death.

Also father figure drama. Being concerned for the funny little brat. Teaching him things. Learning how to Soft™.
- CRAVING this one!

The year is 25XX. Living on Earth is hard, boring and generally regarded to be a terrible idea, but people make do. At least some cities are still standing, so the scrap metal hunters have a place to sell their garbage. It's not an easy job, by any means, but - oh boy! - a captivating one. Not many people are brave enough to cross the deserts in search of robot graveyards and abandoned factories on foot. Most of them prefer trains - the only means of transport there are left from the great era of technology.

He's not afraid. He walks proudly among the wild mutated predators – their claws can’t hurt him. He runs on the sand all night long – it doesn’t tire him. He rests under the hot dangerous sun – it doesn’t burn his skin. He looks human, but is generally believed to be more than that – a freak of nature, or maybe an alien, or a holographic projection – nobody can tell for sure, and he keeps it to himself. He collects valuable metal, fixes toys and gadgets, and has but one dream – to leave this planet for good.

She couldn’t care less about what happens in the desert – she’s a city bird, megapolis born and raised, a cunning thief who targets rich greedy slugs that weren’t quick enough to fly off to a distant space colony and make someone else’s life harder. She’s all by herself, seemingly small and fragile against the cruel world, but weak? She’s not weak. She proves that every day, stealing diamonds, triumphantly appearing on the dark markets, throwing money around the poor towns like a saving grace of the century. It’s for a higher goal though. For the all-so-wonderful moment when she finally leaves this stupid piece of rock and heads for the stars.

So what happens when these two board the same empty god-forsaken train that breaks down halfway through the desert? With no other passengers around – the need for a human driver was exterminated centuries ago with the invention of mechanical ones, who were much more precise and durable – they’ll have no choice but to cooperate if they want to get out of this trouble alive. And when you share the same dream, when you leave for the same goal – it does something, you know? Makes you realize how stuck in your routine you really are. Besides, two heads are better than one when you need to steal something as big as a whole spacecraft – and fly it, no less!

Note: I’ll play the male character. The female one is on you. You can change the gender if you prefer.

Recap: The Earth is a wasteland. Most of its territory is nothing but endless deserts, with only trains crossing through, moving from town to town. MC is a kind-hearted mechanic who makes a leaving searching for abandoning gadgets and giving them a second chance at life. YC is a thief who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, herself included. For different reasons, they end up on the same train, which breaks down in the middle of a hot dangerous desert.

What to expect: A brotherly-sisterly relationship full of light-hearted bickering, friendly banter, and sweet soft moments of caring for each other at the end of the day. I wouldn’t want to have any romance here.

A lot of action, definitely – the fun and quick-paced kind. We can have our fair share of drama, but I want to keep this RP positive and wholesome. It doesn’t mean, of course, that bad stuff won’t happen. It most definitely will. It always does. It’s my favorite part of RP-ing.

If any of the three picked your interest, feel free to send me a PM. I don’t usually reply to the thread.

It would be nice if you included a writing sample and/or some information about yourself, both as a roleplayer and as a person. And maybe your questions or ideas, if you have any. That would also be very sweet of you.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a great day!
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