Story RayRay wants me Dead...

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Like the Phoenix I shall raise from the ashes
This is just the start of the story, I'm looking to see if anyone would be interested in this... If there is a sign of interest I'll continue working on it but if now I'll probably just scrap it.

This is the story of Tyler,
He's lost his best friend RayRay to an alleged suicide and his boyfriend to horrific car accident.
Only thing is, Tyler is visited by RayRay and she blames him for her death...


Meghan was startled awake by a muffled scream from down the hall. She sat up quickly and listened for a long moment and heard the familiar sound of the closet door slamming shut. It’d been three years of the same thing… Every night her seventeen year old son would awake screaming from his night terrors and then safely lock himself in his closet to hide away from whatever monster had attacked him in his dreams. Meghan sighed softly and slowly got out of her bed and went into the hall and headed for the bathroom, she didn’t want to give Tyler the sedatives the doctor had prescribed, because it always seem to take days to wear off and for Tyler to be his old self, but it’d been over a week since either of them had slept through the night. She opened the medicine cabinet and picked up the little glass bottle of clear liquid, she sighed again a silent plea for things to just go back to the way they had been only four years ago, when she used to wake to Tyler laughing too hard late at night on the phone with his friends. How long ago was it that he’d even mentioned a friend? Meghan very carefully used a hypodermic needle and measured out the right dosage, before she put the bottle back into the cabinet and shut it gently.
She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and she was surprised by what she saw. It was taking a toll not only on Tyler’s health but her own… She’d never been so pale and sickly looking before. She stifled a sob. Everyone had told her it wasn’t her fault that Tyler had gotten sick, this was just PTSD from losing his two best friends so suddenly and violently. One to suicide the other to a horrific car accident. And she knew that. But… Shouldn’t she be able to fix it? Why couldn’t she just kiss it away like she used to do when he was smaller?
Meghan took slow and deep breaths to try to steady her breathing, trying to once again gain control. She turned away from the mirror and shut the lights off before she walked down to Tyler’s bedroom. She slowly pushed the door open. “Ty?” She called gently to try and not startle him. She could hear him sobbing quietly in the closet. She tried his light switch but the light wouldn’t come on. “Ty, it’s mom. You’re at home. You’re safe. It’s okay. I promise it’s okay.” She said in her most soothing tones and voice. “You can come out now.” She’d started toward his bedside table to turn on the lamp. Once the light was on Meghan froze and stared in horror for what felt like an eternity. Tyler’s bedsheets were covered in blood, there was a blood trail all the way to the closet. “Tyler!” She ran to the closet door and tried to pull it open. “Tyler open this door! Baby please!” She rattled the handle a few times but the door didn’t budge. She ran out of the room and down the hall to her room and grabbed up the phone dialing nine-one-one.

It took the fire department all of ten minutes to get through the solid oak closet door. Tyler’s limp and almost lifeless body was lifted up and moved quickly to the ambulance out front. Meghan was hysterical! She didn’t know what to do or what had happened! “He wouldn’t! He just wouldn’t do that!” She kept insisting when the police officer who was trying to ask her about what happened, called this a suicide attempt.
“Holy, shi-!” One of the EMTs exclaimed when he got a look at the boy’s arms, they had been ripped open from wrists to elbows. “Looks like he got attacked by an animal…” There was also what looked like a bad bite mark on his neck.
If the firefighters had looked carefully at the closet door before they hacked it apart, they would have seen the claw like marks around the door handle.

Tyler sat quietly in the back of the little mini cooper that belonged to his mom’s friend. They were following the moving van to the new house. Both of his arms were encased in casts. The left one went all the way from his elbow to the middle of his palm, the right one was much smaller and just wrapped around his forearm. There was a bandage still on his neck but it wasn’t needed. He wore it mostly so he wouldn’t have to see the scar that was there now. His left arm had been so badly damaged they’d had to do a skin graph. It was still a mystery of what had actually happened. The wounds looked like an animal attack, but there was no way an animal could have gotten into his room. There was nothing in his room, let alone his house, that he could have used to do this to himself. And… No! Tyler thought to himself angrily. He would never voice what he remember happening. Not again. They’d wanted to have him committed. He knew his mom would refuse, but he also knew that if he kept talking about it then he might convince his mother that he would be safer locked away and kept so drugged out of his mind that he couldn’t speak least of all ‘hurt himself’ as the doctors put it.
He shook his head softly at that thought. Why would he do this to himself? That’s really insane. He’d seen what suicide did. It may have released Ray-Ray from her pain, but that’s because it now fell on everyone who had loved her. Her mother, her kid brother, Aaron had been so heartbroken and Tyler was completely destroyed. They had been friends practically since birth! There was no way he could do that to his mom. Even if he wanted to die, which he didn’t! There was no way he could hurt his mother that way.
And then not even two months later Aaron’s car had a blowout which sent his car spinning over the side of a bridge. They’d never found the car or the body…

“We’re almost there, did you need to make a pit stop or anything before we get there? I have no idea where the toilet paper got off too…” Tyler’s mom’s voice brought him back out of his thoughts.
“No.” He said sounding almost dazed as he blinked and slowly looked up toward the front seat to see his mom’s sad face. “I’m alright.” He knew how he sounded. His mind could race in circles on this new medication but his physical speech and movements were so limited and his response time had drastically dropped. It seemed to be the doctor's’ best idea, keep the boy so doped up that he just physically can’t do anything and that will keep him from hurting or killing himself.
Meghan smiled sadly at her son, she hated seeing him this…. Stoned! It was the only way to describe it. This move had to do the trick. Get him away from his demons, and… She couldn’t face that house anymore. Something evil in that house had nearly stolen her one reason to live and she wouldn’t give it a second chance. “You hungry? What should we do for dinner?”
“Oh, girl! There’s this little like Chinese or Thai place, I forget which, that y’all have to try!” Gi said excitedly.
Gi and Meghan had worked together at the magazine on and off for years. Meghan was a photographer and Gi a fashionista. So when Meghan mentioned she wanted to move, as far away as she could Gi invited them to come stay with her while they got everything arranged and found their own place, that was almost a month ago. Now they were about to move into their new house.
Tyler had only known one town before this. Yeah, two houses, his mom’s and his dad’s, but only one hometown. He was coming from a town where he pretty much knew everyone and now he was about to be among strangers. Not just among them, surrounded by them!
“I think,” Tyler said softly, it felt like he was moving in slow motion. “I’m getting car sick…” He wrapped his left arm around his stomach the best he could with the cast in the way and placed his right hand over his mouth.
“Not in the car!” Gi cried out as she switched on her flashers and pulled over on the side of the highway. Meghan jumped out of the car and moved the seat out of the way and gently helped Ty pull himself from the backseat.
Tyler dropped to his knees on the side of the highway and puked his guts out. This wasn’t anything new. Ever since that night, with all the new medications he was on, he was randomly getting sick. Sometimes he couldn’t keep anything down. He’d lost a lot of weight… He was barely a buck twenty-five now. He had even noticed he was losing his muscle tone, he was never buff or anything like that but, he had been a basketball player and had been active until….

Tyler coughed and spat the last of the stomach acid out of his mouth. He took a couple of deep breaths then in one quick movement he leaned backwards and straightened his legs to stand back up. He saw his mom’s worried look and shook his head lightly. “I'm good. It's okay.” He said with a weak smile.
Meghan just reached out and pulled Tyler to her and hugged him tightly. “We’ll get this all sorted out. We’ll get this fixed.”. She said gently running her fingers through his hair, placing a little kiss on top of his head. This was breaking her heart. She felt so useless. There was nothing she could do to make this better. All she could think of was moving and going to a new doctor, maybe this one would actually listen to her and Tyler’s concerns and not get fixated on the thought that Tyler was suicidal, because he wasn’t. He wasn’t… That had become her silent prayer that she would chant in her head over and over again until it was her only thought. He wasn’t, he wasn’t, he wasn’t…
Tyler just stood there letting his mother hug him tightly and run her fingers through his shaggy hair. He felt nothing at that moment and it frightened him. He didn’t feel her warmth, he didn’t feel her love or concern, he just felt… Nothing. Almost like an emptiness or like he was in an offline kind of mode. He knew what was happening, he just couldn’t interact with any of it. “I’m okay, Mom. I’m okay.” He wondered if it sounded as hollow to his mother as it did to him. Slowly Tyler placed his chin on her shoulder and wrapped his right arm gently, as best as he could, around her waist. A return hug of sorts.
Meghan nodded softly and slowly, not really wanting to, she let him go and smiled the best she could. “Then let’s go see our new house.” She said in as cheery a voice as she could muster up.
With a short half nod Tyler took half a step away from her and then slid back into the backseat of the little mini cooper. He stared down at his left hand, half encased in a plaster cast. He wasn’t really thinking of anything now, he was just trying to avoid Gi’s worried gaze. He wasn’t as confident in this move as the two of them seemed to be. How does moving cure a curse? That’s what he was finally settling on. He was either cursed or he was a jinx. His mom would never admit it but he knew… She’d had this great career opportunity but she turned it down and ended up getting a divorce because Tyler and his dad were always at each other’s throats. Tyler had only been ten but he could remember the first time his mom heard the two of them go at each other. He couldn’t remember what started it… He just remembered his door bursting open and his dad yelling at him, again. Tyler could handle the yelling without arguing. But when his dad would grab his arm and start threatening to beat him, that was what would set Tyler off. He’d start yelling at his dad to get his damn hands off of him, and how he knew what his dad was doing with that little law student intern. His dad only ever hit him twice but as his mom had said in court, that was twice too many.
The only reason they had even gotten together was because of Tyler too. They hadn’t even been that serious of a couple until Meghan had become pregnant. Ever since his creation he’d been a curse…

STOP IT! Tyler scolded himself in his own head. Those were the kinds of thoughts that Ray-Ray had had before she… Tyler leaned forward and pressed his forehead against the back of his mom’s seat.
“You okay?” Gi’s voice came gently. “Cause I’m not kiddin’, no way you barfin’ in my car!” Gi was Tyler’s favorite of all his mom’s work friends. She didn’t try to coddle him or make everything just perfect. She was how she always was.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Tyler said, a real smile briefly played across his lips before he leaned back and finally met Gi’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “I just can’t… Process this all. The move, the drugs, the countryside?” Tyler asked sitting up a little in his seat and staring out the window. “We’re moving to the country?” He sounded a little mortified by this idea.
“Sorta. We are in a farm town, but we’ll be in the posh side that’s more like the old neighborhood.” Meghan said turning in her seat to try to read Tyler’s expression.
“Please say you’re homeschooling me…” He said softly giving his mother a serious look.
“It won’t be that bad… Small classes.” She said but her voice wavered.
“Oh God…!” Tyler let his head fall against the window. “Not only will I be the new kid, I’ll also be the freak going to a shrink and has mysterious casts on both arms.” He groaned then leaned back and laid across the backseat.
“Thought you didn’t care what anyone thought of you.” Gi said then reached back with one hand to tap his side. “Sit up! And put your damn seat belt on! I’m not gonna get a ticket for this!”
“Gi’s right, sit up and buckle up.” Meghan said then turned a little more in her seat to face Tyler. “It won’t be as bad as all that. I mean, yes kind of a small town but I’m sure there will be more interesting things about you for them to talk about. Besides, tomorrow morning we’re going out to the studio and Jonathan is going to give you a full makeover, whatever you want to do. And grandpa said he had a surprise in the mail for you.”
“Grandpa doesn’t remember who I am.” Tyler said sitting up slowly and looking out the window again. Grandpa had been Tyler’s favorite person since forever, but Alzheimer's had stolen him away from them.
“He called you the boy last week.” Meghan smiled lightly, she saw Tyler’s features soften at that and it did her heart some good. At least she had some good news for her boy. “He’d asked the nurse to send it to us, so I gave her the address. I don’t know if it’ll be there when we get there or if it might show up in the next day or so.”
“What is it?” Tyler asked a hint of his old self shining through, excited about a present from his grandfather.
“He wouldn’t let me see. But the Nurse said she thought it was a wonderful gift and very thoughtful so I guess we’ll see!” Meghan said sounding a bit excited too. “Now, please buckle up…”
“I-” Tyler cut himself off and bit his lip. With a small sigh he admitted, “I can’t do the buckle in this car with my casts…” Tyler was blushing slightly, he hated admitting any kind of weakness before all this happened and now it was almost a daily routine.

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