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Nation Building Ravnica: City of Guilds (MtG) - Lore


Minority of One



How was the Guildpact broken? What happened to the guilds?

For those of you who might not have read the trilogy of books describing these events, here's a brief look into Ravnica's history.

In the not too distant past Agrus Kos, a hardened Boros wojek, uncovered a plot by the long forgotten Dimir guildmaster, Szadek. He plotted to destroy the Guildpact and rule Ravnica. Agrus slowly pulled the curtain back with his dogged investigation, unwittingly playing into Szadek's master plan the whole time. As one of the parun, Szadek understood the brain-numbing minutiae of the Guildpact and he found that a paradox could be created within it that would shatter the magical contract, ruining the forced balance and allowing him to seize control of the plane of Ravnica. Like a master puppeteer Szadek maneuvered Agrus Kos into creating just such a paradox.

However, Szadek's plans were all anticipated by the Grand Arbiter of the Azorius, Augustin IV, who knew exactly what would happen if Szadek's schemes were to succeed.

To break the Guildpact, the Dimir parun Szadek manipulated a Devkarin elf named Savra into seizing control of the Golgari. She allied herself with the Selesnyans, all as a part to get close to the leader of the Selesnyan guild—the ancient parun known as Mat'selesnya. However, Savra had been fooled, not knowing her death was an integral part of the Szadek's plan. His plan was thwarted by Kos's intervention, but when Kos arrested the ancient vampire, he accomplished what Szadek could not, just as Augustin had planned. The guildpact broke.

It wasn't long before the rest of Ravnica's guilds became embroiled in the chaos'. Plots and schemes that were previously restricted were now not just possible, but inevitable. Agrus Kos, with the aid of the Orzhov baron Teysa Karlov and others, worked to stop several of these schemes, encountering everything guildmages, elementals, power-hungry spirit lords, dragons, and city-crushing nephilim.

Meanwhile, the Simic guildmaster Momir Vig, along with the zombie-god Svogthir, the Golgari parun, prepared their own plan to conquer Ravnica. Vig's creation, Project Kraj, was unleashed in an epic battle, clashing with the demon guildmaster Rakdos. When the dust settled, Kraj, along with Momir Vig and Svogthir, were destroyed, while Rakdos was hauled back to a lava pit within Rix Maadi in a coma.

In the realm of Agyrem—a "blister" on the plane of Ravnica—the spirits of the dead were amassing under the leadership of Szadek. The vampire parun of the Dimir had escaped to Agyrem to recover and gather power, but he was tracked there by the Boros. Razia, who was the Boros guildmaster and parun, aboard the warship Parhelion flew into Agyrem through a rift called The Schism, to do battle with Szadek and his spectral army. In the ensuing battle Razia was killed, along with countless Boros angels. As the Parhelion returned back through the Schism, without a crew, it headed directly for the Azorius guildhall.

During all of this, Agrus Kos met his demise, but due to an Azorius contract his service continued in the spectral realm. Among many spectacular feats, he managed to capture Szadek, holding him in a "grounder" (a device made especially for capturing spirits). Szadek could no longer become corporeal and thus was trapped by Agrus.

All the pieces came together after the Parhelion collided with with the Azorius guildhall. In the rubble, the Azorius guildmaster Augustin IV was finally confronted by Kos, Teysa, and their allies. As Augustin spoke, Kos unleashed the captured spirit of Szadek upon him. Augustin perished as Szadek greedily devoured his soul. Then the crashed hulk of the Parhelion exploded, which destroyed Prahv—the Azorius guildhall—beyond all repair.

In the aftermath, Agrus Kos became the warden of Agyrem—the Ghost Quarter of Ravnica—and the angel known as Feather took over as Boros's guildmaster after the death of Razia. The Orzhov advokist, Teysa Karlov, drew up a new, non-magical Guildpact, allowing a new fragile stability to be reached.

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Each of the ten guilds has mastered two of the five colors of mana, and each has its own cultural identity and essential function.

  • You think no one is watching, you think you're smart enough to escape, and most foolish of all, you think no one cares.
    Arrester Lavinia

    Also known as the High Judges, the Azorius Senate is Ravnica's ostensible government. The guild considers itself to be the mediator and controller of all other guilds' activities, even though most of its countless decrees are largely ignored. That's not to say the Azorius Senate is impotent, however—its legitimacy and reach wax and wane over time depending on economics, cultural trends, and the reaction to other guilds' overreach. At its best, the ultra-hierarchical Azorius Senate is just, farsighted, and impartial. At its worst, the guild is cold, stultifying, and bureaucratic.

    Azorius Guild Structure

    Supreme Judge Isperia. The sphinx Isperia is the current guildmaster of the Azorius. The process of convincing Isperia to lead the guild took years, as sphinxes are aloof beings who value solitude above all. As crime and chaos on Ravnica increased in the absence of the Guildpact, however, and as its denizens more vocally demanded laws and their enforcement, Isperia decided her service was needed enough to trump her own preferences.

    Council of Absolution

    The Three Columns. The trias politica structure of the Azorius Senate has existed nearly since the beginning of the guild but had been theoretical and unimportant for millennia. With the dissolution of the Guildpact and the rebuilding of Prahv, the Azorius revivified the concept, and it has become deeply meaningful and reflective of the guild's structure and hierarchy.

    • Sova Column. Comparable to a judiciary branch, this Column adjudicates, arbitrates, mediates, and studies the effects of Azorius law.
    • Jelenn Column. This is the legislative part of the guild—the actual makers of law, including assessing the need for new laws and formulating their language.
    • Lyev Column. Putting laws into practice, as well as enforcement of them, is the domain of the Lyev Column.

    Roles Within the Azorius Guild

    The guild's uses of magic tend to fall into three functions: establish, maintain, refine (or alternatively: build, defend, improve). Although these functions might seem to map cleanly to the Columns (Jelenn, Lyev, and Sova), all three functions find expression in all three Columns. Examples include:

    Hussars and Infantry. The Azorius military, the vast majority of which belongs to the Lyev Column, can be broadly separated into mounted and unmounted soldiers. Mounted soldiers—whether they ride horses, griffins, or large beasts—are called hussars. Griffin-riders, for example, are sky-hussars. All unmounted troops are infantry. Azorius infantry are trained in line formations—phalanxes. Some phalanxes wield pikes, but the all-tower-shield phalanx, backed by mages, is a uniquely Azorius tactic used for crowd control.

    Skywatch Patrol

    Lawmages and Hieromancers. The paradigm shift in Azorius methodology—from laws enforced by magic to laws designed to be followed voluntarily—has made lawmages rarer. But some magic is still required to keep the day-to-day peace on Ravnica. Lawmages create spells that compel or restrain beings and serve a constabulary function in outlying districts. Hieromancers create spells that sanctify or protect places or things. They are called in only for larger-scale challenges, and sometimes to protect wealth.

    Konstructors. Azorius builders and architects are among the best in the world, and konstructors are those who enhance and/or accelerate their building projects with magic. The scale and speed of the New Prahv project mandated a small army of guild konstructors. The sheer height of the towers would not have been possible without them.

    Elocutors. The Azorius tendency to talk patiently and at length is valued not just within the guild but also by the citizenry and other guilds. The term elocutor covers all communication functions, from simple messengers—who are often spirits—to conflict mediation. Vedalken elocutors are particularly valued in complex negotiations involving resources or property. Human elocutors are favored for conflicts in which emotions run high. The very best of them subtly weave enchantment into dialogue to calm emotions and encourage cooperation.

    Arresters. Arresters specialize in preventing or stopping things from happening. Although the Azorius mentality is different than it was in previous centuries, the guild still values the status quo and believes all action is ill-advised. ("Action is but reaction without thought," the Azorius saying goes.) Arresters come in all forms, from those whose purpose is to stop needless laws from being enacted to those who arrest criminals.


    New Prahv, the Azorius Guildhall. The original Prahv, the so-called Spires of Order, was demolished when the Boros warship Parhelion crashed into it. Years passed in bureaucratic paralysis while the Azorius deliberated how, when, and where to build their new guildhall. Only once popular support built up and Isperia accepted leadership of the guild did the gears of reconstruction begin to turn. The site of Prahv's ruins has been given over to nature and has become a wilderness preserve.

    New Prahv

    New Prahv, at the other end of the same district, consists of three towering, three-sided columns that form a circular courtyard. The towers of New Prahv are the tallest structures on the ground in all of Ravnica. The three towers literalize the guild's structure: each houses the operations of one of the three Columns (Sova, Jelenn, and Lyev).

    The towers of New Prahv also serve as an aesthetic representation of the guild's belief. It is an austere, immaculate structure, elegant but unadorned. White marble, alabaster, and steel predominate. Broad, curving hallways lead to large chambers, each of which has an array of subchambers and offices around it. Because the halls and chambers don't have many distinguishing features, visitors to New Prahv inevitably become lost without an escort.

    Forum of Azor. This huge, completely flat, paved expanse is a monument to Azorius patience, tolerance, and outreach. It is a grand public forum where any Ravnican can come and be heard. To show their magnanimity, the Azorius gifted the real estate around the perimeter to the other guilds, and eight of them (excluding the Dimir) have "recruitment centers" of one kind or another in that space. The Forum contains three separate rostra, arranged in a broad, perfect triangle, where speakers can address surrounding crowds. In the middle of the three rostra is a richly inlaid Azorius signet set into the ground, about a hundred feet wide. The Azorius Senate used to enforce the law rigidly in this space, leading to its irrelevance and abandonment. Several years after the end of the Guildpact, Isperia decreed that the magic be lifted from the Forum, and now it is a healthy, chaotic, vibrant place where beings of all kinds gather.


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