Ravenwood Mental Hospital


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Name Veronica Crux

Age 16

Description A grey eyed, long wavy haired ginger, 5'7 ft tall, with a pretty athletic build.


Power Telepathy

Can read minds if she comes in contact with the person

Can speak into a persons mind only if they are a 10 meter radius apart, it is also the same with relaying conversations with a group

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Has been recently admitted in

more tba.


Madison Merriweather






Madison was here after being orphanated by her parents. She was 4 at the time her parents opted to leave her alone as they were both "Unready" for a child. She was given her name by the orphanage housekeeper since they both became friends easily when she helped to clean up when she was younger. Madison was soon adopted later at the age of 10 to a family she had some malice and dislike towards them. She left them as they were the ones who advised her parents to give her, Madison up. When she left she was captured and taken into a black van under terms that she was insane and spouting random words and started to bite like a dog. She didnt help her case after biting their thumb and hand. She was given a tranqulizer injection and was then taken to the Ravenwood Mental Hospital. Where she was taken subject in the chemical and experiments of the "doctors" at the hospital.


Merriweather had to grow up quickly since she was in a orphanage and had been running away from her adopted parents and family for a few months. So she was growing up faster and acting more mature than most before she arrived or came here to hell on earth.She is incredibly moody at times. Most of the time the best you may get is a backhand complement from her. She doesn't like being close to others, thinking that people that know Romeo and Juliet should know the consquences of being close to another person.


She is a 5'5 a little short but that is to be expected because she was younger than most of the "Patients" in the asylum. She is flat chested, although she despises the term as she seems to like the word underdeveloped.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/_Ice.jpg.1b54849a57ca0bc570c66d524499cc01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/_Ice.jpg.1b54849a57ca0bc570c66d524499cc01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Absolute Zero

Everything she touches turns into ice and or into its frozen form. It makes everything Madison touches to their frozen form so she covers up almost everywhere that was possible. She can not shape the solid object all she can do is to freeze it or bring it to freezing tempertures. ((Besides gases))

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