Rate my story!


New Member
Wow i't has been a while since i have been here more than a year if memory serve correctly. I know i never really posted, i was having load of fun just reading the forum.

I am ashamed to have been away so long :oops: , I had a bit of a burn out on role-playing game in general and but i still keep my love for exalted alive (quite the achievement since i was not able to play or gm it, I really should learn to play online.) . But now i am back an kicking. I have found myself a batch of new player and i am ready to take on creation again. :D

While i still keep myself informed with the book it has been a while since i have run anything, so here we are.

I have a few story idea i would like to run by the wonderful people here. I'll post the story one at a time as they come to me and you can help me make them better from a storyteller perspective.

the first story is stranger in a strange land.

The story will revolve around a group of heroic mortal trapped in a wyld pocket not too far from creation but still impenetrable to human. The pocket is kept alive by a reality engine that is slowly losing it power. The village venerate the engine as it was a god, because it keep them safe from the wyld. A small goddess emerged from the worship of the engine and is also fading with the machine. in the first few session i would present the town , it people and hobgoblin raiding party would attack. due to the attack the head shaman would be killed and his god-blooded son would take his place, but damage to the reality engine would mean they have to the fabled land of creation to survive.

Of course, there are a few step to take since the reality engine cannot move, the goddess would have to be convinced to shield them from the wyld, while they travel to creation. (as a deity that arouse from the worship of a reality engine i could make it under her perview but since the engine would be lost it would diminish her greatly) After a few trial in the wyld the last nexus would be of the treason of the god-blooded, who traded his people to the fey to get to creation and get his mother for himself ( Oedipus complex, always a tasty snack for the fey) the character would have to flee the raksha pursuing them to get to creation, not that far since they are at the last nexus. They also would be guided by a song ( it an idea that i have, that the primordial created creation at least partly by singing it).

Of course, at this point someone can make a heroic stance, that can warrant exaltation (solar or lunar). but that would only explain one of my player exaltation so i am having problem since this is a 3 persons game. But i am sure that once they get to creation there will be plenty of opportunity to exalt like slavery or the wyld hunt. Plus since my player are new to exalted it mean i can develop the setting for them.

here my first idea stay tuned for more and i would appreciate any comment.

by the Incarnae it good to be back.
I rather like the idea of the reality engine making a pocket in the wyld. It gives you the opportunity to flesh out a completely new setting that has nothing to do with creation, and that's always fun.

My main problem w/ the story is that it seems very railroaded. There are caveats in it-such as the reality machine getting damaged-that leaves no room for players to influence the flow. What if the players specifically work to guard the engine against goblin attacks, for instance? If they fail, that'd suck for them, but if they succeed, that'd derail the story. Similarly, would there be any room for the players to detect the upcomming betrayal of the God-Blood, and act accordingly?

Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think Spirits have power over the wyld. They're beings of creation, and hence I don't think the Godess could help the tribe get through the Wyld.

There's no reason why all 3 players couldn't Exalt at the same time, making the same heroic stand. It'd be cheesy, but.... cheese is what Exalted is all about.
normally i would say that you are rigth and that gods don't have power over the wyld...

... however it is completely tematically apropiate to let a minor goddes of a reality engine, be able to temporally stabilise a small area of the wyld.

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