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Futuristic Rapture


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
World building
Conspiracy Theory

PLEASE NOTE: Despite mentions of biblical events, this is NOT a biblical story. The actual causes are something nefarious and apocalyptic. It would be a major spoiler to explain. But the Rapture wasn’t even a real rapture. Someone is using human faith against itself. The numbers taken were chosen based on scriptures. (The Bible specifies 144,000.)


August 20, 2027

Whether you believe in the biblical predictions of The Bible, some of them appear to be coming true. But on June 4-6, 2027 tens of thousands of people vanished without a trace in the middle of the night. No one saw it happen. But the Bible specifies the number that would be taken by the Rapture.

The World is rapidly headed for World War III. Thousands of nukes are about to fly. Pandemics will rage around the globe.

The RP will move about as needed. We will be looking for at least three groups. One will be a Threshold group, based in Washington DC. Another will be in Albuquerque at Sandia Laboratory. And a third will be in Los Angeles.

Group One goes where assigned by their Director - who answers to the President.
Group Two will likely be sent out to survey rumored sites of Rapture Events. They may be summoned by Group One’s Director.

There is a very real plot. It will be the DC group that is most likely to get to the bottom of things. Note that there will be two NPC antagonist groups.

Group Three are wild cards. They may include religious fanatics, UFO conspiracy theorists. Press, family members of those taken, and more.

Below I list three groups. Group three is the easiest group to design a character for. And I recommend everyone make a character for that group. You may create a character for each group, but the criteria for Groups 1 and 2 are much higher. Think Hollywood TV series high for Group 1

Groups 1 and 2
The first two groups may be a mix of civilians and military personnel. (A civilian should be in charge in DC. Military will be in charge at Sandia.). The Threshold group will be based on the concept suggested by the Threshold TV series. Each member of that group had a Blackhawk heli land very close by, elite military personnel knocked on the door and you were effectively drafted - by order of the President. The Sandia group is primarily made of research scientists and USAF officers. The Sandia Weapons Lab is in Albuquerque. Assignment was from people already working there, with the best qualified being selected. Once on that team, you are stuck there for the duration. TS SCI stuff.

Group 1 Criteria (top people in their field - limited roles - avoiding duplicates)

Group 2 Criteria (Mostly civilians, a few officers in the O4 to O6 range). High energy physics (lasers, emf, etc … as well as hypersonic aerospace engineering).

Group 3
The third group is just a scattering of people. I suspect this will be the group most of you will choose early on. We can always add the first two groups later on. This third group are just random people living their lives in the wake of the Rapture like some drama miniseries. This will require a little world building. In short, your stories will shape how the world is reacting.

You can role play in small sub groups, bump into one another, whatever.
Rapture Blank CS
I really don’t care about format. If you have your own CS format that is fine. But try to include the details in mine.

Please no animated gifs. I can’t read around them. (Medical issue with my eyes.)

All walks of life are welcome. However, some will be prone to die faster than others. Yes, some of your characters may die. This is Survival. The world is in a state of War even though it isn’t aware of this.

3rd Person Past Tense
Decent literacy
I typically manage about a page per post.
I would like to see weekly posting at a minimum. But we need to allow for everyone to post.

PLEASE: If you do drop, let folks know so we aren’t waiting on you. Communicate.

This RP will begin once we have 4 members with approved characters in a single group. More are welcome to join in as we go.
I'm interested in joining! Happy to make a character for all three, but more interested in playing someone in Group 1. Do you have any specific characters in mind?
Most people probably never saw Threshold. Maybe the Species movie series. Anyways, Threshold was a team of people selected for being the top in their field to deal with a possible alien incursion.

It had a team leader (in the series she was a botanist - who wrote the Threshold Protocol.).

From wiki:
Threshold plan calls for the formation of a secret government task force. As a result, several top scientists are seconded: Dr. Nigel Fenway (Brent Spiner), an individualistic NASA-employed microbiologist; Lucas Pegg (Rob Benedict), a somewhat unsure-of-himself aerospace engineer on the eve of his marriage, and Arthur Ramsey (Peter Dinklage), a mathematics and linguistics genius with a penchant for unpredictability, alcohol and women. Caffrey's government liaison is Deputy National Security Advisor J.T. Baylock (Charles S. Dutton), while freelance paramilitary operative Sean Cavennaugh (Brian Van Holt) serves as the "muscle" of the group.

LOL, they had a decent group of actors. Just lousy script writers who never planned for the show to actually get produced as near as I can tell. They had no plot. But here the list is, boiled down.

Aerospace Engineer
Math/Linguist genius
paramilitary muscleman

and their Director

I am NOT stuck on this exact list. The threat is a little different. This is disappearing people. (I had this really cool description of Rapture. N Displacement Event. Can't remember what the N was.)
Most people probably never saw Threshold. Maybe the Species movie series. Anyways, Threshold was a team of people selected for being the top in their field to deal with a possible alien incursion.

It had a team leader (in the series she was a botanist - who wrote the Threshold Protocol.).

From wiki:
Threshold plan calls for the formation of a secret government task force. As a result, several top scientists are seconded: Dr. Nigel Fenway (Brent Spiner), an individualistic NASA-employed microbiologist; Lucas Pegg (Rob Benedict), a somewhat unsure-of-himself aerospace engineer on the eve of his marriage, and Arthur Ramsey (Peter Dinklage), a mathematics and linguistics genius with a penchant for unpredictability, alcohol and women. Caffrey's government liaison is Deputy National Security Advisor J.T. Baylock (Charles S. Dutton), while freelance paramilitary operative Sean Cavennaugh (Brian Van Holt) serves as the "muscle" of the group.

LOL, they had a decent group of actors. Just lousy script writers who never planned for the show to actually get produced as near as I can tell. They had no plot. But here the list is, boiled down.

Aerospace Engineer
Math/Linguist genius
paramilitary muscleman

and their Director

I am NOT stuck on this exact list. The threat is a little different. This is disappearing people. (I had this really cool description of Rapture. N Displacement Event. Can't remember what the N was.)
Ok, I have two ideas for characters. One being an epidemiologist (you had mentioned pandemics) which I thought may fit well in Group 1, another being either an investigative journalist for a paper based in DC (Group 3). Thoughts?
There is no reason people can't have a character in each group. (I was in a mafia family RP like that once. The RP took place in three places. NYC, Dublin and London as I recall.)

An epidemiologist is niche, but might pick up on bioengineered plagues. Once WW3 starts there are bound to be plagues. Four horsemen stuff. And it will just get worse if plagues are introduced on purpose. If the plagues are engineered to be resistant in ways that could never occur in nature, he would be ideal. But that mat be down the road a ways.
There is no reason people can't have a character in each group. (I was in a mafia family RP like that once. The RP took place in three places. NYC, Dublin and London as I recall.)

An epidemiologist is niche, but might pick up on bioengineered plagues. Once WW3 starts there are bound to be plagues. Four horsemen stuff. And it will just get worse if plagues are introduced on purpose. If the plagues are engineered to be resistant in ways that could never occur in nature, he would be ideal. But that mat be down the road a ways.
I'm ok with that if you are, or I can do a microbiologist.

I need to simmer on group 2, I'll start drafting a character sheet for group 3 at the bare minimum. Need anything else outside of a character sheet?
Nope, just a CS. And like I think I said, not really picky on exact format. Some people have their own they like to use. I just provide one for those who don't - and want one. You can even strip away all the formatting and make a list version. (Just hide it in a spoiler for brevity - and hiding those giant people - like me - are too lazy to shrink).

Microbiologist is more generalized. (Hint: if the RP makes it that far, biology, genetics, etc do become important. It can also make you a target if the wrong people think you are getting too close to an answer.)

There is one person who would have been in Group 1 if he weren't in a supermax prison for treason.
NOW I remember.

MDE ... Mass Disappearance Event.

Not NDE.

Anyway, gotta admit, sounds more technical, less "crazy", than Rapture.

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