standard-issue human
Alright, picture this.
Im downstairs, reading a book on the couch. The 11pm news is on quietly.
Everyone else has gone to bed; its been a long day. My sister just finished her first experience with taking exams, my dad is recently home from a business trip..
And my mother is tired because she spent two days fretting about the fact that we have become an "emergency placement" for a foreign exchange student. Who arrived today, after having a very rough week.
Almost 11:30pm exactly.. the landline rings. Theres a line downstairs, and one in my parents room. Of course, it wakes my parents up, and my mom picks up on the first ring.
A young male voice on the other end asks if it is our residence, and then proceeds to tell my mom that our horses have gotten loose, and are a half mile down the road, standing in the middle of a lake that has just recently frozen over.
Naturally, my mom panics. She rushes downstairs, and explains to me.
My initial thoughts..
1. Why is someone looking out at the lake at 11:30pm?
2. Our phone number is listed, but not many of the people living on that lake would know to look our name up in the case of loose horses. And someone driving by sure as hell would not have a phone book on hand.
3. Could they be other horses? No, not really. We are the closest horse-owners to the lake, closest other horses are 2-3 miles away, and they would have to go right past our friendly and noisy horses, as well as our dogs.
And, after putting on some socks and looking out the window..
4. We have one main gate that leads to our driveway and thus the outside world. To get out without going through the main gate, the horses would have to go through at least two fences, if not three or the entire barn filled with yummy hay. The main gate is shut, and no fence breaks are visible from the house.
Nevertheless, I rush out to the barn to check. I am greeted by no horse tracks in the snow, a secured barn, and three very confused equines who wonder if they'll be getting treats out of this late night visit.
Conclusion: Some asshat prick prank called my home, at 11:30pm, to panic my family with a false "loose horses" story.
I am beyond pissed. I am boiling, I am seething, with pure, untapped rage.
This was not funny. This was not clever.
At the risk of sounding like the white girl that I am, I just cant even right now.
So. If you like to prank call people:
Great, have fun with your immaturity.
But stick to silly, harmless things like "Did you order a crate full of Tibetan turnips?"
Because calling someone and telling them something like this, not cool.
Obviously, this is someone that knows my family. Which makes it even more infuriating.
Had we not checked first, as my parents probably wouldnt if I had not been awake and more alert than they were, they would have driven straight over, down the un-plowed lake access. Because of the snow, there is no way to tell where the and ends and the lake begins.
And the horses wouldnt have been there, so they would have driven around looking for them, at midnight in the middle of winter. All the while, they are safe at home.
Not only would that end up being a tremendous waste of time and gas, it could have been dangerous because of the conditions.
Or better yet, dont prank call because its ridiculous.
I guess that completes my rant.
Im very glad my babies are safe in their paddock.
But still very, very, very angry.