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Ranked Battle Criteria


The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hi there!

So, I have been craving to do a battle roleplay for a while and I find the idea of doing so in a competitive manner quite exciting ( mind me, I'm not quite competitive by nature).

However, I don't like to engage in a fight I have no chance of winning. For this reason, I was wondering if it would be for fpr me to know the criteria for judging a ranked battle and how much of the cake each criteria takes. Seeing how I often leave home when I'm in vacation, and how rps can and will usually extend for weeks, maybe months or even years if they survive, it would mean that eventually I would get handicaped, if, let's say, spelling and post length had a big role in who wins by ranked standards (so, not IC, but OOC).

Thank you for your attention.

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