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Fandom RANGERS: A Power Rangers RP [Characters]



Junior Member

When you're creating your character, you have free reign on the design. However, there is basic information that I want you to include in your character sheet for uniformity purposes. If you have questions about your character sheet, please don't hesitate to ask in the OOC or sending me a PM.

If you have an interest in playing a villain, that opportunity could come in the future! For right now, I'm looking to round out the Ranger team.

Please include a real life Face Claim and image for your character.

Name: First & Last
Nickname: If any
Age: 18 to 21 (These are going to be "Young Adults w/ Attitude"). A central location will be Angel Grove University, so if your character attends, that's great! They don't have to attend college though.
Ranger Color:
List at least 2 preferences. If no preference, type "no preference." Yes, we can have a male Pink Ranger or a female Red Ranger.

Appearance: In addition to a Face Claim and Picture, include a description of your character's physical appearance and overall style preference.

Personality: Describe how your character acts.

Background: Detail your character's upbringing (what made them who they are) and their future goals and interests going into young adulthood.

Fun Facts: Anything interesting about your character. No more than 3.

Why (name) would be a good Power Rangers?: Briefly describe what would make them worthy of the title of Power Ranger.
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Charlisa Janet Fox / Charlie / 18 / Purple Ranger / #ba55d3 / Kiana Lede
The first thing that someone would notice about Charlie is just how short she is. Standing at about 5'2", she not as "vertically blessed" as most people, but that doesn't bother her in the slightest. What does bother her is when people like to point out this physical detail about her. In that case, her slightly intimidating green-eyed glare is a bit more accentuated by the annoyance stirring up within her internally. She's a natural beauty that doesn't often need the effects of makeup, but will occasionally prepare her face if she is going out for a night on the town. Her lips are full and often have a smirk or scowl on it contingent upon what mood she's in.

Body wise, Charlie finds herself to be average weight with slight curves in the right places. She isn't necessarily a video vixen, but Charlie is aware that she has a decent physical build considering. Her hairstyle depends on her mood for the day or the week. It's not uncommon for Charlie to find comfort in getting her hair braided, especially when she knows that she will spend extensive time at the Command Center. In other instances, she wears her hair in its natural curly state. The only time where she will consider pressing it flat is if she wants to look to cute. Otherwise, braids or curls is Charlie's selection as it relates to her hair.

Charlie prefers comfort over style. For the life of her, she cannot understand why some women prefer to wear heels on a daily basis when they can opt for something more comforting and simple. She's a t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes kind of woman more times than not with a jacket or a hoodie if necessary. She's not void of fashion sense when it comes to making herself "dolled up." Charlie has a few dresses in her closet that she is willing to bring out on special occasions along with heels, just expect her to be barefoot by the end of evening.

Her Ranger color is Purple so of course she has an assortment of purples in her closet. No, Charlie won't always wear her favorite purple hoodie; she will often elect for a bracelet with purple charms on it or the matching pair of earrings as a means of showcasing the purple through her accessories. Speaking of which, she does have nose piercings and a few tattoos along her arms to round out her style. Very much so a tomboy that is capable of turning a few heads.

Audacious - There's a level of boldness that comes with being a Ranger, right? Even without the suit, prior to her experience in going to battle with bad guys, Charlie was a fearless woman that didn't back down from a challenge. Her audacity can often rub people the wrong way or serve as a motivation to help them fight alongside her.

Insecure - Despite her external toughness, Charlie is often insecure about her own abilities as a person and as a Ranger. She often can feel incompetent and reliant on others in certain scenarios. She is willing to take on responsibility and leadership roles, but it takes a little while.

Witty - At her core, Charlie is somewhat of a jokester. More times than not, it arrives in the form of dry humor or small digs, but she's truly a source for laughs at the most random times. In her opinion, you have to have a sense of humor when it comes to something as serious as being a Ranger. Often, her wittiness can come off as sophomoric or inappropriate, but she normally means well when shooting the dozens.

Charlie is accustomed to instability in her life. Her parents were never together and she bounced from living with her mother to living with her ever-traveling father. Her parents were great people, but they just weren't great for each other. Living with her father long-term wasn't realistic for her intellectual development, despite her closeness with him, and her mother died when she was young due to a terminal illness. It wasn't until she moved in with her Aunt in Angel Grove that things began to take form.

Angel Grove's population was booming over the course of Charlie's childhood, affording her the opportunities to participate in after school activities on and off Angel Grove High's campus. Charlie had a distinct affinity towards technology and always had dreams of one day working for GENESIS, an Angel Grove based technology company, where they could fund some of her ideas into products for the world. It was a bit of a pipe dream given that several people wanted to work for GENESIS, but Charlie stayed persistent, tapping into her entrepreneurial spirit by creating a technology hardware and software repair business at an early age.

Now that she's in college at Angel Grove University, she's pleased to continue working on her aspirations after acquiring a competitive internship with GENESIS during her freshman year. She wasn't sure how she was selected over other candidates, but she's embracing the opportunity and looking forward to transitioning from intern to full-time worker upon graduation. At the rate she's going, Charlie will be able to graduate earlier than most students.

Currently enrolled at Angel Grove University. She's not necessarily a "genius" per se, but her ability to grasp concepts (especially in technology) are astounding to those on the outside looking in.

Her father is a traveling artist and her mother passed away when she was a kid, so Charlie is used to inconsistency and constantly having to hop around to different places.

Works as a freelance computer hardware and software repairer. You may have seen her business on social media somewhere.

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raine bauer

don't leave me high, don't leave me dry

tyler young

♡coded by uxie♡


NAME ━━━ Raine Ellis Bauer
NICKNAMES ━━━ Rai, Rainey
AGE ━━━ Nineteen years old
GENDER ━━━ Cismale (he/him)
SEXUALITY ━━━ Bisexual

ROLE ━━━ Blue Ranger, or Black


HEIGHT ━━━ 6'
WEIGHT ━━━ 158 lbs

Raine is tall, with a lanky build. He is lean and muscled, but quick on his feet. He has lightly tanned skin - the sort that looks white but catches the sun easily. He has a round face, with a strong square jawbone and high cheekbones. There's a liveliness to his features, a wide, crooked grin not often seen, the best he can manage is a smug, toothy smirk; to show off his dimples he bears proudly.

He has big brown eyes shaped like a round almond that draw you in to his boyish looks. He has a self-described "rat's nest" for hair, dark brown roots bleached blonde and faded. How he wakes up is how he rolls out of bed, with bangs that tend to fall in and around is eyes, he cuts his hair shorter at the sides to frame his well defined face. Due to training, he always has a bruise, scrape or scratch somewhere on his body, and often his fists. He also has a lot of tattoos, all of which he got in the heat of some dumb decision. Most are sketches and stupid drawings, some are famous sayings and symbols. It’s a funny mismatch but he wears them like he was born with them, if that makes sense.

STYLE ━━━ flannels, chipped black nail polish, graphic tee-shirts, snapbacks, cuffed jeans, frayed shoelaces, bandaids

Raine's closet is, as most people would describe it, sad. Old, tattered, and moth eaten tee-shirts, hoodies, and crewneck sweaters are as fashionable as he can manage, on the days he actually remembers to change out of his pajamas. Tight jeans, scuffed sneakers, second-hand clothes, all found in faded hues, soft blues, pale greens, and tinted neutrals.

FACE CLAIM ━━━ Tyler Young


Raine, to say the least, is a hard read. His words (when they do decide to come out) are either an incoherence or vexed — yet, in a betrayed alliance, his mentality can be quite the opposite: frightful, troubled, and sorrowful. It's a strange miracle he had survived so many years on lies and recklessness alone.

Raine is reserved. He strives to escape social interaction, as it's clearly not a prevailing skill. Instead, his pleasures in life seem rather simple — from late night motorcycle rides to inking paper with charcoal, that's all he really needs to fill the basking void. Raine's social cues are unfairly out of touch, so he fears his eminent exposure to real life.

Raine is, in every sense of the word, a little bitch. A bit grumpy, kind of aloof and vaguely standoffish. He is not so much shy, but rather someone that frequently prefers peace and quiet to the relentless confusions and conflict that social life brings. He is actually quite self assured, and has a stillness to him that some people find intimidating. He is an outsider, and someone who is comfortable being on the periphery.

A lot of people would say that Raine is pretty intense at first. He often doesn't talk much, rarely smiles, and has this dark, brooding stare. The truth is, Raine is very (at times, overly) cautious with trusting people. He only has a handful of friends that he feels comfortable being himself around. To everyone else, he is pretty avoidant, happy to stand at the sidelines and watch the world burn.

He is well aware of the cutthroat nature of the world, and doesn't pretend it is anything other than it is. He is, in that way, sometimes apathetic, but he sees it as realistic.

But he isn't all jagged corners and borderline-nihilistic tendencies, somewhere deep down, a part of Raine cares. Maybe a little too much. A free spirit of his own volition, he values freedom from constraints, he says it's in his blood. He thrives off of independence, doing what he wishes, and being autonomous. The kind of person to watch shit hit the fan, step back and raise an eyebrow whilst watching. He knows not to get involved, and tries not to. To others he seems like the ultimate free spirit, as he refuses to be tied down to anyone or any problem. He likes to do things his own way, and not follow the trends of everyone around him. He doesn't need them to base his success from.

But this side of avoidant nonchalance is balanced with a quick-witted and audacious mindset. He has a sharp wit and is known for his effortless ability for verbal sparring, shooting down any of his teammates bullshit solutions to problems out of their control. A (reluctant) team player, Raine remains a true middle man, an unbiased party. He strives to see the world from everyone's eyes, even if his lens can be a little skewed. You either love him or can't stand him, no in between.

WHY HE WOULD BE A GOOD POWER RANGER ━━━ The future for Raine seems dim, completely unmotivated to make a name for himself in the world. So far, he's just trying to keep his head above water, pay rent on time, and survive each day as it comes. That's not to say he doesn't have dreams, but with his father breathing down his neck and his mother's coddling, it's safe to say something's bound to change.

At the crux of who Raine is, he believes that there is good in the world, and that innocent lives are always worth protecting. He stands behind the idea that everyone on earth deserves the chance to make their own way throughout life. Raine is a strong follower and a strong leader, loyal to a fault, and never afraid to speak his mind and stand up for the people the rangers are meant to be protecting.

Over the course of the roleplay, becoming a ranger is what really pushes Raine to get his shit together. He struggles with motivating himself, and learns to pick up the slack he weighs the team down with, which comes from a place of fear. Without the backbone of a family, the other rangers become a big support system for him and he finds himself wanting to understand why GENESIS brought them together in the first place.


Raine would rather stick his foot in his mouth than speak a word about his home life. He was born the third of five children to a father who clearly wished he stayed 22 and a mother who had spent so much time pregnant that she didn’t know how to function as anything other than a parent. She was always coddling her children. His father would go out to the pub to watch football games and drink with other 40 year old teenagers while his mother stayed home and supervised her children like they were still three months old, no matter how old they had become.

Raine never had any issues with his home life. His mother was warm when she held him and his siblings shared their stories and toys with him. It was neither here nor there. Everything was neither here nor there. That's what worried his mother. She took him to all sorts of tests and psychiatrists, but they confirmed he didn’t have any disorders, and he wasn’t neurodivergent. He was just a peculiar kid. But she still worried for him. He didn’t show entertainment or sadness or anger on his face the way his siblings did. All the time she’d ask ‘are you okay, Raine?’ ‘Are you upset with mommy?’ ‘Are you angry with your sister, Rai?’ And she’d suffocate him in ‘comforting’ hugs he didn’t need nor want.

His siblings grew a little sour and jealous, and Raine began to grow irritated with the constant pestering of her assumptions on how he was feeling. Even at fifteen, she was still babying him. Comforting him for pain he wasn’t feeling. Eventually he pushed her away, pulling away from her hugs and coldly stating ‘no’ to whatever comfort she offered. His mother was heartbroken, but pulled away regardless. And just like that, Raine went from being permanently surrounded by his mother’s presence to feeling eerily alone.

With no friends at the age of sixteen, and a particularly intimidating expression, Raine found his way into the ‘wrong crowd’ at school. Sure, they weren’t that bad, just kids with makeshift weapons from scissors or bottles, shaven heads and some battered skateboards, but it was every parent’s worst nightmare. After acting out one too many times, Raine was suspended.

With two months to go before graduation and hopeless grades due to cutting class and refusal to participate, Raine was seemingly going nowhere. Destined to spend the rest of his life smothered under his mother's wing.

He still doesn’t know how his father did it, but he landed Raine a job, hassling the big leagues at some breakneck tech shop outsourced by GENESIS (what the hell they do, he has no clue). Something along the lines of ‘old friends’ and ‘owed favors.’ Raine doesn’t really care how he got here. Two hours from home. Sleeping in a simple apartment with a room he still hasn’t decorated, with two roommates he doesn’t remember the names of.


- Absolutely bullshitting at work, can't for the life of him figure out how to fix things aside from turning the device on and off again. Surprisingly, most of the time it works.

- Has an older brother, sister, a younger brother and a nonbinary sibling

- Smarter than he acts, despite the shit grades he got in high school
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  • With friends like these, you don't need anybody else.





    115 lb

    hair c.


    eye c.



    She has a well rounded diet and performs light exercise to maintain a slim figure.

    body mods

    Pierced ear lobes and a pierced septum.


    Business, avant garde, and street wear are all present in her closet while her sketchbook reaches new distances not yet charted by the runways. She enjoys mixing and matching outfits from her closet, paying more mind to subcultures than trends. She believes that fashion is a language and as a self-professed polyglot, she must be flexible in her choices. Though she makes no judgments on how other people dress, she seems to dislike the move towards minimalism and athleisure in recent years. The only constant seems to be her ranger color, which she's begun splashing into her wardrobe.


    Naomi Janumala

♡coded by uxie♡

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Kit Sharptooth

Location: Angel Grove
Age: 21
Ranger Color: (Possibly Red or Blue)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual

Appearance: Kit has a tall, gangly build, with a youthful face and a small, stoic frown with brown eyes and around 6 feet tall. His skin is russet colored, and his hair is black, worn short and can be seen wearing short-sleeved shirts ranging from T-shirts to button ups, while also sporting jeans or cargo pants to boot.

Personality: Kit is a reserved and displaced individual. He is very conservative when it comes to displaying his emotions as he is cautious of anyone trying to weaponize them against him. Kit is usually a respectful and courteous individual, even when he prefers to interact with others as little as possible do to his introverted nature. As a result, he can be rather selfish and distrustful towards others, opting be as distant as he can to hide his lack of social skills. Despite his introverted nature, he isn't above working with others, if need be, but is more than willing to put in the effort himself. Even though Kit is a bit of a loner, he's very dependable and responsible, putting whatever obligations he has first before pursuing more personal activities and he won't stop until the job is done.

Background: Kit is a teen of Native American origin, but he was given up for adoption at a young age, and he doesn't remember his life at all, only learning his name and the tribe he came from years later when he was taken in by the very tribe, he was the last to see before leaving his native land. It was also from his adopted family that he adopted the name "Sharptooth" and for the same reason he only shows minimal happiness in interacting with others, although he's shown time and time again that he is capable of developing friendships if the person he is interacting with is worth the effort. Due to his time spent in the Western United States and the subsequent influence from his adoptive family, Kit is rather Western in his cultural habits and has a bias towards Western culture, his personality never changing much as he adapts to the environment, he lives in.

Kit and his family live on a preservation in rural Angel Cove. Kit grew up using modern and primitive technology in equal measure, befitting of his adoptive father who is a scientist and inventor, helping the family to survive with their primitive farm. His adoptive mother did nothing but treat him like a child, as she is a very protective one, caring for the emotional welfare of her children even more than she cares about the physical health and safety of them. Despite being treated like a baby, Kit has an intellect higher than most people his age, being able to read and write with a proficiency even higher than most of the adults around him, being able to translate words and pull entire sentences from the books he reads with ease, being able to quote verbatim in conversation almost the entire time he spent growing up and by age 15, he was taking advanced classes in high school.

Despite his early upbringing, Kit was very bright and mature for his age. He was also very strong, and very tough from his childhood training in agriculture. As he grew older, he began to gain more awareness of the world around him, and what boosted his academic career which lead him to Angel Grove University. However, due to his family having financial problems, Kit can only be a part-time student. The rest of his time is spent taking up odd jobs around Angel Grove to support his family however he can while also juggling his education.

Fun Facts:
The one thing that Kit has in common with most of his peers, however, is his love for comic books. As he was orphaned at a young age, he started reading comic books to help him cope with the loss.

coded by archangel_


is her favourite holiday


can recite the american constitution
I and its amendments

Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral

Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil

Neutral Evil

Chaotic Evil

she's an,
only child

  • text

code made by


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Name: Seobin Langston Choi
Nickname: Lang or Binnie
Age: 21
Pronouns: He/Him (She/Her with his friends) [Gender Fluid]
Sexuality: Pansexual
Ranger Color: White
Voice: Seobin's Speaking Voice


Appearance: Seobin's right arm is covered in tattoos that relate to life struggles when he was growing up in Angel Grove. He has multiple piercings in each ear and a piercing in his lip. Seobin has very soft feminine features and is often mistaken for a woman. He has smooth honey skin and keeps his facial hair nonexistent. He works out weekly and has developed a toned physique. Seobin likes to wear oversized clothes to hide his frame on days when he doesn't feel like getting dressed, but on sporadic occasions, he will wear clothes that show off his build. He has long hair, black in color, and beautiful brown eyes. Seobin stands at a solid 5' 9" and weighs around 154 lbs.

Personality: Seobin is very relaxed and easy to get along with. It is very hard to upset him because he takes life as it comes. Growing up the child of crazy rich Asians, it was always strict and still is, but seeing a therapist helps. When he is not annoyed by his parent's antics, he is open, cheery, and fun to be around. He likes to party and have fun, but only when he doesn't have to study for an exam or be a responsible adult.

Background: Seobin was born to two amazing parents who he loves and who support him; however, they were very strict in his childhood especially when he came out as Pansexual in middle school. Because of their constant stress, he made a mistake in High School and it resulted in a teen pregnancy. Seobin is the father of a healthy boy named Jacob Choi. He and his son's mother, Angel, are friends. Seobin was ridiculed by his family because of the birth of his son, but he never let it get in the way of him caring for his son and protecting him as best he can.

Throughout high school, Seobin always took up for the kids that got bullied. He would always find a way to make them smile, anyone truly because he would rather see someone smile than cry. After a while, the bullies stopped targeting other kids and tried to target him, but when they came after him, he would ignore them to the best of his ability until one day when a bully went too far and brought his kid into the mix. Seobin remembered breaking the bully's nose and remembered teachers rushing in to break up the fight. After a strong talking to by his parents and their pleas with the principal, he wasn't expelled. The bully was placed in ISS.

After graduating high school at 17, Seobin applied for Angel Grove University and was accepted. His major is Marine Biology and he hopes to one day discover an entirely new species of aquatic life. Even though Seobin doesn't have to work, he chooses to do so in order to provide for his son. His grandparents left him millions in a savings account that he got access to when he turned 18. His savings account has grown in size, but he often donates throughout the year. He took one year off of school to spend with his son. After that, he went to college and Angel moved away. They decided it best to allow Angel custody, but Seobin gets to visit whenever he wants and Jacob stays with him during summer break and alternating holidays. Now 21, Seobin is currently three years into college. Whenever he is not studying or hanging with his friends, he is watching his son. Jacob is now a 6-year-old child. It took his parents a while to get over the stigma that comes with teen parenting, but after they got over it, they spoil Jacob at every turn. In fact, to ensure Jacob has enough space, they purchased Seobin a house that's 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath 3800 sq ft with a garage, an office space, a very large kitchen, and a balcony over the garage. The house looks like it was plucked out of a magazine. Although Seobin tried to reject the gift, his parents were adamant that his 2 bedroom apartment was not enough and insisted. Now Seobin lives in a house that's entirely too big for a single man.

Fun Facts:
> Seobin is trained in Tai Chi.
> Seobin is a very good cook and often watches cooking shows to impress his friends.
> Seobin can sing and works at a well-known Cafe.
> Seobin lives in a massive house purchased by his parents. (Seobin's House)​

Why (Seobin) would be a good Power Rangers?: Seobin would make an amazing Power Ranger because he is selfless. He will do what he can to protect others just as he protects his son. He is responsible and even though the world was given to him on a platter by his parents, he chose to be humble and work through life. Seobin co-parents, which means he is good at listening and taking other's points of view into consideration.
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power ranger.




  • 01.



    Darian Aylmer.



    Everyone, from classmates to friends to mere acquaintances, calls him Ian. He introduces himself with that shortened version of his name and specifically asks that people refer to him as such. This is mainly because he doesn't like his actual name, but also because he thinks 'Ian' rolls off the tongue better. The only exception to this are his parents, who often complain, calling him ungrateful and go on long rants about the meaning of 'Darian' and the importance of a name.



    Nineteen years old.



    Male, He/Him.



    Pansexual. It took him longer than he'd like to admit to figure out that his focus had never been on gender as much as whether they liked TMNT or not.


    ranger color.

    No preference.



    Considering his 6'4" and around 187 lbs, Ian is teetering into the territory of real-life giant. He immediately stands out from a crowd if you go by height, towering over most girls and matching or surpassing in stature the majority of guys in his football college team.

    Surprisingly, his build isn't particularly bulky and he could even be categorized in the slim side, as his muscles only become obvious when exerting effort, but he still takes significant room in enclosed spaces. Furthermore, his limbs are just as large, with his fingertips reaching past his thighs and one of his hands being capable of perfectly covering his whole face.

    Ian's bushy eyebrows give depth to his dark chocolate eyes and his curly, prickly to the touch, light brown hair provides character to his otherwise dull and unassuming small face, which is shaped like a rectangle with notorious cheekbones. Some of his major peeves about his own visage is that his chin protrudes, his nose is robust and oddly shaped, and his ears look prominent thanks to his trimmed-on-the-sides hairstyle.

    However, Ian's milky skin that is velvety in texture, his athletic image and his usual smile that reflects friendliness and softens all his other face features, generally leave him in people's good graces.

    Basically, Ian's a big guy with concealed strength that could be considered attractive or intimidating by some, but mostly comes across as homey and approachable thanks to the way he carries himself.


    Ian values practicality instead of style. He owns a variety of shirts, jeans and jackets, from which he will pick an outfit at random without contemplation of the finer aspects of fashion. Like whether the shape compliments his body, the color scheme matches or the style is adequate for the occasion. No, for a rich kid that can afford to buy as much clothes as he wants, Ian is prone to choosing basic ensembles that allow him comfort to move around and that look decent enough on him, and call it a day. His standard for his attire is himself being satisfied with how he looks.

    Ian also doesn't bother with accessories, because he has a hard time knowing what goes with what and prefers to keep to minimalism. He will wear the odd cap or beanie when he feels like it.

    However when the young man needs to dress formally for his parents' high profile events, they will force him to wear expensive tailor made suits that highlight his best qualities and turn him positively handsome. Ian is not a fan of it, fidgeting with the too-tight bow tie and the opulent tuxedo that warms him to the point of sweating. He will do absolutely everything to get out of ceremonies and fundraisers due to this.

    Ian's most favored pieces of clothing are henley shirts, flannels, bomber jackets, hiking boots and all cotton things. His letterman jacket lies abandoned somewhere in his wardrobe.


    Daniel Diemer.

¡coded by uxie¡

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Hey everyone! Thank you for taking the time and applying for this RP. Looking forward to getting this bad boy underway as soon as possible! Unfortunately, I can't accept everyone since I want to keep things as manageable as possible for me as a GM so I actually went to my maximum in terms of the numbers of players I wanted to accept (6). There may be room down the road as we expand our Ranger Universe, but for right now, I'm comfortable with where we are.

Here are our Rangers:

Charlie Fox - Purple Ranger
Raine Bauer - Blue Ranger
Fatima Ansari - Black Ranger
Kit Sharptooth - Red Ranger
Simone Eason - Yellow Ranger
Darian Aylmer - Green Ranger
Seobin Choi - White Ranger

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