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One x One Ranged Duos









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Name: Griffith "Pierce" Robin

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Pierce is normally quiet around others, but this is painfully amplified when he comes in proximity with a female. He is very loyal to friends, and enjoys having company.

Biography: Griffith Robin was the best archer in an elite all-male training camp called the Thunderguard. Ever since he was born, the only place he had ever lived was in that camp, and it was in a very isolated place. He excelled in sharpshooting, and as a result earned the nickname "Pierce", which has stuck with him ever since.

When he turned 18, he was released from the training camp and ventured outside, ready to meet the world. Pierce was sure that he was ready for anything, having spent the last 18 years simply training for this day. He was, of course -- ready for everything but a minor detail. Females. He had never encountered one before in the camp. They were myths there, and Pierce had almost believed them to be just that -- myths. However, as he walked into reality, he realized that there were indeed women, and that posed a great problem to Pierce Robin.

He was deathly afraid of the females. When one would address him, he would usually end up not responding, which was usually observed as giving them the cold shoulder. Even the slightest brush against female skin caused a nosebleed for him. He now is on the quest to find the lost artifacts, hoping to recieve help from the king to cure his problem of Gynophobia.

Skills/Abilities: (He still has his basic attack, but these are the abilities that take up mana)

Heroic Perk: Sniper's Eye - Has a unique eyesight that allows him to notice things others cannot.

Main Ability: Quick Scope - Shoots arrows that have an unnatural flight path, making them hard to dodge.

Support Ability: Spectral Shot - An arrow is shot in a way that it emits signals in its path, alerting allies of the terrain and nearby enemies.

Ultimate: Mark of the Arrow - An arrow is fired, following the target until the user runs out of mana or it hits the the target.​

Weapons: His handcrafted Reflex Bow & A specialized Gauntlet which stores mana and blocks blows.



Extra: His role is Archer
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Name: Fay de Bellehache

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: Fay's generally a very curious and positive character, excitable, many times impulsive, and one who faces everything head-on as much as possible. She also enjoys socializing and is often awed by the skills and abilities of others.

Biography: Born into a family lineage of knights, Fay was the youngest of four and was, along with her siblings, expected to become a knight. As a child, she did try to become one, learning how to wield a sword and trying to fight in the heavy armor, but she never felt any passion or fun in it. As well, it didn't come to her as naturally as it came to her siblings.

It wasn't until one day when she was spending time with her step-aunt was she shown the wonders of magic and was put in complete awe. It was then when her love for magic was sparked and she dedicated her life to it, choosing to train with her aunt rather than her parents or siblings, and fighting battles with magic rather than swords. This of course sparked disapproval from her parents, but they still dealt with it, believing that she'd 'come to her senses' by the time she turned 18.

This 'sense' never came as she continued her practice in magic. That's why, now 19, she's determined to find the lost artifact and get the king's recognition to prove to her family her worth as a mage.


Basic Abilities:

* Fire Burst - A fast, short-range burst of fire that can cause damage and also help push her back quickly.

* Firebolt - A bolt of fire is shot from her staff. More mana can be used to make it explode on contact.

* Fire Stream - Stream of fire is released forward beginning where her staff touches the floor.

Heroic Perk: Resistance - Resistant to being burned or hurt by fire.

Main Ability: Fire Storm - Fire gathers around her staff and releases a storm and explosion of fire at the intended area when smashed on the ground.

Support Ability: Fire Wall - A heavy and constant pillar of fire is created that lasts a few seconds on contact. Used to distract or halt enemies. As of now, the range is small and only enough to block one person.

Ultimate: Flaming Explosion - A small flame is left floating where the she stood and will cause a fiery explosion on command.

Weapons: A staff given to her by her step-aunt and a ring on her left hand to hold her mana and help her channel her magic.



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