Other Random writings new and old


gotta love a hot busy kitchen.
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Hello all, It's been forever since I've posted on here (the site, never in this area), and I thought a good return would be posting some of my old random writings here...some are posts from old RP's I just like for one reason or another. Others are I got a writing prompt I wanted to write out in my head. This will be where i consolidate them all.. feel free to read and comment. Keeping in mind these first few posts will be from almost 20 years ago as I bring old writings into one location

This is not a diary or blog—it's just me having a space to randomly write out prompts I see or that come to mind.
I was sure it was him, but something was off. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it was there. They always say you could see it in their eyes. At least that’s what they say in books. That wasn’t the case with him. It was in his smile. It was wrong, sure it was a smile but it was warped. Twisted into something sinister, but it was hard to see. I’m willing to bet i saw it only because of how well I know him.

The oddest part about it? He wasn’t hiding it. It was simply nobody else saw it. It was, a depressing thought. Nobody knew him, not enough to see the change. But I did; I knew why he smiled all the time. I knew who he was. I knew something wasn’t right. I thought about pulling him aside and asking what it was, but I guess a part of me didn’t want to know. I’m officially scared of my own friend...this was, in a word, bad. In other words, very bad. I felt i need to know what happened to change him like this. Not only to try to find a way to fix it but also to stop him from slipping farther into that dark place that was hinted at in his twisted smile

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