Random, take it where ever you want!

I walk into a broken down building and find a woman on the ground amongst the rubble. I attempt to talk to her to see if she is still alive. (Ma'am? Are you okay?)
I stand up slowly looking at you. (I'm fine, thank you.)Groaning, I look around and cough a little before wiping at some dirt on my shirt.(They did alot of damage here.)
(But... you are still alive ma'am. I can only assume that makes you special. ) *draws pistol from holster* (So, tell me, how did you survive... I'm curious.)
(Well I knew that. Not many humans can get a ton of rock dropped on them and get right up. Now starts the guessing game though, and you know out hear in the wastelands there's so much to choose from. Vampire? A bit cliche. Zombie? You look well put together. So, either you are one of the demons or this sun is causing me to see things.) *cocks the hammer of the pistol back, ready to fire*
(Well you decide that.)*strolls over**grabs the barrel of the pistol**smirking**aims it to my chest*(Shoot. I wont die, and no, I'm not a Zombie, Vampire, or something in the sun. I am a demon but I didn't cause this, in fact, I've been banished from the underworld)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Well you decide that.)*strolls over**grabs the barrel of the pistol**smirking**aims it to my chest*(Shoot. I wont die, and no, I'm not a Zombie, Vampire, or something in the sun. I <em>am</em> a demon but I didn't cause this, in fact, I've been banished from the underworld)
(Well now that you've played all your secrets in the first game, why don't you sit back? Cuz I doubt you know any of mine.) *lowers his pistol and hands it to the demon woman* (Please, ma'am count the number of bullets in that chamber. I never keep it full, but think, how much is missing.)
*counts*(Quite a few...who did you shoot? Also, trust me, I have many more secrets...)*sits down on a rock**crosses legs*(Whats your name?)
(Isaac. I'm from a little town North East of hear called Primm. I believe you might know about it, considering your kind tore it to shreds. Now, about the bullets. I want you to know that we are on equal ground here. Those missing bullets were used on a few of you demon bastards. It was quick too. Are you familliar with what gold does to the body of a demon? Let's just say there isn't much left afterwards.)
*flinches*(Yes I am aware of that. No need for details, I may inflict blood and gore but I am not a sadist. I don't like hearing about those things.)*sighs*(Now are you here for what my fellow 'demon bastards' did?)*eyeroll*
(Well I can't say it's what I was looking for, but I suppose a little target practice has never hurt. I was really just looking for a place to sleep.) *pulls a knife from his belt and continuosly flicks it out and back in to calm his hands* (There isn't a lot of work available in these ghost towns either so I can't get food from the major cities.)
(Target practice huh? Well I could help with that, I need to punish some of these bastards until I can go back 'home'. If you want a place to sleep I bet i could find one and food too, but you gotta help me back to the Underworld, okay? This is a deal with a demon after all.)*smirking**stands up**holds out hand*(Deal?)
(Before I shake that hand I would love to get my gun back. A little insurance, I have no reason to trust you afterall. After that I'd absolutely love to help you.) *opens palm and raises eyebrow to the demon*
(Its Caropolis...It was abandoned three years ago but there are plenty of good farms here. Animals too.)*starts walking to a small country home*(I use this place when I have these jobs, just as a hide out, I have no need to sleep or eat. But there is a large bed in one room.)
*looks at the bed and nods* (This is better than the floor I suppose. I really need some water. My cantine ran out on the walk over.) *searches the town and finds a well with grimy water, drinks it and fills cantine* (Now, what's first on the agenda, Lex?)
(Well, I don't know about you but I'm gunna go slaughter a cow for your sake of health...I will need your help afterall.)*walks away*(I wouldn't follow, my demon form is pretty f'ed up.)
(And your human form isn't?) *smirks* *starts to scavange around in cupboards and finds a large bag of patato chips and tears into them* (Well this is a nice change of pace!)

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