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Fantasy Random rps w/ rev

(😭 does Rev need to be asleep or in the forest or smth? I could start with that lmao)
(PFFFTT 😂 gotta do what we gotta do)

Revenant let out a small grumble as she sat at the bottom of a tree, wiping the blood that stained her lips after feasting on what kept a human being alive-something people desire.
Letting out a sigh of exhausted sigh that was followed by a small strangely humorless laugh as she the faint metallic-sweet taste remained in her mouth, but her mind in soft whispers
(She’s gonna be working for whoever i create to replace slendyboi narratively) (bc we need at least one crimelord who’s motivation doesn’t directly involve wyvern)

The forest is thick here, and dark. So thick that Revenant can’t see more than 20 or 30 feet away. It’s about that distance that she hearts soft rustling sounds
(PFFFTT mkay 😂)

Revenant calmly glanced over at where the soft rustling came from, feeling rather a bit lazy. She stood up, feeling the weight of her body from not caring for herself properly.

She moved towards the direction, not caring for any of the consequences that were imagined in her mind, her mask halfway slipped up. She let out a small whistle, checking to see if it was by chance an animal of some sort
(I’m just now realizing wyvern has to be there for her to access their memories)

(…uhh we’re gonna say that they’re nearby somewhere out of sight and will eventually find revenant on the ground being hallucination tortured)

(That won’t be traumatic for them at all)
A woman stands beside a tree, tense. Revenant can’t make out any facial features besides a single thick horn coming out of the head. While there’s no eyes for Revenant to follow, it’s pretty obvious that the woman is staring at the body
( of course not 😂😂😂)

Revenant watched the women a bit, letting out an amused chuckle.
Looking at where she was looking "something wrong?"
Revenant slid her mask back all the way down, breathing through the filtered air letting out a soft hum as she walked towards the girl.

"Nothing really. Of course, sure we have our little....issues, but technically we didn't create them. People like you did." Revenant spoke so casually, yet almost bothered. Like she had to repeat the same words over and over and over. "Is this wrong? If it bad?....the killing. I feel like it's necessary "
"this world. This world it's necessary"Revenant spoke, her voice becoming more stern. "Because when something doesn't work. You find another solution. Eating people so happens to be my own, as well as a couple of.....others I know. Although they need it to survive.....I just do it because I feel I need it"Revenant grumbled, her steps quickening as she walked towards the woman
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(Ok so I’m gonna say this is what’s about to happen: she MEANS to make revenant experience her victims memories, but her powers prioritize the memories of living people in the area rather than corpses. And since she doesn’t know wyvern is nearby, she doesn’t do anything to stop their worst memories from playing)

(So she just fucks up a little) not rlly tho her goal was just to make revenant feel pain)

“Don’t try anything,” the woman warns, “I’m not giving you a chance to fight”
The woman doesn’t attempt to move away, although she’s beginning to see that Revenant is absolutely deranged.

(Personally the ‘eating a raw human heart’ would’ve clued me in, but she was thinking the dead person did smth to rev and eating their heart was somehow symbolic)
(mkay, mkay 😌)

"You're the one moving away. I could just simply want to talk and you're already being so.... judgmental"Revenant laughed, which immediately stopped when she suddenly moved to grab the woman
The woman’s hand shoots for Revenants eyes- or at least where she assumes Revenants eyes are. Revenant begins to sway. A gross, sticky feeling begins to creep onto her skin, into her mind, into her soul. It’s as if time itself begins to stick to her. She feels like she’s falling, but glued in place at the same time. She’s seeing something, but it’s unidentifiable. Like those pictures people made to show what having a stroke feels like.

All of Revenants own memories get snatched away one by one, until there’s nothing. The nothingness lasts only a second, but that second is unbearable. Slowly, slowly, or maybe quickly. At the moment, revenant isn’t sure what those words mean.

At whatever speed it happens, Revenant’s mind returns to her. The gross feeling slips away.

It is replaced by agonizing pain.

Revenant let out a loud scream of the pain and frustration, trying to comprehend what was going on, what she may even feel.
What the fuck!?? What's going on. Where am I? What?
It may take Revenant several seconds to realize that this pain is different. It may take even longer for the fog to clear from her vision, revealing bloody concrete walls, a single window. It isn’t boarded up, but Revenant’s certain she can’t reach it.

It takes a few more seconds, but Revenant is eventually able to identify sensation other than agony. First of all, she’s quite literally starving, like she hasn’t eaten in weeks and whatever she ate weeks ago was not enough. Her mouth is dry and sticky. And she’s so, so cold.
Fuck......everything...feels so off.

Revenant makes an attempt to move, feeling immense pain from such result. She bit her lip hard, tensing up. She then tried to make an attempt to speak. Which doesn't go so well either considering the current condition she seems to be in

(😭 Wait is she able to remember that she doesn't feel pain this way? Or is everything erased?)
(She mostly remembers now) (some of her memories are hers and others are wyverns) wyverns only rlly flash in when they’re relevant)

(So she remembers that she’s being tortured, and that it’s bc of something “her” grandmother did) but all her other memories are her own for rn, they’re just fuzzy)

She realizes quickly that one of her arms and both of her legs are either broken or otherwise seriously injured. She tries to sit up with her good arm, only to feel a million sharp pains. Looking down, she realizes that shards of glass are embedded in almost all over her skin.

Revenant tries to blink, and realizes that the muscles to do so just.. do not exist. When she moves her eyes, they sort of wobble up and down instead of just turning. There’s a burning sensation all over her neck

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