Random rant about beauty school


Okay I got pissed off at school xD who doesn't right?

So my rant to just get it off my chest before I clock out and leave ((which would be detrimental to my hours))

Okay. Technically we aren't supposed to refuse clients. Okay. I get it. I was up for a color (they wanted foils) and I wasn't comfortable doing that service. I'm also trying to complete evaluations ((beauty school version of report cards)) that I have to have completed by the end of the week... I'm a part time student. Meaning I'm only here 4.5 hours of the day. 3.5 of which are clinic floor hours where I can work on my evals.

For the FIRST time EVER I asked to be skipped over ((I've been here for over a year due to life)) and I get freaking reprimanded for "Client Refusal" and nearly get sent home and suspended for 3 days.

Yes, this is fair... IF it were for the other 15 students who are FULL TIME ((6.5 hours a day)) with NO evals to do and are just milling about doing NOTHING..... and THEY don't get reprimanded for not doing anything?? Clocking out on lunch soon as they're up for a service they don't want to do and NOTHING is said to them?

I've been forced to stay past my clock out time on NUMEROUS occasions because everyone clocks out at 12:00 ((I have to be gone by 12:30)) and we get a client... which I then HAVE to take....

Someone... anyone... please tell me how this is freaking fair? Seriously!!

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