Random Ramblings - OOC [An Otherworldly Adventure]

I saw that dragon kings can learn martial arts, but i see no cost associated with any charm but terrestial circle sorcery. So how many bonus points does a martial art charm cost? Like sorcery?

And can you use some of the dots you normally recieve in the paths to learn a martial art charm?
inirlan said:
I saw that dragon kings can learn martial arts, but i see no cost associated with any charm but terrestial circle sorcery. So how many bonus points does a martial art charm cost? Like sorcery?
Like Sorcery. Fairly pricy, but a Dragon King does have the small advantage of having tricks to fall back on that aren't Charms.

And can you use some of the dots you normally recieve in the paths to learn a martial art charm?
No. Apologies, but the dots are not negotiable.

C'mon...does anyone else have questions?
Just what I PMed you about. I haven't gotten a second reply, and I guess I will just open it up to the group.

I was making a Raksha who wanted to enrich communities with the Wyld, somewhat as a door to door salesman of Wyld. He is a creation of one or more of the Emanations of The Whisperer in the Leavs, the canon Unshaped from the East. His motives are his own, but they serve one of the Emanations higher purposes unknowingly. He seeks to enrich the stability of creation with the fantasy of the Wyld.

One of the ways I was seeing him doing this was wyld tainting areas and causing mutations in willing individuals.

In the couple of exchanges Gryff and I had he suggested an oneiromantic spell that can cause mutations using the sword self mutating charms with the tripled gossamer cost from inflicting them on others. Which kinda worked but I wanted to talk shop about some custom charms, here were my brief thoughts.

Well there is some precedent set in the RAW, and in the fluff.
Behemoth-Forging Meditation (GWM p 205) turns a creation-born in the wyld into a behemoth permanently, and they don't even have to be willing. As long as the Raksha's Intelligence is higher than the targets Stam+Ess the target is turned into a sword shaping weapon completely under the Raksha's control. It is a Staff 5 Ess 3 charm.

I just want to do about half of what that charm does. That charm does what I want it to, but why use a nuke when you can just stab someone? If not, than I will just roll with the spell bit you described, which I hadn't thought of.

As for turning Creation into Wyld, that precedent was set with all of the fluff involving the Balorian Crusade. The Raksha marched, and Creation washed away. I think it may be something in the Unshaped rules that do that, but not exactly, and I am not sure. I will look into that.
I looked through all of the printed charms and found nothing. So wyld-taint and mutations- thoughts?
So I looked into it and the Unshaped cause the waring of Creation into the Wyld.

And as for the mutation charm, I was thinking something like this-

Dream Theorum Manifestation

Cost: 1g Mins: Ring X, Essence X; Type: Reflexive

Keywords: Mutation, Shaped- Only, Glamour

Duration: Assumption

Prereqs: (considering a few)

In dreams our innermost wishes and neuroses act themselves out in representative and sometimes odd ways. Through the power of the Wyld a Raksha makes these representations exhibit themselves in a more interesting manner.

Innate Power (Cost: 5m, 1g): The Raksha spends 5 motes while laying his hands on a sleeping creation-born's head and whispers in their ear honeyed words of the wyld, both profound and nonsensical, for a dramatic action. The Raksha rolls (Charisma+Craft(Glamour)). The dreamer then receives up to successes mutation points to spend on a number of mutations equaling the Raksha's Essence, negative mutations providing for costlier mutations. These mutations are not chosen, but are based on the character's personality. People with Napoleonic complexes may grow larger, anti-socials grow quills to keep people away, and ugly hearted people become, well, ugly. As the sleeper dreams, his body reshapes itself and the Raksha pays one gossamer to finalize it, and then releases the sleeper's head and scampers off into the night. Since the target is asleep, Glamour Resistance is not provoked, unless they pay 1 WP to shake themselves from their slumber before the gossamer is spent, destroying all changes if their Integrity+Essence exceeds the Raksha's Charisma. Once the gossamer is spent, the mutations become a permanent work of glamour, no longer provoking glamour resistance.

All of that charm is up in the air. The costs, the traits involved, everything. I was particularly wondering about a couple things: I liked Charisma because it seemed like you are impressing upon them truths, but I can understand that not being right and subbing it for Manipulation, or even Intelligence. I was considering successes times two, if just successes weren't enough mutation points. I was also considering Essence times two for the number of mutations allowed, if just Essence wasn't enough.

I was also originally thinking the Raksha would have to foot an XP bill, or maybe the target would, but then I decided against it because you don't make anyone pay for that daiklave they made.

Thoughts? Also YAY! 500th post!
I fail at forums.

I just went to go upload a character picture and realized I'd screwed up when I went to edit Tabi's backstory into her backstory post. It'll be up tomorrow. Sorry. :/

That's fine.

Hopefully, this weekend I can sit down and sort this out--then we can all get down to business.
O.o Then I have more time.

-cdi, *wanders off to tweak the backstory*
So, should I just forget about the mutation charm and go for the spell so I can just get this character rounded out and get on with it?
I'm going to sit down and hammer out the charm with you over this weekend; please, assume that it will look...fairly close to what you've got here. :)
Alright, let's get down to business:

I'd like to start by apologizing for the haphazard organizing of the game; I'm used to very different methodologies. Nonetheless, here's what I'd like: if you're interested in this game still, please just speak up, let me know where you are on your character--both mechanics and flavor--and let me know what you need from me, either approvals or custom material. Once we get that sorted out, we'll start. 8)
I have a decently strong grasp of my character and crunch, but it is currently floating in the ether. I just need to put it down.

Also, still interested if you hadn't guessed.
Still interested. Still tweaking the backstory. Still procrastinating.

-cdi, "stupid real life intrusions."
Still interested, background idea pretty much worked out, but not written down yet, technical side almost finished, have enough free time once more to post regulary.

There is one question I still have : DK are mortals, right? Therefore they should be able to take the "destiny" background, no?
Through wife and friends I have been away from my books and computer enough to incapacitate my proceedings. I need to do a couple of Spring Break school assignments and if I still have time before I go camping then I might crank something out.

If I am holding stuff back I can join late if that works for everyone, but I am still interested.
As I just said on the other game I play, my grand mother just died this morning. I will not be able to acces my computer for a while, so since the game hasn't started I will just ask you to remove my character if the game starts before I'm able to sort all this out.
So my Fae idea has changed from the mystery parent unshaped salesman to a seducing Luminary, who would probably invert and become a Courtier with the party being his court so that he would use his looks and swayed minions to aid the group. His gossamer would come from the dreams of mortals, farming demenses (there are demenses right?), and bedlam charms.

If his predatory demeanor would rouse conflict in party members then let me know. If it isn't a huge problem it could be RPed out most likely, possibly suppressed with Raksha magic if you wouldn't mind.
...I believe it is.

I've been meaning to address y'all for a while. I have trouble working without momentum, and I really should have pushed more from the word go, but I was sandbagged by internet/school issues.
Awww, and I just got a second wind on a character idea. Kind hackneyed, but it would at least be fun and enriching for the group (I felt).
Well, I do feel bad. So...here's the deal:

I'm getting a second-wind on this too. If everyone (or anyone) is still interested, I can start work on having this ready. I finish finals...next week.
Still here. Exalted burnout struck last month and Tabi's backstory kept getting the "I'll do it tomorrow" treatment.


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