[Rampancy] (Human Relations) Rampancy Character Skeletons


Pop-punk n' space magic. Not always in that order.
Character Skeleton (Employees)

//Initializing Login

//Input 'LoginID'

//LoginID (string) given appropriate parameter

//Initializing Display of Employee Record


Callsign: [NICKNAME]

Age: [AGE]

Gender: [GENDER]

Photo ID: [Get the picture saved somewhere, and link it here or slap it in as an img tag]

Text Description: [Explain how your character moves and talks, things that the picture can't explain]

Class: [Pick one of the classes mentioned in the guide. You will be distributing these

Skill Points: [30 Points to start with, distributed here. Maximum points in one skill is 10]

Weapon Skills

-Grunt Weapons: [x] (Assault rifles, shotguns, pistols/SMGs)

-Heavy Weapons: [x] (Miniguns, flamethrowers, missile launchers)

-Marksmanship: [x] (Sniper Rifles, Revolvers)

-Melee: [x] (Any kind of melee, from fists to improvised weapons to combat knives)

-Miscellaneous Weapons: [x] (Grenades, throwing knives, mines)

Psionic Skills

-Telekinesis: [x] (Moving objects with your mind)

-Telepathy: [x] (Illusions and mind-reading [Mind-reading will NOT work on other PCs])

-Primal: [x] (Force blasts, barriers, psionic-enhanced physical attacks)

Stealth Skills

-Coercion: [x] (Talking with Red Shirts, negotiation rolls, etc)

-Lockpicking: [x] (Low-tech hacking)

-Hacking: [x] (Breaking computer firewalls, re-purposing codes)

-Acrobatics: [x] (Agility, dodging, etc)

Noncombat Skills

-Medicine: [x] (First aid, medical research, etc)

-Programming: [x] (Creating new defense systems, technological research, enhancing implants)

Biography: [Explain your character's past and how they got their perks.]

Employment: [Which Corporation they work for, or if they're freelance]

Funds: C100,000

Gear: [buy in Employee Catalogue]

Augmentations: [Keep track of augmentations of the cybernetic sort here]

Training: [Extra skillpoints earned from specialized training programs]

Genetic Enhancements: [Any genetic upgrades you've received by corporations]

Advantages: [Give them a name, then explain them. The Guide will have examples.]

Disadvantages: [When this bio is cleared, this text will read [REDACTED] ]

Humanity: [This is a percentage. Implants will have varying reductions to this, depending on severity]

Sanity: [This is a percentage. Psionic upgrades will reduce this due to your body's not able]

Roleplaying Sample: [Put this in a spoiler tag. Roleplay any scenario you wish]

//Information display complete.

//Have a nice day!

//Program end
Character Skeleton (CEO or Corporate Officials)

Name: [First and last]

Age: [Age]

Corporation of Employment: [What's the corporation they're in?]

Rank in Corporation: [Where are they in the scheme of things? CEO, Public Relations, what?]

Appearance: [Picture]

Description: [Description of mannerisms, how they hold themselves, no 'just look at the picture k lol' crap]

Likes: [Give me a few]

Dislikes: [Try to keep these points equal in number]

General Personality: [Are they forward-thinking, reclusive, what? Explain things like that here]

Augment/Psionic: [Give me which one your character is more proficient at. One or neither, not both]

Cybernetic Implants: [Tell me what they've had replaced or augmented cybernetically]

Psionic Powers: [Of Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Primal let me know which they have, if any]

Career History: [They weren't always a CEO. Tell me what they did previously here]

Biography: [Tell me what your character's past was like. Preferably, go back into young adulthood. Flesh this out somewhat. No one-liners, unless it's damn good]

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