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Fandom rainer’s Lying Low at Lupin’s search !!

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Lying Low at Lupins

Lying Low at Lupins, but I’m not talking Sirius showing up, them making out, then spending the rest of the time being reunited lovers in the Lupins cottage.

Lying Low at Lupins, but I’m talking Sirius ‘You were all I had in there’ Black, who counted every full moon in his cell. Who kept the promise ring they had shared, even when it became too loose as he grew thin, and he had to hold the silver thing in his palm every night he slept instead. I’m talking Sirius Black who panicked and cried when he lost the ring on his way to Remus’s, who retraced his steps for hours in the cold, until his limbs shook and feet felt as though they would freeze. I’m talking Sirius Black who felt silly when he realized Remus wasn’t wearing his ring anyway, feeling glad he had lost it because how stupid would he look if he had been wearing it? Sirius Black, who realized he was the only one who hadn’t moved on.

I’m talking Remus ‘I have to forget’ Lupin, who could not handle the news because there was no way Sirius was a traitor. He wasn’t, and no one could convince him otherwise; they didn’t know Sirius like he did. -But everyone kept saying he was, and it’s been years now and he should move on; but he can’t. I’m talking Remus Lupin who tried to obliviate himself because he cannot handle remembering Sirius, not anymore. He can’t remember Sirius because he’s a traitor, he’s a disgusting murderer who backstabbed them all and killed Lily and James. I’m talking Remus Lupin who couldn’t really obliviate himself , who slumped to the ground as he dropped his wand instead, because how could he ever forget Sirius? Of course he couldn’t, not when he loved him that much.

I’m talking, Sirius Black who is all skin and bones, who isn’t used to warm baths and hot tea. Who can’t remember names properly, and doesn’t dare call Remus his nickname. I’m talking, long messy hair, and dark gray eyes that Remus swears used to be brighter, a tremor in his hands that he refuses to admit, and pale skin that looks like it’ll never regain its color. I’m talking Sirius Black who wants his old life back; His Moony back, but he’s being selfish and unreasonable, because why would Remus settle for this fucked up version of him? Of course he wouldn’t. Not when he wasn’t there for Remus all those years.

I’m talking, Remus Lupin who looks too old for his age too. Graying hairs and wrinkles between his eyebrows from frowning too much. I’m talking, always polite and kind, and understanding and patient, but he’s distant and Sirius can tell he’s putting up walls, always swallowing words and biting his tongue. I’m talking Remus Lupin who wants Sirius back, but he’s being selfish and unreasonable because Sirius is unwell, and he shouldn’t be taking advantage of him in such a state. Because there’s no ways Sirius still loves him the way he did back then. Not when he wasn’t there for Sirius all those years.


now that i (hopefully) have your attention! howdie, — my name is rainer, i'm in my twenties, and as of this may & i'm officially looking for new partners to write with. many of my long term roleplays have either fizzled out or are on a hiatus, so here we are!

i work and i study, so i’m not going to be able to give you too many replies, but expect a response ic once a day or once every couple days. sometimes i might have to take a break from the roleplay, but usually those last no longer than two weeks, and i’ll be sure to give you a headsup beforehand!

i love to write & create depth within characters -- big back stories, complicated plots, meaningful relationships, etc. honestly no clue what adv lit or any of those terms mean nowadays, but you can expect a good handful paragraphs from me per response, with 3-4 as a general minimum to 6+ depending on the scene & i hope to get something around the same! i don't expect a novel, but help us push the story along.

i love interacting with the people i'm writing with -- expect playlists, art, and a lot of plotting whenever random ideas come to mind. i love gushing over our characters and antagonizing them



i only ever write male characters as my main, but side characters are free game lol! generally i enjoy m/m, but i’m willing to try other pairing if the plot / characters are interesting enough! throw me your ideas!

quality writing! interesting characters with qualities and backgrounds that really make us love (or hate) them LOL -- i'm going to try my best to create characters that mesh well against them & i love to contribute as much as possible to what we're working on. i hope to get the same back! it sucks when brainstorming is mostly one-sided.

partners that will let me know when they aren't digging it. ditching sucks, especially if it's for something that i'm actually enjoying or something i've poured a lot of effort into. don't leave me hanging if you aren't feeling it, just let me know and maybe we can make something new!

pain, angst, comedic relief, drama, romance, etc. i absolutely love it & it's usually hard for me to enjoy slice of life because of the tendency for it to have too much 'fluff', hope that's alright! i tend to lean towards plots with big-picture conflicts that allow us to have some constant, new ideas flowing through.

and lastly, someone who won't take this or themselves too seriously -- that's willing to laugh at mistakes they or i make. i just wanna have a good time -- this is my way to relax & ignore everyday stress!



i don't care how often you post -- i'm super super patient, just keep me updated if you plan to be gone longer than a week without chatting! i hope you're patient with me too.


now returning to the main point; i usually write sirius as i just prefer to do so, but i don’t mind writing remus if you’d prefer that instead! i have a couple hcs regarding the pair, but nothing crazy, really.

i’m looking for a slow burn, fix-it fic kind of thing, where the pair are really just walking eggshells around eachother, completely convinced the other hates them.

send me a PM if interested!!
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