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Multiple Settings Rainbows Partner search My ideas or share yours with me


The Geeky Skittle
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi I'm rainbow or mystic, I'm trans-fem, 24, i have been roleplaying for over 10 years. i have roleplayed in various formats, genres, maturity rating, I've tried to do a bit of everything I'm active at most times multiple times a day (I wake up periodically during sleep so even then lol) I'm a pretty open minded and creative person atleast I have been told and think that. I am open to anyone as a partner. I don't have much of a preferred style as I feel different styles work better with different people and roleplays. Anyway here are some of my ideas. they aren't the most well formed as I like to build up the idea with my partner but they are a start to get us going.

Note: I am fine with most genre, and usually prefer mixing genres a little like romantasy, Adventure/slice of life(Yes that can work), ect.

1. Isekai: A classic people summoned or reincarnated to another world idea. think my life as a slime, overlord, shield hero, a lot can be done with it, can be fantasy, sci-fi, anything really a great interesting life/adventure story base

2. Supers: Could be marvel/dc style, mha style, maybe powers are gotten from a material like "The Boys", heros, villains, both, gray morals, again could make a lot of great things from just a simple base.

3. Modern fantasy: Hidden magical creatures and spaces in plain sight. secret communities in national parks or tucked away in cities, An Ancient veil masking and messing with normal peoples perception. Or just normal every day magic happens to exist setting

4. Fantasy: Good old classic dnd esc fantasy

5. Cyberpunk: Thing edgerunner, shadowrun, 2077, neon lights and human vice

6. Space: The final frontier, there are literally so many style and so much detail that can go into this i cant list it all, so just come at me and we will toss ideas.

7. Sci-Fantasy: Let us do the forbidden tango between science fiction and fantasy, think final fantasy, or star wars without midaclorians trying to answer everything a space wizard can do

8. Your or our own idea: Have something you really wanna do why not see if I'm up for it? or have no idea and don't like mine but want to try making something, we can do that.

Rp example:
Alex sighed softly as they look in their pocket not feeling much apart from loose change. Picking it out she counted up 1.50$, not much of anything. walking over to the food cart she sheepishly waited in line, seeing the everyday people look at her in disgust from her disheveled shaggy hair and rag like clothing. She waited silently trying not to look at anyone. When her turn came the cart owner looked at her with disgust. "I don't do handouts, sorry.. food banks 3 miles that way." He said looking past her as if she was gone but she held up the change and in a hoarse overused voice from asking for help asked. "P-lease could I get anything for this?..." She said nearly trembling at this point from anxiety. Before the cart owner answered somone in a overpriced freshly cleaned and tailored suit shoved her with force you could only apply to something you didn't see as human. Making her hit and for a split moment skid on the pavement. "Fuck off Rat! Some of us actually have money and places to be." Before turning to the cart owner who was stuck in shock and snapped his fingers over the cart to snap him out as he ordered a hotdog. Everyone was a bit stunned but none helper her as she collected her bruised self and dropped change and left to find somewhere to sob and something to eat.
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