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Fandom Unlikely Allies - A TESV: Skyrim Roleplay {Discontinued}


The Shadow
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At the center of Mundus, the mortal realm unlike the immortal and absolute realms of Aetherius and Oblivion, lies the planet of Nirn, on which the vast land of Tamriel lies. Our story begins in the cold, mountainous province of Skyrim.

Once you've read at least this little intro, please add this quote somewhere on your CS:

"Remember, your mind is the greatest weapon you have."


The land of Tamriel harbors many different species of creatures, ranging from passive to neutral to aggressive—each are bolded with their respective colour. Passive means that the species it friendly at all times, even when they are threatened or attacked. Neutral is when the species' friendliness or aggressiveness does not rely on how they are treated. Aggressive means the species is deadly and/or harmful at all times, even when treated with friendliness or neutrality. There are playable species (marked by a check mark) and non-playable species (marked by an 'X'). (There are some creatures that I've added for fun.)


Lycanthropes are sentient beings that suffer from Lycanthropy, the ability (usually involuntary) to change into an animal.

  • Werebear
  • Werewolf
  • Werecrocodile
  • Werelion
  • Werevulture
  • Wereboar
  • Wereshark

Any playable species can become one of these; be sure to add it in the "Race" area on your CS.



Wood Elf, Werewolf)

Sanguinare Vampiris (Vampirism):

Vampires are those affected by the condition of Vampirism. They can feed on the blood of any warm-blooded creatures, but are infamous for targeting mortals. They are weak to the light of the sun, as exposure burns their skin and makes the recovery of wounds impossible. Another debilitating condition is hunger, which also prevents healing, and causes the infamous, signature lust for blood that affects all vampires.

As a result of the hemophiliac virus, Sanguinare Vampiris, the infected slowly grow a pallid complexion. Fangs protrude from their gums, allowing for easier feeding and eye color changes from the spectrum of average hues to red. Bosmer and Dunmer, which typically already possess red eyes, may pass unnoticed as vampires.

When infected, the fur of the Khajiit alters as the skin of a human or elf would. Long-toothed by nature, the incisors of the Khajiit grow exceptionally long, so that they protrude below the lip. However, their pupils become thinner and more blade-like. The scales of Argonians grows greyer as the infection worsens.

Any playable species can become one of these; be sure to add it in the "Race" area on your CS.



Wood Elf, Vampire)


Nords, also known as Sons of Snow, are a race of men and women from the province of Skyrim. The Nords have a natural resistance to the frost, which evolved in the northern, colder reaches of Nirn. Eager to augment their martial skills beyond the traditional methods of Skyrim, they excel in all manner of traditional warfare. Nord culture centers on the quest for honor and glory, with emphasis also on the family and community.



Bretons (originally termed Manmer by the Aldmer) are the human descendants who hail from the province of High Rock. According to the Third Pocket Guide to the Empire, they are descended from the Nedic and Aldmeri, while other sources claimed they were the mix of Atmoran and Aldmeri blood. The Altmer thought of making a new race with their own 'elder' or 'superior' blood, by mating with other races. The Bretons are sometimes called 'Manmeri' because of this.

Their elven blood is heavily diluted, due to their ancestors intermingling with the Nordic population in Skyrim and High Rock. Bretons are sometimes called "Manmeri" as a result of the interbreeding, literally translating to 'man-elf'. Although their Aldmeri ancestry is shadowed by their appearance, they still inherit the magical affinity of their elven blood. Their physical features resemble their Nedic ancestors, including their pale skin tone and the obvious physical resemblance to Imperials/Nords, but some still inherit the frail, sharp appearance of the elves, along with the arrogance, and some do have slight points in their ears.



Redguards are a race of humans who hail from the lost continent of Yokuda and now reside primarily in the province of Hammerfell. Their name is derived from the corruption of the native Yokudan term "Ra Gada", which (translated loosely) means,"warrior wave". Due to their swift and decisive conquering of the province of Hammerfell, the Redguards are renowned as arguably the most fierce, versatile and naturally gifted warriors in all of Tamriel. Their ferocity and versatility is also manifested in their personality, which lends itself to why they are most effective as scouts and in small units as opposed to being deployed as rank and file soldiers.

The Redguard's innate agility and prolific level of endurance allows them to excel in any activity that demands sustained effort, most notably combat. They are likewise blessed with a very hardy constitution that allows them to resist poison and disease.

The Redguards skin tone can range from light brown to nearly black and their hair texture ranges from thick and wavy to tightly curled and wiry. Redguards are also largely average in height, well muscled and sturdy, much like the Nords and the Orcs.



Imperials, also known as Cyrodiilics, are a race of men and women from the Cyrodiil, the province in the center of Tamriel. Members of the Imperial race are some of the most well-educated, wealthy, and well-spoken people in Tamriel. They have ruled the various Empires of Tamriel for more than 2,000 years.

Imperials can be differentiated from Bretons and Nords by their fair to swarthy skin, as opposed to the typically fairer complexion of Bretons and Nords. However, Imperial skin tone is not as dark as that of Redguards. Imperials also have slightly sharper faces than other races of men. They are descend from the native Nedic and Cyro-Nordic peoples that were enslaved by the Ayleids.

The phrase "Imperial Race" is a bit of a misnomer. The people of Cyrodiil are divided into two ethno-cultural groups: Nibeneans and Colovians. Both descended from the native Nedic and Cyro-Nordic peoples that were enslaved by the Ayleids, but diverged a bit after consecutive invasions and interactions with other races. Colovian Imperials in Western Cyrodiil are more Nordic, sharing similar beliefs such as a heavy martial and seafaring tradition. Nibeneans have anAkaviri and, to a lesser degree, Elven heritage. They have a greater appreciation for magic, art, commerce, and spirituality, in spite of being staunchly loyal to Alessian traditions. Both groups reflect the Empire's culture: a hybrid of Nordic, Aldmeri, and Akaviri culture.



The Reachmen, sometimes incorrectly labelled as Forsworn, are ethnic Bretonsnative to the Western Reach and later the Reach. They are often considered barbaric savages by the other races of Tamriel and are well known as the "Witchmen of High Rock". While they are mostly Breton in stock, the Reachmen do not consider themselves as such.


Mer, also known as elves or elvenkind, encompasses beings of the elven race in Tamrielic culture.

Mer come in an array of colors, from dark grey, to light green to pale yellow. Of the mer race, there are multiple subraces currently existing on the Tamrielic continent. These include: Altmer, Bosmer, Dunmer, Orsimer, Dwemer, Snow Elf, and Ayleid. The Aldmer are an extinct mer race from which these mer sprang. There are a few other mer, such as the Maormer, that are believed to be related to these races of mer as well.

The first mer came from the continent of Aldmeris. The Aldmer were the first of all the mer to arrive to Tamriel as they were the first of all mer to exist.

It is very easy to tell mer from men based on appearance, as mer are less muscular than most men, but have a greater variety of skin tones. Another easily noticeable feature of mer is that they have pointy ears that men do not have (apart from the odd Breton, whom only have very slightly pointed ears). Furthermore, most mer, even females, are taller than most men. There are exceptions to this as the Orsimer are around the same size as men and the Bosmer, who are shorter.

Another small difference worth mentioning is that mer rely heavily on magical warfare as they have a higher affinity for nature and magic, where Men tend to be less potent magically. The only exception to this of course are the Bretons as they are a mix of both the Altmer and the Nedes.



The Altmer, or High Elves, are a race of elves that inhabit parts of the Summerset Isles. They are primarily known for their enhanced magical abilities. As a race, the Altmer strive to maintain the appearance of their ancestor race, the Aldmer, primarily through highly selective traditions surrounding marriage and reproduction.

The Altmer are among the tallest of the humanoid races; taller than most humans and even the other mer races. Their skin maintains a very pale golden hue, not quite the pale white of the northern human races such as Nords or Imperials, but far lighter than the Bosmer. They are slender, with prominently pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes.

On average, Altmer are of smaller build than humans, and thus generally not as strong. Their tall stature also makes them less agile than their Bosmeri cousins. However, Altmer are among the most intelligent and magically-inclined races on Nirn, surpassing even the Bretons in magical aptitude.



Bosmer, or Wood Elves, hail from the province of Valenwood (South-West part of Tamriel). Rejecting the formalities of the civilized world, the Bosmer discarded lavish living for a life in the wilderness, among nature, the trees, and animals. In fact, their major cities are actually located in giant walking trees that roam the forest province of Valenwood. They decorate their bodies to resemble their forest surroundings. Because of this, many view them as barbarians. Despite their infamy, they are known to be extremely agile and quick. Their nimbleness serves them best in any art involving thievery. Many are well respected archers, due to their inherent mastery of the bow.

The Bosmer are one of the smallest races in Tamriel and are born with skin colors ranging from light brown to pale tan to light green. Biologically, the Bosmer are cousins of the Dunmer, or Dark Elves, and the Altmer, or High Elves. The Wood Elves lineage is less noble than that of the Altmer, but they have adapted well to Tamriel. After the Ayleids fled mainland Cyrodiil, they joined the Bosmer in seclusion, eventually being totally assimilated by the Bosmer. This probably significantly affected biology of modern day Bosmer.



The Dunmer, more commonly referred to as Dark Elves, are the dark skinned elves originating from the province of Morrowind. Known to be strong, intelligent, quick, aloof, and reserved; mostly keeping to themselves, the Dunmer are said to be ill-favored by fate. And, although most Dunmer natives of Morrowind harbor a bitter distrust and disdain for other Races, they are just as distrusting and disdainful of other Dunmer.

While most Races see these characteristics as negative in nature the Dunmer and their national character embrace them with enthusiastic behaviors. Several Dunmer have managed to make their way in other provinces as merchants, mages, and assassins for the Dark Brotherhood, owing to their natural talent for stealth and magic.

Most Dunmer have red, glowing eyes with skin tones varying from somewhat greenish and the more common gray to the occasional light blue. Both male and female Dunmer have a height similar to most of the human races. This means that they are generally taller than their Bosmer cousins and shorter than the Altmer.



The Orsimer, commonly known as Orcs, are considered to be barbarian people by most of the other races on Nirn,—despite being a type of Mer—and are from the mountainous regions of western Tamriel. They are centrally located in Orsinium, the City of Orcs, but are common in other locations in Tamriel.

With skin tones ranging from light green to dark brown, a heavily muscular frame, and considerable stature the Orsimer stand apart amongst Mer and Men. They also are the only race to display tusks and protruding bone ridges. Born without the magical affinity of their Mer cousins, and following in the footsteps of their revered Trinimac, the Orcs have developed a strong warrior culture that makes them highly valuable in hand-to-hand combat. They often excel as adventurers and legionnaires in the Imperial Legion. This is not to say that they cannot wield magic, however.



The Dwemer (also referred to as the Deep-Elves, Deep Folk, Deep Ones, or the People of the Deep), were an ancient "Lost Race" of Mer who were remnants of the early Aldmer, and lived primarily in the region of Dwemereth. Men commonly refer to them as "Dwarves."

The Dwemer were an advanced race and civilization, in many respects far ahead of the other races and civilizations of their time. They are well-known for their skill and revolutionary developments in technology, engineering, crafting methods, metalwork, stonework, architecture, city-planning, science, mathematics, magic, and the academic arts.

The Dwemer are sized similarly to the average elf or human, though occasionally likened to large children with beards. The Dwemer preferred heavy metal armors and robes, most of which are made out of either armored shells of ancient mechanical men or mismatched pieces from various devices.



The Snow Elves, occasionally referred to as Ice Elves, are an endangered race of Mer that were once the main inhabitants of Skyrim during the Merethic Era. It is commonly believed that centuries of underground living and Dwemer slavery twisted the race into the blind, merciless Falmer.

Amongst the few known remaining Snow Elf survivors, they prefer the name Snow Elf over their original name of Falmer, as that name tends to refer to their now degenerated brethren, which after the Dwemer betrayed the Snow Elves and enslaved them, they call "The Betrayed".

They appear very similar to High Elves, but have white skin and hair. It is unknown how long Snow Elves live, as Gelebor stated the Chantry was in disrepair long before he arrived. As the Chantry did not enter disrepair until after the fall of the Snow Elves, his age cannot be fully determined. However, it would suffice to say that they have a rather extensive lifespan.



The Ayleids, also known as the Wild Elves, Heartland High Elves, or simply Heartland Elves, were a race of Mer who ruled overCyrodiil during the First Era.

The general appearance looks similar to that of the Altmer, which most scholars consider fairly likely given the Altmer's concerted effort to maintain a "pure" Aldmeri appearance. A brief description given in volume 5, Second Seed, of 2920 describes them as "darker than Altmer, but lighter than Dunmer", suggesting a complexion similar to that of the Bosmer. They are identical in appearance to Altmer, with skin tones ranging from white to dark yellow, and eye colors such as blue, yellow and green.



As far as anyone can determine, the Aldmer vanished as a distinct race sometime during the middle Merethic Era. As such, clear and reliable descriptions of the race are difficult to come by. However, most scholars agree that the Aldmer likely resembled modern-day Altmer more than any other mer race.

It is surmised that the Aldmer were tall and lithe, probably of smaller build but more graceful than the humans of the same era. Their faces were likely thin, with pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes. The Aldmer skin tone was probably the same pale yellow as the Altmer, perhaps slightly more pronounced.



The Maormer, also known as Tropical Elves, Sea Elves, or Pyandoneans, are a race of Mer that reside on the island kingdom of Pyandonea, far south of the Summerset Isles.

The Maormer are best recognized by their skin and eyes. Their eyes are clear and milky-white. Maormer's skin is entirely pale and colorless, as though their flesh is made of white limpid jelly. Their skin also has strange, chameleon-like properties, comperible to that of the forest coupling skills of the Wood Elves. It is likely that the Maormer are descended from the Aldmeri.


Tenshi, commonly referred to as Angelians, hail from a place called Isis which is high above High Rock, nestled among the clouds. They usually rely heavily on conjuration magic, each Tenshi possessing their own companion that only they can interact with. These companions normally appear as some type of animal or creature, and when these companions are speaking to their Angelian, it usually sounds like a high-pitched dings to others. The Angelians tend to speak to their companions openly, which causes most to believe that they are insane.

Most Tenshi tend to stop aging in appearance once when they turn eighteen. It is unknown exactly how long their average life-span is, but the longest recorded one is known to have lived to be around 400 and still looked like a teenager. Although it is known that they are not immortal by any means, many have tried to convince people that they were.

The Angelians usually wear holy armor that prevents arrows from hurting them while in the sky. However, they can still take damage from arrows while settled on the ground. Their skin is rough, allowing them to endure more pain than the usual Nord. They typically have two different eye colours and wings protruding from their backs which vary in colour.

The wings of this race are said to bring good luck to those that have an Angelian wing, which resulted in a massacre of this race. The Angelians have learned to adapt because of this and learned to hide their wings by making them go into their back and then come out of it when they want. They have to at least take their wings out once a week otherwise the wings will come out on their own without warning. If this happens, it tends to be more painful than their if they transitioned voluntarily.

The Tenshi have a historic past of fighting with the Dunmer, having a fierce rivalry as the Tenshi were enslaved by them long ago. The Angelians have learned to endure pain, making their skin tough and hard through the enslavement of their kind by the Dunmer The Tenshi soon ran a rebellion, however, and ran to Isis where they could finally live in peace. Many still harbor a grudge against the Dunmer as their enemy still harbors a grudge against them.

Khajiit are one of the beast races which inhabit the continent of Tamriel, primarily their home province of Elsweyr. They are known for their natural agility, stealth, and their production of Moon Sugar, which can be refined into skooma. They travel around selling their wares but are not usually trusted, due to the racial prejudice of many of the races in Tamriel, resulting possibly from the belief that most Khajiit are thieves.

Argonians or Saxhleel are an oviparous race of reptilian people native to the large and marshy province known as Black Marsh, a region of Tamriel. Argonians are one of the few races completely unrelated to men and mer, being descended directly from the Hist. Enigmatic and intelligent, the Argonians are experts of guerrilla tactics, and their natural abilities suit their swampy homeland. They have developed immunities to diseases that have plagued many would-be explorers in the region, and they are capable of easily exploring underwater locations due to their ability to breathe water. Argonians make proficient thieves, due to their superb lockpicking and sneaking skills. They are also very capable warriors and archers due to their constant use of guerrilla warfare against Warring Tribes or Dunmer slavers.

Giants are a nomadic race of large humanoids native to the provinces of Skyrim and High Rock known for their colossal height and immense strength. They are usually seen herding their mammoths through mountains and tundras, processing their mammoths' milk into cheese while eating cooked skeever.

Giants are eleven to twelve feet in height, and are mostly humanoid in appearance; they have long, powerful limbs, thick skin, with large hands and feet, and decorative scars on their chest that are mainly tribal or religious symbols. They appear to closely resemble Orsimer, hinting as evidence for some relation to Mer. Giants' hair is braided with decorative beads and their faces are wrinkled. Female giants are scarcely seen, but the reason behind this is unknown.

Goblins are small, humanoid creatures that live across Tamriel. They are often found living in clans, and appear to be somewhat related to mer.

Typically, goblins appear to be short but tough creatures that inhabit caves, sewers, mines, and ruins across the continent. In appearance, they vary in size from smaller then a Bosmer to larger then a Nord. They have pronounced teeth (resembling Orsimer teeth) and skin that ranges from blue to green.

Nymphs are rare and mysterious beings found in High Rock and Hammerfell. They have the ability to drain fatigue on touch. All of the species seem to be female and are usually described as beautiful, naked women.

Despite the common tales of Nymph seductive nature, they are, in fact, very shy creatures. It takes months to gain one's trust and make her reveal herself. It is said that Nymphs are the wisest and most wonderful creatures in Tamriel. They know more about the behavior and varieties of the deep woodland creatures than the greatest Bosmer scholar.

The Daedra are a race of powerful supernatural entities that inhabit the planes of Oblivion. Although they are generally not bound to the physical world, they are capable of manifesting within the mortal plane of Mundus. They are well-known to the inhabitants of Tamriel, where they are feared by some and worshipped by others.

Daedra are physically very diverse, ranging in form from humanoid to beast-like to other forms such as an orb of brilliant light and energy, and may be bound by soul to weapons or armor. Although they can be defeated, they are considered immortal, as their soul or animus is sent back to Oblivion in the event that their body is destroyed. When a Daedra's physical form is destroyed, weapons and other items may be taken, but not their armor, as it is bound to Oblivion. After being killed, a Daedra's soul will wander Oblivion and eventually re-constitute its original form; this tortuous period can last centuries.

Draugr are undead Nordic warriors of Skyrim. It is believed that draugr once served the Dragon Priests; some even know several words of power.

Draugr are among the most common foes in Skyrim's many crypts and catacombs. They retain the ability to wield weapons such as swords, axes, and bows, and higher ranked draugr can use Dragon Shouts.

Most draugr use ancient Nordic weapons, although the high ranked variants can use ebony weapons. Some draugr only appear as corpses, usually containing a few pieces of gold. Draugr are weak to fire as well as silver weapons.

Trolls are large, hairy, apelike creatures with sharp fangs, claws, and long powerful arms. These creatures have three beady black eyes, their skulls being easily recognized by their three eye sockets.

Commonly found in forests, Trolls also inhabit caves, ruins, and mountains. While not very intelligent, Trolls compensate with tough physical prowess and the ability to regenerate health. Many Trolls display a Weakness to fire damage, spells,weapon enchantments, and poisons that deal Fire Damage or raise susceptibility to fire damage.

There are many animals that inhabit the land of Skyrim, and they range from




. They are all



  • Chicken
  • Dogs
  • Cows
  • Goats
  • Horses
  • Bears
  • Chaurus
  • Wolves
  • Sabre Cats
  • Skeevers
  • Mudcrabs
  • Horker
  • Ice Wraiths
  • Deer/Elk
  • Foxes
  • Rabbits
  • Mammoths

Holds and Major Cities

Holds are the nine administrative divisions of Skyrim.

Each of the nine Holds is governed by a Jarl who resides in the Hold's capital city. The Jarls are largely independent, but swear fealty to Skyrim's High King, who in turn swears fealty to the Emperor.

Each Hold also employs their own guards, who can be identified by the color of their uniform and the Hold symbol they bear on their shields.

Given the independent nature of governance, crimes are tracked independently by each Hold, and a criminal who is wanted in one Hold may have no bounty in another.

Hold Capital City Jarl
Eastmarch Windhelm Ulfric Stormcloak
Falkreath Falkreath Siddgeir
Haafingar Solitude Elisif the Fair
Hjaalmarch Morthal Idgrod Ravencrone
The Pale Dawnstar Skald the Elder
The Reach Markarth Igmund
The Rift Riften Laila Law-Giver
Winterhold Winterhold Korir
Whiterun Whiterun Balgruuf the Greater

Once you've at least skimmed the 'Holds and Major Cities' area, please add this quote somewhere on your CS:

"Remember, the world is ripe with people looking to spill your blood."


There are numerous ways to accumulate gold, Tamriel's currency, both by moral and immoral means. These include but are not limited to:

  • Apothecarist
  • Artist
  • Assassin
  • Baker
  • Barrister
  • Blacksmith
  • Bookbinder
  • Bowyer
  • Brewer
  • Carpenter
  • Cartographer
  • Cook
  • Enchanter
  • Farmer
  • Fisherman
  • Forester
  • Fortune-Teller
  • Gardener
  • Gravedigger
  • Herald
  • Herbalist
  • Hunter
  • Innkeeper
  • Jester
  • Jeweler
  • Mercenary
  • Merchant
  • Messenger
  • Miner
  • Minstrel
  • Painter
  • Potter
  • Priest
  • Sailor
  • Scribe
  • Servant/Slave
  • Shoemaker
  • Spy
  • Storyteller
  • Thief
  • Weaver

There are many other occupations that one can take up. Feel free to include what's not included on this list to your Character Sheet.

Once you've at least skimmed the 'Occupations' area, please add this quote somewhere on your CS:

"One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible."

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