Rags & Riches


Lonely Stoner

The Roles

Pair 1 - Rich Girl/Poor Guy: The Law Abiding Pair

Rich Girl [17] - { open } She attends a well known, but very expensive, ballet studio in the town as a ballet dancer. She’s been doing it since she was a tiny little girl. Her parents are also well known in the town. They have kept her safe, being very protective, and she’s naive to anything other than the wealthy life she lives. But who’s to say she is not curious?

Poor Guy [20-21] - { Pastaa } He works at the ballet studio, keeping out of sight and making sure not to disturb the dancers or their parents. He’s there to do his job and nothing more, the reason he’s there is because he got kicked out of the military, disgraced his family, and everything pretty much went downhill from there. Now he’s just trying to make ends meet; his recklessness won’t get the best of him again. At least…not intentionally.

Their Story - Asides their social class differences, age is the only problem. Can they keep it a secret, especially when it could potentially come to the law? No one knows how long it will last, or if it’s just a mistake.

Pair 2 - Rich Guy/Poor Guy: The Seemingly Happy Pair

Rich Guy [19-20] - { ForgottenBlood } He gave up his family, friends, and his love in his early teen years just so he could be rich. Wanting to live with his wealthy aunt and uncle, the custody battle was simple: his parents were too disappointed to even fight back, they handed him over. Now he’s living the life, beach parties and having fun. His past is a secret, but he’s not happy.

Poor Guy [18-19] - { Kumori~ } He works at the beach, just leaving high school, trying to bring in money as usual; saving up for college so maybe he has a better chance of getting out of this horrible town. There’s barely any money to cure his depression that seems to be taking over. It’s a boring, difficult life, and nothing seems to be changing. He can’t let anything distract him from his dream of getting out. He’s barely pulling through, but how much longer can he stay above shore?

Their Story - Both of them are unhappy, obviously. Maybe their encounter will change everything and they’ll finally find what they have been looking for. Could they be the missing piece to each other’s puzzle? Then again, how can they trust each other? One with their mind on the money, leaving his past behind, and the other with their mind on getting out, willing to do what it takes to be set free. Can they look past their dreams or are they just too important?

Pair 3 - Rich Girl/Poor Girl: The Adventurous Pair

Rich Girl [19-20] - { open } She was never really comfortable in her own skin. Pretty much focused on keeping her parents happy, but it made her glad too. The sweet, innocent, introverted girl that’s not really the party type. Of course, she’s not a little kid anymore, parties are everywhere and her friends think she’s pretty lame for ditching most of them. Now convinced that she can’t let her youth go to waste, having to make the most of it even if it makes her uncomfortable, even if it’s dangerous.

Poor Girl [18-20] - { MyFishToldMe } She’s better off than most of the people in her neighborhood, though not much, having received a partial scholarship for baseball as she works the rest of the way off. She also possesses a musical talent, but that’s a secret. Some began turning their backs on her, not wanting to have contact with someone that might have a chance. Typically she keeps to himself, trying to keep the money coming like everybody else, though she’s up for a party every now and again. Her life is no adventure, but maybe that will change.

Their Story - They both want a little bit of adventure in their life, but for different purposes. They both have what the other is working towards: the carefree, fun-living life, and the one-step-ahead-of-the-game life. She’s got the connections; she’s got the bright future. Together they may have the greatest journey they have ever experienced, or they might falter immediately. How much can you do when no one can see?

Pair 4 - Rich Guy/Poor Girl: The Mutable Pair

Rich Guy [18-20] - { oOBubblesOo } He’s the most well known person in the entire town, even people outside their town know who he is. He’s nothing famous, just a little bit gorgeous, his ancestors founded the town year and years ago. His family is one of the richest and most important, but they’re also humble, as he is too, despite his humorous and cocky personality. It’s sort of true, he’s been given pretty much everything, but he’s always given back. Now, though, he’s looking for something out of the ordinary. He wants to earn something in his life, a real challenge, though it might deem him as a surprise when his cockiness gets the best of him once he discovers the real thing. Will he work for it?

Poor Girl [18-19] - { Armageddon } She’s always had to work for everything, the only thing she’s ever been given in life was a challenge. At an early age she learned the truth of the world and the town she lives in, always wondering why certain people had more than she had. Eventually, she began to despise the Rich, though envying them deep inside. A rebellious, beautiful young woman who’s determined as ever to make a way of life. Many know she’s business, the real thing, but at heart she’s sweet. She wants to be proven wrong about the town she lives in, but her trust is so low, will she be willing to push pass it?

Their Story - They have their wants, something different and outside the usual. It’s typical, one works hard, the other, not so much; but they both search for something new. One wants a challenge, the other wants a break. When they meet, will it be a heads on battle with their strong personalities and fixed opinions? He might never get used to the real struggles of life that some have to face every day, and she may never be able to trust or let her guard down. Or maybe, just maybe, there’s some hope after all.

Character Application Form


Nickname: If they have a nickname

Role: Pair _: Rich/Poor - Guy/Girl



Personality: Make this at least a short paragraph

Personality Condensed: List a few summarizing traits here

History/Biography: Get creative!

Social Class: Rich or poor?

Their views on the *insert opposite social class here and remove asterisks*:



Fears: If they don't have any, that's cool, too

Secrets: If they don't have any, that's cool

Face Claim: Choose a celebrity

Appearance: Use a picture/gif of FC

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Name: Aster Klein

Nickname: N/A

Role: Pair 4: Poor Girl

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Aster is definitely not that nice of a girl, she's more of the, 'If you don't get out of my way I'll b*tchslap you into the middle class,' kind of person. She hates it when people get in her way and wants more than anything to just have a break and chill out. Aster's been working since she was 16 and trying to keep a healthy diet up so she doesn't go anorexic. Due to this, Aster will flip out on anyone who complains about not having anything, especially if they're richer than her.

Personality Condensed: Negative, rude, stubborn. On the inside, though, she's a complete sweetheart.

History/Biography: Aster grew up with her brother in a one-bedroom apparment, and for most of her life, he had to take care of her. When she turned 16, she got herself a job permit and made it her goal to help her brother with the groceries and rent, and that was when she got a taste of the real world. Her paychecks never went through in the bank, she ended up working a second job to keep up, she gave her brother a break and it hit her hard. At age 17, she dropped out of school to keep up with her two jobs and never finished high school..

Social Class: Poor

Their views on the Rich: "They're all complete f*ckheads, always having money and never having to worry about whether or not they're going to have food on the table or a house to live in. Selfish f*ckheads.."

Likes: Food, sleep, the feeling of getting something done.

Dislikes: Rich people, selfish people, working overtime, banks.

Fears: Aster fears that one day she'll lose both of her jobs and lose her home, and basically everything..

Secrets: If someone gets close enough to her, the have the ability to break her.

Face Claim: Rachel Thevenard




Name: Cameron Alexander Gallagher III

Nickname: Cam, Alex

Role: Pair 4 - Rich Guy

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: Cameron is a generally nice guy, even if he's a little arrogant sometimes. His exterior shows him to be more humorous and cocky, though but that still never makes people stray. Cameron tends to use his good looks and charm to his advantage. He is quite the flirt but it doesn't seem to ever bother most girls; they always seem into it. Spending his whole life with plenty of money to spend has taught him he can have whatever he wants. He likes spending time at the gym and nights at private clubs. Cameron loves partying and does it quite often. Although he's fairly easy going he does have a temper if you do something that really sets him off.

Personality Condensed: Flirtatious, Charismatic, Cocky, Laid-back

History/Biography: He’s the most well known person in the entire town, even people outside their town know who he is. He’s nothing famous, just a little bit gorgeous, his ancestors founded the town year and years ago. His family is one of the richest and most important, but they’re also humble, as he is too, despite his humorous and cocky personality. It’s sort of true, he’s been given pretty much everything, but he’s always given back. Now, though, he’s looking for something out of the ordinary. He wants to earn something in his life, a real challenge, though it might deem him as a surprise when his cockiness gets the best of him once he discovers the real thing.

Social Class: Rich

Their views on the poor: Cameron has never thought about the poor in a bad way. He just sees them as people who live in the same town as him, whether it be in a different place or not, who are still human beings. Cameron doesn't really see them as unequal to the wealthier people like him but he doesn't truly associate with them, either.

Likes: Attention, Partying, Women, Working out, Money, Having fun

Dislikes: People who don't know how to relax, Not having any money, Teases, Being ignored, Ignorant people

Fears: Cameron fears that one day everyone will simply forget about him once he is dead and gone and he wants nothing more than to create a greater name for himself.

Secrets: Cameron's family is completely different from what people see in the papers and magazines, in fact, Cameron almost dreads being at home.

Face Claim: Adam Gallagher

Appearance: Cameron Alexander Gallagher III



Elizabeth Welvien




Pair 4 - The Mutable Pair

Poor Girl






Don't ever complain to Elizabeth. She will hit you so hard and so suddenly with a blast of brutal truth that you won't have any idea what to say. Liz does not tolerate people who complain or wallow in self pity. She speaks with a painful amount of sincerity and honesty that usually knocks others back into the real world with a stunning blow. She isn't a believer in the idea of 'sugar-coating' something to ease the pain of it - she believes that people should know the hard truth before they wander off submerged into a beautifully composed lie, and ruin themselves. She is easily irritated by being nagged or by someone pushing her seemingly long limits, and can snap harshly with the pure intention of inflicting harm, having no care about the repercussions of her words until they stare her in the face. Even then, she acts fearless, willing to put up a hard fight. People she trusts get a little less of her straight-forward attitude and usually earn a measured dose of friendly sarcasm and a nicer attitude, and with those she is even closer to, she can even become . . . sweet towards. It's something rarely, if not at all seen by surrounding spectators. Her trust is weak, even after a long time of being built up, and one slip-up can fracture and shatter it into nothing. Liz never forgives, and does not ever forget.

Personality Condensed:

Sincere, blunt, strong-willed, courageous, sarcastic, friendly {under special circumstances}.


Liz, from an early age, worked for what she wanted. The world was shown off to be a cruel place in her earlier years, far earlier than when she should have learned of them, and she never truly had the chance to be a care-free child like she was supposed to be. The situation of her family was obvious, and she knew it just by comparing herself to everyone else in the community. She knew how poor her and her family was, and wasn't as sheltered or innocent as other kids were about the colder truths of life, earning odd views from children and teachers alike. High school was a train wreck waiting to happen - her father and mother's fighting became more and more frequent until her father wouldn't stand for any more, and filed for a divorce, sending Liz and her mother into poverty without the added financial support. Liz began working at fifteen, handling as many jobs as she could while also trying to manage her high school career along with it. Being her age, it was difficult for her to find many high-paying jobs. She'd volunteer for paid tasks such as pet-sitting or cleaning, and as she grew older, slowly worked towards more stable jobs to fit herself into. Among everything, she managed to graduate high school, just barely scraping by with her very mediocre grades. She knew she wouldn't be able to go to college, not now when the finances were most in need. Currently, she works part-time at a local, pretty popular car hand-washing place and part-time at a local Starbucks as a barista. The car wash job pays better than the barista job, but right now, Liz is doing everything she can to stay afloat.

Social Class:


Their views on the rich:

Liz generally hates - well, strongly dislikes rich people, since most of them, to her, are seen as pretentious, condescending pieces of shit. She might make a special exception for a rich person if they're nice, and not throwing and flaunting and flashing their money every which way. Liz honestly despises the whole thought of social classes and how seriously many rich people take them. But, if you manage to convince her that you're a legitimately nice, modest rich person, she'll be a little less harsh towards you.


Warm colors, starry skies, sunsets, coffee, tank tops, soft {usually oversized} sweaters, soft or plush furniture, cozy places, getting a well-earned pay check, sweets and food, Coca Cola.


Condescending, arrogant, or rude people, a good majority of rich people, complaints, unjustified laziness, superficiality, cherry-coating a truth, social classes, the unnecessary emphasizing of social classes.


Liz is afraid of failing. Failure would mean losing all she's ever worked to gain, and she could never live with herself if something as horrifying as that happened to her, to her mother, more importantly. She also has a fear of rats.


Liz doesn't really keep secrets. She usually wears her thoughts on her sleeve. She'll only keep a secret for a very close, trustworthy friend.

Face Claim:

Kristen Stewart


Stop. She's a good actress. Shut your trap, you ignorant swine.)





~Take Me As I Am~



Ryland Backster


Pair 2; Poor Guy








Ryland is generally independent and outspoken. He isn't ashamed of much except for the fact that he is diagnosed with dyslexia which he doesn't bring up at all much. Though he is very much proud of being homosexual; he tends to be more open about it around poor people like him though barley brings it up when rich people are around because he fears there stuck-up and judging like he hears from others. Ryland isn't one to take the easy way out and actually is used to taking the hard way; you will never see him complain about hard work unless he is in the heat-of-the-moment while talking to someone who is rich. Ryland can be a little bit flirty with out knowing it though when he is around his friends he is a lot more flirty with the guys, even if there heterosexual, just to be funny.

Personality Condensed:

Hard-working, Clear-headed, Dutiful, Dedicated, & independent.


Ryland was born and raised in the same old boring town with the same old boring people. He never knew his real mother or father but it never really bothered him. Ryland grew up in foster homes all his life and none of them were kind to him. He started working around the age seven when he was forced to do all sorts of task's around whatever foster home he was in for the time-being. Because of his living situations, Ryland thought at a young age that work was more important than school; his dyslexia started kicking in around the age of nine but none of his foster parents ever cared enough to even mind his learning disability. Ryland just learned to cope with it and still always put work first.

By the age of sixteen he was begging his social worker to let him live off on his own which he could of with the right approval. Well eventually he got approval and moved into a small crummy apartment. Of course he still went through high school but unfortunately he didn't have the grades or money to get into a college. Well that isn't stopping him. Currently Ryland is working as a server at 'Coconutties!', which is located on the beach and is a local teen hangout. He's saving up money from his job and ILP funds sent by his social worker to get into college and finally have a chance at getting out of this crummy town.

Social Class:


Their views on the rich:

"I wish I had it easy like them. Bet they haven't worked an honest day in their life, having daddy's credit card prevents that for 'em."


~ The Rain.

~ Getting work done.

~ The Outdoors.

~ Scary movies.


~ Slackers.

~ Liars.

~ People who are all play and no work.

~ Reading and Writing.


The fear of never getting anywhere in life; staying in the same old place and stuck with the same old job, just never moving on.

Has a fear of heights.


Ryland is diagnosed with Dyslexia.


Max Schneider


He stands at 5'8" & weighs about 147 lbs.



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Chance Knight.

Role: Pair 2:

Rich Guy






"I don't care about where you put it.Where's my money?"

Cold and bitter Chance is and only cares about what he gets.Barely ever giving,he lives his life this way and he doesn't care what people

say about him.People go by him and dislike him just because of what they "heard" so,he gave up trying to make friends with people."I don't

give a sh*t anymore.Think what you want but,you don't know me.".Chance doesn't get to show his good side because people throw hate at him

every time he walks out of the door just because of his past and yet,they don't even know the truth.Before all of this,he was one to always help people

and giving out money to people who need it but,not anymore.He could care less about poor people now and barely even has room to love someone but.

I bet if pushed hard enough,he'll finally see past the money.But,I wouldn't
guarantee it....

Personality Condensed:



~Doesn't trust anyone.



~Has a short temper.


Chance was born on Christmas in Los Angeles with a mother and a father whom were rich but,not as rich as his aunt and uncle.From elementary school

to sixth grade,Chance was known as the guy with a huge heart that's open to anyone.He would always share and give but,no one ever gave back,at least

the people who could but,he didn't care,at least he gave.In seventh grade he found out that he was,in fact,homosexual yet,he wasn't open about it and

he wasn't the one to go around telling people either.He had a boyfriend,his family was good to him,and he had money...all that a person wanted right?No

because, half the stuff I just told you is a lie.Yes,Chance has a family but,to hell if they even though about being good to him.He had a lover yet,he

never talked to him and went away for a long time never coming back to him for some strange reason and if you thought it wouldn't get worst,you were

wrong.One day while Chance was walking home at night from a late practice of football,he came across a homeless poor man on the side of the road.

He offered money to him and even some left over snacks he had in his backpack but,the man didn't want it.So,chance said some nice things to him and

began to walk away until the man grabbed his leg and threw him down then knocked him unconscious "I got raped by a poor person..for actually trying

to help someone...I got raped.".So,what you heard isn't true.His family didn't give him up because he wanted to go to his uncle's house and they were

disappointed,they gave him up because of his sexuality.He didn't leave his lover,actually he waited days and days and days without moving anywhere for

him but,he never came.He didn't "give up" his friends,he dropped every single one of them because they only wanted his money and where he could take

them."See?You don't know anything...you don't."

Social Class:


Their views on the Poor:

"I don't give a f**k about the poor anymore.Suck it up and work harder."


Beaches,Sun sets,Football,Candy,Ice cream,Silence,Sketching,Sleep.


Fakes,Liars,Dirty places,Walking at night,Peanut butter(He's
allergic),People who are always begging.Judge mental people.


~He has a fear of walking at night now.

~Bee's and wasps are fears of his to.


~His whole back story life is a secret since people won't believe him anyway...

Chance is still not open about his sexuality.

Face Claim:

Tyler Posey


Chance is 6'10 and weights 206 but,doesn't have any fat on his body at all.








Name: Vincent Ryles


Pair 1: Poor - Guy



Vincent is a hopeless romantic. From the books that he buys with his meager salary, he dreams and dreams about the different situations he could be in. He can be a quiet soul at times and expresses himself through dance and songs. He would prefer not to talk even if it is to defend himself. However, when the ones close to him are harmed, then that's when he defends them.

Personality Condensed:
Loyal, quiet, passive

Vincent was familiar with the rich class. He was considered to be rich, until his father was laid off of his job. That's when everything turned bad. House foreclosed, his mother and father trying to find extra jobs to keep them alive, struggling to find food. This continued until they were forced to move to the poor side. His parents and himself moved and struggled to keep themselves alive, until an old man found them struggling. He knew how it felt to move from a land of riches and wealth to a land of poverty, and decided to take them under his wing. Uncle Davy was like another father to Vincent and was the reason they were still alive. With Davy's help, Vincent was able to find a job at the ballet studio. They still struggled, but they were still living and able to scrounge for food and find shelter for themselves.

Social Class:

Their views on the rich:
From Vincent's previous experience with the wealthy class, he doesn't mind them to much. He doesn't envy them or hate them. He respects them as if they were like him.

Rain, nature, music, and dancing

Snow, ignorant and arrogant people, and spinach

Heights and people dying

He talks to himself and sometimes sees people that aren't there

Face Claim:
Sam Tellam



Character Application Form

Name: Merida Halliday

Nickname: 'Ida'

Role: Pair _: Pair 3 Poor Girl

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Merida has always been quite shy and self conscious, working hard in school and never really having close friends. She's smart and sporty, overall incredibly talented and at first she attempted to hide this, not wanting to get picked on. However, after a series of traumatic events, Merida realised that the only way to get anywhere in life is to achieve, and to achieve you've actually got to try. Ever since her Mother died, singing and songwriting has been a massive outlet for her yet she's afraid that if it's noticed, it will no longer help her in the way it is doing. She's definitely not a fighter, never standing up for herself.

Personality Condensed: Hardworking, Creative, Modest, Passive

History/Biography: Merida was 13 when her mother, Jenna died, leaving her with her dad, Jack and older brother, Ruben. As hard as he tried, Jack was never a good dad, he just wasn't cut out for it, fonder of his career than his family. Merida became very isolated, ignored by her dad and teased by her brother, she pursued education and power of the mind. The first song she ever wrote was about her mother as she'd encouraged her to sing as a child. It hurt at first, emotionally, but after a while, music became a comfort to her. She is juggling two jobs and her school career while her brother sleeps and eats all the food in the house all the time. It's about time he got off his ass and helps out a bit.

Social Class: Poor

Their views on the rich: Merida has always envied the rich, their fancy private schools and cars. They'd never know what it's like to be hungry. Or lonely because their fathers don't have to work double hours to pay the bills

Likes: Baseball, Singing, Alternative fashion, ThunderStorms

Dislikes: Bullies, Spiders, Her brother and other slackers out there.

Fears: That she's going to forget her mother. Trusting someone to get close to her, then being let down.

Secrets: History, musical talents.

Face Claim: Amy Lee

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.10383d837f9d9902a74b1cefe0ff0527.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.10383d837f9d9902a74b1cefe0ff0527.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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