Radiant Ruby Eyes [A Missing Flame]


Junior Member
Name: Radiant Ruby Eyes

Class: Eclipse

Gender: Female

Motivation: To discover more information about her mother,

Intimacies: Ignus(Her company), to live free and do right.


Life in the Southern expanse wasn't always easy. It's hard to make a living in the fields. Wild beasts, bandits and even stranger creatures are not unheard of. The City dwellers don't have it that much better. Poverty, disease are all too common. With gangs and thieves at every dark alley, life in the City has a dark side as well. Ruby was fortunate. She was born into a household of great wealth and affluence. Food and shelter wasn't a problem. Money and servants are plenty. Yet it would be naive to think one could live a happy and sheltered life from within her estate. Challenge and conflict always finds a way in, no matter what.

Ruby's father was a businessman. He started off small time, and soon became a successful local merchant. He had a serpent's tongue, a keen eye for enterprise, and an ingenious mind with a knack for commerce. Such a man has aspirations, and would not be confined being a mere local shop keeper. However, with great aspirations also comes great risk. Competition between businesses are fierce. Anything is fair game when it comes to profit, even blackmail and assassination. Ruby's father know the dirty side of commerce all too well, but he had another idea. In order to level the playing field with larger businesses who contracts advantageous trade routes, he and a group of merchants decides establish a new route. An unexplored route can be dangerous, especially with threats from wild beast and fairfolk.

The merchants decided to make the gamble. Hiring the best help they can afford, they head off into the unknown. Exactly what happen afterwards is unclear, but few years later, a new company based in Chiaroscuro quickly began to flourish. Their goods: Firedust.

Ruby grew up...for the lack of of better description...a spoiled brat. She was a complete Tomboy, always getting into fights and causing havoc. Those around her attributed to the fact that she did not grow up with her mother. Rumor was that her mother died in childbirth. Her father was a reasonable man. He was a harsh disciplinarian when it comes to things that matters such as morals and learning, but otherwise allowed Ruby free reign. Although it could be said that he simply did not have the energy to keep up with her. Although Ruby's father was only in his thirties, his health was rapidly deteriorating due to an unknown disease. Even though he kept the company running smoothly, there is great worry that the young and inexperienced Ruby will lead the company into bankruptcy. Ruby however, was less concerned about commerce and business. The one thing on her mind was why she never knew her own mother. No matter how she harassed her father, he kept a tight lip. In her spare time, the young Ruby exerted her frustration on practicing martial arts and marksmanship.

When Ruby was 16 her father finally passed away. Not long after his death, those who had been awaiting to wrestle the company from her appeared. Having little experience on how to deal with such vipers, the young heiress could only watch as the company slowly began to disintegrate. Just when things couldn't get any worse, it did. A rival company sent an assassin for Ruby's life. Although cornered by the killer, she fought with everything she had. In the moment of life and death, to her own and the assassin's surprise, Ruby exalted. The assassin unexpectedly held back his killing strike. Instead, he calmly explained to the young woman what has happened to her. Furthermore, he offered his aid. Although Ruby would not trust him, she cannot deny that there was something convincing about the way he spoke. She sought tutelage from the man, known only as Six Hands of Death.

The man taught her a great deal, how to fight, how to manipulate sorcery, but more importantly, how to read people and influence their judgment. After giving her tutelage, the man left. She never discovered why her master decided to help her, except for that perhaps he had known her mother. Using the skills taught to her by her master, Ruby turned her enemies against each other and defeated them financially and legally, thus regaining the ownership of the company. Getting the company back is one thing, keeping it running is another. Immediately, Ruby got to work reorganizing personnel and re-establishing the company's products on the market. She worked hard to extend business into the western regions, traveling by ship with the company's representatives to establish trade relations. In a flash, three years had past.

It was then that she had met a old servant of her fathers during her travels to the western archipelago, a man who had followed him since the beginning. She inquired about her father's past, and learn some information that had been kept secret. The old servant had joined Ruby's father many years ago in the southern regions. He recalled that once her father had set off with the caravans, and did not return for many months. Most feared that he had died. Just when hope was diminishing, he returned home injured but safe and his goods intact. Also accompanying him was a young woman whom no one knew. She kept to herself, but seemed very close to Ruby's father. She stayed at the estate for about nine months. One day, she simply disappeared. Ruby's father never did search for her. Few month later, Ruby's father announced the birth of his child. Although he claimed that the mother had died during childbirth, no one had actually seen her. When Ruby asked the old servant what the young lady that stayed with her father looked like, he told her "A more beautiful and graceful lady I have not seen...but what struck me was her eyes...Like burning torches...they are too dangerous for a mere mortal to look into."

It was then she remembered how her father always called her "Ruby Eyes", perhaps not a coincidence after all.


Ruby Eyes appears to be a young lady in her early twenties. She usually dons a old duster with rolled up sleeves and a short vest underneath. She tips her cowboy hat low to conceal her eyes and her fiery red hair. She walks about in a pair of Jeans and sometimes with chaps. She wears metal lined gloves and boots of fine craftsmanship. Ruby straps a metal buckle belt around her waist, along with two side holster belts holding a total of seven firewands. Upclose she appears to have a flawless figure despite her unflattering outfit. Ruby has a habit of keeping a straw or a tooth pick in her mouth when she is bored.

Fan Fic: The Showdown

"Haaahaahaa! Who else wants to be pummelled! Bring it on!" In the middle of the arena a large, muscular man is swinging about a bloody sledge and flexing his muscles thuggishly. His cry riles up the bloodthirsty amongst the audience, who scream the name "Mad Dog" wildly.

"Who's next?! Who dares to be CRUSHED"

The contestants look to each other in hesitance and trepidation. Mad Dog Dagnar is an opponent not to be taken lightly. The giant sledge he wields weights close to two hundred pounds, yet he swings it like a wooden stick. Forcefully blocking the attack is out of the question. But what's more dangerous is his character. As his nickname implies, Dagnar is a vicious fighter. Despite the tournament allows for participants to give up, accidental injury or death is a part of the game. Dagnar's last opponent took a hit on the left shoulder even though he forfeited the match, and probably won't be able to lift a sword with that arm ever again.

*Clink* *Clink* *Clink*

Suddently the audience quiets down as the sound of metal boots and spurs echoing to a set of footsteps entering the ring. Mad Dog lets out a savage howl and turns to face the new challenger. He stares stunned, for a moment, and then laughs out loud.

There is no mistake, the slender figure standing only a few yards before him is a woman. She stands unarmed, with a poncho draped over her shoulders, and wearing jeans in leather chaps. Although she wears her hat tipped low, one could tell from the lower half of her face that she is a true beauty. "You sure you're in the right place? Little girl?" Mad Dog laughs, causing the audience to burst into laughter as well.

"I reckon...Unless your name isn't Mad Dog." the woman replies in a friendly southern accent.

"Well... Tell you what." Mad Dog speaks with a vulgar tone, "I'll let you off easy... if you'll take it off... hahaha...

"Sure thing... Where would you like me to start?

As Mad dog tried to think of a lewd response, he felt the cold tip of a flame piece held against his left temple. In panic he looks to where there woman had stood, and she was not there, as she was a moment ago.

"How about I start by taking off this left ear?" Mad Dog felt the gun tip move to the his left ear followed by click on the Hammer. His body reflexively froze for a second, but there was no pain, no loud bang, nothing happened.

"Why you!.. He tried to lift his sledge, only to feel another cold nudge on his right temple.

"You're right, this one seems like a better choice.", and the Hammer clicks again. Mad dog felt his heart skipped a few beats, and realized it was another bluff.

"RAWRRRR!!!" the enraged giant lifts his sledge high over his head. He looks to his right but again saw no one there. It was then that he felt the muzzle directly beneath his chin. The young lady he had been looking for is standing right in front of him. Mad Dog's sledge is a dangerous weapon, but it's difficult to maneuver in such close quarters.

"You're Bluffing" he sneers.

"Try me, Pilgrim..." the lady's voice spoke mockingly.

Mad Dog laughs, he drops his sledge backward. Putting his hands together he strikes down with powerful double hammerfist, but in the middle of his attack, the hammer clicked again.


Mad Dog could hear the blast and smell the burnt scent of firedust. "I am shot!" His mind goes completely blank. He stumbles back and reaches for his face, expecting to feel oozing blood and burnt flesh. Just as he realizes that his face is intact, Mad Dog felt and heard a sickening crunch between his legs. The crunch was followed by the utmost nauseating and excruciating pain. With a loud thud he falls face first onto the arena ground, groaning and clutching at his crotch. Before he fainted, he saw a exploded firecracker lying on the floor.

"And the Winner of this Match Is!!! Mysterious Lady!!!" the crowd goes wild as the Announcer calls out the winner. The young woman tips her hat slightly, not to the audience but to the competitors lying in the corner injured by Mad Dog.

"The elegant gunfighter who defeated Mad Dog Dagnar! Tell us your name!" The announcer beckoned.

"Ruby Eyes the Gunslinger!", but the answer came from a man's voice. With an acrobatic flip, a young man holding two crescent swords had leaped into the arena.

"ANOTHER CHALLENGER has arrived!" the announcer cries out enthusiastically.

The young swordsman stares intensely at Ruby, "That was an impressive demonstration of skill. Yet it is a waste to use them on a brute like Mad Dog. You will find that my Kung Fu is a far more appropriate adversary to receive your martial style. And! Should I best you, will you go ou-"

"Ref, I give up." The young lady turns around and shrugs.


"What a pity, the mysterial lady conceded the fight!" The announcer calls out in disappointment as Ruby strolls out of the arena.


"Quit following me around Zi Rong. If you have so much free time, go get a job or something."



BP spent 0 XP spent 4


x= modified score

[ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][x][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][x][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][X][X]


Abilities (BP spent 14)



[ ] Archery--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Martial Arts----[X][X][X][X][X] 2 BP [specialty: Fighting Gauntlet 3 Firewand 3 Iron Boot 3]

[ ] Melee----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] War-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Integrity------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[X] Performance---[X][X][X][X][X] 2 BP

[ ] Presence------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Resistance----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Survival-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Craft----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Investigation--[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Lore----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Medicine------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Occult--------[X][X][X][X][X] 2 BP


[ ] Athletics------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Awareness----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[X] Dodge--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Larceny-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stealth--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[X] Bureaucracy---[X][X][X][ ][ ] [specialty: Commerce 3]

[X] Linguistics-----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] (Native – Riverspeak, High Realm, 2 dot specialty Low Realm, Old Realm)

[X] Ride-----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Sail-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Socialize------[X][X][X][ ][ ] [specialty: Sensing Motivation 2]

Backgrounds (4BP 3XP)


Resources----------------------------------[X][X][X][X][X] Wealthy Heiress of a Large company 4 BP

Artifact-------------------------------------[X][X][X][ ][ ] Hearthstone bracers and Hearth stone amulet

Manse ----------------------------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ] Memorial Iron, Gem of Noble Brook



Combo 2 BP(When The Dust Settles): Exhalation of the Inevitable Demise, Cloud of Ebon Dust Devils.

1. Kiss of the sun concentration (Scroll of the monk)

2. Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique (Scroll of the monk)

3. Lighting Draw Stance (Scroll of the Monk)

4. Second Excellency Resistance (CORE)

5. Insightful Buyer Technique (CORE)

6. Mastery of Small Manners (CORE)

7. Ox Body Technique (CORE)

8. Essence Resurgent:Martial Arts (CORE)

9. Hearing the Unspoken Word (Scroll of the Monk)

10. Cloud of the Ebon Devils (Scroll of the Monk)

11. Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (CORE) - Summon Elemental (CORE)

12. Ritual of Elemental Empowerment (The White and Black Treatise)

13. Celestial Circle Sorcery (CORE) - Cloud Trapeze

14. Principle of Motion (Spirit,CORE)

15. Hound of Five Winds (The White and Black Treatise)




Perfect Iron Boot - To Hit 15 Dice, Damage 14B, Speed 5, Rate 3 Defense -3(Fire Enchanted)

Perfect Fighting Gauntlet - Defense +4 (Water Enchanted)

Perfect Flame Pieces - To Hit 16 Dice, Damage 13L, Speed 5 (Fire Enchanted)

Perfect Breast Plate - Soak 8/6/0, 0 fatigue 0 dodge penalty(Earth enchanted)




Sweet Cordial

Seven bounty paste



Willpower (8) 4 BP


[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]


Virtues 3XP


Compassion (Heart of Tears)

[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[X][X][ ][ ][ ] 3XP


[X][X][ ][ ][ ]


Dodge DV (Dodge)


Dodge DV (Parry)






Lethal 8/ Bashing 9/Aggravated 0


Move - 5

Dash - 11




A plumage of a great peacock woven from her essence unfolds from her back.

Each feather represents a stylized eye and they glow in azure flames. As more essence is channelled, the plumage opens completely, individual eyes begin to move in unison to her gaze.




~0 [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Dying [ ] [ ]


Essence 40 XP


[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ]

Personal 20

Peripheral 39/46

Committed 7

100 XP(Spent 99)

In time order of spending:

16 XP, increase essence from 2 to 3

8 XP, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (Call elemental)

8 XP, Ritual of elemental attunement

8 XP, Hound of Five Winds

16 XP, Principle of Motion

4 XP, increase resistance from 1 to 3

3 XP, increase temperance from 1 to 2

4 XP, increase perception from 1 to 2

3 XP, increase manse from 1 to 2

24 XP, increase Essence from 3 to 4

8 XP, Celestial Circle Sorcery (Cloud Trapeze)

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