Race For The Queen's Juniper (Reboot!)

Fus ro dah

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Reserved Slots: @Broken-Angel @Ratchet @khuyen @Stickdom @MrLeighKemp

The Denizens Of The World

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/humans.jpg.5a280ff2a7303db62e0f495a15391dc5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/humans.jpg.5a280ff2a7303db62e0f495a15391dc5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Humans are a hardy race, proud and industrious. They live for around 100 years.

    North Nomads: Heavily built and pale skinned, the North Nomads live deep in the mountains and are rarely seen. They are said to be great cooks, which would explain their more rotund shapes.

    West Myrmidons: Dark skinned and muscular, the West Myrmidons live in the plains and are great fighters, often striking out and becoming mercenaries.

    East Garuda: The East Garudians are lithe and tanned, they live on the eastern coast and are known for their crafting and fishing. Most Garudians know how to swim about the same time as they learn to walk.

    South Giants: The southern giants are ebon skinned, muscular and they tower over the other human races. They live in tribal communities in the forests and are great hunters and gatherers.

The Two Rival Groups

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d1a71c2_HangmansRemorse.jpg.6a6678c147a13fe8294d88398d09f471.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d1a71c2_HangmansRemorse.jpg.6a6678c147a13fe8294d88398d09f471.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    The Hangman's Remorse

    The Aetherblades have been around for fifty years and are known for their use of Aethertech weapons. The Hangman's Remorse is also powered by Aether and leaves a faint trail of blue in it's wake that is visible for a short time at night.

    They fly this sigil.


Basic Rules of Conduct

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/nomercy.jpg.0948ef82b8d639d12eeaf3c26d3dfd3e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/nomercy.jpg.0948ef82b8d639d12eeaf3c26d3dfd3e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Have fun, be creative!
  • Please tag anyone you are interacting with, so they know.
  • Do not Godmod/Bunny/Whatever else you know it as.
  • Mary Sue/Gary Stu characters will be denied, as well fandom characters.
  • No one liners, make an effort.
  • Be literate, use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  • If you're going away or leaving, let us know.
  • Please don't use colour in your posts. There's no need for it and it's just jarring and weird.
  • Three strikes and you're out. No if's, but's or maybe's. (As in breaking the rules.)

Role Playing

  • When RPing, please use the literate form. (Also known as novel style.) Non literate players will be asked to leave.
  • When your character is speaking use quotation marks around their words. Ex: "Hello!"
  • When they are performing actions, you need not use any special punctuation. Ex: He readied his bow.
  • When they are thinking, use ITALICS. Ex: I wonder what he's up to...
  • Make sure you've read and understood posts you're replying too, basic reading comprehension is a pretty integral part of roleplaying (and writing in general).



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Blank Character Sheet








Current Residence:

Crew Loyalty: (Ship name)

Occupation/Rank On Ship:

Description: (Semi-realistic, realistic art and photos are accepted. Anime pictures will be denied.)

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars Of Note:

Skills And Abilities:



Anything else:

Writing Sample: (About 100 words please. This is required.)
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Name: Rhys Conteparte




Human (half North Nomad, half Garuda)



Current Residence:
The Hangman's Remorse

Crew Loyalty:
Hangman's Remorse

Occupation/Rank On Ship:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Portrait_of_a_Sky_Pirate_by_sypri.jpg.3d57e4fd5154a0e6875bc299cf93015d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34695" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Portrait_of_a_Sky_Pirate_by_sypri.jpg.3d57e4fd5154a0e6875bc299cf93015d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars Of Note:
Three matching piercings in both ears.


Skills And Abilities: This man can cook. He learned his skills from his Nomadic mother who was one of the few Nomads who left the mountains to see the world. He's also charming, and a crack shot with his rifle.

A charming man, sometimes too charming, it would be easy to mistake Rhys for anything but the lowly cook of a pirate ship. He always wears the most fashionable clothing that is perfectly tailored for himself, even when cooking. He loves his job and is quite often heard singing from the galley.

He keeps his history secret, no one knows where he's from or much about him at all.

Anything else:
His gun is called Betelgeuse and it's his baby. Touch it, and die.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d5ee407_MoxieFarrah.jpg.d4d2eb8cacb378584e8c0b1037afe48b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34818" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d5ee407_MoxieFarrah.jpg.d4d2eb8cacb378584e8c0b1037afe48b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Vi, or just Hawkes, usually. You could call her Seacorn (referencing her narwhal accident) if you so chose, if you wanted your nose to make acquaintance with her fist.




5' 3"

124 lbs

Current Residence:
A pleasant little cottage--er, shack by the sea in her home village near Carran.

Crew Loyalty:
Cloud Peril, The Cloudcutter

Occupation/Rank On Ship:

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars Of Note:
Has a long, pale scar that stretches from her left hip to her ribs, just shy of her left breast. She got it in a fishing accident that she'd rather not talk about. (A narwhal got the better of her, the sly creature.) Octavia also has this strange--thing--about fishhooks as earrings. Don't be surprised if she gets some sort of infections from it often. She likes to use them for fishing as well, says its handy. Disgusting, if you ask me. Some say the young woman has a tattoo of a tribal dolphin on her arse, but that's just what goes around the rumor mill. I wouldn't know for sure.

Skills And Abilities:
Octavia is a pretty damn good fisherwoman, just ask anyone in the village. She's by no means the best, but she's probably the fourth or fifth. In the women category, that is. She's a strong swimmer and seems to glide through the water. She can be pretty stealthy, and a damn good liar, at least when she's not drinking. (It doesn't take much to get her drunk, she's definitely a lightweight!) Octavia is pretty handy with a dirk, but honestly feels more at home with a well-balanced pike or spear in her hands.

If I told you Octavia was a logical and observant person, I'd be lying. The lass usually has her head in the clouds or sea, depending on what she's doing. The only time she's pointedly observant is when she's staring into the sea. Vi is a gregarious and sociable lass, although sometimes her friendliness is taken as being flirty. Depends on the girl you ask. She's pretty naive in the realm of honest-to-god love and is a romantic at heart. She's usually optimistic and kind--especially to children--but can become snarky. Usually when she's tired. Although loyal, her broken trust can almost never be regained and she can hold a hell of a grudge. Vi isn't violent by nature, but when her emotions are unstable, she can get pretty wolfish.

History: Octavia's history isn't all that special. She was raised rather modestly in a homely fishing village. When she turned 13, she went to Carran to apprentice with a master fisherman. She's pretty adept now, and she would be better, if she hadn't been such a wild child in the big city. Her parents were rather restrictive, but most were in such a small village. She returned home, and all was well. Vi fished and made her own living, refusing to settle down as early as most girls did. Then the fish started dying. After making a pilgrimage to the shrine dedicated to the gods of the sea, she decided to head to the big city. Turned out it wasn't the fish just dying, but everything else. She had always thirsted for adventure, so she found employment with Cloud Peril as a striker, doing what she does best: fishing.

Anything else:
Has a spear that--with the pull of a handy lever--changes into a trident for fishing. Or seriously mauling enemies. It is decorated with the teeth of a shark and the end of the handle has a deadly narwhal horn attached to it. (Damnable beast deserved it. . . .)

Writing Sample:

"Don't you even think about going after that thing!"

A young woman gazed down into the crystal clear waters, watching a large dark shape glide beneath them, weaving in and out of the coral reefs. The beast was trapped, but not yet in a panic. "Well, who's to say I won't," she challenged without looking up. Her long bangs framed her face and the tips barely touched the surface of the slightly waving water. Her blue eyes were trained on the creature, knuckles white from clenching the boat so hard. A man a little older than her was sitting nearby. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but she couldn't see him, nor did she care.

"Just so you know, that thing will kill you easy. Slice you right through, if it doesn't run you through on that wicked sharp horn," he continued. Now it was the woman's turn to roll her eyes. He was always such a stickler and was hardly ever any fun. He wouldn't even cliff jump with her, especially now that his dad ran the village.

She leaned back from the water and took her pants off, leaving her in just a bandeau and small, tight cloth shorts designed for smooth swimming. She looked at her companion, a grin on her face. "Well don't just stare, Luka. You act like I'm naked or something," she said with a laugh. "Hand me my spear, you baby," she commanded, holding out an almost childlike hand. He grumbled about something under his breath, cheekbones flushed red, before placing the woman's precious spear in her palm.

She decided to pay no mind to the way he had been looking at her for the past few days. They had been friends since early childhood, running all over the village and swimming together constantly. Once upon a time, she might have considered throwing away their friendship for something more--or less, depending on whether you looked at how bonded they were now. But a lot of things had changed since that time. She had gone to the big city and lived. She wasn't going to throw away her freedom now. She was destined for big things, she could feel it in her bones. And Luka didn't quite fit into those plans, she decided.

"Be careful, Vi," he said, more softly than earlier. She turned to look at him, but he was looking into the water on the other side of the boat. She gave a a quiet sigh and rose to her feet, carefully so as not to rock the boat and cause them both to go over. The young woman called Vi stood with her feet together, arms up and pointing to the sky. The spear, which was almost as long as she was, was clasped between her two hands. After relishing in the warmth of the sun, she dove into the water, barely rippling the surface and making no splash.

The water was like an old lover, caressing her bare skin with its coolness. She kicked a few times before she was able to glide through the water, cutting through it like a mermaid. The fish around her scattered, but lazily. They knew she meant no harm, they just knew to avoid the shiny object and move out of her way. Vi was raised in these waters, and many of the fish had heard about her from their grandparents. Since she was such a strong swimmer, it took barely any time for her to reach the area of the reef the once obscure creature was trapped. It hadn't seen her yet, but it was already looking agitated. The beast was small for its kind, and far from its waters. Vi got closer, glad for how unnaturally long she could hold her breath; it was like a gift from the gods.

The young woman had never came into contact with these creatures, but she had heard stories about how it could be tamed like a dolphin and calmed before its end. So Vi reached out a gentle hand and let it settle on the beast's smooth hide. But quite the opposite happened. As soon as her flesh made contact with it's, it thrashed wildly, its dangerous and long horn flailing about. The young woman reacted quickly, using the reefs around her to push away from the creature and into safety. But she wasn't swift enough.

The tip of the horn found her hip and traced a slow path up her stomach before leaving her skin right below her left breast. She looked down at the scratch, expecting little damage, seeing as though it didn't hurt as bad as she thought. But as she watched it, the long scratch opened up like a flower, blood blooming from her abdomen in a beautiful but macabre scene. A sound escaped her then, one of fear. The creature heard her and whipped around, intent on making its adversary lie still. But it was the hunter's turn to act first. She reeled her arm back and settled her feet on the reef behind her. The moment the creature began to turn, she pushed off the coral and shot forward, spear outstretched.

Back on the boat, the young man watched the scene unfold in growing worry. When his old friend first dove into the water, he watched her with something more than admiration and lust. He thought she was going to kill the narwhal easily, until it thrashed. For a moment he sat shocked. But the sight of her blood was enough to get him into the water, screaming for help. Luckily no one else was on the water, allowing the sound to carry all the way to the village. But on the other side of that coin, no one would be out there soon enough. Luka sent a silent prayer before stripping down to his skivvies and diving in after her.

He was halfway there when the beast turned belly up, bubbles coming from its blowhole and blood blooming into Vi's. The creature still had the spear sticking out of its side, but Luka could see her nowhere. It wasn't until he had to break the surface that he saw her clinging onto the beast's horn, pale but grinning weakly.



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Name- Lilith Morgan

Nicknames- Lilly

Age- 25

Gender- Female

Height- 5'3

Weight- 103lbs

Current Residence- Lowestoft

Crew Loyalty- Cloud Peril

Occupation- Boatswain


Piercings/Tattoos/Scars of Note- She has five small golden earings in each of her smooth, pointed ears. Lilith also has the ship's insignia tattooed on her right shoulder blade. She only has one scar along her left forearm, which she aquired during a scuffle with some bandits who tired to make the Cloud Peril one of their victims.

Personality- Lilith is very nose to the grindstone. She takes her job very seriously and to heart. She's not one to joke around all that much nor "let her hair down", type of person. She believes that in order to do your job right, one must be fully comitited to it. Now that's not to say that she doesn't enjoy going having a drink or two but that she's extememly level headed. Not letting to foolish antics of the more goofy shipmates, over come her seriousness.

History- Ever since Lilith could remember she wanted to do something great, something that would leave her mark on history for years to come. As a young girl, Lilith was always the serious type. Acting much more mature than the other young elves in her homeland. She supposed she could blame that all on the fact that her father had left of a job with one of the villages fishing crew. Though deep in her heart, Lilith knew that there was something more to it than just ordinary fishing.

Later she had learned that the people that her father had left with, were in fact pirates. The whole town was abuzz with how could her mother be married to such a man. Day after day, Lilith had heard every story known to man about pirates. Some of them were bad, making them out to be these glorified bandits. Then there was some who made them sound like sound like they were the most couragous people around. She, of course chose to believe that her father was in with the couragous types. She felt pride in knowing that her father was a brave and fearful pirate. What she didn't know what that sometimes pirates go missing. She ended up learning that part of the story after her father had been gone for 4 months.

The crew that he had left with, had returned. But not with her father. She remembered the weeks that had passed and how her mother had went from this lively sweet person, to this shell of an elf. It was from then on that she knew that she was going to have to care of herself. Though she did not want to leave her mother, she also knew that the person before her, was no longer her mother.

At the age of 16, Lilith had begun to somewhat make a name for herself. She did little odd and end jobs at the town which she moved to, Lowestoft. There she worked at many different establishments. She worked as a bar maid at the local pub. Though that hadn't lasted long. One of the patrons learned the hard way, that she was not gentle flower. That came with thanks to one of the towns less than popular, former pirate. A one Sir. Robert Williams. When she first arrived at Lowestoft, she heard of the man and all the great things he once did for the town. Upon meeting him though, she had found something different. Where she expected this manly and brave elf, she was met with a washed up excuse for a being.

Day after day she would come and bug him about teaching her what it was to be a pirate. For she wanted to bring her and the only way that she knew to do that was to become one of the best pirate around. Finally getting tired of her annoyance, Robert decided to teach her everything that he knew. Though it wasn't easy, she eventually got the hang of things. He taught her swordplay and various defensive techniques. Everything that she needed to learn to be a pirate, he taught her.

One day during a raider attack, she had lost her somewhat of a close friend. That was probably the last straw in her decision to become a member of an airship. With her mind settled, she joined the Clouds Peril at a low stature of Cabin Girl. After a several years, she had finally made her way up to Boatswain. And that is where she is now, completely happy with her role on the proud airship. In her many years of being on this ship, she has only recruited one member. And that was the "colorful" Jackson Filcherly. That elf gave her headaches on a daily basis. But in the end he would come through in a pinch, albeit in a non conventional way. But this was her life now, this was her chance to make her impact on history.
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"Jackson Filcherly, at your service."



"You can call me Jack, you can call me Jackie, you can call me Wedge, just don't call me late for supper.


"43 Elvish Years"

Maturity level average: 20 years old


"Don't you dare make me drop my trousers, that's my line. I'm as 'he' as they come."



"If you can't tell by the outlandishly thin body and pointy ears, West Coast Naiads forever, Capt'n."

Western Naiad


"Tall enough that my feet reach the ground."

6' 1/2"


"Light enough to float when I want to, heavy enough to sink when I don't."

A muscular 157 pounds.

Current Residence:

"The far western edge of Wandermere, by the sea. I prefer the salt air and the sea to that puddle."

Lives in a modestly furnished fisherman's shack on the Western Shore of Indasica when he's not aboard The Cloud Peril.

Crew Loyalty:

"Do I look like an Aetherblade wench to you? What?! Say that to my face again, you barnacle-faced baboon."

Sails with The Cloud Peril

Occupation/Rank On Ship:

"Especially because of the Cloud Peril's thoughts on the subject, I happen to be a practical wizard with a blade. Well, almost any blade. Ok, I only do my best work with a saw. Or an axe. Or both."

Master Carpenter and Mechanical Engineer are his full duties, though he also happens to be the ship's assistant surgeon, but has only minimal skill in that area. (Note: I don't believe that man has ever been to medical school.)


"Tall and lean and sea-worthy, that's me."

Jackson is abnormally tall for his age, other Naiads of his generation are about a full 6 inches shorter. He may be a giant among his kind, but

his attitude says otherwise. He is strong and fit due to his daily working out, but he doesn't seem to possess a scrap of physical bulk. His appearance is thin and stringy, including his hair, due to his constant diving and swimming whenever he gets the chance, the salt water does things to it. This is the reason he always wears a hat and long clothing, he's slightly embarrassed of his scrawny looks.

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars Of Note: His left ear is practically lined with rings, he adds a new one from the share of whatever loot he has received on a raid. His only scar is directly across his nose, starting under one eye and spreading across his face to the other. This is not a heroic scar, he doesn't often brag of it, since he received it washing dishes and ran directly into a rusty old pan hanging from the low ceiling. He is proud of being a member of the Cloud Peril crew, he has a tattoo of their flag symbol in his right shoulder, though he had the crossed bones replaced with saws, to reflect his trade.

Skills And Abilities:

"An artist with a jagged blade!"

-Excellent skills with a Saw, from carpentry to minor surgery (amputations, incisions, minor operations). As a corollary to his medical practice, he also has some knowledge of medicinal plants and how to make basic elixirs (Pain relief, Cure fatigue, Cure sea/air sickness)

"I can swim like a fish."

-Due to his heritage as a Naiad as well as his upbringing, he has trained himself against the crushing pressures of the deep, can swim well and hold his breath for several minutes longer than normal (up to 15 minutes if he has had a decent warm-up before hand)

"I just cast a line and it always lands where I want it to."

-He can perform well with any length of rope, chain, long flexible material, usually his fishing rod with a thick, sturdy wire in place of normal fishing line. These feats include throwing and knotting (like a lasso or a bullwhip), whips and entanglements (in combat), and other similar skills. Also an experienced fisherman.

Personality: Fun loving and adventurous, Jackson can sometimes be oblivious to the larger scale of things, often caught up in the here and now of any given moment. He's not much to plan very far ahead, only enough to keep his head above water, so to speak. Not that he minds being underwater at all, he rather prefers it.


Jackson wearing his typical battle/traveling gear, with his trusty rod.

Jackson grew up as the son of a deep sea diver on the shores of Indasica, west of Wandermere, where his mother was born. His father was a merchant (Yes, my mother is the diver, what of it? Say one salty word against me mother and I'll make sure not give you anesthesia when I amputate all yer limbs, ya coral-handed seagull!) and he traveled far and wide, visiting other continents, though he left for a voyage some 17 years ago and has yet to return. His mother took him to their family house by the sea, where she raised him in the small community there. She taught him all about diving and treasure hunting, they would often go on long swims and dives. He soon became an experienced and adventurous diver, going hunting for creatures of the deep with harpoon in hand, or bringing up baskets of coins and trinkets that he found in some old wrecked ship.

He eventually yearned for more, and when his father disappeared, he saw his chance. Jackson joined onto a crew of an airship and worked odd jobs for his fare. He was fascinated by the Carpentry and Engineering skills, both of working with wood and metal, but the crafting of new things from old. He trained day and night to copy what he saw, but the first results were... messy. He failed to put a crucial mast piece together properly, causing a part of the sail to collapse mid-journey. He was put ashore in a foreign land, but he was not put off or discouraged. He quickly joined another ship that his reputation had not reached, again working under the carpenter. His skill improved rapidly, as this master seemed more eager to teach him when he heard he had some skill, and since he was also the ship's surgeon, he passed on a bit of his medical knowledge to him, though his surgery skills were second rate. But when the worst case scenario called for the loss of a limb, there wasn't much artistry involved. Soon, Jackson could repair almost anything on the ship, from floorboards to broken toes, often making enhancements of his own to improve efficiency of sailing, from streamlining the forward bow to crafting furniture that stowed easily into the walls themselves to make more cargo space. He was regarded as a masterful artist, he seemed to mold the wood to his will, and the ship ran like a dream.

Until it was attacked by pirates. An unknown ship struck their vessel in a full-on barrage. The entire thing was destroyed and crashed gracelessly to the ground. Many of the survivors were struck down for sport from the attacking ship above them, but Jackson was able to hide under one of the floorboards he had ironically just finished repairing that morning. The attacking ship apparently found nothing of value, so they left as quickly as they had come, and Jackson made for a nearby settlement. He ran into Lilith Morgan, Boatswain of a Cloud Peril faction ship, from whom he learned that an Aetherblade ship had been scouring the area, and the Cloud Peril was in hot pursuit. He volunteered his service immediately, eager to get back to sailing and possibly get revenge on the ship that had destroyed his beloved ship, and claimed the lives of many of his friends.

Anything else:

Tools: Just a few various and typical mechanical tools; A handful of various-sized wrenches, a small hammer, a supply of nails and screws, a hand-vote for drilling holes. All in all, nothing spectacular, but enough to do what he has to.


His trusty Saw-sword, lovingly christened Oakcrist


Has a variety of axe-gun weapons, so far three distinct ones. The first is more of a halberd, with an internal rifling system that gives it the qualities of a very large and unwieldy rifle, useful when he has plenty of time to set up a long range shot, then switching to melee with its blades. This is only used in battle, as its blade is terribly shaped for cutting wood. Its stave portion can collapse into itself for simpler portability, but is completely loses its ability to fire at all in this state. It's nickname is "Salvation"

Due to the unique mechanism Jackson installed to reload it mid-fight, he gets up to ten (10) highpowered shots before having to manually refill the cartridges. This mechanism is very heavy and is only for snipe-style shots, but can be removed from the weapon to be replaced with a normal, reduced range, revolver-type 6-shot mechanism if it is too large for the scenario.

The other two are similar to each other, short pistol form, one shot each. The only difference between the two is one has a length of rope securely riveted to the butt end, used mostly for throwing and grappling, while the other is kept for the close combat that his long halberd will just get in the way. Also used as hand-axes in his carpentry. They are nicknamed "Fear" and "Trembling" respectively.
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Anni 'Breezy' Kennwood



Name: Anni Kennwood

Nicknames: Breezy. Everyone calls her Breezy.

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: East Garudian - They're known for their crafting and fishing abilities. They're usually quite tan from living on the coast, but spending all of her time in the workshop, Anni has become more pale than other Garudians.

Height: 5"4

Weight: "Please don't ask a lady that question!" "Pfft, Breezy, ye'r no lady!" "Shut your potty mouths or I will -censored-"

Current Residence: She hasn't been home for years, but considers her home in Carran her residence. She mostly stays on the ship, The Hangman's Remorse, though.

Crew Loyalty: The Hangman's Remorse.

Occupation/Rank On Ship: Master Carpenter - if anything breaks, she's the one to go to. She often invents weapons/gadgets/useless utensils for the crew as well.

History: Anni hails from Carran, the capital of Asentos, a beautiful city near the coast. She grew up relatively normally, her family being well off and kind. Her mother wanted her to desperately be a lady, and Anni grew up with all kinds of brodery and finer arts lessons. She was good at it too, but despite her lady-like looks, she didn't care much for the finer arts - it wasn't enough for her twitchy hands. Her uncle, Sam Kennwood, was a renowned blacksmith in Carran, and Anni would always sneak out to play at her uncle's workshop with the other apprentices, carpenters and smiths. When she turned 16, she finally told her mother, she didn't want to be a lady. Her mother simply smacked her on the head, and gave her a disappointed look, but in the end, she gave her the greatest gift, Anni had ever gotten. Her first hammer. After that, she continued learning from her uncle, Sam, and gained quite the reputation as a carpenter and inventor. "I can't teach you anymore, Breezy, but I have a friend who could use you." Her uncle told her this one day, and before she knew it, she was on board the pirate ship, The Hangman's Remorse. Any other family would be appalled to see their daughter become a pirate, but Anni's family just saw her off and told her to come home and visit often.

So off she went with the Hangman's Remorse. She cut her hair, and years went by, as she worked hard to become a master-carpenter worthy of their pirate-crew. Their crew slowly became bigger and eventually established as one of the more well-known pirate-crews. One day, Anni reunited with her childhood-friend and first-love, Maeve and Michael, as they joined Aetherblades as well. Things were not rosy for long, as Michael betrayed their ship, joining ranks with their rival-crew, The Cloud Peril. It was a harsh blow to Anni, and she threw herself over her gadgets and inventions. Time had passed, and her feelings had dulled, but who knows what will happen, when the two crews clash.

Personality: She's fairly tomboyish, having basically grown up as one of the guys in the workshop. She's caught onto their foul language, and sometimes uses it too much - it's too much of a habit for her. Not easily flustered, she's quickwitted and eager to banter. Her head is often up in the clouds, always thinking of way's to calibrate things or improve things. She loves a good laugh and a good ale though and gets along fairly easily with everyone. Her hands are twitchy, and she hates sitting still, so you find her working on small projects all the time. She hates it when other people are noisy, but she's often the noisiest one. Having grown up in a loving family, she treats others with the same kindness and loves her close friends to death.

Skills and abilities: Anni knows pretty much everything there is to know about engines and weapons, seeing as she is the carpenter. Her fighting skills however are more lacking. She can make a gun just fine, but using one? Not so much. Her aim is terrible for some reason. She's decent with a sword, but doesn't have her own - she has her trusty hammer instead which she can easily swing down on enemies and whatnot. She's quick and fast and often sets up small traps, should she get into a fight. Her fighting-style is more strategic and sneaky than upfront and aggressive -she leaves the brawling to the other guys.


Weapon: The double-sided hammer, her mother gave her for her 16th birthday - with quite the few upgrades. Some upgrades are less useful than others, and no-one quite knows what it can actually do, but Anni uses it for everything. She carries around two small daggers in her belt, which she uses for carving and other small things, her hammer can't do. For some reason other people find it heavy (It goes up to her knees, approximately) , but Anni has gotten used to carrying it around all the time, so she barely feels the weight of it.

Anything else: She's been called Breezy all her life, so she has heard all the fart jokes. If you make one, she will probably mess with your weapons, while you sleep. You can always find her walking around testing her newest inventions out - often on unsuspecting victims.

The sun was up high in the sky, and Anni couldn't help but stand still for a minute, feeling the cool breeze touch her skin. Ah. Finally home. Carran, her hometown and the big capital, was bustling with life as usual. They had just docked the ship and Breezy had immediately run off, almost skipping to her family home. It wasn't like they didn't dock in Carran often, but everytime Anni would've found herself busy with inventing something new, or fixing the engine after a cruel fight. So busy, she forgot to get off the ship and visit her family. Woops. Ah well. I'm home now and it's only been... a few years? Grimacing slightly, she could almost hear her mother's scolding voice.

She didn't bother with knocking, as she tried to enter her home. The door was locked though.
Strange. It's usually always open. Breezy would soon learn of all the thievery and caution, people had to take now a days. So she had to knock anyway, and when her mother opened the door, it was a picture-perfect, touching family reunion - after she had been scolded and hit on the head by her mother, that is.

"Ma', you'll never guess who's on the ship with me!" After telling a few stories about what they'd been up to (mind you, she left out the bloody and brutal parts), she finally told her mother about Maeve - her childhood friend, and one, who her mother simply adored. She left out everything about
the other guy, finding it difficult to even think of him without wanting to break a few skulls. Needless to say, there were laughter, hugging and tears in the Kennwood household that day.

So around she went, wandering around Carran to visit old friends and family, and to the workshop to get a good round of ale with the guys and her uncle. She had always been happy on the Hangman's Remorse, but it was only know, Breezy had realized how much she had missed home. Home wasn't quite the same anymore though. The atmosphere had changed.

Her feet walked through Carran and unconsciously took her to her favorite place - The beach. The greenery that used to surround it was gone, and left was only the sand and sea. It might've been her imagination, but even the sand looked a bit sick to her. Regardless, Anni kicked off her shoes and plopped her little butt down in the sand near the waters, letting the waves tickle her bare feet. She wasn't much for melancholy, so she just sat and enjoyed the view of the ocean with a small smile, humming a sea shanty. "

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Demnas Loylat


"Wuntun" (phonetic spelling of "one ton", a poke at his size), a reluctantly acquired but incredibly sticky nickname. Prefers his given name but won't correct someone for calling him Wuntun.


35 (equivalent of late 20's in human years)




75% Northern Dwarf

25% Northern Ogre (on his father's side)




198 lbs.

Current Residence:

The Cloudcutter

Crew Loyalty:

The Cloudcutter

Occupation/Rank On Ship:



Demnas is rarely seen wearing a shirt simply because such a thing looks rather silly on him due to his wide, bulky build. When the weather calls for it he wears a loose white laced-sleeve shirt, or, in extreme cold, animal skins and furs. As difficult as it is to find flattering clothes it is even more difficult to find fitting shoes, and so he is also generally barefoot. Thankfully for him he's not easily bothered by the weather.


Piercings/Tattoos/Scars Of Note:

Large hoop through right ear, a few small scars from fistfighting on his face and knuckles.

Skills And Abilities:

As with many Northern Dwarves, Demnas is a mighty fine brewmaster. He apprenticed with his uncle despite the reluctance expressed by the full-blooded Dwarves of Briarglen and spent his late childhood to early twenties crafting ale.

Skillful in formless hand-to-hand combat thanks to brawling away many drunken nights. He is conscious of his weight and frequently uses it to his advantage. He almost never picks up a blade because his hands are so massive, greatly preferring a two-handed axe or hammer.

He is a skilled rigger and is extremely quick at tying knots. He would rather send smaller folks up the mast but is perfectly content to climb as necessary.


Loud, boisterous and generally good natured, Demnas is surprisingly pleasant to be around for most. He enjoys drinking and is always looking for others to join him. Though he is a little tiresome of being prodded about his size he would rather take it than say something and cause an argument. The only way to really push his buttons is to speak offensively about his Halfling and Ogre blood, in which case he is more than willing to engage in a fist fight.



Writing Sample - Jay Torolf from Exodus, ~350 words:

The morning had started out boring enough - a droll meeting, followed by a somber luncheon, followed by a drab dinner, followed by mediocre drinks. Face had been made, business plans had been ironed out and money was set to roll in by the end of the week. As wholly uninteresting as it had been, it was a necessary evil for Jay Torolf.

As soon as Jay strolled through the smooth steel door of his eighth floor loft he peeled off his coat, tossed his tie to the side, flung his shirt onto the floor and kicked his pants into a corner. Alone, finally - a thing of beauty in moderation. As is customary, he did his rounds in his boxers and socks - first he made himself a whiskey sour, then rolled himself a joint to carry unlit in his mouth on the way to his closet to dig for casual clothes. Plaid vest? Nah. Striped tee? Fuck no. Studded leather jacket? Hell yes.

He maneuvered a white v-neck tee over the J between his lips, pulled on the jacket then withdrew the lighter he knew he had left in the tight right pocket. The clicking and fizzle of the fire rewarded Jay in an especially deep Pavlovian way so when the first puff burned his lungs it felt more like a breath of fresh air. He sighed the smoke through his nose contentedly as he picked a pair of jeans and slipped his muscular legs through them. He toed a pair of fine leather boots from a rack and wrestled in his feet. Comfortable for the first time all day he took himself from the closet and grabbed the previously crafted whiskey sour from his private bar to drink it near one of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the East side of his loft. The sun was still in the midst of setting, the good folks below retreating under rocks to make room for the villainy prepared to spring up with the moon. This was his favorite part of the day - the cross over. Now he was officially off the clock.

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Sheeyk Tharan








Eastern Fae

Height: 4'4"



Current Residence:

The Hangman's Remorse

Crew Loyalty: (Ship name)

Aether Blades

Occupation/Rank On Ship:

Striker and apothecary

Description: (Semi-realistic, realistic art and photos are accepted. Anime will be denied.)

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars Of Note:

Numerous swirly tribal tattoos all over her body.

Skills And Abilities:

Excellent with a bow, spear or sling. Deep knowledge of plants, both edible and medicinal. Excellent hunter and gatherer. She's very nimble and great at climbing so she can get around the ship with ease. Her knowledge herbal remedies and primitive forms of healing allow her to function as a doctor.


As if to compensate for her size she seems to shout almost everything, that along with her simplistic way of speaking and her completely transparent body language makes her come across as quite child like. Despite that childish first impression however Sheeyk is quite the savage killer when backed into a corner or threatened. She enjoys both hunting and killing and partake in both activites with a savage glee. She's both incredibly friendly and distrustful, swinging back and forth between the two making her seem skittish. She tends to feel and act in extremes making her very unpredictable before you get to know her.


Born to a smaller tribe far away from civilization. She was the only child of the tribe's spiritual leader and therefore groomed from early childhood to be the next in line. Her duties were not however completely spiritual, like all members of the tribe she was also expected to help with hunting.

She quickly learned how to track all manners of prey and found herself liking the thrill of the hunt. She developed a fascination for carnivores and studied them intensely. She carved statuettes of large cats stalking the grass and birds of prey swooping down from the skies as totems for the hunters. She stalked the lands herself, picturing herself a predator, sweeping through the tall grass unseen until the moment she struck. She became well liked in amongst the tribe, it was a good sign for a priestess of the God Huntress to be such an accomplished killer.

Everything in Sheeyk's life was moving along exactly as everyone expected. Then it was time for her pilgrimage, a journey that changed her life far more than expected. For her pilgrimage she was tasked to travel Skyfang, a dark and jagged mountain half a moon's walk from the tribe, and speak the hermit priestess. Not one week on the road passed before she encountered a giant beast of wood, wings that spanned the height of many men and with riders enough to be a tribe.

Sheeyk stalked the strange people for two days and two nights unsure of what to do. They sent out hunters but seemed to bring back very little to their tribe. Sheeyk finally made her presence known when one of the men attempted to pick berries poisonous thorn bush. The man's speech was strange to her, much too fluttery and soft but he was grateful for her intervention. She told him of edible plants and where to find them and in trade he told her of his magical wooden flying beast. It didn't take long before he invited her onboard and she was powerless to resist a chance to hunt amongst the birds.

Anything else:

Sheeyk speaks in a local dialect that differ a bit from the common language. The pace at which she speaks is jagged and uneven and the sounds are lighter and chirpier. Her understand of modern technology is very limited but she is not stupid. She picks up things quite quickly but lacks a deeper understand of how things actually work.

@Fus ro dah

Changed some minor bits around since last time, hope you like it
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[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]I zX.

[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]A n


U wot m8? Angie?
Name: Zan T'Locke

Nicknames: San

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Human, South Giant.

Height: 6ft 9

Weight: 194 lbs

Current Residence: Carran

Crew Loyalty: Hangman's Remorse

Occupation/Rank On Ship: Captain


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Teal.jpg.68749562a90d55574919fe05fded47ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Teal.jpg.68749562a90d55574919fe05fded47ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars Of Note: Various small scars on his forearms, legs and other exposed skin. From 'rough prey'.

Skills And Abilities:

-Excellent fisherman, hunter of mammals large and small. He also has great knowledge of fruits and berries in the wild and has been known to find various fruits/leaves at the request of cooks/doctors.

He is strong, but usually his size wins an argument before his fists.

Despite his size and weight he is incredibly quick and he has mastered the Southern Giants martial arts, which is mainly grappling and elbow/knee attacks.

Personality: He comes across to many as cold, with his typical 'strong-but-silent' demeanor. He is, however, simply shy. He grew up in a small tribe and when you went hunting you would learn at first not to talk. Silence was key. He is a listener. He favours his hearing and especially as your sight can so easily trick you. He has grown up with a weary feeling around 'small folk'. He finds it hard to trust someone, when he can't look in their eyes.

History: Zan was born into the head family of his tribe, his father was not only the head of his family but the tribe leader. Zan Grew up with three older brothers. As such he was not favoured for anything and he had to work quote hard to earn his place within his family, he was not in line to lead the tribe and thus not important.

His father would take his brothers and him hunting, as soon as he was of each at 6 years old. He was never as fast as his eldest brother or strong as his middle brother even the third brother, two years older than Zan, was like a fish in water. Zan quickly knew he had to stand out from them. When he hit his 12th birthday he left his family for 12 months, to take what is known as
'Taraura's trial'. Something his brother's had not done yet, he was the youngest to ever attempt the trial, save for his father.

Those 12 months proved more useful than 5 years with his brothers. When he returned to his family and tribe he was quickly herald as 'The young man'. An honour he wore for several years. Once back he started practicing hand to hand combat, as it was the only thing that he couldn't practice on his own. Zan had realised that, whilst in his exile, that his role in his tribe was to lead it. He wasn't ever going to beat his brothers but he could out think them.

8 years later, now 21. His father suddenly died of a heart disease. His mother wanted Zan to take the place as head of the family, an honour that was expected by many of the people in the tribe, but his eldest brother rejected the idea and the other two brothers were not Zan's biggest fans either, so they backed the eldest. Zan quickly became a social outcast within the tribe and though he was never forced out he felt he needed to leave. When he was 24 he left and he has returned only to make pledges to his tribe - money, food or clothing.

Anything else:

Seldom used Long barreled Rifle. As an expert hunter it is a useful tool as a captain it is a good reminder.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/indian-sporting-rifle-with-gold-damascened-inlay-5-5092.jpg.e2a4e1329a9cdcc8542f14d2d3e9c6c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/indian-sporting-rifle-with-gold-damascened-inlay-5-5092.jpg.e2a4e1329a9cdcc8542f14d2d3e9c6c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"You never need repeat yourself with an axe"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/TFW_IrogotAxe2.jpg.6f3c64a3651c2e87f2de8f6fb885ccfc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/TFW_IrogotAxe2.jpg.6f3c64a3651c2e87f2de8f6fb885ccfc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alack O'Flaire



Name: Alack O'Flaire

Nicknames: Captain Klutz

Age: Late 20's

Gender: Male

Race: He doesn't really know, but most likely human.

Height: 5"8

Weight: He's fairly skinny.

Current Residence: Alack rarely leaves the ship, so one could say his residence is The Cloudcutter. He of course has the captain's cabin.

Crew Loyalty: Cloud Peril

Occupation/Rank On Ship: Captain

History: Alack would gladly tell you his story - thing is, he can't. 15 years ago, he was found stranded on a small island outside of Aynor, home of the Orcs. Captain Donohue O'Flaire of the infamous pirate-crew, Cloud Peril, picked up the beat-up, sickly boy, thinking he could have some value. It was not often you found humans near Aynor, and the boy's bright blonde-hair (though dirtied) screamed 'wealthy'. The plans for ransom didn't go well, as the boy woke up with what they claimed was amnesia. He remembered nothing, not even his own name, but for some reason, he was not scared of them. The boy was clumsy, but developed a weird gratitude towards the captain and the crew, and he was far too eager to be of help. Years went by as the pirates had yet gotten rid of the boy, but instead accepted him as one of their own. The captain named him Alack and took him in as a son, a family member.

The Cloud Peril's reputation often got them into fights with other crews - none strong enough to take them down though. The only crew who posed a threat was the Aetherblades. Many battles had been fought between the two, but Alack would remember only one. He had always been told not to join the battles, but merely shoot from a distance. They were losing this battle, having been caught off guard. With the slip of his finger, Alack fired his gun, hitting a gun-powder barrel. The explosion shook the ship, burning some, and threw others off board. The Aether's retreated. After the heat of the battle, the crew tended to wounds and casualties. The Captain had gotten a deep cut down his chest, but had laughed it off as nothing, a scrape. The wound eventually festered, leaving the crew paralyzed, as their Captain grew weaker. On his deathbed, Donohue gave the Captain title to Alack, telling him to lead the crew as he would've. Many were outraged, leaving the crew, leaving only a few who passed their loyalty to the new Captain. The first years of his 'career' as Captain, the Cloud Peril had lost a lot - both in numbers and reputation. Yet, the Goddess of Luck had always smiled down on Alack, and in the years to come, they won many battles, sunk many enemy-ships, and had reclaimed their reputation as Cloud Peril.

Personality: Alack is kind, always seen with a smile. He's the opposite of what you would think a fearsome pirate captain, would be. Yet, he leads his crew with best intentions and has earned the devotion of many crew-members. He's clumsy, sometimes ditzy, and seems harmless. His insane good-luck has earned him a scary reputation though, as he always wins battles with what seems like pure coincidence. He doesn't like being a ruthless Captain, and does his best to listen to all crew-members of Cloud Peril. Regardless, he's not one to be pushed around and punishes those who harms or betrays his crew. Rumour has it, the Captain does not drink, as he has been known to change drastically when drunk.

Skills and abilities: Alack could not have been named better - he does lack a lot of skills. His main skill is luck, if you could even call that a skill. He always navigates the crew in the right direction somehow, and rarely loses a duel, despite his fighting skills being only average. He has a strange charm, that makes everyone feel relaxed around him, which he often works in his advantage.

Weapon: He uses many different weapons, but his main weapon is Donohue's old gun, which he is never seen without. He carries a sword as well.

Anything else: His oldest friend is one of Donohue's old friends as well, an East Dryad elf named Seno Marik. Seno has been by his side since the old Captain died, and is often known as "the captain behind the scenes", as he often guides Alack with both decisions and combat. Unlike Alack, he's poised and strategic and lethal with daggers.


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