• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ♈ r e c l a m a t i o n ♈






Please read the rules before applying.

Before making a character, I would like to stress that you should be aware of mental illness and addiction. As stated in the rules, you should be aware of the addiction/mental illness that your character has. Your character may be suffering from one mental illness or several, it doesn't matter, I want you to have done a little research on it at least. Although the characters won't be defined by their illness, you need to know the basics. If you would like any help, feel free to ask me.

Me and my co-GM
@boyguro will be accepting characters after the end of the deadline which is January 30th. We would like a mixture of ages, sexualities and ethnicities, as stated in the rules. Please make your character sheet look neat, though we will be judging characters on content not code. If you would like any help with anything, feel free to ask on the OOC.



self explanatory






self explanatory


self explanatory



2+ paragraphs


self explanatory


self explanatory

Distinguishing Marks:

tattoos? birth marks?


self explanatory

Default Expression:

do they look happy/sad/angry when resting

Body Type:

self explanatory



are they on good terms? are they still alive?


are they on good terms? are they still alive?


if any- are they on good terms? are they still alive?

Past Romances:

if any- are they on good terms? are they still alive?

Relationships with Patients:

to be filled out if accepted



3+ paragraphs, make sure to include the good and the bad, worries, how they feel about themselves, how they feel about other people, how they feel about the Centre, if they're scared ect





Thing they miss most from outside:

specific meal/video game/family


-if applicable-

Mental Illness(es):

as stated in the rules, make sure you know at least the basics of the illness, and if your character has more than one, make sure they tie in together





Spirit Animal:

what animal do they most relate to?



3+ paragraphs, include struggles they have had, the history of their mental health, school life ect

Why they ended up at Islington's:

self explanatory



self explanatory

Theme Song:

self explanatory


if any- self explanatory


if any- self explanatory


if any- self explanatory

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"Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life was."




| NAME |

Salem Janek Eckard



| AGE |



Cisgender Male









Salem has frequent reoccurring bright red/pink dark circles under his eyes


White American/Welsh



Tall and slender







Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)








| IDOL |











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Name: Joseph Black

Nickname: JJ, Joey, Jb










Joseph has always been bigger than everyone. Adding on the fact that he is also built like a tank. He has the skin to of the most ancient Greek people. Tan, and really natural dark tan. He has the hair to go with it. The cheek length charcoal black hair. It is always shining with the least amount of light, and it is always pulled up, or thrown around by the wind. His eyes are the most distinguishing feature about him.

His eyes look like the sea was packed up into these little orbs and placed into his eyes. The only thing about this eyes are they always give away the true feelings of his character. If he is happy a bright deep green will be shown. Though if he is angry you see the most electric poisonous green you can ever imagine. Then when he is sad, or heart broken his eyes loose all of the mirth, and glow they once held. And his eyes have only once been this way and only the people he trust most know.




200 pounds flat

Distinguishing Marks:




Default Expression:

An innocent/peaceful look

Body Type:




The only person that cared for him his whole life. The person he never gave up on him when he need someone the most. Michelle Black Deceased 3/25/2016 Joseph's Birthday


Joseph Scott Taylor. Then man who beat, took advantage, and used Joseph for the amusement of his wishes. This man was no father of Joseph. He raped Michelle, and beat her when she was only 20 years old. When Michelle had Joseph though she loved him anyways. This man only hurt Joseph, and took advantage of this innocent kid.


No siblings

Past Romances:

None that he ever wanted

Relationships with Patients:

to be filled out if accepted



Joseph always tried to be what everyone wanted. Form being a straight a student, to help people with things they couldn't do themselves. Only to have them turn around and throw Joseph in the trash like he was nothing. Though he always had his mother to help him through the pain. He would continue to prove people wrong, only to have them call him a monster, and a worthless, piece of trash.

All this pain erupted from him on his 20 birthday.

The only person to ever love him ,and cherish him for who he was. His mother, died that day in his arms, as he hugged her for making him breakfast. So the once innocent boy, was now replaced by a grieving, angry man that wanted nothing more to take his life.

Now while in Ishlington he is trying to learn how to love again, and trying to conquer not being able to trust. And maybe one day being able to love again. He thinks the center is the best place for him to be.



Playing Guitar



Being alone


Large crowds

Being close to people he doesn't know

Being left by people he cares for

Loud noises


Thing they miss most from outside:

His mother


-if applicable-

Mental Illness(es):

Bi-Polar, ADHD, ADD, PTSD (The ironic thing is this is my actual story and I have all of these things too)




Playing Guitar


Never being good enough

Thinking he disappointed his mom

People he trust leaving him

Spirit Animal:

Wolf- never trusting always alone



Joseph was always thought of being a piece of trash. The only person he ever trusted was his Mother Michelle. She always told him he was a gift to the world., but he never saw that. Joseph would go to school, and not do a piece of work. The reason behind this was it was to easy, and from past experiences of he showed them how smart he was. They would take him away, and do things for people's amusement. So he never did any of the work. He went through school trying to help people with things, only to have them throw it back in his face, and throw him away like a piece of trash. He never understood why people would do that, and this was because of his Bi-Polar. He could never understand people, and their emotions. Joseph saw the world as black, and white plus of how high his intelligence was no one was able to comprehend how he thought.

It wasn't till his freshman year of high school, did he care. He had the school give him the test to graduate high school, and he scored a perfect score on every subject except English. He was a few points off form getting a perfect score. When the school board saw this they let him walk out, and do what ever he wanted. When he told his mom, she hugged, and cried. She only cried because she was scared for her baby boy. Michelle didn't know what to do with Joseph, because he wasn't a normal kid.

So as Joseph got older the more enclosed he got. He was basically running his own company by the age of 17, and was making a bunch of money that he just gave away. Michelle was so scared for Joseph that she just let him do his thing, and loved him the best she could. Joseph then started helping people only to have them take advantage of him and leave him broken. Michelle then proceeded to pick up the pieces and put him back together. Then on his 20 birthday, she made him breakfast, and when Joseph hugged her, she had a heart attack and died in his arms. Joseph didn't know what to do so he just called 911, and they came and got her, and then the state came to talk to Joseph.

Why they ended up at Islington's:

Joseph came on his own choice, because he wasn't able to function on his own. He decided he needed help, and this place was best for him.



self explanatory

Theme Song:

self explanatory


if any- self explanatory


if any- self explanatory


if any- self explanatory



My name is Goodrich . Stephen Goodrich .

The kids call me Father Goodrich though . It is my other name .

I say kids because they are young . I am old . I was eighteen when I came here .

I have seen fourteen winters since then .

I am a grown man .

I want a home .

[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Waiting for the Sunrise'][SIZE=24px]

* * *

I am sorry , Elizabeth . I did not mean that .

The Centre is my home .

Elizabeth , will it be my home forever ?

. . .

I understand .



(One of Stephen's delusions--he believes he has had his skin burned off completely, leaving but his skeleton. He believes the skin he 'wears' is a fake implanted by the institution.)
Description: Stephen carries a heavy aura with him. He drags his feet, he keeps his chin down, and his eyes are bottomless black voids. The hair on his head is a flowing dark brown that reaches the small of his back. He has been growing it out since he became 30. He is a tall fellow, quite average in terms of width, though very strong from helping move massive crates of food for the other patients. His hands are large, just like him, with stubby fingers and bigger palms. His feet are the size of small model boats and he only wears a white long sleeved shirt with a pair of grey sweatpants.

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 180 lbs

Distinguishing Marks: Multiple knife wounds and scars along his arms, hands, and face as he had attempted to remove his flesh to prove his delusion.

Ethnicity: White

Default Expression: Sad and/or Empty

Body Type: Tall with strong shoulders.

* * *


Mother: On bad terms; left him with Elizabeth to care for him. Elizabeth Hemingway is his cousin.

Father: On bad terms; left him with Elizabeth Hemingway to care for him.

Siblings: Has no siblings, closest thing was Elizabeth Hemingway.

Past Romances: N/A

* * *





Taking care of things



Closed spaces

The dark


Long hallways


What he misses most in the outside: Home.

Mental Illness(es): Schizoaffective Disorder

Addiction: Nicotine


  • Drawing

  • Cooking

  • Singing

  • Taking care of kids


  • The dark

  • Windows

  • Closed spaces

  • Long hallways

  • Ominous music

  • Whispers

* * *



A simple biography is all that is needed for Stephen. His complication is not in his story. It all began with his birth, roughly 32 years ago, when he was born prematurely and with his own umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. He spent most of his beginning life strung up in the incubators, sobbing into the hospital blankets as no one tended to him and as he gazed down the cold, bright white hallways. It is believed this is where he got his fear of long hallways, where he felt hopeless and alone as he cried. He spent the first half year of his life in that miserable hell, and when he got home, all was better!... But only for a while.

He was an irritable and agitated child. The umbilical cord had choked him of precious oxygen in those vital first moments and with a review from a doctor, it was seen that his brain chemistry had already been knocked out of balance. He constantly felt bothered and attacked, causing him to burst out into tantrums or breakdowns right before his parents. Astounded, his parents did the best they could, but when this pattern continues for years...it never truly gets better. His parents only slowly tuning out his cries and his frustrations. His one outlet though was this young girl by the name of Elizabeth, the current owner of the institution, whom was his cousin on his mother's side. He often visited her on the weekends at the beach, only a half hour from both their homes.

She served as peace to his mind, but with so much anger, how do you expend it?

It was the night of his eighteenth birthday, and for the first time in his life, Stephen felt as if he had something ahead of him. The torment of home ignoring him was going to be left buried with his feelings for his parents. That is when he heard his first voice. It was like the tail end of a whisper, a breeze that not quite flowed so cleanly around a corner.

The whisper spoke of murder. It licked the lips of temptation and played its sound around the ears of the irritable boy. It told him that his agitation came from his parents. That they ignored him. That they did not deserve to live. So, a full, flat 15 minutes after 2 AM, he entered his parents' room and attempted to strangle his parents. There was no true plan for this spontaneous, murderous urge. With the voice came delusion, and that delusion was that he was all powerful. That he could easily overcome them both in a strangling fest.

Lucky for his parents, they overpowered him, and after an extended fight that went to the kitchen, Stephen's father took Stephen's face and pressed it into the burner, which was flicked on, in an attempt to subdue him. It was true to its purpose, and Stephen relinquished his consciousness to the pain.

When he awoke, his parents had now, truly, abandoned him. They could not keep someone so...horrifically violent. So, knowing Elizabeth had actually inherited a famous mental institution, he was immediately sent by police car to the manor where Elizabeth stayed, with a note begging for his enrollment.

And he got in.

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Mason Stamey


no slide


2+ paragraphs


self explanatory


self explanatory

Distinguishing Marks:

tattoos? birth marks?


self explanatory

Default Expression:

do they look happy/sad/angry when resting

Body Type:

self explanatory

are they on good terms? are they still alive?


are they on good terms? are they still alive?


if any- are they on good terms? are they still alive?

Past Romances:

if any- are they on good terms? are they still alive?

Relationships with Patients:

to be filled out if accepted

3+ paragraphs, make sure to include the good and the bad, worries, how they feel about themselves, how they feel about other people, how they feel about the Centre, if they're scared ect





Thing they miss most from outside:

specific meal/video game/family


-if applicable-

Mental Illness(es):

as stated in the rules, make sure you know at least the basics of the illness, and if your character has more than one, make sure they tie in together





Spirit Animal:

what animal do they most relate to?

3+ paragraphs, include struggles they have had, the history of their mental health, school life ect

Why they ended up at Islington's:

self explanatory


self explanatory

Theme Song:

self explanatory


if any- self explanatory


if any- self explanatory


if any- self explanatory


People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.
Katrina Lynn

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    Katrina Lynn




    19, almost 20





The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained
Katrina Lynn



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"People think I'm insane, but then again aren't we all?"

~ Anne-Marie


Anne-Marie Sofia White


Anne, Anna, Annie, Marie, Mary, or Maria

| AGE |



Cisgender Female












In Depth



- Singing

- Cute Things

- Art


- The Shadows

- Food

- The 'Dark' Man


-Her deceased mother

- Her Freedom

- Her true friend, Cody


Synesthesia, Anorexia and Schizophrenia


Singing, and Art


Fear of Small Spaces

Fear of darkness.

Fear of heights.

Fear of being alone or of oneself


A bunny- Like Anne-Marie bunnies are sweet and innocent,

she's adorable too






Anne-Marie and her mom bad an amazing bond, her mother really

cared for Anne-Marie and was only trying to do what's best for her

Murdered: by Anne-Marie


Anne-Marie never met her father, her mother said he was a bad man and that

he couldn't accept the responsibility of being a father


None, Anne-Marie was an only child


None, she's never dated anyone


Too be filled out if accepted


| IDOL |

Taylor Swift



~ Her Anorexia


~ Murdering her Mother


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"They're here. They're whispering. They're talking about you. And they're mad."


"Shhhhh. Not too loud, they'll hear you."

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Andre Michealis is not a girl



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Kailey Rose Lewin











Height: 5'6"

Weight: 122 lbs

Ethnicity: American

Default Expression: Happy, bubbly

Body Type: Fit with slightly wide hips.


Kailey actually has extraordinary natural beauty, but she rarely lets herself be seen without pounds of makeup covering her face. She spends a great deal of time working on "perfecting" herself, and spends no less than an hour in front of a mirror everyday. Her hair is a flowing, natural curly mess that frustrates her to no end. It seems as if no matter how hard she tries to straighten it, by the end of the day it's back to the mop it started out as. Her skin is a creamy porcelain that she prides herself on, and maintains to the best of her abilities. Although some days the bags under her twinkling brown eyes are more visible than usual.

Her dressing style can be boiled down to one word, provocative, and she always chooses pieces that accentuate her curves. Admittedly, since coming to Islington's she's has toned it down a bit, leaning more to loose fitting shirts that stop just shy of her belly button. The light colors rule hasn't really affected her wardrobe much seeing as she had always worn colors that compliment her bubbly personality. Kailey likes to wear eye catching clothing that thrust her into the spotlight, making her the center of attention.

Distinguishing Marks:


Butterfly tattoo on right shoulder/upper chest



Mother: Jana

Kailey's mother has never been much of a mother in the true sense of the word. Her daughter was an accident and it showed through each of her movements. Always distant, hesitant, and quiet, she is more of a never moving pillar who regards Kailey coolly.

Father: Ryan

Kailey's father was ecstatic to hear that Jana was pregnant. After all, who didn't wish for a son to press all his hopes and dreams onto. Unfortunately, he didn't get a son, and was instead presented with a lovely daughter. This didn't stop him from pushing all his hopes and dreams onto her however, and he is increasingly more difficult to impress as the time goes on.



Past Romances:

With too many exes to be counted, Kailey unintentionally acquired the nickname of school slut.

Relationships with Patients:

to be filled out if accepted




Rock music

Adorable animals



Long, hot showers




Gloomy people

Being alone

Complete silence

Thing they miss most from outside:

Her best friend Riley


None (Sex?)

Mental Illness(es):

(primarily vivacious) Histrionic personality disorder


Chatting with people


Putting together different outfits and coming up with new styles


Being alone (permanently)

Snakes and other reptiles


Spirit Animal:

Bunny Rabbit


Kailey is a bundle of energy that springs from idea to idea with no need for a break in between. She is very playful and seeks other playful relationships rather than serious ones. Her energy and excitement often sweeps others up into her emotional tornado but it also drives people away who can't keep up with her. Despite her nice personality, she never truly puts others before herself, leading to some viewing her as slightly narcissistic and selfish.

When it comes to her relationships with other people Kailey is clingy and becomes attached to others at an alarmingly fast rate. Rather than seeking a healthy relationship where both people are satisfied, she longs for someone to praise her all the time and will do anything to lessen the need for that gratification. This leads to her being somewhat "easy", and having sex with others just for their compliments. When she realizes she isn't the center of attention, she throws a childlike tantrum and then tries to find other ways to gain someone's attention.

Deep down Kailey's intense need for approval stems from her mother's neglect and her father's inability to be satisfied by any of his daughter's feats. She is extremely unstable and insecure, leading to her feeling as if she needs tons of makeup or to have sex with someone else in order to be beautiful. She hates being at Islington's because she feels like she doesn't belong there, but at the same time she likes it because the people are a lot nicer than the people at school. Kailey doesn't realize something is wrong and because of this she has not decided that she wants to change for the better.




When Kailey was born she was not the happy little accident that her father thought she was going to be. He wanted a boy, her mother didn't want a child at all, so already she was disappointing her parents. The young man, however, didn't let this put a damper on his dream of raising the perfect son. He dressed his little girl in "boy" clothes, gave her a "boy" haircut, and put her in a fancy soccer program when she was only 3 years old. She was confused as to why her parents never hugged her and congratulated her even when she lost like all the other parents. This lead to the very beginnings of her disorder which would come to grow out of control and insanely hard to cope with.

Her years in Middle school were really just used as a way for her disorder to fester and grow more. Since she couldn't get attention by being smart or being good at sports, she turned to the alternative. Using her bubbly personality and body to get with people as a means of attention. Of course she didn't realize what she was doing though. She thought they would stick around after the sex, want to be with her forever, but they never did. She had a reputation at the highschool before she was even a student there, and when she was it only worsened for her.

Even as young as her freshman year boys and girls used her like a toy. Kailey was clueless, she thought everyone liked her. The graffiti on her locker and malicious notes said otherwise. Words like "slut", "whore", and "easy" became go to words when describing her. The only person who realized something was actually wrong and tried to help was her best friend Riley. He tried to help her, to protect her, but she wouldn't hear any of it. She brushed off the haters and kept feeding her delusional thoughts that people liked her all the way up until the day it became too overbearing, and she closed her casket on being able to be "free".

Why they ended up at Islington's:

Kailey threw a fullblown tantrum at school on a day of especially tough bullying. Her father did extensive research and decided Islington's was a good place to "cure" her "sex addiction".




Jennifer Lawrence

Theme Song:



Secretly self-loathing




Commitment issues due to her becoming easily infatuated with people



My fault... Sorry...

Think about it

Name: Lloyd Greiger

"...Everybody calls me Grey..."

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

In another world



Grey. That's really what he is. Without clothes, he just looks like all the colour has been washed out of him. Drained from him. It shows everywhere. His hair is long, shaggy, and platinum blonde, usually pretty soft, but as of late it's been streaked with Grey, and shined with oil. His eyes are a steely grey/blue, and he has poor eyesight, and although he occasonally wears contacts, most of the time he forgoes them in favour of his glasses, which are wire rimmed, and circular. He's pale, with dark circles under his eyes being a common thing. A light dustering of freckles is brushed over his nose, which matches the rest of his soft features.

His clothing style consists of baggy, dark clothes (although not anymore) used to attempt and consistenly hide exactly how skinny he is. Scarfs, large hoodies and anything to keep him warm are also quite standard (he's a naturally cold person). He is very uncomfortable showing any more skin than necessary, and it makes him uneasy seeing others dress scantily.

Height: 5'6

Weight: 132

Distinguishing Marks:

Ethnicity: Danish/American

Default Expression: He always looks so lost and sad.

Body Type: Clearly underweight.

I'm riding a horse

Mother: Lailah Greiger is a woman of much gusto. And although she doesn't see eye to eye with Lloyd on many issues, she loves him dearly. Her biggest fracture is exactly how easily she turns to denial with some issues. She'll offer support, but tell herself it's just a phrase as she turns through the door. She doesn't look into it because she's afraid of the reality. She's a bit sawed at the edges, but she's doing well for a single mom. Even for one who's been beating the bottle recently.

Father: There's not much to Christian Greiger. He was nervous about what others would think of him, because of Dylan. The controversy stirred, his father was embarrassed, and began severing ties and turning to other ways of seeking relief from his job and tensions around the house. This eventually killed off his family relationships, and it's anyone's guess weather he'll be home or not

Siblings: Dylan is the root of all of his problems. An older brother, with fiery hair and even more fiery language. He excelled in almost anything. He spent most of his time out on some sort of sporting field, trying to hone his talents. He wasn't the alpha male, but he still garnered a following. He also let out all of his frustrations out on Lloyd. Every. Single. One. He is currently in prison.

Past Romances: Raina Hutchingson was the first person Lloyd ever liked. And she was both the first and the last to crush his heart under her foot. He always liked her, because she was funny, and she could make people laugh. They had always been kinda-more-than-friends, pretty much all because they had known each other since the first grade. Their friendship started fading around the ninth grade, and it was around that time Lloyd was a bit of a hopeless romantic, and he knew that he needed to keep their relationship going, risk he lose it forever. So one day, when she was eating lunch with her large group of friends, he walked over and just said it. "Hey, I really like you, and I was wondering is maybe... If maybe you'd want to be my girlfriend." After they finished shaking and wiping the tears away, Lloyd hated the word sissy more than gym class.

Relationships with Patients: TBA

casting spells


His primary emotion is fear. Very timid and generally removed, he tries his best to stay away from situations where he'd have to do plenty of talking, simply keeping himself out of the way. He lives under chains of saying something wrong, often without reason, hence he rarely asserts any authority or opinion. He'll speak up if there's anything he feels there's truly worth saying, but most of the time, he prefers to shrug and gesture.

It's pretty easy to see that he lacks self esteem and confidence. The latter isn't as bad, but the minute someone is to judge something he does, he totally shuts down, getting extremely nervous, even if it's simply someone marking a test. He'll bend to what critics say simply so he can get them to leave him alone.

He has trust issues, and while he isn't cynical, it takes quite a bit of time and dedication to reveal yourself as a friend, and not a threat. He also has a serious issue with physical contact, and he becomes visibly uncomfortable when someone tries to touch him. He may initiate it himself, often a hand on the shoulder, but if he does, take it easy on him, please.

He's a hardworking individual, however. Extremely diligent when it comes to work, usually pen-and-paper. Although he can be discouraged with enough talk, he will try his best to see things through to the end. He also has a good word to put in for literally everybody. Even if you send in your posse to try and destroy him, he'll still tell you you're a great leader. If these compliments are rooted out of positivity or just trying to brighten up the days of others is debatable. Because even if he talks happy, even if a smile plays at his lips, it doesn't mean he's actually happy. He'd usually just doing it for you. Because he doesn't want to be a bother.









+Video games







-Loud noises

-Spicy food

Thing they miss most from outside: His personal collection of books.

Addictions: Cigarettes

Mental Illness(es):




Nightmare disorder





+Collector (Figurines/Vinyl/Collector's items in general)



Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.

Fear of being ridiculed

Fear of being forgotten or ignored

Fear of needles/similar into the skin objects

Fear of sexual abuse

Spirit Animal:

A rabbit. The one that always run away

to defeat the one




There wasn't much to the first bit of Lloyd's life. He wasn't too out of the ordinary. He liked school, (even if got bullied a bit, hey, he still had some friends), and wanted to have a career that involved science and math. Then "it" happened. Jump a question about "it" and he becomes clammy and shuts down. He doesn't even remember how "it" started, but he was continually sexually abused by his brother, Dylan. He began to unravel from there. He didn't seem to enjoy any of his interests anymore, and he became more and more reserved. His parents and even himself didn't have an explanation, aside from. "it's just a bummer day."

Lloyd didn't tell anyone out of fear of what might happen. It went like that for years, until his mother walked in on Lloyd sobbing hysterically. He couldn't take it anymore, and the truth of years was spilt. After an investigation, Dylan was sent to jail, and for a short period of time, he tried to pick himself up, to no avail. People
knew, they talked about it, "Oh that poor kid" or maybe just stares, but his father was mortified at the tainted family name, thoroughly embarrassed.

Why they ended up at Islington's: His parents wanted Lloyd to be in proper hands

Who plagues humanity's existence.

Idol: Gary Gygax

Theme Song:



Exactly how suicidal he is.

Exactly how furious it makes him when people say men cannot be sexually abused.


He is a chess master, and he will gladly accept any request to play. Chess is the one thing he is ruthless in.

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Name: Brodie Everett Swan

Nickname: Bro, Ever

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual




There is not much to notice about Brodie, at first glance. He is tall, dark, and has a care-free appearance. That is probably mostly due to the fact that his wavy hair points which ever way it wants to, no matter what he does to it. He rarely gets his hair cut, partially in an effort to hide the scar on his neck. He doesn't talk about how he got the scar, but he is very sensitive of his neck now. He has light blue eyes that usually have a soft, open expression in them. They take on a darker, grayish hue when he is agitated or sad. When he was younger, his face was very expressive and anyone could see when he was happy (which was most of the time). Now that he is older, he has learned the art of hiding everything deep inside so he usually appears detached or sad.

Brodie has strong hands that are always either freezing or hot, with nothing in between. He has a toned but slender build that keeps him from being too intimidating, despite his height. His clothes are always a bit too wide or too short. Finding a store that sells things that actually fit him is a chore he doesn't bother with. In fact, he puts very little thought into his clothes at all. Most of what he used to wear was dark in an effort to hide the worn-out spots. Now, he mostly wears sweatpants or jeans and a sweatshirt. Sometimes, when he actually decides to put effort into his outfit he wears nice jeans and a sweater. He has a tendency to be cold, no matter the room temperature, so he often has a t-shirt underneath whatever he is wearing.

Height: 6'3

Weight: 174

Distinguishing Marks: He has an ugly scar just behind his left ear and down his neck. He also has a small birthmark on his upper back that vaguely resembles a star.

Ethnicity: Canadian

Default Expression: Broken or confused, sometimes dazed/zoned out

Body Type: Tall and toned




Helen- His mother was a beautiful person who always tried to look after him. However she snapped when her parents died in a plane crash. She got into drugs and began ignoring the world around her.


Chris- His father was always a tough man, having been in the military. Nothing was ever good enough and everyone had to know exactly how upset he was. He pretty much ignored his family unless he wanted them to do something or they were doing something he didn't like.


Chloe- He had an older sister, but she was put up for adoption at birth and that's all he knows about her. He has tried to find her, but hasn't succeeded.

Past Romances:

Once upon a time, he was in a very serious relationship with a girl named Alissa. However, she died in a car accident just over a year ago.

Relationships with Patients:

To be filled out if accepted




Brodie is a complicated soul with countless layers and dark corners that are nearly impossible to understand. He is perfectly content to leave it that way, too. He has little interest in making friends, due to some of his past experiences. He has absolutely no social skills to begin with so, added to his social anxiety, having to start a conversation is pretty terrifying to him. It's nothing against the human race, he just prefers to keep to his own company as much as possible. However, he still gets lonely, sometimes so much that it physically hurts. He hates the confusion that comes with wanting to be alone, yet still dying for a friend. When his mother got into drugs he began having depression problems, although he just thought he was going crazy. What normal person randomly wants to curl up into a ball and die when a moment earlier it was sunshine and rainbows? When he feels hopeless he tries to find someone to talk to that might be able to help him. However, most people are either thrown off by his change in attitude or they just don't care. Quite frankly, he can't blame them. He hates who he has become and wants to change, but he doesn't know where to start on his own and the idea of getting helping is intimidating to him.

Brodie does try to be a nice person whenever he gets out of his own problems. He loves drawing pictures for people, which was a childhood habit of his. When someone earns his trust, he can be very understanding and sensitive. Sometimes his need for acceptance and affection comes out too strongly, even if he means well. All-in-all, he can be a little childish and reclusive but he has a beautiful heart underneath his flaws.


Animals, specifically his dogs


Dark corners

Being creative

Being outside


Being a considered a freak

Public bathrooms


Flat pillows

The 'glass is overflowing' type of people

Thing they miss most from outside:

His dogs, Oliver and Dash

Levi Houser

Addictions: None

Mental Illnesses:

Social Anxiety, Imposter syndrome (AKA highly critical inner voice), Depression/Anxiety


Drawing/Writing stories

Gardening or wandering around outside

Working out


Being insane

Being pinned down/unable to move

Meeting people

Spirit Animal:

Elk; Always wandering, no true home




Brodie's parents married at a young age, mostly because his mother was pregnant with his older sister. She was put up for adoption as soon as she was born and Brodie's parents moved on. When they had Brodie, they promised each other that they would give him a better life than their daughter probably had. He was a bit spoiled and smothered by his mother, who homeschooled him until he was 11. When he went to school, he was considered a bit of a freak because he was 'so spoiled.' He hated school and wanted to go back to homeschooling, but his father thought it was time for him to 'toughen up.' Once he got more comfortable, Brodie excelled at the school-work, although he was never one of the
popular kids. When both of his mother's parents died, she became addicted to drugs in an attempt to cope and she tuned the world out. His father also began having a slight drug issue, which only enhanced his surliness. Brodie's depression jumped into action and he began having trouble at school. His teachers tried to send him to the school counselor, but the man wasn't very understanding or helpful.

As soon as he could drive, Brodie would go random places and spend a day or two alone over the weekend. When he got back home, all he wanted to do was leave again. However, he stayed through high-school and then left home. He moved around and got odd jobs until he met Alissa and she helped him stabilize his life. She got a job for him at her father's company and found a cheap apartment for him. They spent a happy, normal year together and had every intention of getting married. However there was a car crash and Alissa spend several weeks in the hospital before she passed on. Brodie's mental illness symptoms skyrocketed and one day he woke up with no memory of the last 24 hours.

Why they ended up at Islington's:

His girlfriend's father wanted to help him after she died, so he sent Brodie here.


Gary Oldman

Theme Song: Demons- Imagine Dragons


Levi Houser

His attempted suicide

Crimes: None



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Augustina Rosaline Bastoni


Which side of me do you like most?
Augustina Rosaline Bastoni

no slide no slide no slide

Name: Augustina Rosaline Bastoni

Nickname: August


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual



Description: WIP

Height: 5'5

Weight: 145 lbs

Distinguishing Marks:

Birthmark on her right shoulder, size of a gumball.-- Shape of a splatter

Ethnicity: Italian

Default Expression:


Body Type:

Built- Muscles on her legs and core. Not quite petite, some meat applied definitely.



Sarah- No contact. Augustina's Mother is actually quite scared of her to be brutally honest. Growing up, once Augustina was diagnosed-- Sarah became very distant to her daughter. She always seemed stressed or anxious when around her, but never did she criticize her.


John- He visits her ever so rarely to check up on her. John was the guardian to raise Augustina, which meant he was the one closest to her. He could not have afforded to be afraid of his flesh and blood, He didn't allow himself to be. The fear actually almost separated John and Sarah, John just couldn't accept the fact that his wife was actually frightened by their own child. He learned to get used to the illness, which was something Sarah couldn't do and Augustina knew that.



Past Romances:


Relationships with Patients:

to be filled out if accepted

Base Personality

To start off, Augustina is a very shy creature. She tends to try and keep to herself, but that is one thing she doesn't like about herself. She wants to be able to go out into the world and make friends, it gets old being lonely for-- as long as you can remember. That was her situation. This was one of the reasons why she agreed to come here, to meet others that might understand her.

Augustina is also very obedient, once told to do something she does-- unless she has a bad feeling about it, that's when she'll think twice. She tends to try and get along with everybody, even if disrespected or criticized in some sort of way. She just stays quiet, hoping the situation blows over and another subject comes to view. If that's not the case, Augustina doesn't necessarily get angry but-- emotional.

When Augustina gets emotional, you can tell by her actions. She might clench her jaw or tighten her fists, her eyes definitely start to tear up and then-- a whole bunch of thoughts flooding her head. She might scream personal things at you, she might just run away. All depends on what she feels like doing-- Whether she has control it or not.













Thing they miss most from outside:

Augustina misses her Persian cat, Charlie. He was a birthday present from her Mother and Father when she turned ten.


-if applicable-

Mental Illness(es):

Dissociative Identity Disorder. (AKA~ Multiple Personality Disorder)

-Depression and Anxiety tag along with this disorder



+Creative writing



+Being alone for the rest of her life




Spirit Animal:


You have a gift for paying attention to the minutest of details in everything your do. You can easily discern which details are the important ones and which one do not need your attention. Your heightened awareness of your surroundings allows you to spot danger long before others around you. You also tend to be rather timid or shy in time of stress. Your temerity does not go unrecognized by yourself however and is often compensated for by your adaptability and determination.

Personality 2- Jade

Blunt- 'Jade' is very straight forward with how she feels about everything and why she feels that way. It doesn't matter to her whether it hurts the person's feelings or risks what they have, She just states as she pleases. This can be very positive yet very negative, whatever the situation is.. 'Jade' likes this trait about herself if she must say so herself.

Sarcastic- This is 'Jade's' sense of humor and way of snapping back at people most of the time. It is practically her signature. She uses this trait with everybody, whether it's someone she dislikes, is interested in or professionally involved in their own business-- It's how she gets trait to the point. She tends to amuse herself this way as well, Each side wins.

Clever- When 'Jade' comes up with a plan or any sort of way to persuade someone. Her cleverness can come from intelligence and it can also come from her deviousness. The side where she wants to just have fun-- even if that means getting in trouble or taking risks in any way.

Emotional- This is one thing that the two personalities have in common-- where they don't really split. They're emotional. It's just that, Jade is the more aggressive side. She tends to get more angry, yet again she is upset. She is sad, she's stressed out... Whatever you reminded her of or tried assaulting of hers-- You unglued her for a moment and that was YOUR mistake. She may get violent.



+Dark colors


+Junk food





+Country music

+Being hot at night





+Piano playing



+Being alone for the rest of her life



The two personalities share this trait

Spirit animal-


If Cougar is your animal totem then you are most likely a natural leader. You walk your talk and lead by example. You know how to set your boundaries and are very clear when someone crosses them. When happy and satisfied your purr can be heard by all those around you. You also have the ability to be seen or not seen as you are the master of camouflage. Your roar is feared by many.



April 16th, 1996 was the beginning of Augustina's life. Born in Arizona State Hospital, weighing 5 pounds and 5 ounces, a head full of blonde hair and baby blue eyes. This baby was the highlight of Sarah and John's life-- "their magic" as they stated, which was why they named her Augustina.. because the meaning is "Majestic, grand". In her toddler years, Augustina was a very happy child. Her and her family went on trips around the country, visited family.. Just being normal. Things started to turn and change after a fatal car accident, Augustina and her Mother were on their way back from picking Augustina at school when she was 11 years old-- Someone ran their red light and hit August's side of the car.

Augustina was in a coma for about a month before waking up. She was in the hospital for about another two weeks before getting out and being able to go home. Eventually she was able to go back to school-- But she wasn't as focused as she usually was. She was a very intelligent being and still is but-- It started to get hard to concentrate. Soon, she had to work one on one with a teacher after school, learn the basics again to make sure she understood everything. Then, she became very distant from her friends, ignoring them as they would give her the same treatment. Soon aggressive behavior became involved and Augustina started getting into fights-- referrals and suspended from school. Not long after, Jade came into the picture.

Augustina's parents thought this was all confusion caused by the accident, so they took her to the doctors. After several appointments, the doctors hopes were falling low of the same opinions as Her guardians and appointed her to see a therapist. She had begun to see the therapist, the rapid personality changed back and fourth from week to week started to concern her. That was when Augustina was officially diagnosed with "Multiple Personality Disorder", and the concluded it
must have been caused by the accident. Soon, She was dosed on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications which soon enough got higher. This was where Augustina's Mother decided to drift back some, getting further and further away from her and her daughters bond.

Augustina came to the program willingly, she knows she needs help and she wants it. Her several therapists havent been working the past, almost 10 years.. trying to merge the two personalities into one and make Augustina...
just Augustina. She wants friends and she wants to be apart of her family again, because she feels like she has been forcefully isolated for a very long time. She has no issues with the program, in fact enjoys it their even when it seems like she's not-- of course she has her bad moments but she also has her good ones.



Jennifer Lawrence

Theme Song:




~Scared of driving.





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Irene J. Dean



Irene Jacqueline Dean



Miss Dean, Sherlock, Darling, renie, Jacl







"I like Men but I don't mind experimenting ;) "





Naturally having jet black hair, her hair is now blue. She has a swimmer's body, having a four pack and a very slim figure though she has a big appetite. Irene has great posture, rarely slouches. Almost as if she is trying to show that she is superior than everyone in the Facility. Irene rarely puts on make up since she feels like it take foo much time and effort but will on special occasions.



"But I can knock you down to size."



Distinguishing Marks:


(Ignore number 9)



Default Expression:


Body Type:

Slender yet curvy. Has a Swimmer's body.



Valerie- A genious Mathetican and Chemist. Though they disagreed at times. They have a pretty moderate relationship. They are open to talk But her mother does have a problem with her addictions. Her mother was the first person that actually interested her in chemistry and science.


Anthony- Her father is an engineer and owns a prominent engineering company , who Irene looks up to the most. Though he lived a playboy lifestyle, Irene always admire his work.Always wanting to impress him though she went in a different route turning to an interest of crime but invent or improve a few things once in a while.


Henry- Irene shares a somewhat complex relationship with her older brother, Henry Dean. When they were kids Henry tended to belittle, show up, and put down Sherlock, telling him, "Don't be smart, Irene. I'm the smart one.". Henry does seem to worry a great deal about Irene , often rallying his younger sister's friends in order to ensure her safety While she does show, at times, childlike frustration with her elder brother, Irene never dismisses him as he does with others she finds truly annoying or tedious. also seems comfortable with the idea of going to Irene for help with issues of in the his detective affairs. showing once again a sense of trust in his younger sibling.

Past Romances:

Um... Kind of private don't you think?

Relationships with Patients:

to be filled out if accepted




Irene has a characteristic of extreme intelligence, grandiosity, Sarcastic, Straightforward, arrogance, and an unhealthy degree of self-confidence. She has a keen interest in unusual or bizarre crimes, science, and the arts without which she rapidly becomes bored, relying on nicotine to keep her brain active, although in the past she has dabbled in illegal drugs for entertainment, such as heroin.

Irene's most noticeable trait is her pronness to boredom. She is constantly agitated by the lack of work, describing peace and quiet as "hateful". In the absence of interest, she will go to extreme lengths to keep himself occupied, even turning to drugs in more extreme situations. has a major manipulative streak and will often take advantage of people in order to get her way.

Irene seems to have a sense of humor, though it is very sarcastic and can be quite dark. She is amused, most notably, by the stupidity of others in comparison to herself.

suffering from schizoid personality disorder, Irene seemed to consider herself emotionally separated from humanity. she often referred to "humans" as if she was not one of them.




Vintage, retro things







Annoying people

Drama queens

Thing they miss most from outside:

Video games

Her family

Her friends


The beach



"But to be specific marijuana, Herion, Tobacco, Cocaine, you know the usual but I don't really have an addiction. I use it for entertainment."

Mental Illness(es):


schizoid personality disorder




Playing music






Acrophobia- Fear of heights

athazagoraphobia-forgotton or ignored or forgetting.

Agoraphobia- Fear of being in a situation that is hard to get out of.

Spirit Animal:

A swan-

hauntingly beautiful, always elegant, and, honestly, a bit of a mystery.




Her mother and father got a divorce when she was 3. Her and her brother would always go back and forth between homes until she decided to stay with her father for her years in high school. Even as a child Irene was very intelligent. Her brother Henry was, according to Irene, a "rubbish" brother. Mycroft tended to belittle, show up, and put down Irene, telling him, "Don't be smart, Irene. I'm the smart one.". Her mother is a genius mathematician and chemist , and her father Is an owner of a prominent Egineering firm. She had a dog named Redbeard, who she was particularly fond of, but when Redbeard was put down it became a pressure point for her, and remained one even much later in her life. Interestingly, this seems to support Henry's assertion that Irene wanted to be a pirate.

As a child she was never really fond with socializing and had a socipathic personality which her mother even questioned until her father told her to play along and keep everything in her head which she did. She soon became well known around school due to her reputation. She lost interest in school after a while, so she started to skip grades and so forth graduating high school at the age of 16. She attended a college in england soon figuring out a way to keep her brain active through drugs. She returned to america with two degrees , a new perspective, Her Rarely "interesting traits",and an addiction. Her parents attempted to accept her addiction, Anger issues,and her more bold narcissistic personality until she damaged a man's house who ridiculed her for her methods of science using a baseball bat.


Why they ended up at Islington's:

"Parents and friends thought the drugs were getting out of hand and I was getting a little too manipulative so here I am"

no slide

"Come on, don't get the shakes now. This is no time for performance anxiety." ~Irene

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