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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern R e B o r n


Dazed And Confused

[SIZE= 36px]So you've fucked up, eh? [/SIZE]


Well here's your chance to unfuck your life and actually be useful to society - but only if you can keep a secret.

Let's say the government somehow stumbled upon the technology to maneuver the space and time continuum, translation : time travel. Say they are looking for low life scum - er, extendable lower class individuals, like yourselves - to test out the equipment. Let's say they were offering up $20,000 big ones for whoever was man (or woman) enough to take the risk.

[SIZE= 18px]Interested? Good, here's what you need to know:[/SIZE]

  1. There will be two groups of 3 - 6 in total for you dimwits who can't count - each group will be led by a Recruiter (Yeah, that's me)
  2.  Two weeks to a month of training exercises are required, not like you have anything better to do.
  3.  Hope you're not afraid of needles or strange chemicals cause your bodies about to become a human pin cushion.
  4.  Once you're in, your in. You don't wanna know what happens if you're out.

CS Link:


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Theres allllll the room. I'm going to try to link the CS later today and possibly post my characters as well as some NPCs
The links are up on both the CS (linking to this one) And I added a link to the Character Sign ups up above so have at it! xD
The links are up on both the CS (linking to this one) And I added a link to the Character Sign ups up above so have at it! xD

Hey I just read the cs before mine and I admit they are very similar in personality and slightly similar in bio. Because of this I am will to rewrite my cs if you want me to. Just let me know and I could possible change it by tomorrow.


"Alright maggots, get your good for nothing asses outta bed and start earning your keep!" Lucien, the Recruiter that had brought each one of them to Headquarters sometime the day before and late last night. He was a tall man with blonde white hair that fell in fair waves just below his shoulders and his chin and cheeks were freckled with scruff. 


Niklaus sat up groggily, sharp pains shooting up his sore body. Where was he? He looked around the room, temporarily blinded by the stark whiteness of it all; everything was white, the walls, the tiled floors, the thin cardboard-esque beds that were only equipped with a thin white sheet and a pillow. He was in a room where there were florescent lights and six or seven beds that were filled with strangers. Temporarily, his heart sped up painfully as anxiety took hold of him. Calm down. It's just like a new orphanage. Just lay back and keep your mouth shut. Shit but what if they think he's weird? Fuck, he's a grown ass man afraid of being judged. He chuckled bitterly to himself as he swung his legs off the bed and placed his feet on the cold tiles. He could just pretend he doesn't know English again. Just thicken his accent and bam! Instant excuse for him being a total outcast. No, that probably wouldn't work. Niklaus heaved a sigh, his eyes instantly shifting around the room to study each of the people he was going to be living with for whoever knows how long. Lucien, the only person he was relatively familiar with, he'd classified as an ass. He put up walls of sarcasm and wit to hide the fact that he was deeply disturbed by his job and possibly hiding a dark past and some secrets. But then again, all that was simply Niklaus' first glance opinion of the man, nothing too concrete yet.



Carolina gasped awake, sitting up in bed and lifting her pink silk eye cover up so she could peak out and see what the hell was going on and why it was more important than her getting her beauty sleep. She scowled briefly only for her lips to tilt upwards in a coy smirk. "C'mon, love, why don't you take a load off and relaaax. "She purred, lifting up a corner of her sheet and beckoning Lucien to join her. In all honesty, she didn't like the man, not since the first day she laid eyes on him and if it weren't for the offer of 20,000 big ones she wouldn't have given him the time of day.


Lucien chuckled and winked,"Maybe later, but for now I wanna see your pretty little ass out of that bed and into the meeting room. All of you."His voice hardened with impatience."Up. Now. Get dressed and meet me down the hall in the conference room in 5 minutes. MOVE."He growled, turning sharply on his heel and exiting the room with a loud bang as the door slammed shut behind him.
Maddox gave a loud groan, his head pounded, and body throbbed. He opened his eye, scanning his surroundings, which were unknown to him. Feeling by his bedside he found his Raybans, and quickly slid them on before anyone could notice. He also felt his hat, which made him feel better, and slid it on as he rose from the military style bed. The man wanted them up, so he was up. 
Wé pursed her lips as she heard the man yell. Of course she could have slept through it, living up with constant screams can do that but unlike those screams she wasn't scared of his but she knew the pay out for doing this so she listened to him. Tying her hair back before swinging her legs over the edge of bed as she went to lace up her boots. Without moving her head she listened to the other girl pout and could say that she and her would not be getting along at all. She was upright within a few seconds her hand going up to a necklace that was around her neck, rubbing the small silver coin that was around it, her face unreadable as she tucked it back in her shirt before heading to where the man had told her to go.

All Spencer remembered was having a conversation with a man about a job offer. He had the lightest shade

of hair that she's ever seen. He would've been attractive had it not been for the arrogant attitude he held

when he met her. She'd been real close to punching him in the nose, but she needed the money. And he

offered a lot. Twenty thousand dollars to be a test monkey. Spencer said yes.


Now, she was sitting on a rickety old bed, staring at a plain white wall. She hasn't been in a bed in two

months and she refuses to climb off. The somewhat soft sheets slid on her bare legs. The feeling was

unbelieveably satisfying. The others were getting themselves ready, putting on their clothes and following

after the man. Spencer put a pout on her face. They had to go. She swings her legs over the bed, placing

her feet on the cold tiling. She shivered at the contact, lifting her feet up again. It took a second for Spencer

to tell herself to woman up, then she was rising from the bed.


Laying on the edge of the bed was a neatly folded pile of clothes, a pair of combat boots resting atop. Spencer

eye's swept over each person in the room. She had to change in front of those men? For all she knew, they

could be perverts. "Fuck it," Spencer mutters, pulling off the shirt she'd adorned these few days. She quickly

put on the new shirt, sighing in satisfaction. It felt clean and new, and it didn't smell like cigarettes and alcohol.

Spencer looked at the people again, making sure nobody was paying attention as she took off her shorts. She

put on the pair of bottoms, then her shoes. They made her taller. Spencer liked to look intimidating, even though

her consciousness has the voice and mentality of a scared little girl.


Spencer combs her fingers through her short hair, making sure it looked half-decent, before leaving the room.
Kenni opened her eyes and looked up at the white ceiling. Momentarily she wondered if the room looks bigger because everything is white, or if it is actually just a massive room. The brat sat up and looked around, Ugh, she thought to herself. Never had she been forced to associate with such a bunch of lowlifes but still. She'd return to her father with those 20-big-ones and then he'd see. She'd be back at home in no time.

Sitting up she ran a hand through her hair. Start as you mean to go on, Kendra. Be good. Do as you're told. Get money. Go home. This was her plan and she intended to stick to it.

Actually getting out of bed was harder than she'd first anticipated. Eventually she managed to peel herself from the warm embrace of sleep and get up. She checked out the supplied clothing and shrugged it on with no real care, she didn't bother to tuck in her shirt and instead of tying her laces the girl merely pushed them down the ankle of her boot. Most of the while she was watching Carolina, she was pretty bold.. Or just a slut. The others had pretty much failed to capture her attention at all, and in any case: She wasn't here to make friends.. She was here to make money. She was running out of time though.

Getting a move on Kendra left the room.
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Carolina rolled her eyes and swung her legs delicately off the bed and placed her toes gently on the floor. She was tired and there was no time to get ready, but that didn't stop her from doing her usual routine. She stood up, the rosey pink silk night gown that was trimmed with creamy white lace hung losely around her hips and fell just above mid thigh; Carolina shrugged the thin straps off and shivered slightly as the smooth fabric slid to the ground. Underneath she was wearing only a pair of lacy white underwear that she shamelessly flaunted about as she did her morning stretches and walked about in search of a bathroom which was in the far back of the room equipped with two fullsized sinks with a black granite countertop a half wall of mirror, a shower and a toilet - it was big to say the least. She began brushing her teeth and washing her face, brushing her hair back into a sleek ponytail and applying just the bare minimum of makeup- only mascara and chapstick- to look above average.  Then and only then did she get dressed in whatever horrid outfit they'd given them; it was black cargo pants, combat boots and the option of a black tank top or t-shirt. Ugh, black on black on black. Not necessarily her style but she could make it work, on the bright side they'd gotten her sized right so she wasn't going to have to be swimming in a sea of cloth. 


Niklaus about near died. Why was everyone so open with well everything? At the orphanage, maybe it was because he normally kept himself tucked away in some corner of the church, girls and boys had never been allowed to sleep in the same room much less change in front of each other. He felt his cheeks heat up as his eyes scanned the room out of habit and caught glimpses of all types of things. Jesus Christ, that one girl wasn't even trying to hide. The rest of them might as well have not been there by the way she ignored their presence. He quickly turned away, facing the wall; Niklaus quickly undressed. He was somewhat ashamed of his body since he was a bit on the skinny side and pale which only made his scars that much more noticeable. His life hadn't been an easy one and violence was something he knew well, so he had bruises and jagged lines all over his ribcage and his back, though he had tattoos that were there to divert peoples attention. He slid out of his white tshirt and sweatpants and hurriedly shimmied into the provided clothes.

Wé hastily put on her shirt and tucked it into her pants before going to the rest room to wash her face. It wasn't as if she as particularly ashamed of her body but it was quite noticeable that she had had children. She was less than willing to share that aspect of her life, not really wanting for others to use that against her. She grabbed a black scarf like material  she asked for them to provide and took it with her to the restroom. Standing in front of the mirror she wrapped the fabric around the top of her head, covering her hair before she pinned it into place. Smoothing it down before she went to brushe her teeth and wash her face. She looked over at Carolina before rolling her eyes and going back to what she was doing. She never understood women like Carolina but then again she never really cared to learn, assuming the girl probably got bored and decided to do this just for kicks. 

Grabbing her tooth brush and the rest of her pins she went back to her bed as she put the away, giving her a chance to look around and see what kind of people she was dealing with, and it was far worse than what she expected.

incase you were wondering the head scarf is similar to this:


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