Quintessential Principles on Hexes—selected writings, by Marguerite Faux-Antilis with Tessia te Vree


New Member
Q&A and general chatter. if you have questions or other stuff you want to talk about concerning the RP post em up and i'll try to reply as soon as i'm able. thanks
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Is section nine of the world bureau of magic some type of division? And by that I mean do the members of the section interact with each other or have some type of purpose/goal??
yes and their area of expertise is curses (not swearing)(lol). now if only one more person would join we can kick off the play
Ah thank you for clearing that up ^_^ and I'll definitely try to help in getting that one more person to get this RP going :)
So when do we start? How many people do we have? 
I messaged and just posted it. My companion is drawing his character and then he'll be posting it here. :)
hello all, we'll begin right away now that we have more than enough members just let me write out the premise for our adventure first. ty :)
Then I warn you not to make the same mistakes that I did! None of the things I've been through were worth the extra trophy points, none... -dramatic violin music-
Okay wow I just realized we are completely crowding up madfiddler's OOC thread -.- BUT FEAR NOT! I've got a solution.
zo and shan, you guys (your characters) are members of the story's bureau correct? just wanted to clarify. not that im objecting if you're not, just seemed your intros were a bit roguish-if that's a real word.
that was just my characters intro. it was for character development, he is part of/or becomes a member of the bureau :D

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