The Suspicious Eye
Your Darling Devil
Appearance(anime preferred):
She is only 4'6"
Name: Quinn Queen
Age: 17
Animal Form(cat, tiger, bear, wolf, bird, etc.):
Feathertailed glider.
A strong and independent girl. Quinn was born to a extremely wealthy set of parent. She was given everything she ever wanted or needed. However, Quinn didn't take the rich girl road and decided to throw herself into independence. She got a job at a health clinic and has been studying various languages and medicine. When she gets older she intends to be a doctor for those who can't afford one.
Although her animal and personality make her seem like she is meek, Quinn is a no nonsense kind of girl. She doesn't take to bullying or rudeness. She is empathetic to others and is kind when she needs to be, but will gladly give you a stern slap in the face if you deserve it. She always speaks her mind and doesn't like to be interrupted. She may be a mouse, but she has a powerful roar.