Quiet Hearts (Just_a_Pancake & PAS)


Elder Member
Mornings are mostly the same... especially for Kalcyte. He lies awake in his bed staring at the ceiling fan rotate at a steady pace. His ears echo with the ticking of his pocket watch which was chained around his neck as a necklace. What a very precious piece of jewelry to him...the only piece in matter of fact.

He was about to doze back off into sleep when his door opened up.

"Kal! Get out of bed! I know you've been up for at least thirty minutes!" Gabriel, Kalcyte's brother snapped at him with an apron around his waste.

Kalcyte looked up and smirked, almost laughing, "Yeah okay..." He said looking at how weird it was still for his brother to be wearing that.

Gabriel fumed in embarrassment, "We've had this talk before! Don't comment on the apron!"

Kalcyte nodded and sat up, running his fingers through his black hair, "I didn't comment..."

His brother sighed, "Just be dressed and out of your room in ten minutes, you're leaving for school soon..." Gabriel looked at his brother's pocket watch, "She gave you that pocket watch for a reason...why not use it?" With that said Gabriel shut the door and walked back into the kitchen.

Kalcyte sighed, opening his pocket watch to check the time. 6:58. Kalcyte threw on some clothes...well not really I mean he put some thought into it since he honestly hated the whole saggy-pants mojo. He took some time...er well, he took three minutes to find decent clothes that don't make him look like a thug.

After that he walked out of his room with his hands shoved in his front pockets.

Another day...another day to put on a smile... He told himself in his head.
Anne was never one to sleep in. She didn't mind laying in bed for half an hour, but sleeping in wasn't something she did. But somehow, her body betrayed her and she fell asleep soon after she hit the Snooze button on her alarm clock. And now, she was rushing around the house, switching from brushing her teeth, to making her lunch, and brushing her hair to stuffing books in her bag. One by one the tasks were finished and she had to do one last thing.

"Anne, dear," Her mother said as she settled into the couch cushion and sipped at her coffee. "Are you going to school in your pajamas?"

A faint blush rose to her cheeks as she mumbled a no and walked to her new room. The weatherman said it was going to be warm... she sighed and pulled out a light blue dress with white polka dots for its pattern, and changed into it. Anne put on a necklace with a gold chain and a heart-shaped charm, then found some light brown gladiator sandals and pulled them on.

After that, she grabbed her bag from the recliner in the living room. Her mother glanced at her and said, "Good luck."

"I am going to need it..." she mumbled, then a little louder said, " Have a good day, Mom."

"You, too, hun. Make friends. Don't stare at your books all day."

To this she was silent and hurried out the door.
Kalcyte's brother, Gabriel, was a great cook. WAY better than Kalcyte would ever be. Kalcyte just seems to prefer the microwave when it's his turn to cook. (Good thing it never was) He grabbed a slice of toast and whatever fancy thing Gabriel made and ate it while he packed up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. After finishing he made a quick stop to the bathroom to clean this pearly whites and then take a turn to the door.

"Have fun Kal! And...stay out of trouble..." Gabriel sighed, shutting the door behind his brother. Kalcyte shook his head to himself. I hardly get in trouble for real... He told himself, walking down the apartment complex and into the parking lot. Kalcyte saw his brother's car and stared at it for a moment. Dare he try to drive it? He had Gabriel's permission. He did have a licence...but there was always that memory in the back of his mind that haunts him. Kalcyte continued to walk.

School wasn't too far away anyway.

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