Story Quick Story Thingy!


The Curious Chameleon
Just an idea I had, wanted to get it out onto something before I forgot it.

Avery was enamored.

He wasn't sure why, but out of all the performers and artists and people on this busy market street, his full attention was drawn to the relatively innocuous Dragon-man, of who was set at a table playing some sort of card game with folk of equally diverse races. They all seemed less interested in actually competing in this game, as they all seemed to be mesmerized by the story he was spinning, much like Avery was. Despite the hustle and buzz of the environment, his voice seemed to cut right through then noise and each word seemed to resonate with a confident and bold, gruff tone. It was so hypnotic that Avery barely even knew what the actual story was about.

"And so, it didn't take long as you can imagine, a few quick cuts there and a chop or two and it was done. Got out without a single I always do." The red scaled fellow spoke, smiling smugly. The players all seemed impressed, minus a few doubtful souls who just shook their head in disbelief. "There is just no way you won that fight, Kriv. You probably just turned your tail and ran, don't be thinking you can fool us." One of the doubters spoke, and the table laughed at the notion. They were all in good spirits it seemed, and with that they resumed their game, moving cards and various trinkets about.

Avery hadn't realized how strange his lingering might have seemed until one of the players turned their head and stared his feathered form down, causing the whole table to follow suit shortly after. All eyes were on him. "Hey look, its one of those bird guys." One of them spoke, a stout looking wolf with a long scar across his right eye. Avery didn't know what to say, his beak simply hung open as he stared like a deer in headlights. "Well what do you want? We ain't got room at the table. Get along now." The wolf added, a rude snarl in his voice. "I-I was just..watching.." Avery managed to stammer out, his voice quiet compared to the others. His eyes briefly met that of the dragon's, apparently named Kriv, who looked down at his cards casually. They all decided that Avery was of no inconvenience to them and resumed playing, and he continued to linger, wanting to hear more of Kriv's voice.

Eventually, the table started to clear out. Either players lost or their interest faded, and they simply got up and left. Kriv appeared to be particularly good at this game, as he had amassed the most trinkets and other trade goods, and still wore a smug smirk. It wasn't long before the last player got up and pushed past Avery, scowling bitterly. The day had long since faded, and the market was closing gradually, with traders and merchants packing up their wares and heading their separate ways as the sun set slowly. Kriv stared down at his hoard of won goods, seemingly proud of his accomplishment. He pulled up a bag and began packing away the stuff slowly. "You just gonna stand there all night?" He asked coldly, eyes darting up to Avery as he stowed his earnings.

"I--Uhhh.." Avery struggled to find his words, and the dragon simply rolled his eyes. "Look, I don't know what your deal is, and frankly, I don't care." Kriv said as he finished packing and stood up, his form matching the gruffness of his voice. He was easily a foot taller than Avery, and a deal wider with a worn but still strong build. He stood upright and proudly, holding his head high, though his snout was tilted down at the stammering bird. "Get on to your nest, or wherever it is you bird people live." He said, shouldering his pack and turning around. He didn't give the avian a second look as he turned the corner around an alley and disappeared into the darkness. What Kriv didn't expect, was for Avery to follow.

And follow Avery did.

Keeping a fair distance between them so the dragon wouldn't be suspicious, Avery crept along the same path and followed practically in his footsteps, all the way to the hangar. He had only been here a handful of times, and he wasn't really sure what his plan was, but his mind began to clear when Kriv arrived at a modest looking ship, a large door opening for the owner of the ship. The dragon scanned around him cautiously a few times, and Avery quickly ducked behind another ship, peering over once he was certain Kriv had entered. He saw the light flooding out of the vessel, inviting him in. His mind raced, his heart beat loudly in his ears, and he knew that if he didn't do something now, he may never see this dragon fellow of whom had fascinated him so much ever again. He drew in a sharp breath.

The bird darted inside the ship just as the doors were closing, and the ship lifted off into the sky.

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