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Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Hello RPN!

It’s been a while, and I’m only looking for one or two RPs right now – but I’m looking for a partner who can post approximately ~4 days of a week, at least once (posting 4 times in one day, and then radio silence for 6 days, ain’t it).

My daily RPs have dwindled, and while I expect one to get back up and going shortly, that’s just one where I’m more accustomed to significantly more. However, I’ve found myself prioritizing video games and personal writing, so I’m not looking for more than one or two RPs.

What am I looking for? That will be below the rules.

There’s a CODE IN THE RULES. I can’t make this more clear. I’m deleting messages without the code. I’m deleting messages on this thread.


  • Don’t God-Mod. Most of all, do not write dialogue for my characters, or even assume dialogue/reactions. When we begin our RPing together, it’ll be better to ask about movement and time skips, though as we continue in it, we’ll likely get a sense for how to go about that, and what works best for our RP.

  • Double. There are no exceptions. I like doubling. I like the way it expands a story. I like the challenge. I’m going to play one female character regardless, and then I’ll play either a male or a female. I can do F//, M//, and MxF, and I’m all right playing across NB characters and Trans, though as of right now I’m not writing them as mains (may write some as sides as I work on my skills, but yeah).

  • I’m not doing one-liners. I expect about ~3 paragraphs of varying sizes at LEAST for each part from my partner, though if characters are all together, that may mean 3 paragraphs total. Combat and dialogue heavy situations will dictate, and not every character is contributing greatly to a scene.

  • Lazy-Lit, Lazy World-Building. Look, I can write, I enjoy writing, and I’ve got a 300+ page story finished, as part of a trilogy (typing away at the 2nd installment now) that I finished in maybe 3 months. However, RPs and RPers have burned me out, often. This is why I lean into fandoms for RPing, and why if we do something original, I’ll want to worldbuild only enough to get started, and then the rest will develop from there.

  • Character sheets are non-negotiable. If your character has amnesia, that’s cool – but you, as the writer of said character, don’t. I’ve received all manner of shenanigan answers, including “redacted files” for a character’s history, and if you pull that with me, I will not RP with you. RPing has surprises, and twists, but I’m more concerned about making a coherent story together, and foreshadowing cool things, together, for all characters. If you give me nothing, I can’t give you anything, either. If you’ve read this far, tell me what your favorite food is!

  • I’ll only RP on RPNation threads. No PMs, no GDocs, Discord, etc. I’m only doing OOC through RPnation PMs. Do not comment on this thread, unless you literally cannot PM me.


  • I do enjoy OOC talk! It’s the only way an RP survives with me. Tell me about you, tell me about your day, send me a meme that will make me question my sanity (and yours). I know I’m sounding curt in the rules, but I enjoy fun!

  • Don’t bump the IC thread. I will ghost you. Just send me a PM if you’re concerned. I anticipating getting a response at least every other day, but things happen. I’ll try to keep you informed.

  • So, romance: I enjoy it in the RP. I don’t enjoy it being the plot of the RP. I don’t want an entire story around how two people fall in love, I want people to fall in love during a story. If that makes sense. And if two characters don’t click? I’m okay with introducing new potential Love Interests, or allowing non-romantic relationships, too.

Now that we have the rules out of the way, what am I looking for?

Star Wars.

If you’ve seen me on this website, you know that. I’m obsessed with Star Wars. I'm also an OCxCanon person primarily, head's up. Possibly willing to do CanonxCanon on your side, or OCxOC.

I RP in the Imperial Era or the Sequel Era. I’m not interested in any other eras.

In the Imperial Era, I’m looking for stories that will involve either: Trilla, Cal Kestis, Thrawn, Amilyn Holdo. I also really enjoy writing as Wilhuff Tarkin (not as an LI), so anything that lets me write him, is also 10/10. Potentially open to OCs. Not willing to steer away from the main plot (as in, our characters kill Darth Vader, kind of thing), so Original Trilogy adjacent/support. Willing to play most anyone as

In the Sequel Era, I’m all about going off track, and I’m looking for stories involving almost all of the cast, guys and gals, I’m not terribly picky.

However, on me writing Kylo: I’m not writing him across rebels. I’m also not writing him in Student-Teacher relationships (unless he’s the student because the intrigue of him with someone more powerful is fascinating). Give me an equal, or someone non-Force sensitive, for the love of god, and make it make sense.

I have several OC ideas for all of these, I’m not going to list them all. Come at me with your thoughts, hopes, dreams, and I’ll see if they mix with mine.

Final Fantasy (General)

There’s enough Final Fantasy out there to world-build with, where I don’t get frustrated, and I have done so. I am absolutely willing to brainstorm a plot in a Final Fantasy-esque world with you, and make it epic as hell. I enjoy this.

I’m familiar with FF4, FF7-13 (sans FF11), and Tactics, as well as FFX-2, and FF7 Crisis Core. I disliked FFXIII immensely for gameplay, and haven’t played beyond that, nor am I interested in it, however if 14 or 15 have elements that would work in an RP, I’m willing to hear you out. Same with other FFs I haven’t played.

Generally speaking, I like to use “motifs” for the characters – zodiacs, tarot cards, chess pieces, heck – even gemstones, flowers – if we can tie it to the theme of the story, I’m down.

I also like for the summons to have a Story role, and not just be strong beastly fodder.

More details: Fandom - Final Fantasys!

Final Fantasy (Specifics)

I’m willing to RP in these series: FF8, FF10, FF12.

FFVIII would be post-FF8, and focus on a story with Hyne.

FFX would likely be pre-Yuna, and end in tragedy. OR, in Yuna’s time, but following another summoner party and doing the story differently (if you really want canons involved).

FFXII – they did my man Vayne dirty, and this would 100% be in the canon time period, fight me.

Miscellaneous Fandom

Vampire Hunter D:
A story in the world without D making an appearance, most likely.

Game of Thrones: I hate Season 8. I am open to changing this significantly through the use of our OCs. It’s not a huge craving, however. I have Reynes and Boltons I like to play.

Dragon Prince: I know, I know, we haven't had an update in a while and it's a kid's show, but I like it. Would love to play across from an Aaravos, possibly Viren, because I am villain trash.

Miscellaneous Thoughts:

I’m a fan of Lore Olympus and mythology in general. I’m also a fan of the Sandman series. I’m sure there’s something here, but do I have anything in mind? No.

Vampires: I like my vampires to burn in the sun, and I enjoy Vampire: the Requiem/Vampire: the Masquerade. I have played multiple vampires, hunters, and other sorts. I like them in modern times, or in times in the future where vampires are the ruling party. I have loose plots and ideas, but nothing substantial.

Hidden Identities: Whether this be feigning being someone else, hiding one’s gender/masquerading as the opposite gender (despite what I said in Rome, I do find this works in some plots and it’s fun), or otherwise trying to stay on the “down low”, this is an element that I enjoy. A Jedi hiding after Order 66, a woman-knight, a peasant-princess, these things have potential.

Eldritch Horrors: I enjoy this genre, but I don’t really know how to do it in writing. Bloodborne, Lovecraft Country, Mercy (comic), Welcome to Nightvale, Silent Hill – all great. This might be too much worldbuilding for what I’m willing to invest in right now, but who knows? With the write partner it might be okay.
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I didn't want to edit one of my newer threads so I'm bumping this.

Interested in all, but some more than others.

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