Quick Reference Guide [The Resurgent]


New Member
Feel free to post any annoying/complicated/hard to find details that are liable to come up during game play that can be quickly referenced here. I'll start with xp cost/training times. I'll get around to tackling a brief combat/social combat reference primer at some point.

Experience Costs and Training Times (2e Core, pgs 273-274):

Trait Increase                Cost           Training Time

Attribute                     ratingx4      (rating) months
Favored or Caste Ability     (ratingx2)-1    immediate
Out-of-Caste Ability          ratingx2      (rating) weeks
Essence (to 3)                ratingx8       immediate
Essence (above 3)             ratingx8      (rating) months
Virtue                        ratingx3*      immediate
Willpower                     ratingx2       immediate

New Trait                     Cost           Training Time

Ability                       3              3 weeks
Specialty                     3**            3 weeks
Favored/Caste Charm           8             (Min. Ability) days
Out-of-Caste Charm            10            (Min. Ability + Min. Essence) days
Non-Solar Charms              16            (Min. Ability + Min. Essence) weeks
Spell (Occult Favored/Caste)  8             (Spell circle) weeks
Spell (Out of Caste Occult)   10            (Spell circle) weeks

*Increasing virtues after character creation does not increase a characters' Willpower
** Max. three per ability, but you can purchase the same specialty multiple times
*** Eclipse Caste only: includes spirit charms and charms of other Exalt types

NOTE: With the exception of traits that have a training time of "immediate," all training times are assumed to be done under a tutor.  Otherwise, the following conditions may apply:

No Tutor: Double training time
Creating a new Charm: Quadruple training time
Learning an existing combo from someone else: Sum of the training times of all the Charms in the combo
Creating a combo from details of the combo's existence: Double the combo's normal training time
Creating a brand new combo: Quadruple the combo's normal training time
Creating a new spell: (Circle rating)x2 months

Penalties (External and Internal):

-x internal penalty means you lose dice before you roll them. Multiple action penalties are internal penalties.

-x external penalty means you lose successes after you've rolled the dice. There have been several examples in play already. It basically means the task is harder due to external circumstances.

Caste mark glow levels per essence expenditure (2e Core, pg. 114):

Essence: 1-3

The character's caste mark glitters, but is concealable. The player of anyone seeing the Exalt may roll (Perception + Awareness) at standard difficulty for his character to notice the caste mark. Stealth Ability and Charms are unhindered.

Essence: 4-7

The caste mark shines brightly, and will shine through anything placed on top of it. It is impossible to not recognize the character as a Solar. Stealth Charms and other magic, including the Night Caste anima ability, automatically fail. Stealth Ability may be used to hide in natural cover, but all such attempts to do so are at +2 difficutly.

Essence: 8-10

The character is surrounded by a golden coruscant aura bright enough to read by, while the caste mark is a glowing brand on his forehead. Stealth is impossible.

Essence: 11-15

The character is engulfed in a brilliant bonfire of essence that burns at least a foot taller than her head. Objects that come into contact with the aura may be bleached as if left exposed to the sun for several days. The character is visible for miles. The light is bright enough to see and read by out to a spearcast's distance away.

Essence: 16+

The character goes iconic as per the entry on the character sheet.

Combat Mechanics (pgs. 140-158)
So I crashed yesterday due to lack of sleep and can't read about social combat at work. If someone could post that stuff...
Kalarix said:
I'd really like the steps to SC on the forum in brief form so I can look at them (along with the SC combat equivalent actions) :-p
Step 1: Declare attack (Charms, flurries, specific intention if succeed)

Step 2: Declare defense (Charms)

Step 3: Attack roll (You get to know the opponent's DV)

Step 4: Attack re-roll (3rd ex)

Step 5: Defense 'roll' (Apply DV, this isn't actually rolled. Modifiers include at least Appearance, Intimacies, Virtues and Motivation.)

Step 6: Defense 'reroll' (3rd ex)

Step 7: Calculate raw damage (this is skipped in SC)

Step 8: Apply Hardness/Soak (also skipped in SC)

Step 9: Counterattack

Step 10: Resolution (Either spend Virtue channels or submit to the intention specified in step 1)

Select Actions:

Attack Investigation: Speed 5, Rate 2. Single target. -2 DV. Can only be used to learn things.

Attack Presence: Speed 4, Rate 2. Single target. -2 DV.

Attack Performance: Speed 6, Rate 1. Aoe (will hit friendlies). -2 DV.

Monologue: Speed 3, -2 DV (aim analogue)

Misc Action: You should probably go read this one.

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