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Queza's Treasure Box


Someone... be a cookie for me!

Huehue. :-P

If anyone wants to do pirates, lemme know, arrg. o (∩ ω ∩) o
hisokun said:
Hi! I can do farm boy/city girl, and singer x manager. They look pretty interesting, haha.
Yay~ I'll send a PM right away concerning those. ;)
If you're still looking I'd love to do the Jones family. I love wierd rps and pairings :D

I usually play female characters, but I wouldn't mind trying something new.
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Can you just let me know if you don't need another RP, I don't mind, but I'd like to know so I can look for another one to sign up for. ^_^ @Queza
Mobius said:
I'd enjoy either singer x manager or band member x band member :) .
Sorry, those have already been taken :)

Not taking anything more for now!
I'm interest in the Sweet Tooth At Risk plot if it's still open! And I know it's horror, but I was wondering if we're talking about creepy af horror or more comical horror.

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