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Help Question about toggling BB code?


queen of bright-moon
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hey friends! so i've got a question about the little [ ] brackets that toggle bbcode on and off when writing a response or coding.
so i've always faced problems with codes breaking whenever i have the [ ] left on white (bbcode toggled off??) and so whenever i'm working on a cs or in character code, i make sure to keep the little brackets blue (bbcode toggled on?) but i've never truly understood why that is?

i've also had friends struggling with a specific code breaking in a specific way:
Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 11.55.14 AM.png

^^ this is how this cs code is supposed to look, and whenever i keep the little brackets toggled to blue, this code turns out exactly like this every time!
however, when i accidentally leave the brackets toggled white:
Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 11.56.50 AM.png

the links in the hearts always break. but i have a few friends that say they just steer clear of this code completely because they always face the broken links no matter how their brackets are toggled. they say they don't touch the toggling feature.

so could anyone help explain? i barely know the bare minimum of coding and i'd just like to better understand how the toggling of the brackets effects codes this much. thanks guys!
Having the RTE (rich text editor) toggled off (that's when the brackets are blue and all other icons are gray and unclickable) means that you can write in your code when you are creating and editing posts, and the results of that code will only appear when you are previewing or actually posting the content.

If you toggle the RTE back on, it will automatically convert your code into its intended result, making it difficult or impossible to edit. As a general rule of thumb, RTE is mostly for players who don't want to bother with complex BBCode and CSS injections, and would rather use the site's basic functionalities to edit and format their posts.

If you do any coding at all, however, I would recommend you keep the RTE permanently disabled (outside of specific situations where you might need it) to avoid accidentally breaking any codes and messing up your posts.

Hope that helps!

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